Chapter 10680 Ancient Books

  The merged Chaos Open Heaven Furnace is similar in size to the Shaking Tianding, but it is powerful enough to crush the Shaking Tianding.

The   Qi Ling small jar is a bit split at this time.

  Although it tried its best not to be affected intellectually, both the memory of the heaven and earth Qiankun furnace or the memories of those fragments had a great impact on it.

  It was obviously unpleasant for the little weak chicken before, but now it wants to get close to her, wishing to treat her heartily.

  It's over!

  It's not it anymore!

  It used to be dead.

  It couldn't help but angered, Shaking Tianding and Wan Beast Pu, both of these two talkative things were to blame!

  If it weren’t for them, it wouldn’t be the case.

  So, instead of flying towards Yun Chujiu, it flew in the direction of Shaking Tianding and Wan Beast Tree, directly spouting a ball of fire.

  It’s better to shake Tianding. It was originally a medicine ding and is not afraid of fire, but it is afraid of Ten Thousand Beasts!

   was so scared that it yelled and fled around.

  The little jar saw it so miserable, and immediately felt much happier.

  Sure enough, its happiness must be based on the suffering of others.

   Yun Chujiu looked really outrageous, and said coldly: "It's almost done, come here!"

  The little jar was sour in her heart. You didn’t have this attitude toward Sha just now. Why were you so indifferent to me? !

  However, it still ran over.

   "Do you think of any useful news?" Yun Chujiu asked.

  The little pot said dryly: "I just merged the memory of that little stove, nothing else."

   Yun Chujiu was a little disappointed, and suddenly remembered something.

  Before, she had mistaken five ancient books from the small jar, but because of the prohibition on it, all she saw was "Candied Gourd Practice Pen Talk". I don't know if there will be any changes now.

   Thinking of this, she immediately took out the five ancient books.

  When her eyes touched the cover, she couldn't help but be overjoyed, because the name on it was no longer "Study on the Practice of Candied Haws".

  She flipped through all five ancient books, somewhat disappointed.

  These five are all pill prescriptions. If she had just entered the Buddha Prison, these pill prescriptions would have been very useful, but they were of no use at this time.

  She remembered that there were still many ancient books and medicines in the Chaos Open Heaven Furnace, so she asked the small pots to be given to her.

  The little jar was struggling in pain at this time, and a voice was saying that these are the owner's, and it is only natural to take it out to her.

  The other voice is saying that she is no longer the original her, and it is not the original one. Why should I give it to her? !

  While it was struggling, one after another ancient books appeared on the open space in front of Yun Chujiu.

  Small jar: "..."

  Don’t ask, this must be a good thing for the main body!

  What a special, this day can't be passed!

  Yun Chujiu didn't have time to pay attention to what Little Jar thought, her attention was all on those ancient books.

  Unfortunately, these ancient books are either pill recipes or introductions to medicinal herbs, and there is no content that she needs at all.

  She wants to understand things in the Chaos Realm, or things that happened before the great change, even if it is Mo Huang’s handwriting.

  Unfortunately, none of these.

   Yun Chujiu thinks these are useless, the eyes of Situ Huizhu and others are all bluish!

  These are all valuable things!

  Any copy is enough to make people break their heads.

   Just when their eyes were greedy, a small black book suddenly popped out from under Yun Chujiu's boots, and rushed on top of an ancient book. It was just a mouthful.

    There are two more chapters, updated at ten o’clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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