Qian Shulian, who had come to her senses from her memories, walked into the store and asked the owner.

"Well, you mean Ruisheng, what happened to her?"

Qian Shulian simply shook her head.

"Nothing, I just heard about her. Do you know where she is?"

The owner looked very apologetic.

"I'm sorry. It's such a coincidence that I don't know where the child is. In fact, she disappeared not long ago..."

It is said that Ruisheng has not shown up in the store since a few days ago. The phone call is not connected, and there is no one at her home. The owner knows nothing about her identity except what is mentioned above.

"If you find her, please persuade her to come back to the store. Ruisheng is a good child."

The owner bowed his head deeply, and after leaving the store, Qian Shulian, who didn't want to run away anymore, sighed. Next... he had to go to the home of this woman named Ruisheng to see who this woman was. "

Qian Shulian, who was alone, closed his eyes while thinking. His eyes, which were used to the dim nightclub, could not adapt to the bright sunshine pouring down outside.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the singing of the girl Ruisheng echoed in his ears, an extremely sad singing.

Just then, a beautiful humming sound came from somewhere, and Qian Shulian immediately noticed that the singing that he heard now, which seemed to cleanse the soul, was indeed her voice.

Qian Shulian opened his eyes. The green-eyed girl was sitting there, humming a song as if swaying in the wind. The still childish face turned here and stared at Qian Shulian with green eyes.

Qian Shulian, fearing that she would disappear like a shooting star, slowly approached her.

"Did you steal the Deltas cells?"

Ruisheng did not answer, but stopped singing.

"What is your purpose? "

The girl stood up, looked into Qian Shulian's eyes and announced:

"This Sunday night, the monster will appear on the street again. You must defeat it, Mr. Agent."

The girl said softly and ran away quickly. Her figure disappeared in the narrow alley. Qian Shulian seized the opportunity and hurriedly chased after her. However, her figure could no longer be seen.

Qian Shulian wandered on the street in search of the girl. In his mind, her figure seemed to be swaying.

Carrying a sense of loss, Qian Shulian came to his room. Hope seemed to disappear with the setting sun. After that, only the feeling of futility remained. But he had to investigate the identity of this Ruisheng!

It didn't take long for Qian Shulian to figure out the identity of the girl named Ruisheng. Nonomiya Ruisheng was Ruisheng's past stage name.

A few years ago, Nonomiya Ruisheng suddenly appeared in the music industry and was quite active. The singing voice that seemed to be able to cleanse the soul, like a whisper, and the The charming beauty like the spring sunshine and the mysterious green eyes like a fairy, no matter which point, are enough to capture people's hearts.

Her singing and beauty, through the display screen, intoxicated people all over the world. Niosaka Nanami quickly climbed to the top of the ladder, as it should be.

However, those who want to create glory must be accompanied by scandals.

Although it is difficult to tell what is true and what is false, the media focused on her green eyes and revealed the secret. As a result, the mystery of her birth, which was shrouded in mystery, was exposed.

Nonomiya Mizuki is a hybrid born of an alien and a human. Her green eyes are inherited from her mother who is an alien. Her parents have long left this world. However, the media is ruthless. They have been supporting Nanami before, but now they have turned their backs on her. They attacked her like a human.

Alien lackeys, invaders' spies, monsters... She was buried in such abuse. The producers and friends who had supported her before were afraid of her, and most of them were afraid of being seen as her kind, so they stayed away from Nonomiya Ruisheng.

Soon, Nonomiya Ruisheng disappeared from the music industry. It was like a shooting star, with only a momentary brilliance.

There is no information about how she lived after that. However, Ruisheng, who was singing in that lonely nightclub, was probably at the end of her rope.

Qian Shulian lowered her head and recalled her life. Green eyes soaked in loneliness appeared in her heart.

But why did the girl beg to defeat the monster? Wasn't her purpose to use Did the cells destroy the town and take revenge on the world?

Qian Shulian stood up. No, he had to investigate again because he had a hunch. Isn't this very strange? How did Ruisheng know where the Deltas cells were placed? Why did he meet me by chance when I walked out of the nightclub? How did he know that I was an agent?

The answer seemed simple. Qian Shulian walked outside and looked around. In the silent ruins, there was a lonely figure standing. It was a girl with green eyes.

When Qian Shulian was about to chase him, Ruisheng turned around and ran. However, Qian Shulian was not the kind of man who would fail twice in a day. He grabbed the wrist of the fleeing girl. The slenderness and ethereal feeling surprised Qian Shulian after trying to hold it.

"Are you following me?"

Qian Shulian said while slightly adjusting his breathing. How could it be so coincidental? This girl shouldn't have appeared beside me. I didn't even notice that I was being followed. I was also a failure.

"That's right. Because I have decided to ask you to defeat the monster."

She stared at Qianshu Rei resolutely, but Qianshu Rei caught the uneasy look in those green eyes.

"Please let me defeat you..."

What was she going to do with the stolen Deltas cells? Monsters that appear just to be defeated...

"Could it be that!"

Qianshu Rei put the personal terminal on his wrist into scanning mode to scan Ruisheng's body. He held his breath when he saw the results.

The Deltas cells were embedded in her heart area and gradually spread like a plant taking root. According to the current trend, there is no doubt that they will be spread all over the body on Sunday. By then, she will... In Qianju Rei's mind, a huge rat-shaped monster approaching with strange screams appeared.

"Why did it happen like this! Who did it?"

Driven by the urge to scratch her head, Qian Shurei shouted, but the girl said calmly and firmly:

"I did it myself."

The shocked Chisuki Rei's eyes widened, and the girl continued to explain:

"I once dreamed of becoming a star and letting my songs spread to every corner of the world. However, this dream could not be realized. When I was just one step away, I was pulled off the stage and added the most Disgusting stigma.”

Even the dream he had always cherished has disappeared. Nonomiya Mizuki has lost everything and the hope of life. Such Nonomiya Mizuki has no meaning in the world anymore. He has forgotten the canary of song and lost it. It's the best. She was ready to commit suicide, and that's when she learned of the existence of Delta cells.

"I thought there was no way out. But, I thought of a way to finally attract the attention of the world again. That is to use this cell."

After being invaded by Deltas cells, Risen will probably turn into a monster and attack the town. Then be seen by everyone, and be eliminated under everyone's gaze...

"That will be my last stage."

The girl held out her chest as hard as she could and said.

Qian Shurei stood up, with blood rushing to his head. He put his strong hands on his shoulders, which seemed to be broken if he was treated roughly, and shouted loudly: ""

"Are you crazy! Is it so important to be noticed?"

"People like you can't understand my pain!"

Her green eyes looked away from Qianshu Rei, but even so, the tears couldn't stop falling.

"Except for songs, I have nothing. My parents have died long ago, and everything else is gone... I have been deprived of these things, and there is no value in living..."

"When you sing in a nightclub, don't you look dazzling? Why are you seeking death..."

Qian Shurei's voice was trembling. This weak girl will be... in a few days...

At this time, the personal terminal on Qian Shurei's wrist made a sound.

"Inform the agents that the whereabouts of the Deltas cells are known. They have been transplanted into the body of a girl named Ruisheng. In a few days, Ruisheng is expected to grow in size and pose a threat to humans. Before that, find Ruisheng and execute her. , Ruisheng is now in contact with agent Qian Shulian, repeat, find Ruisheng and execute him."

Ruisheng was startled. She broke away from Qian Shurei and ran away.


Qianshu Rei stopped her move. There was a similar aura in that direction, and he would have noticed it immediately if there were any companions there. Although he said he didn't notice Ruisheng following him, Qianshu Rei was not a sluggish agent.

There are two people.

Qianshu Rei made an estimate and whispered to Ruisheng.

"When I give the signal, you sprint with all your strength. I'll chase you from behind."

Qianshu Rei approached the two dark shadows in the darkness.

"Hey, we found the target and asked for manpower to support the capture."

Two people wearing black clothes and sunglasses ran up to them from the opposite side. Qianshu Rei quickly kicked one of them in the abdomen, and then knocked the gun out of the other's hand.


There was the feeling of Rui Sheng running away from behind. At the same time, Qian Shurei intercepted the enemy's approaching wrist and punched him in the face. The man was knocked away and his sunglasses were shattered into pieces. Qian Shurei dodged the other person's attack, his windbreaker rolled up and flew through the air, and his flying kick hit him in the waist.

"I'm sorry."

Throwing these words to the moaning two people, Chisuki Rei chased after the girl. He quickly arrived at her side.

"I won't let you die. I must try to save your life."

Qianshu Rei said firmly while running, staring ahead.

"Why? Why do you ignore orders and be so..."

The girl's petite body was still running with all her strength even though the situation had come to this. At the same time, she stared firmly at Rei Qianju's face.

"I can't forgive you for driving you to a dead end in this world, and..."


Ruisheng's green eyes showed an expression urging Qian Shuren.

Why do you want to save her? that is because....

Qian Shurei glanced at her eyes. The song of that lonely night echoed in my heart.

Ah, that's right.

It was at this time that Qianshu Rei realized for the first time that he had fallen in love with the girl.

If you want to escape, you have to grab the necessary things. You wait for me at Fountain Square.

After Qianshu Rei said these words to the girl, he turned around and returned to his residence. After picking up his things, he headed to the square where the girl was without hesitation.

Waiting in the square with a fountain, Ruisheng was attracted by a beautiful female street musician who was playing guitar and singing.

Her voice was light and smooth, as if to gently wrap her heart. Although Ruisheng had met many singers before, it was the first time she heard such a heart-touching song until today.

After the performance, Ruisheng gave her an especially loud applause.

"Hey. What do you think of my song?"

The woman looked at Ruisheng with her round eyes and asked.

"It's perfect. I am moved."

"Thank you!"

The singer smiled cutely, showing her white teeth.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Natal. I am a spaceman."

The nonchalant look when she spoke made Ruisheng blink her eyes in surprise.

"You and I are the same, right? I understand."

Ruisheng nodded without thinking.

"My mother is an alien... I'm a mixed-race."

"I see. So the relationship between your parents is similar to that between me and him."


"I, too, fell in love with a man from this planet."

She came to Earth to investigate the invasion, but gradually fell in love with this planet. Later, she fell in love with a male Earthling. Therefore, she decided to stay on this planet and abandoned her home planet.

"You are also in love now?"

Natal smiled mischievously.

Ruisheng was at a loss after being teased like this, and his face turned red all of a sudden...

"This... Actually..."

Unconsciously, Ruisheng told her everything without hiding anything. He could only live until Sunday. And he embarked on a journey of escape with the man who planned to kill him.

"Is that so... Actually, I am also in danger."

She seemed deeply moved by Ruisheng's words and told her about her situation. She betrayed her hometown, which was an unforgivable act of rebellion. The ruler of the planet was furious and was waiting for an opportunity to execute Natal.

"But I'm still alive."

She said firmly.

"Live and sing on this planet. Go anywhere with him. This is what I decided. Before the last moment, you also try to live. OK?"

Her words were very gentle. So gentle that Ruisheng forgot that his life would end on Sunday.

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