"Ah, here he comes!"

Natal said happily. In the distance, a rather tall man was waving.

"Okay, I'm leaving. You have to work hard."

"Well, let's encourage you together."

"If there is a chance, we will meet again."

The two shook hands tightly and said goodbye.

However, Ruisheng knew very well that such an opportunity simply did not exist.

After a while, Qianshu Rei appeared.

"Let's go."


The two figures left the bright square and disappeared into the darkness.

After that, Qianshu Rei ran around trying to save Rui Sheng. In order to find a way to inhibit the activity of Deltas cells and restore normalcy, he secretly sneaked into the research institute. However, the more he investigated, the clearer it became that there was no such method. Cold hard facts.

Every minute and second that passed by seemed to be eating away at her life, which made Qian Shurei feel heart-wrenching pain. Faced with this girl who was gradually melting like snow in the palm of her hand, Qian Shurei had no choice but to do anything. and looked at it. Only, the anxiety continued to increase.

"Stop trying so hard. I'm dead. There's no way to suppress it."

Ruisheng couldn't bear to see Qian Shulian exhausted, so he begged like this, but Qian Shulian refused to give up.

"I swore to save you, and I must keep my oath."

Qian Shurei said with a smile and gently put his hand on the girl's head.

However, time is cruel, and day after day passes by.

Saturday morning came, and the pale girl sat in the passenger seat of the old car, while Rei Qianju held the steering wheel.

"I'm really sorry for letting you ride in such a shabby car, even though I got a new car a few days ago..."

"I know, was it killed by that mouse?"

She chuckled.

"Eh? How do you know this?"

"That day, I saw pity."

That night, Rui Sheng was walking in that place after finishing work. This was a day when customers still didn't listen to the girl's songs. Rui Sheng had been immersed in sadness. In a world like this, it's better to say goodbye as soon as possible, she thought.

"Just like that, the rat-shaped monster appeared. I made up my mind to die after all. That's when you showed up there."

The girl looked at Qianshu Rei lovingly, thinking about what she wanted to say.

"You were not afraid even in front of the monster. You pointed your gun straight at the monster and fought until the last moment. Seeing you acting like an idiot, I don't know why I want to laugh. If this person had killed me It wouldn't be a loss if I killed him... I thought so at that moment."

However, at that time, the girl did not realize that this was the so-called love affair.

"Hey, Lian, can I make a random request?"

"If you ask me to knock you down, there is no way."

"No, I...want to see the sea, take me to the beach."

The car, carrying two extremely small people who were enemies of the world, drove quickly through the streets.

The only sound of the returning waves was heard when they finally arrived at the beach. There were not many people around, and the chirping of seabirds from time to time highlighted the silence.

Ruisheng took off her shoes to reveal her charming bare feet. She put her feet into the waves and smiled shyly.

"This feels so good."

Although he was not in the mood to laugh, Chisuki Rei was infected by her smile and smiled.

"I miss you so much. I was born in this town by the sea."

The girl said as she walked. Qian Shurei held her slender hand and walked side by side with her.

"The mother from the universe, she made the spaceship float to this town. It was here that she met her father."

Ruisheng's mother fell to the earth due to a spacecraft accident. Her father was there to save her life. Because the spaceship cannot be repaired, the hope of returning to his hometown is cut off, but the male earthlings treat the female spacelings tenderly. Unknowingly, the two fell in love. She even conceived a child.

"My mother especially likes to put her feet into the waves like this, so she named me 'Ruisheng'. She said that when the waves soak your feet, you can feel that the planet is alive. But I don't I can’t quite understand it.”

However, her body is not suitable for living on this planet. After giving birth to Ruisheng, she passed away soon.

"Mom, I know I don't have long to live."

Two people sat down on the beach.

"Even though she knew this, she still fell in love with dad..."

Ruisheng's voice was trembling.

"Both mother and daughter are confused. Why do they still repeat the same mistake even though they know that they will not die happily..."

The girl lowered her head, tears dripping down and moistening her knees. she began to cry.

"Qianshu Rei, why didn't I meet you earlier? In that case, this kind of thing would have been..."

Qian Shurei suddenly put his arm around the girl's shoulders, but there was nothing else he could do.

"After my father also passed away, I thought I could only sing. Once I sang, everyone would look back at me. Because of this, when I left the stage, I decided that even if I was alive, it would be useless. However, I Now I understand that this is not the case, Lian, I still want to live..."

Hugging the girl's trembling body, Qian Shurei gritted his teeth.


The voice was mixed with sobs.

"In the end, I couldn't do anything to help you..."

The girl trembled and shook her head in denial.

"You are wrong. Now, I am very happy to have you here with me."

The two of them pressed their small bodies closely together and looked at the sea.

The waves came and went, and washed by the falling waves, the footprints left by the two people walking quickly disappeared. After that, nothing was left.

The setting sun reflects the dazzling afterglow on the sea. This scene is not only beautiful, but also clearly announces the end of the day. Tomorrow is Sunday.

"Hey, I also want to make a random request."

Qian Shulian said coldly.


"Sing for me again, okay?"

Ruisheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

She stood up, faced the sea and began to sing quietly. The song gently soothed Qian Shurei's heart and disappeared on the other side of the sky with the sea breeze.

He found that the sadness hidden in the song when he first heard it disappeared without realizing it. But this did not weaken the charm of the song. He thought it was probably because the girl had now found her true self. This is the only value of my existence, Qianshu Rei thought.

He listened carefully to the song and tried his best to make it unforgettable and linger in his ears forever.

In this silence that feels like the end of the world, her singing is so beautiful.

That night, the two spent the night in a very small hut built on a hill overlooking the sea.

The wind blew in through the gaps in the walls, and it was very cold inside the dusty hut, but for the two people clinging tightly, this was enough.

The two of them talked about all kinds of things. It seemed like I could never finish talking.

It would be nice to just keep going and let the sky never break, Qian Shurei thought sincerely.

Unknowingly, both of them fell into sleep.

The next morning, the chirping of birds woke Qian Shurei up.

I always felt that I had a rather sad dream, but as soon as I woke up, the memory disappeared to a distant place, leaving only the sad emotion in my heart. At this time, I realized that it was still true until last night. After the presence of Nuanyu Wenxiang disappeared, Qian Shulian jumped up.

The girl is no longer there.

Only, the note was left alone on the bed.

Qian Shurei, who read the message in his hand, clenched the note tightly and ran outside quickly.

"Rei, I'm very sorry. I seem to be dying. It's great to meet you before I die."

The article is very short and the handwriting is a little shaky. The image of a girl struggling with pain and desperately writing letters appeared in his mind, which Rei Chisuki couldn't bear.

Qianshu Rei called the girl's name and ran as fast as she could. Looking for green eyes, speeding through the streets.

However, there was no sign of the girl anywhere.

Then, Sunday night.

Monsters, attacking the streets.

This bipedal monster has a body covered in red and black skin that seems to be burning, and looks creepy. However, the manner in which he knocked down the building indiscriminately was somewhat reminiscent of a self-destructive human being, and aroused the sympathy of the witnesses.

That monster has small green eyes.

"A huge creature has appeared in the α area. Everyone nearby, please..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the display screen was smashed to the ground and burst into flames.

The monster's sad roar echoed around.

Qian Shurei was watching all this absentmindedly from the rooftop of the building. He was not used to just sitting on the sidelines like this. He couldn't save her, and there was nothing he could do.

For me now, all I can do is probably take care of her final stage.

Suddenly, the street was illuminated with daylight. When I opened my eyes, TLT's anti-monster action team arrived and launched a fierce attack thinking about this monster.

That's not her.

Qian Shulian thought so. That weak girl no longer exists. That's just a monster driven by the power inspired by the destructive instinct...

At this time, the monster suddenly turned behind him.

Looking down at Qianshu Rei with green eyes filled with sadness.

No, those are...those eyes are...

At that moment...a humming sound that seemed to be refreshing resounded through the night sky.

With its creepy mouth showing its fangs, the monster—no, the girl—sings without a doubt.

Time seemed to have frozen. Qian Shurei was attracted by this song. On this war-torn battlefield, only Qian Shurei was listening to the song attentively.

Even in her ugly form, her singing voice is still so beautiful.

That...is indeed Ruisheng...


Qianshu Rei closed his eyes that were about to overflow with tears. That was Rui Sheng. The moment he realized this, he also realized what he had to do. He reached out and rested his hand on the stashed gun.

We can't let her continue to destroy. If this continues, too many innocent people will die or become homeless. This is not Ruisheng's original intention. She doesn't want to hurt other people!

Although he was very sad, Chisuki Rei still aimed his gun at the green eyes without hesitation.

At this time, he couldn't help but recall the girl who sang lonely in that nightclub. Why didn't I notice it at that time? I fell in love with the girl's eyes that night. If I had discovered it earlier... At this moment, eyes filled with sadness stared at Qian Shulian quietly.

'I'm sorry. '

Big tears flowed from the green eyes, she seemed to say so, and then Qian Shulian's bullet pierced through the eyes.

At the same time, TLT's high-explosive bomb also fell on the monster, and the monster... the girl... turned into dust and disappeared in the night sky in the violent explosion.....


The waves surged and receded.

Qian Shulian stood on a slightly raised hill, overlooking the sea that seemed to be the end of the world.

On this hill, there was a small grave, and in front of the grave, a new batch of flowers would be replaced every week. This was the grave of the sad girl, and no one except Qian Shulian knew about it.

It has been quite a long time since the girl died.

That night, through the display screen, people all over the world witnessed the battle between TLT and the beast-like Ruisheng. It is said that her singing as a monster made people cry without thinking.

"Nonomiya Ruisheng, her body was transformed by the invaders and turned into a monster. What a despicable invader. From now on, we must continue to fight against the invaders to the end."

The woman on the display screen declared that this was a report fabricated by TLT to suit the audience's preferences.

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