Chapter 10041 is excited

Fake Shuyao agreed with her, but poked her lips in her heart. Do you think those two idiots are as genius as me? !

Without ten days and a half months, they would never be able to perceive the puppet, or maybe even have not perceived it.

However, after an hour passed, both Fei Yi and Chi Wu also perceive Puppet Yuan.

Cheng Jiaoxi was so happy that he couldn't take a single shot with two slaps. For a person like him, being able to teach three geniuses is more important than being promoted and making a fortune.

Cheng Jiaoxi instructed them to continue to perceive the puppet, and then tried to introduce it into the Dantian.

After arranging the fake Shu Yao three people, he hurried to see Feng Wenzhong.

Feng Wenzhong was also very excited after knowing it: "Okay, very good! Brother Ji Ming, you have worked so hard to teach them, and I will find a way to satisfy what you need."

"Don't worry, I will do my best.

With their three aptitudes, they can summon the puppet within three months.

With the puppet, you can learn the spell, and then the name of this genius will be completely solidified. "Cheng Jiaoxi said, stroking his beard.

Feng Wenzhong nodded again and again. If he is a genius, even if he has merits, he can think of ways to mobilize.

He really has stayed in this cold valley. Although the Wu family has taken care of him, he is a foreigner, so he can live a good life. He will not support it strongly, he can only rely on himself.

Cheng Jiaoxi sighed suddenly, and Feng Wenzhong was puzzled: "Brother Ji Ming, this is a good point, why are you sighing?"

"Oh, I sigh that these three children are not lucky.

If they were tested six months in advance, they might be able to catch up with the enrollment of Winter Academy.

Unfortunately, there are only three months left before the enrollment of Winter College.

Even if they succeed in summoning the puppet, they will not have time to practice the spell, and they will not be able to pass the entrance examination of Winter Academy. "Cheng Jiaoxi explained.

Feng Wenzhong nodded: "Yes, time is too tight, it is too late.

It doesn't matter, they can apply for the next session. "

"The Winter Academy only enrolls students once every three years, and this wait is three years.

For ordinary people, three years is nothing, it is a waste of time for such a genius. "Cheng Jiaoxi said regretfully.

Feng Wenzhong explained: "This is also impossible. It is better to prepare for three years than to apply for the exam in a hurry. After all, admission scores are also very important."

Cheng Jiaoxi sighed: "You can only think so! By the way, Yuan Tutor has no news yet?"

"No, I heard that Winter Academy has sent people to search, but I haven't found it yet, I'm afraid..."

Feng Wenzhong didn't continue, but Cheng Jiaoxi knew what he was going to say.

Jiaoxi Cheng sighed again: "The Qiqian Pure Land where the Winter Academy is located is hundreds of thousands of miles away. They came here and have missed the best rescue time.

It's a pity that Teacher Yuan and the few students he led, who would have thought they would take their lives here. "

The two sighed again, and Cheng Jiaoxi asked, "Right, has Wu Yuan sent away?"

When Feng Wenzhong heard him mention Wu Yuan, his face suddenly became gloomy: "I sent someone away this morning, and Wu cried with me because of this incident, but she couldn't help her.

But if Wu Yuan knows something, I wouldn't do it. "

Cheng Jiaoxi patted him on the shoulder: "Just coax it. If you don't like to hear it, if you have a child, your younger siblings would not value Wu Yuan so much."

(End of this chapter)

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