Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 10007: Find the difference

Chapter 10007 Finding Differences

Yuan Qifan felt that the peak of his life was just like this, and his eyes were a little red under the excitement.

At this time, someone said strangely:

"I heard that the supernatural state can only last for a very limited time. Once the cultivation base is over, it will increase a bit, but it is limited to this.

But you are not at a loss, after all, you have mixed up with a lieutenant and you can get a reward. "

These words were hitting Yuan Qifan's painful spot. What he was most worried about was that the supernatural state could not be maintained for too long.

Others know this, but no one is so uninterested at this time.

Now, some people have said, and they still said it in this kind of yin and yang tone.

But when Yuan Qifan saw the speaker, his anger was overwhelmed.

The speaker was also a lieutenant, whose surname was Wu and Ming Yuan.

Wu Yuan is Feng Wenzhong's nephew. Apart from this relationship, the Wu family is a big family, which is definitely not something Yuan Qifan can afford.

Feng Wenzhong glared at Wu Yuan: "Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will never be merciless!"

His threat was just tickling, it was only for Yuan Qifan.

Yuan Qifan also knew this. Most of the previous swelling disappeared in an instant, what about the supernatural state? You will soon be beaten back to the original shape, let's be a man with his tail sandwiched!

He hurriedly smiled and said, "City Lord, Vice Admiral Wu is also kind, I should thank him for his reminder."

Wu Yuan curled his lips and said, "For your knowledge! Tell me, how did you reach the supernatural state?"

Although he is a lieutenant, he is just a job. When there is something good, he sharpens his head and squeezes forward. When there is danger, he runs faster than anyone else.

In the beginning, he didn't go up the city wall at all, watching the sky blind underneath.

It wasn't until I heard that Yuan Qifan used the cleansing curse to show great power, that came up.

He felt that even if someone reached a supernatural state, that person should be himself. How could it be this ordinary Yuan Qifan?

Therefore, he just saw Yuan Qifan not pleasing to his eyes and deliberately found faults.

Yuan Qifan knew that he could not afford to provoke him, and said honestly:

"I don't know how to achieve it. It may be because the fire puppet is attacking the city and the situation is severe.

Wu Yuan curled his mouth and said, "Then you really have lost your dog, shit, and luck. Since you are so good, it's better to compete with the three puppets. If you defeat them, the crisis in Hanqian City will naturally be resolved. Up."

Yuan Qifan was half-dead with anger, is this what you are talking about? !

Let’s not say whether he can beat the three puppets now. If he wants to compete, he will get out of the city. Wouldn’t he just fall into the limelight? !

Feng Wenzhong increased his tone: "Wu Yuan, if you make troubles unreasonably, I will be welcome!"

Seeing Feng Wen Zhongzhen's anger, Wu Yuan glared at Yuan Qifan, not daring to provoke any more.

Feng Wenzhong didn't like this nephew very much. However, he was able to sit on the seat of the city lord because of the support of the Wu family, so he could only open his eyes and close his eyes.

At this time, another wave of fire puppet attacks arrived.

Yuan Qifan had the intention to deter Wu Yuan, so he cast a cleansing spell without Feng Wenzhong's order.

The fire puppets on the wall crackled and fell down.

Wu Yuan watched from the side, his face full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and an unknown fire vented in five places.

It was a coincidence that when he saw Yuan Qifan cast a spell, Yun Chujiu also dropped a cold stone, and he cursed and said:

"You idiot! The cold stone is not valuable, isn't it?! Ming Ming Yuan Qifan has already cast a spell, and you smashed the cold stone down, did you deliberately?"

(End of this chapter)

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