Chapter 9781 is really high

Gouweicao's words can be said to be reasonable and well-founded, and the tone is extremely Akagi.

Yun Chujiu's tone finally loosened: "What you said is true? Did you really receive the provocative message?"

Dogtail nodded repeatedly: "Grandma, what I dare to swear to God is true.

If you don't believe it, you can ask Duclaw and Dahua. If you think they are dishonest, you can ask Little Mushroom Sister, who never lies. "

After Yun Chujiu asked, he got the same answer as the dog's tail grass.

The dog's tail hurriedly said: "Grandma, you have a very strong sense of consciousness. Why don't you split a ray of sense of consciousness into Xiaoqiaoer's sense of consciousness, and you will surely find the remaining shadows."

Humph! When the time comes, the little fairy will definitely abandon that little seedling.

Maybe it was because I was wronged and compensated for my bones.

At this time, it heard Yun Chujiu say kindly:

"Xiao Qiao'er, that message is definitely not from you. It seems that there are indeed dark shadows in your divine consciousness.

This is a hidden danger. It is one thing that hinders me, and it is mainly a threat to your life.

It's better to let my divine sense enter to help you explore it. "

Although Ergouzi didn't deal with the dog's tail grass on weekdays, he couldn't help but raise his dog's paws:

High, really high!

It originally wondered why the dog's tail said a lot of nonsense, but it has been laying the groundwork!

If that Xiaojianmiao disagrees with the entrance of Little Fairy's consciousness, it means that there is a ghost in his heart.

If the little fairy's consciousness is allowed to enter, then what it says about being injured and weak is nonsense.

In short, no matter how Xiaojianmiao chooses, he will not get any benefits.

When it was thinking, it heard Xiao Qiao'er say with a cry:

"Master, I don't want to say anything anymore. I'm just a disgusting person, so Ergouzi they all exclude me.

There is no provocative message at all, but they are uniting against me.

Since you choose to believe them, I have nothing to say, so I would like to ask you to find out a ray of spiritual knowledge and explore it. "

Xiao Qiao'er sobbed low after speaking, smelling sad, and the listener cried.

Ergouzi was itchy with anger, this cheap seedling could almost get the true biography of the white lotus, it was so hateful!

I hope Little Fairy is smarter this time and don't be confused by it anymore.

However, the next moment, it heard Yun Chujiu say:

"Well, don't cry, I'm confused for a while.

Since you said no, there is no need to probe. "

Er Gouzi almost squirted out dog blood!

If it weren't for the fact that this was the little fairy herself, it would have thought she had been taken away.

Dog's Tail Cao was also very angry, and simply returned the control of his body to Yun Chujiu.

After Yun Chujiu got the control of the body, he was soothing Xiao Qiao'er, and he was almost annoyed by Er Gouzi.

Xiao Qiao'er is so proud, are these idiots still wanting to fight me? !

This ugly girl is also stupid, she can fool her by acting casually.

Yun Chujiu calmed down and said with concern:

"Xiao Qiao, in addition to the damage to your spiritual consciousness, is there damage to your body as well?

How else would you look less energetic than the other Aiao Guomiao? "

Xiao Qiaoer was proud at this time, and didn't think much, and said casually:

"My body is good, those little boys are not comparable to me."

After he finished speaking, he found that it seemed to have said something wrong, so he added:

"I mean, if you have a master, you collect spring water and beads for me, and I will catch them soon."

Continue tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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