Chapter 10042 is so good

Feng Wenzhong smiled bitterly: "There is no way, our husband and wife should have no children. We have thought of all the ways we can think of for so many years, and we have no children and a half."

Cheng Jiaoxi tentatively asked: "Have you ever thought of acknowledging a righteous son or a righteous daughter?"

"I thought about it, why didn't I think about it?! I hate that Wu Yuan has only that idiot in her eyes, and the rest can't get her.

I don’t even bother to mention it again when the frequency is too high. "Feng Wenzhong said.

Jiaoxi Cheng lowered his voice and said, "This time is a good opportunity. I think Gu Lianyi and the three of them are all good. If you have time to let your younger brother and sister take a look, maybe she will take it.

I won't talk about other things, I believe you know it in your heart. "

Feng Wenzhong's eyes lit up, and he certainly understood the unfinished meaning of Cheng Jiaoxi's words.

Whether it is Gu Lianyi, Gu Fei, and Gu You are all geniuses chosen from a thousand, the most important thing is that Yongdong City was destroyed by fire, and they have no relatives.

As long as he and Wu are attentive to each other, it is no different from his own.

The more Feng Wenzhong thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was feasible. The only thing he worried about was that the Wus would miss it.

He gave Cheng Jiaoxi a hand: "Brother Ji Ming, don't say much else, I will invite you to drink tonight!"

"Take Gu Lianyi and the three of them, just take this opportunity to let my younger siblings take a look." Cheng Jiaoxi suggested.

Feng Wenzhong felt reasonable and immediately agreed.

In the evening, Jiaoxi Cheng was about to take the fake Shuyao to a banquet, but Yun Chujiu had to follow him.

The three of Fei Yi also helped to intervene, and Cheng Jiaoxi had to reluctantly agree.

Cheng Jiaoxi thought to himself, this Gu was slow, greedy and lazy, and he didn't know what the three Gu Lianyi thought, but he still defended her in every possible way.

Feng Wenzhong arranged the banquet venue in the back garden of the city lord’s mansion. He said that the back garden was actually all fake grass and flowers. The most extravagant things in Hanqian were water and plants.

After Yun Chujiu and the others arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion, there was no shortage of tea or anything, but it was limited to this. They could only take a bath every three days, and the water provided was enough.

With such a shortage of water, naturally there will be no excess water to grow flowers and plants, not to mention the weather in Hancheng is not suitable for plant growth.

Although Wu's age is similar to Feng Wenzhong, he looks much younger than Feng Wenzhong and looks good, but his complexion is not very good at this time.

She had long heard of the fake Shuyao people, and Wu Yuan often spoke ill of them before her.

This time Wu Yuan was sent away. Although Feng Wenzhong didn't say the reason, she guessed it was also related to these people.

If it hadn't been for Feng Wenzhong's analysis of the relationship's interests in the afternoon, she wouldn't want to attend today.

As for the son and daughter, don't even think about it!

She has a nephew, why should she recognize strangers as sons and daughters? !

Feng Wenzhong smiled and stood up: "Come on, let me introduce you.

Madam, these are the young people mentioned by you and me. They are all the talents of the future.

This is Gu Fei, this is Gu You..."

Feng Wenzhong introduced the four fake Shuyao, but Wu's face remained unchanged, but he just nodded.

When Feng Wenzhong introduced Yun Chujiu, he said, "This is Gu Slowly."

Wu's heart moved, Wu Yuan had said that Gu Slow was a sky blind, and he just used her to vent her anger.

When she was about to say something awkward, she saw the little girl in front of her covering her mouth with her hand, with an unbelievable look:

"My Lord, this is your wife?

OMG! If you don't say that I thought I was the same age as my sister, this is too young, too pretty, right? ! "

Wu's whistle when he reached the ugly words... ran away from home.

 It's the last day of 2020. I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance. See you next year!



(End of this chapter)

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