Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2260: Might of the Ice Axe

In the afterglow of the setting sun, you can see the traces of the melting of the armor on G+D's chest, and the capsule-shaped color timer on the chest flashed red, indicating that G+D's energy and physical strength have fallen below the dangerous value.

‘Boom! ’

Jade knelt on the ground weakly with his knees, the armor at his knees pressed the soft soil into a depression, and his palms supported the ground to keep himself from falling, but the sharp pain in his chest made him feel for a while. It turned black and didn't have a trace of strength. His body knelt on the ground swayed like he would fall down at any time.

‘Boom! Bang! A dull sound of footsteps sounded in front of Gyder, and at the same time the earth was trembling slightly, so that all the pebbles on the ground bounced. Jedd worked hard to lift his heavy head and saw the Pedanim Killer with his back facing the setting sun walking towards him step by step.

The golden armor gleamed in the setting sun, and there was no trace of battle at all. It was in sharp contrast with the embarrassed and mud-stained Giesecke. Gedder wanted to stand up, but his legs and arms were soft, and he couldn't get any strength to make him stand up.

Fushii looked at Jie De, who was kneeling in front of him, and couldn't help but said contemptuously: "It's really a useless waste."

"Huh?!" Gyder was startled when he heard this voice, and looked at this huge robot incredibly. The voice was definitely not made by a machine without emotion, but like a living thing, and the voice was It appeared directly in his brain, that is to say, it was said with consciousness. This discovery made Gyder a bold idea that someone in this robot was manipulating it, and that's why he uttered the words full of contempt.

‘Om! Hum! ’

At this moment, a loud engine roar sounded from far and near, and six fighter jets with AIB characters and logos on their shells swooped down from the clouds. This fighter jet was different from the previous ones. There are no missiles suspended on the wing of the wing. Instead, there are two unknown devices that are three to four meters long, more than one meter wide and one meter high. The front is a hole like a satellite pot.

The six fighter jets swooped down in a neat formation. The nose of the aircraft pointed at G+D, who was walking towards kneeling on the ground. The pilots of the six fighter jets pressed the attack button at the same time, and the devices on both sides of the wings started to operate. A large amount of energy was gathered in the satellite pot at the front, which made the satellite pot-like device shine and the brightness continued to increase.

In less than two seconds, the two-wing devices of these fighters fired two dazzling laser beams, which instantly hit the body of the Pedanim killer, bursting out bright sparks, making the Pedanim killer I couldn't help but stop the pace of advancement, raised his head and looked up at the sky, and saw the six fighter jets diving down.

"Human..." Fushii Izushi said without emotion, the Pedanim killer immediately raised his head, the beam light on his forehead lit up, and then emitted an emerald-colored Emelim light across the void. It collided with the laser beams fired by the six fighters.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Bright flame **** exploded in midair, and the laser beam emitted by exhausting the energy stored by the fighter was easily intercepted, and Aimelim’s rays also cut through the sea of ​​fire, and continued to move towards these six A fighter jet attacked.

At this moment, a bright blue light flew from the ground and collided with the Emelim light rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, exploding a brighter flame ball, and almost half of the space was reflected into fire. Red, this flame is even more dazzling than the setting sun that is falling in the distance, making the earth, which has gradually become darker, suddenly brighter by three points.

"Huh?!" Idushi Fushi turned his head in some doubt, and the killer Pedanim also turned his head. He immediately caught a silver giant standing on the ground a kilometer away, and his hands were still combined. Cross-shaped, it was obvious that the bright blue light that intercepted Amelim's light was what he emitted.

Jie De also turned his head and stared at the silver giant. He looked very familiar. Before he could understand, a familiar voice came from the silver giant: "Jie De, see clearly. Fighting does not rely solely on light. Every part of your body is the best offensive weapon. If you rely too much on a certain ability, the enemy will find flaws."

"Senior Starry Night?" Jade looked at the silver giant dumbfounded, and finally found out where the familiarity is. The blue giant I saw last time is really similar to this silver giant in some places. Where.

"Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light, let me see your true power." Fushii Deshi's mouth curled up with a grinning smile, and then the killer Pedanim turned around and abandoned the kneeling one. Jedd strode to Nexus who was standing there.

"Then try it." Nexus said that he raised his right arm, and swiped across the energy core in front of his chest. There was a bright wave of water immediately all over his body, and then a crimson red. The light pierced the luster of this bright water wave and covered Nexus's body, causing Nexus to immediately transform into a red youth form.

‘Huh! ‘Nexus flexed his right fist, and at the same time opened his legs and rushed towards the Perdanim killer.

On the earth at dusk, two huge figures ran toward each other quickly, the distance between the two sides was shortening rapidly, and the six fighters were still pulling up so as not to crash into the sea of ​​fire. Nexus and the killer Pedanim had already rushed in front of each other.

The right arm of the Pedanim killer swung forward forcefully under the blessing of the mechanical device. The huge force carried caused the air in front of the fist to be compressed into visible ripples, and the surrounding air was also driven to rush in. , The atmosphere has lost its balance in this area.

As if he hadn't seen it, Nexus continued to follow the original attack rhythm, swinging the right fist that was bent at the waist, and slamming the right fist toward the Pedanim killer. Just at the moment when the fists were about to collide, Nexus bends his right leg abruptly, causing his right shoulder to slant down suddenly, and his right arm also fell down, and the Pedanim killer The right is wrong.

While the right arm was falling, Nexus' right arm also slightly turned a sixty-degree angle to the left, and the Nexus arm attached to the right arm was aimed at the inside of the Pedanim killer's arm. .

It’s too late to say, then, in the blink of an eye, Nexus’s right arm crossed with the Pedanim killer’s right arm, and Nexus’ armour rubbed against the armor on the Pedanim killer’s arm. , Splashing violent sparks.

In this bright spark, the Pedanim killer's right punch hit the position three meters above the right shoulder of Nexus. If Nexus just hadn’t slanted right shoulder, he would definitely be hit. , It's just that now the Pedanim Killer's full blow was completely empty.

But Nexus' attack did not fail. His right fist carrying a mighty force hit the Pedanim Assassin's right chest with a merciless hammer, only to hear ‘Boom! There was a loud sound of gold and iron strikes, and the Pedanim killer retreated. The heavy metal body immediately flew out and flew in the air for several seconds before falling heavily to the ground more than 500 meters away. Up, and bounced like a ball, turned head down for a circle, and then fell heavily on the ground. At this time, Nexus still kept his right knee slightly bent, his body tilted to the right, and his right arm. The posture of stretching forward and punching.

Nexus stood up slowly, lowered his straight right arm, and slowly sent his clenched five fingers away. The Pedanim Killer who fell on the ground in front had a deep depression in his left shoulder. Fist marks, a long gap can be clearly seen on the metal armor on the inside of the right arm, extending from the wrist of the Pedanim killer to the shoulder. The gap of two or three meters deep burst out with sparks, which looked like fireworks.

Nexus turned his head and opened his right hand, the ice axe stuck in the ground, ‘huh! ''S flew up and rushed straight towards Nexus. He was held in his palm by Nexus. Then Jed, who was kneeling on the ground, heard the voice of Nexus: "Look Gyde, it’s not that only light can defeat the enemy. Both Severn and Siro have used ice axes to defeat countless powerful enemies..."

Nexus said that he had jumped up, and the ice axe in his hand was thrown forward vigorously, rotating and cutting through the air at a very fast speed, slashing towards the Pedanim Killer lying on the ground.

Only when the ice axe flew halfway, the Killer Pedanim performed the same trick again, and his body was divided into four parts and flew in four directions, leaving the range of the ice axe to attack.

"Separating into four separate parts is indeed a good way to dodge the kill attack, but..." Nexus arms crossed in front of him, and the Nexus arms on the side of the wrist immediately became dazzling. The blazing red light, as the arms of Naxus were separated from the left and right, the gathered energy extended into a crescent-shaped crescent-shaped blade of light that pierced the void, accurately hitting the Pedanim Killer Flying On the part to the east.

'boom! There was a blast of', this part was blown up and fell back to the ground just as it flew, and then three more light blades were emitted from the arms of Nexus, hitting the other three in succession. This component, the Pedanim Killer, who had just flew into four parts, re-smashed the dust.

Nexus' feet landed on the ground, and then his right arm stretched out to the right, accurately catching the ice axe that was spinning down from the air. Four sounds of ‘Boom! Boom! Boom! The dull sound of hitting the ground came into Nelson's ears, and then four pillars of dust lifted up from the point of impact and went straight into the sky.

Jade stood up from the ground swayingly, seeing clearly. Nexus leaped up and threw the ice axe in his hand. Then the killer Pedanim separated, but was caught by Naik. Seth quickly spun and launched four light blades, accurately hitting the four parts of the Pedanim killer who had just taken off, and shot it down from the air, and Nexus also turned over and fell to the ground. Catching the ice axe that hadn't landed, the whole process added up to less than a second.

"This..." Gyder stood there dumbfounded, unable to believe that he could make so many movements in such a short period of time. The speed and sensitivity were too high.

"If it is separated into so many, the overall weight and strength are also divided into four parts. With a little force, these light and non-lighter parts can be blown off," Nexus slightly turned his head and said to Gyder. : "The key lies in the word'quasi'. No matter how strong an attack cannot hit the enemy, it is equal to zero."

The Pedanim killer, divided into four parts, flew up from the ground again. Nexus suddenly turned the ice axe in his hand, and then violently threw the ice axe in his hand with the force of his wrist. The speed of sound slashed across the sky, and a series of sonic booms instantly slashed on this part on the right side of Nexus, bursting out fierce sparks.

The ultra-fast speed and powerful slashing force caused the ice axe to change its original angle under the reaction force, shifting it by forty-five degrees, and hitting Pedanim in front of Nexus without any reduction. The assassin's body ~www.NovelMTL.com~ then shifted by another ninety degrees, and the speed was slightly slowed down, hitting the body of the Pedanim Assassin on the left side of Nexus, and then toward Nexus. Flew in and was held in his hand by Nexus again.

The three parts were once again shot down to the ground by the ice axe. Nexus turned around and stared at the biggest and main part of the Pedanim assassin. He raised the ice axe in his right arm, and the sharp edge was right. The approval of the Pedanim killer caused the main part of the Pedanim killer to retreat.

Fushii was staring at Nexus, who was holding an ice axe tightly in front of him, with an extremely ugly expression. From the beginning to now, the opponent's attack methods were two kinds. , But every attack can hit his Pedanim killer.

The main chest of the Pedanim Assassin lit up, and then a brown light was emitted towards Nexus. However, Nexus was completely unmoved. With a right arm, the ice axe in his hand swung forward. The sharp edge of the ice axe accurately hit the center of the brown light, bursting out an extremely bright spark. , The brown separating light was split in half at once.

The separating light that was divided into two halves glided across the left and right shoulders of Nexus, hit the ground behind Nexus, exploded, and turned into two pillars of flames soaring from the ground.

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