Chapter 10679

  As Sha leaped into the sky, some small spots of light began to converge from all directions.

  Waiting closer, everyone found that those were extremely small particles, which should be the fragments after Sha had exploded in the first place.

  Almost at the same time, Yun Chujiu noticed that the broken sword inside the storage ring began to vibrate violently and hum.

  Although Broken could not speak, and only had a weak spiritual connection with her, she could still feel the eagerness and joy of it.

  She immediately took the broken sword out of the storage ring.

  Almost the moment he took it out, Broken Sword dropped his hand and flew straight to the suspended Sha.

   Sha's fragments immediately merged with Broken Sword, and those countless small particles were also attached to Broken Sword.

  The shape of the broken sword began to change, and eventually became a long sword.

  Although it looks ordinary, but even so far away, you can feel the full of evil spirits.

  I don’t know when, Yun Chujiu’s eyes were already wet.

  As soon as the broken sword transformed into a long sword, she felt a burst of indescribable closeness and pain in her heart.

  At this time, it has been basically confirmed that Mo Huang is her previous life, and she exploded and died after she died suddenly.

  Even if she did not know why she fell to three thousand continents, even if she did not know why she became an old chopper, but it still did its best to accompany her and protect her.

  Sha is not just a weapon for her, but a friend who will never give up.

  At this time, Sha Chao Yun Chujiu flew over.

  Yun Chujiu reached out and held the handle of the knife in his hand.

  She waved a knife casually, and a flash of red light flashed, and several big trees in the sky that were a hundred meters away instantly turned into powder.

  Sect Master Tantai and others almost knelt on the ground with their legs weakened, and Ten Thousand Beasts and Heavenly Shaking Cauldron were scared to death.

  It's over!

  It’s really evil!

  This scallion is really Mo Huang!

  If you say that the happiest thing is the grievances in the sha, they thought that there would be no day to see the light in this life, but they didn't expect things to change.

  Although they can only act as Sha's thugs, they are better than the dark days.

  Yun Chujiu found that she had a lot of contact with Sha's spiritual consciousness, but Sha still could only express some emotions, and could not communicate with her verbally.

  She feels that it is normal. Although Sha has recovered some fragments, it is inevitable that some will be lost. What's more, it has been soaked in weak water for so long before, and its spiritual consciousness will definitely be affected.

  At this time, the broken jar also vacated.

  The little jar is so angry!

  This is not its meaning at all, but the subject's own opinion.

  It has an ominous premonition. If it is like Sha, it might awaken some memories, and then it will have to be respectful to the weak chicken and bow to its knees!

  It is a strong alchemy furnace, how can it succumb to a weak chicken? !

  Unfortunately, things are still developing in the direction it was worried about.

  Countless small particles began to gather towards the broken jar, and the Tiandi Qiankun furnace in the Yun Chujiu storage ring began to buzz non-stop.

  Yun Chujiu also felt the joy and eagerness of the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Furnace.

  She immediately took the Tiandi Qiankun Furnace out of the storage ring, and it flew towards the broken jar.

  Qi Ling little jar began to curse: "Go away, get away! Don't come here!"

  Unfortunately, the Heaven and Earth Qiankun Furnace and the broken jar are still fused together.

  Everyone felt the breath of ancient times for a moment, and their hearts couldn't help but feel the urge to bow down.

  (End of this chapter)

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