Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2261: The simplest thing

While Nexus turned around and used the ice axe to split the separating light, the remaining three separated parts of the Pedanim Killer immediately rose from the ground, and at the same time they lit up with bright light, and then all brushed. The three beams of brown light were emitted towards Nexus, attacking Nexus from different directions.

The energy response from behind and from the left and right caused Nexus to kick the ground without hesitation. His body immediately jumped into the air, like a rocket, jumping into the sky of three to four hundred meters, and then a three hundred in the air. Turning over at 60 degrees, he landed firmly on the ground more than 300 meters behind.

In front of him is a mixed mushroom cloud of dust and flames billowing towards the sky. Obviously, it was caused by the explosion of the three brown separated rays hitting the ground just now. The diffuse dust and turbulent flames covered Nexor. Between the killer and Pedanim, the eyes of both sides were blocked.

The four parts of the split body of the Pedanim Killer quickly regrouped together, and once again became the mighty giant robot, but the continuous sparks from the deep gap inside the arm affected his Mighty image.

Here, the Pedanim Killer has just successfully reorganized, and a silver streamer burst out of the sea of ​​fire, tearing away all the flames along the way, and then hit the Pedanim Killer’s chest heavily, sending out a'bang.' ! ’A thunderous sound of golden and iron strikes.

The powerful impact force knocked the Pedanim killer back a few steps, bright sparks burst out from his chest, and the golden armor with amazing defensive power was five meters long, one meter wide, and three meters deep. Gap.

The ice axe flew back along the original road under the reaction force, and only flew back no more than a hundred meters away. It was caught by the red palm of Nexus. Nai strode over from the other end of the flame. Xusus was like a red whirlwind.

Before the Pedanim Assassin could stand still, Nexus rushed in front of him, raising his right arm, and when he approached the Pedanim Assassin for nearly sixty meters, he waved down suddenly, with his palm tight. The ice axe he was holding slashed fiercely from the bottom up to the joints of Killer Pedanim's left arm and shoulder.

The huge slashing power caused the ice axe to cut deeply into the left arm of the Pedanim killer. The sturdy golden armor was instantly slashed, and the force increased in Nexus. Next, he continued to penetrate deep into the Pedanim killer's arm. All the energy pipelines, support ties and parts along the way were cut in half in front of the sharp ice axe.

It was too late to say that it was fast, but in a flash, the Pedanim assassin saw Nexus rushing towards him, and he had just stabilized his body, and Nexus, who was glowing red, was already at fault with him Passing by.

Fushii Deshi only heard "Squeak!" There was a sound of metal fracture, and then it appeared on the operation screen in front of you that the left arm of the killer Pedanim had turned red, indicating that the left arm had lost contact with the control hub.

This caused him to turn his head and look to his left arm, and the killer Pedanim also turned his head to the left. The first thing that came to his eyes were clusters of sparks rising out, like thousands of firework sticks. At the same time ignite the same, especially at this twilight hour.

However, the left arm of the Pedanim killer had disappeared. This discovery made Fushii Idushi's eyes widened. He twisted his neck and looked behind him, only to see Nexus holding an ice axe. Standing about two hundred meters behind him, a familiar metal object fell from the air and hit more than 30 meters behind Nexus. It bounced on the ground several times before it came to a standstill. The familiar shape and golden surface armor clearly revealed that this metal object was the left arm that his Pedanim killer was missing.

"You're kidding?!" Jade is already very suspicious that it was his ice axe. How could it be so sharp and destructive? The ice axe he threw before was directly given by the Pedanim killer. If I caught it, I still used it to attack him.

As a result, it turned out to be a sharp weapon in the hand of Nexus. He cleanly removed one of the Pedanim killer's arms and accomplished what he wanted to do but failed to do. It’s better to break his fingers. One arm's idea.

Nexus turned around, raised his foot and stepped on the left arm of the Pedanim Assassin that fell on the ground, and then raised his right arm to the Pedanim Assassin again, and held the ice axe blade in his hand. Aiming at the Pedanim killer, it seems to be telling the Pedanim killer'I will still attack you with an ice axe'.

The Pedanim killer with only one right arm can't emit all kinds of rays of the Otter brothers. All he can use is the Emerim Ray of Seven, so Pedanim kills nothing. He hesitantly folded his right arm, the beam light on his forehead immediately lit up, and then emitted a small emerald light rushing towards Nexus.

"Is only these light data that are already outdated?" Nexus whispered in a low voice, and then threw the ice axe held tightly in his right hand forward without hesitation, and the ice axe that was spinning forward turned around. But only four or five laps, Nexus has already jumped into the air, but this time only more than 30 meters in the air, Nexus turned his body, and rushed towards the Pedanim killer with his feet. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the spinning ice axe. The right foot accurately stepped on the back of the ice axe, causing the spinning ice axe to stop spinning, and the sharp blade rushed towards the Pedanim killer. .

Aimelim’s light hit the ice axe in an instant, but the impact of Aimelim’s light was completely unable to withstand the impact of the ice axe. Just when they collided, the ice axe had already rushed away from Aimeli. The rays of light directly hit the head of the Pedanim killer.

A louder ‘chih! With the sound, the metal head of the Killer Pedanim flew towards the rear with Nexus. The remaining neck cavity was like a volcanic eruption with bright sparks and energy.

"Damn it, wait!" Fushii Idushi did not hesitate to click a button in front of her body, and then she raised the sublimator in her hand without hesitation, her body was immediately enveloped by a dark red light, and then disappeared into the broken Among the killers of Pedanim.

The broken body of the Pedanim Killer who had lost his control was immediately divided into four parts, braving a bright spark, and rushing towards Nexus, that momentum was quite the same.

"Cut!" Nexus snorted, then raised his arms to cross his body, the energy core in front of his chest immediately lit up with dazzling golden light, and then Nexus' arms spread out from side to side, and the accumulated energy immediately spewed Then, a thick Y-shaped beam-core pulse is formed.

The core pulse radiating golden brilliance instantly impacted on the parts of the Pedanim Killer who flew over, and there was almost no hindrance. The parts weighing 10,000 tons were just energy impact in just a second or two. The broken bones of the lower body disappeared without a trace, and then the three flying parts flew into the core pulse like moths into the fire, and then turned into fly ash under the energy impact and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time that the last point of metal disappears, the golden core pulse also dissipates, finally disappearing and invisible. The setting sun in the distance has completely fallen into the sky, the last afterglow has disappeared, and the darkness on the earth has become thicker.

The six AIB fighters in the distance have turned their heads and are flying towards here. From a distance, you can see the light from the two giants' eyes and the colored timer on their chest, but you can't see the huge The robot, which made these pilots startled.

I saw that the red giant that appeared later stepped towards the red giant that appeared earlier, and then threw the thing in his hand over.

Jiede caught his ice axe and placed it on top of his head again. He hasn't recovered yet. The robot he tried his best to defeat was just like this. It took less than forty seconds to solve it?

Standing in front of Jeddah, Nexus said in a calm tone: "Did you see it? When fighting, it is never how powerful your light is or how strong you are, but you hit the opponent. How much light and power do you have. The power of your form is indeed strong enough, but if you can't hit the enemy, your power is equal to zero."

"Yeah!" Gedde nodded heavily. He could see clearly from the side just now. The power Nexus exerts is not much stronger than him, but the damage and effect caused are much stronger than his attack. Too much. There is only one difference, that is, every time Nexus' attack hits the Pedanim killer, and whether it is light or ice axe, he hits a void, making the attack effect almost zero.

A helicopter hovered back and forth at an altitude of tens of meters. The bright searchlight poles swept back and forth on the ground. A huge vertical searchlight stood on the ground, and a huge metal head and The surrounding area of ​​a huge metal arm was illuminated in daylight.

Three or four thousand soldiers and police officers blocked all five kilometers in the vicinity and pulled up the cordon and anti-collision piles. Non-AIB and corresponding personnel are not allowed to approach this neighborhood, but they cannot stop the enthusiasm of curious citizens and reporters. .

A large number of people in chemical protective clothing walked into the battlefield area. Hundreds of people walked around the metal head and metal arms, and the metal wires wrapped in insulating plastic were connected to the Pedanim Killer’s metal head. The outside is on a line of unknown material that is completely different from that used by humans.

More people are searching for the fragments of the huge robot destroyed by Ultraman in this messy battlefield. This robot obviously possesses technology far beyond the current human technology, even the fragments are of great research value. Humans have not yet analyzed the metal structure of the few fragments of the dark cyclops that were found in the city last time, but their hardness is far beyond any natural metal or alloy known to man.

Not to mention a complete alien robot head and an arm that are countless times larger than those metal fragments. This is simply a gift package of aliens from the sky. Even if a little bit of research is developed, it is enough to improve human technology.

Such a precious thing, even gold, which is hundreds of thousands of times heavier than this metal head, does not have any chip in it. Because of this, more soldiers are gathering here to drain the water around this battlefield. Even a mosquito is not allowed to enter, and no iron piece is allowed to escape, for fear that it contains superb alien technology. .

The news of the complete alien robot's head and arms swept the world like a storm, and countries were moving when they heard the wind. At this moment, the high-level connections between the countries became dense, and each other was all hearing the news of this alien robot.

In order to collect casual and busy people, two meteors cut through the sky and fell on a mountain in an instant, condensing the starry night and Asakura Lu. Just after landing on the ground, Asakura Lu knelt on the ground weakly, clutching his chest and panting. Although it was not as painful as before, the previous battle had exhausted his energy and made him stand up. The strength is gone.

"It seems that you still need more exercise." Xingye stretched out his hand towards Chao Cang Lu.

"Thank you!" Asakura Lu raised his hand and grabbed Xingye's arm. With the help of Xingye's power, he stood up, leaned against a rock beside him, and said with a slight respect: "No matter how much I exercise, I can't keep up with yours. My weapon is of no use in my hands~www.NovelMTL.com~ but you are in the predecessor..."

"Everyone starts from scratch. No one can make it to the sky in one step. Your performance today is better than last time, and your performance last time is better than when you turned into Ultraman at the beginning. You just need to be better than once. , There is no need to compare with others." Starry night said calmly: "Siro’s current training is the most effective for you. He has received complete Space Guard training and more rigorous Leo’s elite training. He will adjust the training schedule according to your situation, just follow him to continue training."

"Thank you very much," Asakura Lu stood up straight, and then bowed to Xingye: "How can I return you?"

"There is no need to be so polite," Xingye smiled slightly, raised his head, and said, looking at the stars in the sky: "Our purpose is very simple, we just want to add an ultra warrior who guards justice to the universe, not to destroy the universe madly. The second Beria of peace."

Asakura Lu opened his mouth and said for a long time, "Is it just that?"

Starry night said seriously: "Just so, letting you become the righteous Ultraman is equivalent to destroying the second Beria. What we want to do is such a simple thing."

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