Chapter 9997 The Benevolence of Women

Yuan Qifan murmured: "No wonder the fire puppet took the initiative to withdraw after half an hour. It turned out to be paralyzing us and consuming our puppet power. It's really insidious!"

Yin Dafa gritted his teeth: "Not only that, I guess they also know that Master Yuan is not in the city, otherwise they won't send three puppet generals over, this is a decision to destroy the city."

"Now I can only hope that Bingwang City and Xuejie City can send rescue soldiers!" Yuan Qifan said.

Yin Da sneered: "I advise you to die! You don't know that the relationship between the lord of the two cities and our lord has always been at odds, and you want to see our jokes!

Besides, if this is possible during the day, and the night is the home of the fire puppets, it is impossible for them to take such a big risk to rescue.

Now the only feasible way is to use these days to delay time blindly, as long as it is delayed until dawn we have hope. "

Yuan Qifan frowned, "At least two and a half hours before dawn, how many days do you have to sacrifice? This, this is too cruel."

Yin Dafa curled his lips: "You really are the benevolence of women! They are also citizens of Hancheng. Isn't it right to make contributions to defend the city?!

Besides, there are their parents and young children in the city. If the city is broken, no one will survive! "

Yuan Qifan opened his mouth, and finally turned into a sigh: "If there are other methods, it is better not to use this method."

Yin Da sneered: "Other methods? Even if Master Yuan rushes back now, it won't help, unless he can return with reinforcements."

Yuan Qifan said nothing, because he knew what Yin Dafa was telling was the truth.

This time the number of fire puppets was ten times as large as before, plus three puppet generals, unless the Master Yuan could return with reinforcements, otherwise he would have to sacrifice the life of the sky blind to delay time.

At this time, someone shouted: "The city lord is here!"

Yun Chujiu thought to himself, the fire puppets had already attacked the city, but this city lord came here? It would be too irresponsible.

While she was thinking, she heard Yin Dafa say:

"The city lord must have rushed over from the north city gate. Every time the fire puppet focused his attack on the north city gate, I didn't expect it to happen this time.

The city lord was worried that there was fraud, and he had been sitting at the North City Gate. "

Yun Chujiu thought to himself, it seemed that he had wronged the city lord.

Although the lord of the cold valley had already received the report, he took a breath when he saw the situation outside.

Although my heart was flustered, there was nothing unusual on the face.

He said in a deep voice to the city: "The old man is Feng Wenzhong, the lord of Hanqian City. You three are the leaders of this operation? Can you tell me your name?"

The three puppets looked at each other, and the puppet standing in the middle said:

"Old man Feng, don't say some of these are not, we just got them.

Let me give you a chance. As long as you take the initiative to open the gates of the city and dedicate the cold valley, I promise not to kill you, but to imprison you.

But if you refuse, none of you in your city will survive! "

Feng Wenzhong would naturally not agree, let alone whether the fire puppets will keep their promises, even if they keep their promises, they will not end well after being imprisoned.

But he did not immediately refuse, but began to delay time: "It's a big matter, and I need to discuss it with my subordinates.

Well, give me half an hour, and we will give you the result after discussion. "

The puppet suddenly laughed: "Do you think we are a fool?! Half an hour? Give you half an hour at most."

Feng Wenzhong felt that it would be half a quarter of an hour to delay, so he said, "Okay, then half a quarter of an hour."

He immediately got off the city wall, and a group of staff members surrounded him.

(End of this chapter)

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