Chapter 10006 is really amazing

When Huo Ci was suspicious, some of his men came to report the casualties.

When Huo Ci heard this, doubts flashed in his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yi asked, "Big Brother, is there anything wrong?"

"It stands to reason that Yuan Qifan's move just now was so powerful, it should have caused a lot of casualties, but very few reported." Huo Ci said.

"What's suspicious about this, even though that Yuan Qifan looks terrific, he still fears us.

So deliberately, there is no ultimate move, lest we and him die. "Huo Yi said.

When Huo Ci heard it, there was some truth in it, and temporarily put this question aside.

But what should I do next? Attack or retreat?

At this time, Huo Xiang said: "Brother, since there are no casualties, then continue to attack!

I don't believe that any supernatural state can continue forever, maybe that person with the surname Yuan will be restored to his original form soon. "

Huo Yi quickly agreed: "Yes, yes! What the second brother said makes sense, anyway, it's still early in the morning, so it's better to keep attacking!"

Huo Ci was persuaded by the two and ordered Fire Puppet to attack again.

Feng Wenzhong winked at one of his staff members, who immediately coughed: "Vice General Yuan, the city lord is here."

Yuan Qifan hurriedly opened his eyes, saw Feng Wenzhong standing in front of him, and hurriedly got up to salute.

Feng Wenzhong supported each other with his hands: "Qi Fan, don't talk about these red tapes at this time!

Actually, I came here long ago, but I didn't bother you when I saw you were adjusting your breath. "

In these short sentences, Yuan Qifan felt that Feng Wenzhong paid him unprecedented attention and courtesy. Apart from anything else, calling him "Wen Fan" made him a little closer.

Yuan Qifan was flattered: "City Lord, you..."

He didn't know what to say for a while, and Feng Wenzhong waved his hand: "We don't need to come to these courtesies. I heard that you just used the cleaning spell?"

Yuan Qifan's voice unconsciously brought a bit of excitement: "Yes, I also used it unintentionally. I didn't expect the effect to be so good. If I had known it earlier, I would not need another spell."

Feng Wenzhong nodded again and again: "Okay, very good, now the fire puppet has launched another attack. When the time is almost up, you can perform it again."

Feng Wenzhong said this because he was worried that Yuan Qifan had used it too many times and his physical strength and puppet power could not keep up.

Yuan Qifan nodded hurriedly and said yes. In fact, he wished to show it now, but he dared not defy Feng Wenzhong's order.

The fire puppets climbed very fast, and the practitioners kept fighting back as soon as possible, but the effect was not very good.

On the one hand, there is indeed a gap in the strength of the two sides, on the other hand, the practitioners are counting on Yuan Qifan, so naturally they have reservations.

Yuan Qifan saw that the fire was almost over, and began to cast a spell.

Feng Wenzhong watched his every move closely. It was indeed a cleansing curse. Is it really so powerful?

Yuan Qifan's cleansing curse hit a leopard-shaped fire puppet, and it fell down while screaming.

Then, the shocking scene was staged again, as if a huge broomstick was swayed on the city wall, and the fire puppets fell everywhere.

I heard that the effect is different from what I saw with my own eyes. Feng Wenzhong's face was full of horror.

Although he had seen such a powerful spell, it was definitely not something a person with a cultivation level like Yuan Qifan could use.

It seems that the supernatural state is really amazing!

Feng Wenzhong patted Yuan Qifan on the shoulder: "Qifan, good job! After the annealing puppet, I will definitely reward you heavily."

(End of this chapter)

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