Chapter 9999 Lies

Because Ergouzi was punished, he mumbled in the spirit beast bag:

"After talking for a long time, I didn't say it. I thought you could do something in the Prison of Karma. I didn't expect to overestimate you!"

The soul-refining fire marrow said unconvincedly: "That was before I showed my talents. Besides, the humanoid fire puppet might have a foreboding that I was going to release the split body, so I was scared to fall!"

Ergouzi curled his lips: "Anyway, if you brag about taxes, just brag!

To say that your split went out, it was scared to fall and there is excuse, you didn't let the split go out, scared! "

"Who said I didn't let the split out?! I let..."

Speaking of this, the soul-refining fire marrow suddenly noticed that it was bald, and I wished that time could go back.

But Er Gouzi became excited: "Little fairy, did you hear that? He admitted it himself, and he just let it out!"

The soul-refining fire marrow can't sew its dog mouth, and said quickly:

"Master, I, I put the split out just to confirm whether my guess is correct.

After confirming that the thing was not surrounded by flames or marrow of fire, I immediately withdrew.

I can swear to God, what I said is true, I never lied..."

Yun Chujiu interrupted: "When did you release the split body?"

"That's when Yuan Qifan scolded you." The Soul Refining Flame said weakly.

Yun Chujiu's eyes flashed slightly: "If you tell me everything, I will forget it, otherwise, hum!"

The soul refining fire marrow had to explain everything.

When the soul-refining flames saw those fire puppets, they were extremely excited.

Although I didn't smell too strong fragrance, it seemed to be faintly smelled.

As a result, it threw all the guarantees it had previously made in front of Yun Chujiu out of the clouds, and released its own split.

In fact, although the split body can be invisible, because Yun Chujiu signed a contract with it, you can see it if you look closely.

But the fire puppets all around were reflected in red, and Yun Chujiu's attention was all on the fire puppets below, so he didn't notice.

As soon as the split body of the soul-refining fire marrow came out, it felt that the things surrounding the fire puppet could not eat.

Even so, it wanted to get closer to make sure, so it sneaked along the wall in the direction of the humanoid fire puppet.

Seeing that it was only a few feet away from the humanoid fire puppet, Yun Chujiu smashed down a cold stone, which happened to fall on it.

The cold stone was instantly roasted into mist by its split body, and it also smashed on the humanoid fire puppet.

He also thought that Yun Chujiu had found it, and he didn't care about the humanoid fire puppet, so he hurried away.

The Soul Refining Fire Marrow whimpered and said: "Master, what I said this time is true, and I didn't hide a bit, you just forgive me this time..."

Yun Chujiu interrupted it: "You just said that you smashed the humanoid fire puppet down?"

"Ah, ah, it should be. At that time, I fell down after being hit by a cold stone, as if I had hit it." Soul Refining Flame said with some uncertainty.

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, was the humanoid fire puppet smashed down or frightened?

If it is smashed down, it is of no use, but if it is frightened, it is easy to handle. You have to find a chance to verify it.

The three puppets under the city waited impatiently, and the one on the left shouted: "It's half a quarter of an hour. Are you surrendering or not?"

Feng Wenzhong said slowly: "Three, can you tell me your name first?"

(End of this chapter)

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