Chapter 10044 A Question

After listening to Yun Chujiu's words, Wu's sense of superiority was overwhelming, and he felt a little pity.

The little girl looked dry, and she didn't suffer any less.

The other three can cultivate, no matter how good the relationship is, it will inevitably be contemptuous on weekdays.

She wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she had always been accustomed to being aloof, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Unexpectedly, the little girl smiled:

"But I also want to open it. As the saying goes, it's nothing to compare with other people. Just live your own life.

Madam, are you right? "

Wu Shi nodded: "Well, you are right."

Yun Chujiu thief said: "Madam, can you take the liberty to ask you a question?"

Wu Shi raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the problem?"

"How did you and the lord met? I didn't mean anything else, just curious.

I've seen the city lord twice before, and he all has a majestic and unsmiling face, but today with you by his side, he seems to have changed.

Especially when he looks at you, hey, hey, I am a little embarrassed to look at it, and it is too gentle! "Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

Wu's face flushed immediately!

She and Feng Wenzhong have been married for many years. Although they have never had children, the two have always been like glue and deep affection.

This is what she is most proud of and cares about.

Listening to Yun Chujiu's jokes now, it is very comfortable to tick the apex of his heart.

She couldn't help but laughed and cursed: "You little girl, dare to ask anything!"

Having said that, she simply talked about how she met Feng Wenzhong.

"We met at the Winter Academy. He enrolled three years earlier than me. At that time, he was also a famous leader at the Winter Academy.

Although I have a good family background, my aptitude is mediocre. Every time I am assessed, he will follow me intentionally or unintentionally.

After a long time, there will naturally be feelings. "

After Wu Shi finished speaking, his face became even redder, apparently thinking of something back then.

Yun Chujiu exclaimed: "Ah, it's no wonder that I look at your temperament. It turns out that you and the city lord graduated from Winter Academy? It's amazing!

You and the city lord have shared the experience of studying together, and there must be endless words on weekdays, which is really enviable! "

Wu Shi smiled with a reserved mouth: "We are really in a good relationship. Even if we have no children for so many years, he treats me the same way."

Speaking of children, Wu's smile faded.

Yun Chujiu said very naturally: "The relationship between husband and wife is the most important. As for the children, it is unnecessary!"

Wu's was taken aback. All the people around, including his family, said:

"No matter how good you are, it's useless. You don't even have a child, and you won't have a pensioner in the future!"

"You can give Wen Zhong a concubine! When the child is born, you will send her away, this family is still yours."

"You have so many nephews and nieces. Let's adopt one. At any rate, there is also your blood, which is no different from your own."


Everyone felt that it was a great regret that they had no children, and even thought it was her fault.

But this was originally only her and Feng Wenzhong's life. Why should those people make irresponsible remarks?

No one has ever said that children are not important, and no one has said to her that the relationship between husband and wife is the most important and that children are unnecessary.

Even if she knew in her heart that Yun Chujiu had said this deliberately and had something to please, but it was undeniable that she had never heard such beautiful words, and the wounds that had been split by gossip finally showed signs of healing.

(End of this chapter)

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