Chapter 10055 City Lord Order

Because of Cheng's "kindness", Yun Chujiu could only give up the idea of ​​looking for Wus.

She couldn't think of other ways for a while, and the plan to try to absorb the puppet stone could only be temporarily shelved.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and the practice of the fake Shuyao three had made great progress.

Not to mention anything else, at least the tolerance for heat is a little bit stronger than before.

Cheng Jiaoxi was very satisfied with their cultivation progress. Even if the puppet can't be summoned after half a month, it should be fine in more than a month.

The puppet can be summoned in a month and a half, which is simply unprecedented.

His three students are absolutely geniuses!

On this day, Yun Chujiu asked to visit Gu Qing.

Cheng Jiaoxi felt that this was human nature, so he gave them a day off.

Yun Chujiu rubbed his hands and said, "Jiaoxi Cheng, we are now in a state of turmoil. Isn't it a good idea to go back empty-handed?

Can you give us some puppets? "

Although Cheng Jiaoxi secretly scolded Yun Chujiu for being a cheeky, he still gave them ten puppet stones.

It's just that these puppets were handed over to Fei Yi, which made it clear that Yun Chujiu didn't like it.

Yun Chujiu didn't care, as long as there was a puppet, she could try to absorb it at night.

The four had just left the city lord's mansion and met an acquaintance.

Yuan Qifan saw the four of them for a moment and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Feng Wenzhong gave the order, and Yun Chujiu's four men measured six and a half puppets. Not many people knew for the time being, so Yuan Qifan didn't know yet.

His first reaction was that Yun Chujiu and the others came to him and wanted to ask for benefits.

He snorted coldly: "Didn't you already reward you with a puppet?

I advise you not to be greedy, or else you don’t know how your life is lost! "

False Shuyao now has a high self-esteem, and naturally will not be so sneer, sneer: "What are you?! Dare to talk to me like this?!"

She turned her head and said to Fei Yi: "Brother, give him the original puppet, lest he really think he has done us a great favor!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

You silly thing!

You are stunned, why can't you get through with the money? !

So, she winked at Fei Yi and said to Yuan Qifan:

"Vice General Yuan, you have misunderstood. The four of us are now living in the city lord's mansion, not here to find you.

We have other things, goodbye! "

With that, she went to grab Shu Yao's arm.

She was not afraid of Yuan Qifan, mainly because it was unnecessary.

Besides, Yuan Qifan was a little bloated, but he was actually pretty good. After all, he didn't regard the fate of sky blindness like other Yuan Xiu.

Yuan Qifan refused to give up, "Stop! Want to leave after uttering a lot of words?"

He pointed to the fake Shu Yao: "She knelt down and admitted her mistake, and I will let you go."

Yun Chujiu sighed, isn't it good to be your tool man? I want to catch up with a child to find abuse. What is the picture? !

She had to take out the token Feng Wenzhong gave to the four of them and shook it: "Vice General Yuan, you should know this, right?"

Of course Yuan Qifan knew that this was the city lord's order, and it was also a white city lord's order.

In Hanqian City, there are two types of castle master orders, one is a black castle master order for general affairs, and the other is a white castle master order.

Only those who are extremely trusted by the city owner will hold the white city owner's order, which can be said to be unimpeded in the cold valley.

How could their four sky blinds have a white castle command?

(End of this chapter)

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