Chapter 10008 Tool People

Yun Chujiu sighed when he heard Wu Yuan's words, you are really a debt!

She actually didn't want to throw a cold stone out every time, but she was forced to do nothing.

The split body of the soul-refining fire marrow cannot leave the main body too far, nor can it leave the main body for too long.

Every time after helping the tool man to work, the split body of the soul refinement will return to the body involuntarily.

The previous effect of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, in fact, more than half of the fire puppets frightened themselves and fell voluntarily.

The split body of the soul-refining fire marrow simply cannot take into account such a large area.

In addition, in order to cooperate with Yuan Qifan's spell, Yun Chujiu had to smash the split body of the soul-refining marrow into the position of the spell, so that the effect looked more realistic.

But the soul-refining fire marrow is very light, and Yun Chujiu can't throw it that far, so he can only use the cold stone.

No one paid attention to her before, and even Feng Wenzhong didn't pay attention. He didn't expect to be pointed out by Wu Yuan.

Yun Chujiu saw that everyone was watching her, and said in confusion:

"I hate those fire puppets too much, thinking that I can hit one of them, so I can't help but shoot, I didn't think so much.

You are right, this is too wasteful, I will not dare to do it in the future. "

Wu Yuan snorted coldly: "So mindless, it really is something that can't be used on the stage!"

When he said this, he seemed to be talking about Yun Chujiu, but his eyes were fixed on Yuan Qifan.

Yuan Qifan really wanted to kill him with a cleansing curse, but knew that he couldn't provoke him, so he angered Yun Chujiu and said angrily:

"I don't know what is called! You don't have to follow me!"

Yun Chujiu nodded and said yes, taking Gu Qing and others to the sky-blind team to be assigned.

In the divine consciousness, the soul-refining fire marrow cursed:

"Grandma is a bear! This doggie really takes herself seriously? If I didn't help him, he would be a shit!

Master, since he is so capable, let's look at the joke! "

Yun Chujiu smiled and didn't care.

She didn't bother to care about this kind of person. She didn't help him before, but treated him as a tool person.

Moreover, her original intention was to spend the night safely, and the day would be up in half an hour, even if she didn't let the soul-refining flames help, the crisis of Cold Grain City was over.

It's a pity that Yuan Qifan didn't know that his mission as a tool man had come to an end, and thought that he was in a supernatural state and was omnipotent.

After a quarter of an hour, the fire puppet began to attack the city again.

Yuan Qifan was not in a hurry to make a move this time. He had to wait for the fire puppet to climb a little higher, so that he could show his ability better and let Wu Yuan know how good he was.

Yuan Qifan didn't start casting spells until some of the fire puppets were less than ten feet away from the city.

After he finished chanting the spell, the light on the top of the puppet flickered, and with a strong wave, he hit the cleansing spell on a human-shaped fire puppet.

The humanoid fire puppet screamed subconsciously, and then found out, huh? Why doesn't it hurt at all? There seems to be nothing.

In fact, it is wrong to say that there is nothing wrong, at least the grit on his body is gone.

Yuan Qifan originally thought that this time was no different from the past, so after casting the spell, without even looking down, Shi Shiran took out a cloth towel to wipe his puppet.

But when I wiped it, I felt something was wrong. Why was there only a scream?

Immediately afterwards, he heard Wu Yuan's chuckle: "Oh, it's really useless. You didn't even shoot down a fire puppet. Your supernatural state is not over, right?"

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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