Chapter 10032 is of no importance

When Feng Wenzhong heard this, he knew that there was water in Wu Yuan's words. Before he had time to say anything, he handed it down to report it, and Cheng Jiaoxi and the others came.

"Let them in."

After Cheng Jiaoxi and the others came in, Feng Wenzhong saw the butler's swollen face at a glance.

He guessed that it was Wu Yuan who beat him, and he was very unhappy. As the saying goes, he still depends on his owner when he beats a dog. This Wu Yuan is becoming more and more presumptuous.

Feng Wenzhong pressed the anger in his heart, smiled and said to Jiao Xi: "Brother Ji Ming, sit down and talk."

Cheng Jiaoxi's surname is Cheng Minghuan with the word Jiming, and Feng Wenzhong directly called him, showing that the two are very close.

Wu Yuan looked a little ugly when he saw it, but after another thought, as long as the two sky-blindness were detected as not geniuses, he would have reason, and it wouldn't be too late to attack.

So, he didn't say a word.

But Jiaoxi Cheng said lightly: "City Lord, just now the two of them tested their qualifications in the training room, and they all lighted up six and a half puppets.

In order to be more secure, I will take them to you to test again. "

When Wu Yuan said it before, Feng Wenzhong didn't take it to heart. He thought it was Wu Yuan who was scornful.

But the weight of Cheng Jiaoxi's speech was different, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Then came ecstasy. If these two were really six and a half aptitudes, then he might be able to move the position he hadn't moved in the past ten years.

Of course, his city is quite deep, and his performance is not obvious.

Feng Wenzhong took out Lin Gu and signaled Fei Yi and Chi Wu to retest.

Fei Yi took the porcelain bottle with Lin Juice, drank it, and put his hand on Lin Gu.

Wu Yuan pouted his lips and looked aside, thinking, wait for the results to come out after a while, and see what else Cheng Jiaoxi said.

He was sure that Fei Yi would not be able to detect six and a half qualifications, and he didn't even have the qualifications for cultivation.

However, at the next moment, he saw the puppets lighted up on Lin Gu, and it was finally frozen at six and a half, which was similar to the previous test results.

"Impossible! This is impossible! How could he have such a qualification for a sky blind?!

This Lin Bone must be broken! "

Feng Wenzhong ignored him at all, with a smile on his face.

He beckoned to Chi Wu: "Come on, it's your turn!"

Seeing that Feiyi's test results were the same as before, Chi Wu felt confident in his heart. It seems that he must be a six and a half genius!

Sure enough, under a test, Chi Wu also lighted up six and a half puppets.

Feng Wenzhong couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, it's a blessing to us in Hancheng. All of a sudden, three geniuses with six and a half sticks appeared!"

The ferocious look on Wu Yuan's face was not only unbelievable, but also more jealous.

He is the proud son of heaven, these days blindness does not have such qualifications at all!

He had nowhere to vent his anger, and suddenly saw Yun Chujiu who was smiling next to him, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

He had heard that Gu slowly didn't detect his aptitude, and just used her to vent his anger.

A sky-blindness is nothing more than that.

He observed, Feng Wenzhong was talking with Chi Wu and Fei Yi, and Cheng Jiaoxi was also listening, no one paid attention to this side.

As for the housekeeper Feng Yuan, it doesn't matter if he pays attention to it, and he dare not stop it.

Thinking of this, he leaped in the direction of Yun Chujiu.

He thought very well, and he could jump to Yun Chujiu with just one leap, and then slap her to death with one palm.

As a result, as soon as he jumped up, there was a severe pain in his neck, and he fell to the ground with a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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