Chapter 10034 is gratifying

Feng Wenzhong promised with full mouth: "Okay, then do as you said, and you can tell me what you lack at any time."

Cheng Jiaoxi stood up and said, "In this case, I will take them back to practice first."

After Cheng Jiaoxi and others left, Feng Wenzhong said to the housekeeper:

"Staring at Wu Yuan these days, if there is any trouble in him, report it in time.

After a few days, the City Lord's Mansion ceased. "

The butler hurriedly agreed, thinking, it seems that the city lord is finally going to send this evil away! What a gratifying event!

At this moment, in the courtyard of the training room, the pale fake Shu Yao looked blank.


Why are they all gone?

She originally thought that it was not difficult for Cheng Jiaoxi to let her stay in the room on the left for an hour, but only after entering that she realized that things were not that simple.

As soon as she stepped into the room on the left, her internal organs felt a burning sensation, which made her have an urge to rush out.

Fortunately, her temperament was tough, which made her endure an hour abruptly.

She also thought about raising her eyebrows in front of Cheng Jiaoxi, after all, the old man looked down on her a bit earlier.

As soon as the result came out, not only he was not there, but also Huo Qiang and others were not there.

Her heart sank, Huan Cong, they wouldn't leave her and run away, right?

At this moment, the courtyard door opened and Cheng Jiaoxi brought in Yun Chujiu's three people.

The fake Shu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a cold face, "Where have you been?"

Cheng Jiaoxi didn't care about her dissatisfied tone, stroked his beard and smiled:

"The training room on the left isolates the sound. No wonder you don't know what happened.

Your eldest brother and second brother have also lighted up six and a half puppets after the test just now, and you will be accompanied by your practice in the future! "

Fake Shuyao said stiffly: "You, what did you say?"

Cheng Jiaoxi smiled deeper: "I know you may be a little bit unbelievable, but it's true. It was the result after testing twice. All three of you are geniuses!"

Fake Shu Yao fainted with a choke when she rolled her eyelids.

Cheng Jiaoxi was startled, Yun Chujiu ran over to help Shu Yao and said, "It's okay, my sister must be overwhelmed by surprise, so I fainted."

Chi Wu snickered inwardly, overwhelmingly surprised? I'm afraid it is too scared!

This counterfeit was still arrogant yesterday. Now that they have the same qualifications as her, how can they be happy? !

Look, this makes you dizzy in no time!

The fake Shuyao was not so vulnerable, mainly because she had spent an hour in the room on the left, her body was very weak, and her mood fluctuated sharply before she fainted.

She woke up soon, and she felt aggrieved in her heart!

Finally, Xianyu turned over, but Fei Yi and Chi Wu could also cultivate, and they had the same qualifications as her.

She comforted herself, what if she had the same qualifications? !

Her savvy is much better than them, and the gap will be seen soon.

Thinking of this, she suddenly had the will to fight.

"Jiaoxi Cheng, I just spent an hour in the room on the left. What do I need to do next?"

Jiaoxi Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "You go to the second room on the left, and you just need to meditate quietly in it. When I call you, you will come out again."

He said to Chi Wu and Fei Yi again: "You two go to the first room on the left and stay for an hour, and then go to the second room on the left."

After all three had left, only Cheng Jiaoxi and Yun Chujiu remained in the yard.

Cheng Jiaoxi's attitude towards Yun Chujiu is much more indifferent: "You go back to Dongyuan first, lest you distract them here."

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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