Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9779: Like the new and dislike the old

Chapter 9779 is like the new and dislikes the old

"Yes, this is the name I gave you. You are Qiao Guomiao, so I chose a homophonic to help you name Xiaoqiao. Do you like this name?

If you don’t like it, I’ll change it for you. "Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

A crowd of stupid cuteness almost died of soreness!

Why didn’t I see you asking for advice when we named us?

Besides, what's dissatisfied with it. It's small and exquisite, it sounds a hundred times better than two dogs, dog tails, single claws, and big flowers? !

I'm so angry!

The owner is a typical person who likes the new and dislikes the old, too eccentric!

Because of Ergouzi's lesson, even though they are dissatisfied, they dare not say anything.

Qiao Guomiao, Xiao Qiao'er, said with a cry:

"Master, I like it, I like it!

I am so happy! I finally have my name! "

When it speaks, it also uses its spiritual consciousness to provoke other stupid cuteness.

I am so angry with you, how can I be arrogant.

The dog's tail came to see Ergouzi deflated and was a little gloat, but at this time he felt a sense of crisis.

This Xiao Jian Miao is a lively Xiao Bai Lian, so good at acting!

But the black-hearted little girl doesn't know what's going on, so she loves it very much. If this goes on, wouldn't the throne of the first spiritual pet be taken away by this little seedling? !

Must find a way to dig a hole for it, or it will be unimaginable.

It shook the leaves a few times, indicating that it had something to say.

Yun Chujiu avoided Chi Wu and others and walked aside.

After the dog's tail grass gained control of the body, he lowered his voice and said:

"Grandma grandma, congratulations on accepting Xiao Qiao'er. Although I don't know what Xiao Qiao'er has, since she can wipe out the shadows in the divine consciousness, it must be very powerful."

Yun Chujiu said indifferently: "You still have a sense of truth, and you are much better than Ergouzi."

Er Gouzi only felt that a handful of salt had been sprinkled on the wound, and when it was over, it was completely out of favor!

Gouweicao was a little proud in his heart. Its roundabout tactics seemed to be useful, and Ergouzi's idiot couldn't compare with it.

It continued: "More grandma's compliments, don't be angry with two dogs, it can't spit out ivory.

I want to ask Xiaoqiaoer a question, okay? "

"what is the problem?"

"It said that Lingzhi hadn't awakened before, and the previous behavior was probably the result of Sombra. Then the question is, why did Sombra choose you for nothing?

It doesn't seem to be justified to say that it wants to enter your spiritual consciousness after it has produced the fruit, because it broke the shell very late, and it didn't even plant a stake.

If it weren't for the remedy you came up with, it would have died long ago.

Xiaoqiaoer, what is the purpose of Sombra, you said? "

Xiao Qiao'er said in a daze, "I didn't have the wisdom before, where would I know its purpose?!"

Yun Chujiu also said: "Xiao Qiao'er didn't have the sage at the time, of course he didn't know."

The dog's tail nodded: "That's true, then I have a guess, but I don't know if it should be said."

Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just let it go!"

The dog's tail grass was a little bit sour in his heart, why was he so kind to that little seedling and so impatient with him?

It cheered up and said: "I suspect that the dark shadow has not been completely erased at all, but exists in a more hidden way.

And Xiaoqianer is probably part of a conspiracy.

I must first declare that I am not suspicious of Xiao Qiao'er, because Xiao Qiao'er probably doesn't know that she has been calculated. "

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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