Chapter 10009 Huo Ci

Yuan Qifan didn't have time to pay attention to Wu Yuan, and leaned forward to look at it. The fire puppet was still climbing up frantically. The humanoid fire puppet he had hit with the cleaning curse just now climbed fast.

Yuan Qifan was so shocked that all the cloth towels in his hand fell to the ground.

At this time, Feng Wenzhong said solemnly: "Qi Fan, try again!"

Only then did Yuan Qifan slow down slightly, and cast a cleansing spell on a tiger-shaped fire puppet, but it still didn't work.

There is still a trace of luck in his heart, maybe it's just that the cleaning spell is not working, other spells are still useful.

He swallowed a pill and tried Frozen Curse and Bing Leng Curse one after another. Although he shot down a fire puppet while using Bing Leng Curse, it was only in a normal state, and it was incomparable to a super magic state.

Wu Yuan's face was gloating: "How about it? I just said you can't get on the stage, right? You are in your shape so soon? Tsk tsk, your supernatural state has been maintained for a short time!"

Feng Wenzhong glared at Wu Yuan fiercely, and then Wu Yuan curled his lips and said nothing.

Feng Wenzhong said to Yuan Qifan: "Qifan, you should go to the side and rest for a while. Maybe it is because of excessive physical and puppet power."

After Feng Wenzhong finished speaking, he hurriedly instructed everyone to stop the fire puppets. He sighed in his heart, and it was about to dawn. This Yuan Qifan would hold on for a quarter of an hour!

He thought again, one must not be dissatisfied. If Yuan Qifan hadn't reached a supernatural state, he would have sacrificed the sky blindness to delay time.

Although he didn't look down on the sky blindness in his bones, he felt that it was normal to sacrifice sky blindness for the sake of the overall situation, but it is better not to sacrifice.

Below the city, the three of Huo Ci are urging the fire puppets to increase their offensive, striving to invade the cold valley before dawn.

Huo Xiang frowned and said, "There is not enough time, this time it seems to be wasted."

Huo Yi gritted his teeth and said: "Even if they can't get in, they have to let them peel off! Otherwise, it's hard for us to go back this time."

Huo Ci thought for a while and said: "You are here to hold the battle, I will go up personally, at least to force them to abandon a part of the sky blindness, if you bring it back, it will be an explanation."

"No! If you want to go, I have to go, brother, you come to supervise the formation!" Huo Yi said.

Huo Xiang also said: "It's best for me to go, brother, you can't go!"

Huo Ci waved his hand: "No need to say more, it will be dawn soon, we must hurry!"

Huo Ci got under the city wall, using his hands and feet to climb up.

Huo Ci's speed is much faster than other fire puppets, and the damage to it from those magic spells that guard the city is extremely limited, and it has climbed to two-thirds of the height in the blink of an eye.

After Feng Wenzhong received the report, he cast a Snow Cage Curse on Huo Ci.

Huo Ci's body was instantly enclosed in a snow cage, and he couldn't stop moving.

Wu Yuan praised: "Uncle, you are still good, and you will stop him as soon as you shoot! I thought the puppet was so amazing, now it's just like that."

As soon as Wu Yuan's words fell, the snow cage on Huo Ci's body turned into mist, and it suddenly jumped up, only one foot away from the wall.

Wu Yuan was taken aback, and quickly stepped back: "Uncle, hurry up, cast a spell!"

Feng Wenzhong wanted to cast another Snow Cage Curse, but the Snow Cage Curse was a high-level spell, and it took a while to finish it.

He hurriedly directed other Faculties to cast spells, although it was not as good as the Snow Cage Curse, but as long as the number was large, it could stop Huo Ci.

Huo Ci was indeed blocked, but because Faxiu came to block it, there were loopholes in other defense areas, and many fire puppets climbed up, and the nearest was only a few feet away from the city.

(End of this chapter)

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