Chapter 10056 Roche

Yun Chujiu ignored the stunned Yuan Qifan, and dragged away the fake Shu Yao who wanted to find his place, followed by Fei Yi and Chi Wu.

Fake Shuyao said dissatisfied: "You pretend to be addicted to your grandson, right? Never mind before, after all, we have no confidence.

Now that we are not what we used to be, why are we still so squandered? "

"First, Yuan Qifan doesn't have any deep hatred with us, and he actually made do with us when he defended the city.

Second, although the three of you bear the name of genius, you are not even Yuan Xiu now.

If you act arrogantly at this time, it will inevitably make the city lord and Cheng Jiaoxi feel unhappy.

Third, we finally came out, there is no need to waste time on these trivial things. Yun Chujiu explained.

The fake Shuyao didn't find the point to refute, so she couldn't say anything.

The four soon arrived in Beicheng, Shumen Shulu found Gu Qing's courtyard.

Chi Wu stepped forward and buttoned the door. After a while, a woman's voice came from inside: "Who?"

The four of Yun Chujiu glanced at each other and thought that it was Roche who was talking.

Sure enough, after the door opened, there stood a pretty woman.

The woman looked at them for a while, and she was a little excited and yelled inside: "Mother, come out soon, here are the benefactors!"

"Did they come back slowly?"

Following the voice, Mrs. Gu walked out holding a child.

When Yun Chujiu saw that the child was clearly the child from Linyuan, he was very curious, what is going on with this child?

After a greeting, Yun Chujiu's four were greeted into the house.

As soon as he entered the house, Roche was about to kneel.

Yun Chujiu hurriedly supported her: "Auntie, you don't need to thank the four of us, if it weren't for the uncle, we didn't even have a place to stay.

Uncle went to dig ice grass outside the city? How many districts did he re-divide? "

"Well, I have been transferred to the 28th District, and the collection of Chengdu these days is not bad." Luo Shi said with a grateful expression.

After chatting for a while, Yun Chujiu couldn't help but curiously asked, "Auntie, this kid?"

Roche blushed and didn't say a word for a while.

It was Mrs. Gu who took over the conversation and explained the ins and outs of the matter.

After Roche was looted by that Fa Xiu, the Fa Xiu was very strict with her at first, but after so many years, he relaxed a little.

First, they live in Xicheng, but Gu Qing is in Beicheng, and there is basically no chance to meet each other.

Secondly, he felt that the lives of Gu Qing and Mrs. Gu were threats, and Roche did not dare to do anything.

Therefore, occasionally Roche has the opportunity to go to the streets alone.

Roche missed Gu Qing and the old lady in his heart, and once took the courage to disguise and sneak up to visit.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Gu was a little uncomfortable that day, and Gu Qing did not go to work.

Reunited after a long absence, I got a skin close under the excitement.

No one thought that more than a month later, Roche was diagnosed as pregnant.

Roche was both happy and afraid. What he liked was that he finally had a child with his beloved one, and what he was afraid was that the two of them were sky-blind, and this child must also be sky-blind.

Once checked out, the practitioner might suspect that Gu Qing was on his body, which would lead to serious disasters.

Roche's abnormal situation did not hide from her personal maid. Roche had a life-saving grace for the maid, so the maid was loyal to her.

It happened that the original wife of Fa Xiu and Luo Shi gave birth to children on the same day, and the maid tried to change the two children.

(End of this chapter)

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