Chapter 10057

That day, after returning from Lin Yuan, Fa Xiu's original partner suspected that the child had been dropped.

There are many ways to verify the bloodline, and Roche knows that he can't help it.

She delayed the plan for a few days, and when she was about to delay it, fortunately, the city lord sent someone to the door.

Roche had relied on, and then brought the maid back to Gu's house.

The maid was not from Hanqiancheng, so Luo Shi gave her some entanglements and told her to return to her hometown.

Yun Chujiu's four people were dumbfounded, and they had to say that this process was a little bit bloody.

Yun Chujiu asked curiously: "Before this, did my uncle know these things?"

Roche shook his head: "We haven't seen each other since, and I didn't tell him to be safe."

Yun Chujiu was even more curious now: "Then why did my uncle want to adopt this?"

Fake Shu Yao came over: "Do you want to avenge that Fa Xiu?"

Roche shook his head: "Qingzi is not that kind of person! He also saw that this child was too pitiful at the time. If he didn't adopt him, he might not be able to save his life."

Yun Chujiu felt that Luo Shi was not telling the truth, because her eyes were a little evasive. It is estimated that Gu Qing adopted the child, although there is a pitiful element, but there should also be other thoughts.

That Fa-cultivator was originally paired with one wild and one species. Although Gu Qing was uncertain, he still didn't want to make a big mistake. What if the child belonged to him and Roche? !

Even if it was Roche and the practitioner, he couldn't bear the pain of losing his son, so he adopted it.

But in any case, the ending is satisfactory, that's enough.

Before leaving, Yun Chujiu asked Fei Yi to give Mrs. Gu five puppets, and promised:

"Grandma, if you have any difficulties in the future, just go to the City Lord's Mansion to find us.

Don't worry, we are out now, and there is no one who dared to offend us in Hancheng. "

Mrs. Gu was thankful for her kindness and kept sending the four of them to the alley.

In fact, Yun Chujiu could open up to Feng Wenzhong to promote Gu Qing, but Gu Qing is sky-blind after all and has limited growth space.

Moreover, sometimes circumstances change too quickly, which may not be a good thing.

For the Gu Qing family, living a stable life is better than anything else.

Since it was still early, the four of them strolled around the West City and South City.

After strolling around for a while, Yun Chujiu came to a conclusion that Cheng Jiaoxi was not an ordinary stingy!

Don't look at a puppet stone that seems to be rich in the sky, but in the area where the Fa cultivation lives, it is nothing at all.

The four eventually bought nothing and returned to the city lord's mansion empty-handed.

The fake Shu Yao and the three continued to practice while Yun Chujiu got into the second room from the right.

She took out a puppet stone, held it in her hand, and absorbed the puppet power in the method taught to her by the fake Shu Yao.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained.

Not reconciled, she changed another puppet, still the same.

After several attempts and all failed, Yun Chujiu had to put the puppet stone into the storage ring and sighed.

It seems that this road will not work, can it only rely on swallowing pills?

Perhaps the effect will be better if you swallow a high-grade pill?

But high-level pills are definitely not so easy to get, and you can only wait for the fake Shu Yao three to enter the Winter Academy.

More than half a month later, on this day, Teacher Cheng ecstatically said to the fake Shuyao three:

"You can summon the puppets tomorrow!"

The fake Shuyao and the three were also surprised and happy, but the three also had a question, what kind of process is the summoning of the puppet? Where did the puppet come from?

(End of this chapter)

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