Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9780: Rabbit dead fox sad

Chapter 9780 Sad Rabbit and Fox

Yun Chujiu was a little impatient:

"What are you trying to say? Say quickly, don't go around in circles."

The dog's tail grass felt more sour in his heart. If Xiao Jian Miao is not cleaned up, I am afraid it will end up with Er Gouzi soon.

It shook its arms twice to calm down, and then continued:

"Grandma, what I want to say is that the group of dark shadows is still in Xiao Qiao'er's consciousness, and it's just an illusion that it has been erased.

The purpose of it is to paralyze you. It is a trivial matter to trick you into serving the fruit. Maybe it will dominate when it comes to the time, and then it will become a puppet. "

Before Yun Chujiu could speak, Xiao Qiao'er said aggrievedly:

"Master, am I really annoying, or why are they all aimed at me?

Obviously I have wiped out that group of dark shadows, don't I know my own consciousness? ! "

Yun Chujiu immediately said to Gouweicao unhappy after hearing this:

"Xiao Qiao'er is right, it's not clear about its own consciousness?!

If there is a shadow left, it will definitely feel it, so don't talk nonsense here. "

Gouweicao finally understood Ergouzi's mood to vomit blood, and the black-hearted little girl's brain was absolutely broken.

"Grandma, I have a basis for saying that.

Xiao Qiao'er also said that only after it broke the shell did it gain wit, and its spiritual consciousness was not too strong.

According to common sense, it is impossible to obliterate the group of dark shadows, so either the shadows were not wiped clean, or Xiaoqiaoer concealed something.

Such as the time to wake up, such as the strength of the divine consciousness.

I'm more inclined to the first guess. After all, Xiaoqiaoer is a kind hearted person and can't do insidious things. "

Yun Chujiu's tone eased a bit:

"You are right, Xiaoqiaoer is indeed kinder and better than you.

It's just that Xiao Qiao'er also said that it didn't perceive that there is a dark shadow in the divine consciousness, maybe you think too much. "

"Grandma, I didn't want to have more evidence.

Do you know why Er Gouzi keeps looking for Xiao Qiao's trouble? "

"Why? Isn't it because it is narrow-minded and has no tolerance for others?!"

Ergouzi: "..."

Little fairy, you will really lose me like this!

Dog's tail grass didn't gloat for misfortune this time, but felt a bit sad.

The black-hearted little girl is usually very fond of that dead dog, but now she is so cold, I am afraid she will follow in his footsteps.

It has strengthened its determination to clean up Xiaoqiaoer, and will never get rid of the small seedlings, and there will be no peace!

It didn't mean to kill Xiao Qiao'er, it just wanted to let it fall out of favor, and in the end, it directly made Yun Chujiu disgusted with it, lest it be a demon.

While it was thinking about this, Yun Chujiu urged:

"If you don't tell me, give me back the control of the body."

"Say, I'll talk right away.

The reason why Er Gouzi resented Xiao Qiao'er was that we had received provocative messages from Xiao Qiao'er before.

Not words, but emotions.

I think Xiao Qiao'er is so kind, and this emotion is definitely not its origin.

Who sent it from? It goes without saying, it must be that group of black shadows!

Its purpose in doing so is to separate us. At that time, not only will our spirit pets fight inwardly, but they may also have opinions on grandma.

I have to say that this is a poisonous trick!

Fortunately, I have always believed that grandma, your eyes are like a torch. Since you believe Xiao Qiao'er is a kind hearted person, then those provocative messages are definitely not sent by Xiao Qiao'er. "

(End of this chapter)

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