Chapter 10033 knows well

In addition to Wu Yuan's screams, there was an unpleasant burnt smell in the study.

Feng Wenzhong and Cheng Jiaoxi immediately got up to Wu Yuan's place. Wu Yuan was rolling on the floor in pain and screamed like a pig.

Feng Wenzhong immediately cast a pain-relieving spell, and Wu Yuan's screams suddenly became much smaller.

Yun Chujiu was very surprised, but there is such a spell?

She thought that there were only two types of spells, attack and defense, but she didn't expect there to be healing spells?

This stuff is great, it saves medicinal money.

Feng Wenzhong cast another pain-relieving spell, and Wu Yuan stopped rolling.

"Uncle, someone attacked me! It must be the old immortal named Cheng, you have to help me!"

Feng Wenzhong shouted: "Nonsense! Brother Ji Ming has been talking to me, and he is so far away from you, how could it be possible to attack you?!"

Wu Yuan dissatisfied and said, "Then how did the burn on my neck come from?"

Feng Wenzhong was asked now. There were only a few people in the house. Who caused the burn on Wu Yuan's neck?

He looked at the housekeeper: "Feng Yuan, tell me what you saw."

The butler didn't dare to conceal the slightest bit, so he recounted what he saw.

"Just now Master Wu suddenly jumped up for some reason, and then fell to the ground screaming.

During this period, I only noticed that Gu Slowly stood still and did nothing. I didn't pay attention to the others. "

Feng Wenzhong knew what Wu Yuan wanted to do without asking, he cursed secretly, idiot!

That Gu Xiaowan is blind from the sky, but her brothers and sisters are all geniuses with six and a half puppets, so they may fly into the sky. If Gu Xiaowan is injured or killed at this time, isn't it making enemies for herself? ? !

However, the key question now is who hurt Wu Yuan?

Gu Slowly didn't do it, and she didn't have the ability.

Feng Yuan naturally didn't dare to do it, the remaining three people were under his nose, and none of them did it.

How did Wu Yuan's injury come from?

Seeing that Feng Wenzhong hadn't spoken for a while, Wu Yuan said angrily:

"Uncle, I have said it, it must be done by the old man named Cheng. What is the use of asking questions?!"

Feng Wenzhong's face suddenly became gloomy: "I said just now that Brother Ji Ming didn't do this. Don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Yuan said angrily: "He didn't do it. Could it be that I did it myself?!"

Feng Wenzhong moved in his heart. Could it be that this idiot wrote and acted himself?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very great. If others can't do such a stupid thing, but it is a no-brainer, and it is not surprising at all.

Besides, there is no suspicion in the room, it can only be done by himself.

Thinking of this, his face grew gloomy:

"Enough! You know exactly what is going on!

I still have important matters to deal with, so you can withdraw! "

Wu Yuan couldn't believe his ears. His neck hurts like this, so let it go?

He still wanted to be reluctant, but seeing Feng Wenzhong's gloomy face, he didn't dare to make any trouble, and went out with gritted teeth.

Before leaving, the door of the study room slammed.

Feng Wenzhong took a deep breath, calmed his mind, then smiled bitterly: "Brother Ji Ming, I made you laugh!"

Cheng Jiaoxi smiled and changed the subject:

"City Lord, now that the two of them have tested the qualifications of six and a half puppets, how about letting them and Gu Lianyi practice with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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