Chapter 10678 Don't Guess Anymore

  Hearing the words of the silver little snake, Shaking Tianding was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed:

   "It's funny to me! What nonsense are you talking about?!

  Shards of Sha? Chaos opens the furnace?

  Not to mention that these two things are still there, even if they are still there, they can’t be on her!

  Who does she think she is? Is it possible to think that you are Emperor Mo?

  It’s so funny, hahaha..."

   Yun Chujiu ignored it, and let Multi-Eyed Resent Beast take out the fragments of Sha.

  The multi-eyed resent beast is actually quite scared, after all, it will also attract thunder.

  So after it got out the fragments of Sha, it was busy asking Yun Chujiu to take it back into the animal bag.

  The souls in the shards are already trembling at this time, if the sky thunder strikes them down, they will be dead!

  Yun Chujiu took out the broken jar again, and the little jar of Qi Ling quacked:

   "Are you crazy? You sincerely let me be killed by the sky thunder? You are a vicious woman!"

   When it was scolding happily, it suddenly noticed that the body seemed to want to "squeeze" it out, and it was so scared that it shut up immediately.

  It feels aggrieved in its heart!

  Theoretically speaking, the broken jar is the main body, and it is the spirit. The two of them should have the same mind, but I don't know what evil is in the main body. They are bent on favoring this stinky girl, making it difficult to do everything.

   Hmph, this time it's okay, the smelly girl has a vicious face, and the sky thunder will have to be cut off in a while.

   "You two, check if there are any of your fragments nearby, and try to absorb them.

  If you need help digging, just ask it.

  In addition, you don’t have to worry about the issue of Sky Thunder, I will block it for you. "Yun Chujiu said.

  At this time, there was dead silence all around.

  Shook Tianding suddenly screamed and flew out hundreds of feet away.

The    Ten Thousand Beasts Book did not go any better, and it flew out a long distance.

  Two trembling like small leaves in the wind, they finally "hug" together.

   Ten Thousand Beasts sent a message to Shaking Tianding: "Guess if she is the big demon?"

  Shan Tianding cried and said, "Don’t guess, it must be!

  It's not that you don't know the virtues of those two. If she is not the big demon, how could they follow her? !

  It’s over. I was scolding the demon in front of her just now. She might have some bad idea to toss us again! "

  Wan Beast Pu also cried and said, "I don’t want to dance the strip leaf dance at all! It’s because I danced so many times at the beginning that my book pages are not strong now."

   "Oh, I don’t want to perform any more ‘Eight Thunder Dance’ anymore, just because of that break dance, my three tripod feet have been shortened a lot!"


  Sect Master Tantai and others, you look at me, I look at you, she, is she the reincarnation of Mo... the emperor?

  After the initial shock, they felt that it was not without a trace.

  If she is not Mo Huang, how could she become Liuding Pharmacist at a young age?

  If she is not Mo Huang, how can she turn the tide in a critical moment?

  If she is not Mo Sovereign, how can she subdue the Buddha of Buddha?

   Then they panicked again. Although the Ten Thousand Beasts said that the Emperor Mo was ill and died, in the final analysis, there is also a factor of being besieged.

  They are also the offspring of her enemies. She won’t find them to settle accounts, will she?

  When they were trembling, the fragments of Sha suddenly rose into the air.

   Shaking Tianding and Ten Thousand Beasts were so scared that they slumped directly to the ground. If they say that the first thing they fear is Mo Huang, the second thing they fear is Sha.

  The name of this thing is not wrong at all, it is full of suffocation, it is terrible!

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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