Chapter 10677

Seeing that Yun Chujiu was still a little suspicious,   Wan Beast Book said:

   "Although that person has ten thousand is not good, he is very short-sighted.

  At that time, he already knew the plans of those people. If he was not sure, he would definitely arrange the retreat of his subordinates.

   But he did nothing at the time. He was obviously full of confidence and felt that this battle would definitely be won.

  So there must be a sudden illness, so that he was caught off guard and had no time to do anything. "

  Speaking of this, it paused for a while, and said, "Actually, it's not that he didn't do anything at all. He cancelled all the contracts at the moment of his death.

  Except for the eight of our brothers, the contract between Chaos Open Heaven Furnace and Sha have all been cancelled.

   Those two were favored on weekdays, and they were still reluctant. They blew themselves up at the time, killing many people.

  We were bullied for eight weekdays, so we couldn't talk about feelings for that demon, so we ran back to Dingxu and hid.

   What we didn’t expect was that there was actually a wise one in those medicine cauldrons, and that was Huntianding.

  It said that the demon had told it the way to open Dingxu, and said that if he left one day, let it tell us eight ways to open the Dingxu, which also gave us a place to stay. "

  Speaking of this, Wan Beast Pu’s tone is a bit complicated: "Oh, in fact, I thought about it later, although he was a bit too much to us, but it was nothing.

  It was a period of time that made me nostalgic. After all, all eight of our brothers were there at that time and it was a great time.

  Which seems to fall apart later, the fifth ones are still missing. "

   Yun Chujiu asked: "Then how did you later become the treasure of the mountain? How did the four eight-tooth nail rakes fall into the secret library?"

  "After the death of Emperor Mo, the Hongmeng Realm fell into a melee, fighting and killing all day long, smoky.

  We are also compassionate and felt that this is not the way to go, so we decided to support several major forces to stabilize the situation as soon as possible. "Wan Beast Pu said in a compassionate tone.

  Yun Chujiu didn’t believe a punctuation mark. It is estimated that they were suppressed severely by the Demon Emperor. Now that he is finally free, he naturally wants to linger and feel the taste of being looked up to.

  Yun Chujiu guessed that it was right. At first, the eight shook the Tianding Ding and practiced honestly in the Dingxu, but after a long time, she couldn't stand it.

  They also want to feel the joy of **** of others. The world of flowers outside is so fun, how can they stay in Dingxu all the time? !

  So, they selected eight forces at the time, each supporting the other.

  In fact, this also means eagerness to compete. I want to see who supports the most powerful forces.

  Later, the forces supported by the eight-tooth rake, broken umbrella, stringless lyre and broken string bow were eliminated, and they were confused as trophies and stuffed into the secret vault.

Sect Master    Tantai and others were surprised, but they were still calm. After all, they had been stimulated too much these days, and they had already exercised.

  The little silver snake said to Yun Chujiu: “Since the Sha and Chaos Open Heaven Furnace blew themselves outside Dingxu, there may be small fragments left nearby.

  Why don't you take out the broken pieces of Sha and the broken jar, they may be able to absorb those pieces.

  I know you are worried about attracting sky thunder, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If you can repair the sha and chaos to open the sky furnace, it will be of great help to you.

  Furthermore, you will be heading to the Chaos Realm soon, so don’t worry about so much. "

  (End of this chapter)

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