Ultraman’s War

Chapter 2259: The real Perdanim killer

‘Chuff! 'An extremely unpleasant metal friction sounded, the sharp edge of the ice axe collided with the red and silver armor of Jeddah’s chest, splashing fierce sparks, and the slashing power of the ice axe combined with Jedd’s and Pedanim’s killers collided. The recoil force caused Gydder to stagger back.

After only three or five steps back, the Pedanim killer on the opposite side suddenly raised his right arm, and then shook it forward. The ice axe in his hand was also thrown out by him, smashing it hard. It was on Gide's chest.

In the fierce sparks, Jie De, who was already unsteady, stepped back again, and stepped back several steps before half-kneeling on the ground, holding his chest in pain. The silver ice axe bounced from Jedd’s chest, whirled in the air to the highest point, and then fell weakly towards the ground. It was inserted on the ground thirty or forty meters in front of Jedd. The sharp blade immediately sank into the mud. , Only the end is still exposed.

The light that appeared on the dim ground made Jade raised his head slightly. He immediately saw that it was his own ice axe. From the outside, he caught a glimpse of the Pedanim killer standing in front of him who had raised his arms wrapped in golden armor. , The forearm was glowing with bright energy rays, and then both arms quickly combined into a cross shape, emitting a golden space of light rays, whizzing directly at Jeddah.

When Jed saw the Pedanim killer, he had no time to dodge, but he was half kneeling on the ground, and his figure stabilized. There was no backing for him to dodge, so Jed immediately lifted up. With both arms and palms facing the Pedanim Killer, the circular Gyder barrier was unfolded.

It was too late and then fast, and in the blink of an eye, Spaceom's light bombarded the Gyder barrier. The collision between the two sides splashed extremely fierce sparks. The powerful energy impact made the upper body of Jie De, who was half-kneeling on the ground, tilted backward, and his body slowly began to slide toward the rear.

"Uhhh!" Gedder roared under the heavy pressure, and the ejector behind it started to work immediately, spraying a hot flame column, and the powerful thrust brought by Gyder's already leaning back. A little bit of the board is straight.

The energy in G+D's body continuously rushed to both palms, supporting the G+D barrier, preventing Spaxium’s light from attacking, but the energy consumed by such a collision is extremely large, and the propeller behind it makes G+D's energy was consumed quickly.

Gedder’s upright arms slowly bent backwards, causing his elbows to change from a straight state to a state perpendicular to the ground. Then the jet on the elbow suddenly ejected a hot flame, and at the same time the jet on the back Also closed. This caused Jedd to fly towards the sky at once, and Spaxium's rays then broke through the weakly-backed Jeds barrier, rubbed the body of Jedd flying towards the sky, and bombarded the ground.

G+D just flew high in the sky, immediately changed its flight trajectory, turned over in the air, a G+D flying kick fell from a height of two to three hundred meters, plus the back ejector made G+D straight ahead at a speed beyond sound. Kicked towards the Pedanim killer.

The ultra-fast speed made the Pedanim killer who was launching Spiexum’s rays too late to react. He was kicked by Jie De Fei. The power of the Fei Kick and the thrust of the jet on the back of Ge De Fei made Jie De De's attack carried extremely strong power, and even kicked the Pedanim killer three or four hundred meters away.

Gedder himself was also uncomfortable. The strong kicking power and super fast speed in the past prevented him from landing safely. After touching the ground, he directly became a ground gourd, rolling on the ground several times before stopping.

Before he could feel the pain in his body and footsteps, Jedd immediately got up, and saw that the killer Pedanim hit the ground hard at this time. Jedd did not hesitate to spread his arms while raising his forearm. Up, making his fists point to the sky. The energy in the body rushed to the silver-white soft armor on the chest, causing the originally silver-white soft armor to glow with a blue luster, and finally converged into a huge blue flame light, which whizzed through the void and just hit it. The Perdanim killer who fell on the ground left.

This blue ray is extremely dazzling, passing through the slightly dim ground, and it is particularly conspicuous. Even if it is far apart, you can clearly see the scene of blue light passing by.

The timing chosen by Gide was very good. The Killer Pedanim just fell to the ground, and at the moment he was bouncing under the reaction force of the smashing ground, he couldn't make any movements at all. His light could definitely hit the robot and then wiped it out. his.

Starry night watching from a distance, watching Gyder’s actions, couldn’t help but shook his head, frowning and saying, “This guy relies too much on light skills~www.NovelMTL.com~ Until now, I still want to use light to destroy this robot, not Use ice axe or fighting skills. The probability of direct light hitting this robot is too low, it is just a waste of energy whispering."

Sure enough, the blue flame light of G+D had just been launched, and the Pedanim Killer, who bounced two meters from the ground due to the impact in front, instantly separated into four pieces and flew in four directions, making G+D's momentum. In the blow that must be won, another empty hit.

When the blue flame light bombarded the ground, the Pedanim killer separated into four parts quickly flew towards the same place. It took less than half a second from separation to reorganization, Pedani The Murderer appeared at a distance of forty-five degrees and six hundred meters away from the left side of Jeddah.

The place where Jade’s blue flame light bombarded soared into the sky with a huge flame mushroom cloud. In the dazzling firelight, the Pedanim Killer raised his arms, his right hand stretched forward, and his left hand horizontally in front of him. Immediately, a pink ball-shaped M87 light beam with lightning was emitted.

Between the sparks and the fire, the M87 light instantly hits the body of Jedder who is still emitting blue flame light, and directly knocks him out. The M87 light with terrifying high temperature is even the defensive power of Jade’s body. The crimson armor can not completely resist.

A burst of lightning-like energy impacted the scarlet armor on Gedder's body, bursting into violent sparks, and the high temperature contained in the M87 light made the armor on the hit part of Geder's body showing signs of melting.

The light of M87 lasted for three seconds and it was stopped by the Pedanim killer himself, giving Jie De, who could not help backing up, a respite. A large part of the exquisite and bright silver-white armor on his chest turned into There was a scorched black, with plumes of black smoke.

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