Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10043: I'm a little pitiful

Chapter 10043 I am a little poor

Wu Shi said unnaturally: "How can it be so exaggerated as you said, because the age is old, it can't compare to your little girls like flowers."

Yun Chujiu sighed: "Madam, you are piercing my heart! Just like me, it's a dog's tail grass at best, you are a graceful flower!"

Wu Shi didn't hold back, and laughed:

"You little girl, your tongue is glib!"

Feng Wenzhong was originally worried that the atmosphere would be embarrassing, but now seeing Yun Chujiu amused Wu, he was relieved and said hurriedly:

"Come on, sit down! Serve!"

Originally, Feng Wenzhong wanted the fake Shuyao to sit next to Wu's family, but Wu's unexpectedly beckoned to Yun Chujiu, and pointed to the seat next to him: "Come on, sit here."

Wu's idea is very simple. Anyway, she doesn't plan to accept any righteous sons and daughters, so she might as well sit down and sit next to her, at least speaking better.

Yun Chujiu didn't bother, and sat beside Wu's graciously.

The dishes were ready soon. Feng Wenzhong said a few words and suggested that everyone have a few drinks together.

Although the wine smelled quite fragrant, Yun Chujiu promised that Emperor Beiming would not drink in front of outsiders, so he would use tea instead of wine like the Wus.

But Wu didn't know it, thinking that Yun Chujiu was drinking tea to accompany her, thinking that this little girl would have trouble.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere becomes warm.

Feng Wenzhong smiled and said to the fake Shuyao: "Your aptitude and understanding are very good. If you take time, you will surely soar into the sky, and your future is limitless."

The fake Shuyao trio humbled a few words and showed their loyalty by the way.

Wu Shi was very impatient when he heard it, and Yun Chujiu saw it and whispered: "Madam, why don't we two drink, why not enjoy the flowers?"

Wu Shixin said, what's the reward for a bunch of fake flowers? !

But on another thought, it's better to go around than to sit here, so he said kindly, "Okay!"

The Wu family said to Feng Wenzhong: "Master, I'm taking a little girl to enjoy the flowers, please use it slowly!"

Feng Wenzhong was talking about Xing Zhengnong at this time. He had forgotten the original intention of the meal, and said indifferently: "Okay."

The Wu family took Yun Chujiu out of the pavilion and followed the path to enjoy the flowers.

Although the lights are on in the garden, the light is the same, plus all the flowers are fake, it's really nothing good.

When Wu Shi was a little impatient, Yun Chujiu said, "Madam, there is a pavilion over there, why don't we go there to rest?"

Wu Shi couldn't ask for it, and he faintly agreed.

When the two sat down in the pavilion, the Wu closed his eyes and stopped talking, obviously because he didn't want to talk to Yun Chujiu.

She saw that Yun Chujiu was pleasing to her eyes and compared with the other three, she didn't take her seriously in her heart.

If it were not for Feng Wenzhongqian's exhortation, she would want to vent her anger for Wu Yuan.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she heard the little girl sigh, she frowned: "What's the matter?"

Yun Chujiu put his arm on the stone table, resting his chin and said:

"I think people are really incomparable. For example, you are good-looking and have a good temperament. The city lord treats you wholeheartedly. I heard that your natal family is also a remarkable family, and she is simply the best luck woman in the world.

I can't do it anymore. Not only did I look ugly, but my family was killed by the fire puppets. The most important thing was the four brothers and sisters who worshipped together. Only I could not practice.

Alas, I'm just a little pitiful, if it wasn't for my big heart, I would have hit the wall long ago. "

(End of this chapter)

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