At this time, the monster's mouthparts had already opened, and sticky saliva dripped from it. It screamed and wanted to run quickly towards the dejected Somon Ikki...

At this moment, the hot bullet passed through the monster's twisting body, and bodily fluids gurgled out of its body. After twisting in a top-like posture, the monster made a gurgling sound and fell down.

At the same time, Ikki, who was awakened, looked back towards the direction where the bullet flew.


Not far away, Saita Riko kept holding the gun and stood there motionless. Ikki noticed that her eyes were filled with tears.

Neither strong nor powerful. But at this moment, her petite body stood there with the determination to die.

This is about protecting loved ones.

"Gumen, okay, let's go."

She grabbed the wrist of the man who was on the ground and couldn't stand up, and asked him to stand up. At the same time, when the monsters saw Riko Saita appearing, they flinched and fled back to the hemispheric cave for some unknown reason.

"....where to go?"

Ikki Gumon asked as he staggered away.

"Go to the ground."

"What are you going to do after you go?"

"We'll run away together."

"Idiot's dream."

The weak Gumon Ikki lowered his head.

"It's impossible to escape."

"No, it's not just an idiot's dream."

Saita Riko firmly asserted. After hearing this, Gumon Ikki raised his head and shouted:

"Why! Didn't you see those guys just now? There are thousands of these guys squatting underground. There are human troops on the ground who want our lives, and they are waiting for us to die. We are both dead. There is no place to escape, why can’t I call it a dream in this situation?”

"You ask why..."

She looked at him frankly and persuaded.

"That's because you swore to save the world!"

Ikki Gumon was suddenly speechless, and Riko Saita narrowed her eyes as if she was about to cry.

"You are my savior."

In the dimly lit cave, there were only two figures. The big figure quietly hugged the small figure tightly into his arms.

"I'm sorry, Lizi..."

Hearing her lover's apology, Saita Riko sobbed and shook her head.

"Don't apologize, Gumen. If you fall, just stand up again. Aren't you always doing this...I came here because I trusted Gumen. It will be the same in the future."


Ikki came here because he trusted Saita Riko by his side.

I have always felt that I was blessed by the goddess of luck. Therefore, he once thought that he could save a life from many crises. However, now he finally figured it out.

That goddess of luck is Riko Saita.

".....Ha ha."

Suddenly, Gumon Yihui smiled. Saita Lizi peeked at his expression.

"What's wrong with you, Gumen?"

"It's okay, I just want to understand why those guys were so timid when you appeared just now, Lizi."

If you think about it carefully, the answer is self-evident.

"Those guys never thought I would bring Saita Riko here."

Those guys probably believed that I came alone. They believed that it was illogical to bring the obstructive Saita Riko to such a dangerous place, and easily ruled out this possibility.

Can human actions be easily controlled? What a joke.

Those guys haven't yet understood something called the bond between people. Furthermore, they had no idea how much of a miracle this deep bond would lead to.

Ikki Gumon quickly pulled out his gun and stared at where he was going.

"Riko, let's go."

"Okay! Let's go, Gumen, let's go together!"

Ikki Gumon held Saita Riko's hand tightly and would never let go, he swore to himself.

"Show those guys what it's like to be human."


"Break through the blockade of the group of people above and escape from this place. Then start the battle to eliminate those guys again."

"Then the agreement to live together in a street with a view of the sea will have to be postponed."

Saita Riko smiled as if she felt lonely.

"Indeed, but please don't forget it. I will realize this dream one day."

Gumen Yihui stared into her moist eyes for a long time and asked again.

"Riko, do you believe in me alone and follow me here?"

The dark road was silent and there was nothing to hinder the two men.

Saita Riko stared at Gumon Ikki and nodded vigorously.


The two people who only trusted each other started running. They managed to escape from the facility. As expected, a large number of security forces were waiting for the two people who came to the ground. Ikki Gumon did not hesitate to point his gun at them.

I can't die yet, I have to save Lizi and this world!

Ikki found the fragrance of his hair in the smoke, and his mood became sad. Ikki didn't notice that his strong murderous intention burst out with a terrifying aura, and some enemies even felt dwarfed by it and left. Retreat there.

Once they escaped from the facility, bullets struck again. As soon as Gumon Ikki turned his head, three agents approached from behind.

In the end, we are fighting against fellow humans...

Gumen Yihui felt empty in his heart.

I don’t know how many steps I can take next.

Ikki Gumon protected Saita Riko, thinking as he walked, and his actions began to become sluggish. Although he was bathed in the hail of bullets, luckily there were no bullets left in his body. He was shot once in the wrist of his right hand and once in his right leg. I took one shot in my left was just a few pieces of flesh removed. Thanks to his desperate efforts to open his body, Saita Riko was unscathed.

There is very little energy left in the energy gun due to excessive consumption, so the next step is to fight. How long can this wounded body fight?

The two men, who were pursued by the pursuers, stepped onto the small concrete bridge across the Nozhu Lake. They ran with all their strength on the lake. However, when the two of them came to the center of the bridge, they stopped. The footsteps were due to a new batch of agents walking towards here from the other side of the bridge.'s a trap!

Ikki Gumon looked back and found that the previous pursuers were aiming their guns at this place at the same time. He spread out his body in front of Riko Saita without thinking.

There was nowhere to escape.

The flying bullets hit Gumen Yihui's body one after another. Under the impact, Gumen Yihui's body trembled and moved.

"The solitary door!"

Saita Riko's heart-breaking scream suddenly sounded.

But now, there is only one way to save his life.

Ikki wanted to take a gamble, so he used his last strength to take Riko Saita's hand and jumped from the bridge.

Their bodies flew down in the air.

The moment he was swallowed by the water, Ikki felt the faint scent of hair. It was Riko Saita.

Later, Ikki's consciousness was swallowed up by the deep darkness.

If this continues, I will disappear into the other side of nothingness.

He thought so.

But what is that green light that cuts through the darkness, and what is this gentle voice that I always feel nostalgic for...

"Gumen Yihui, wake up quickly."

Ikki Gumon asked the voice that sounded like his father.

who are you?

Ikki Gumon noticed a green ball of light in front of him, which made the sound.

"I am the giant of light who fights to protect the earth."

Giant of light?

"Yes, I noticed that the invaders of your world wanted to completely wipe out you humans. In order to stop this behavior, I came to this world."

The warm voice continued.

"But in order for me to materialize in your world, I have to borrow your body."

With my body?

"Yes, by integrating with you, I can fight in this world. Therefore, you must allow me to borrow my body from you."

Then use it.

Gumon Yihui said without thinking. I want to save this world and save Riko, so sinking to the bottom of the lake like this is not okay.

"However, this comes with great danger. This world is different from the plane I am in. Even I cannot predict what will happen when I merge with you. Even if your body is fine, I am afraid there is a possibility that your consciousness will be erased. "

The voice said apologetically.

"This is a big gamble for you and me."

That's no problem.

Ikki couldn't help but think of Lizi's eyes full of sadness. It doesn't matter even if I have to give my life, the world has enough of this.

I want to save this world!

After a while, a voice of deep admiration sounded.

"Thank you, I will never let you down."

The turquoise light approached Gumen Yihui, and then merged into his body.

Ikki Gumon felt his body become warm. He felt an avalanche of consciousness that was different from his own pouring into his mind.

no problem.

Ikki Gumon was thinking secretly in his gradually dissipating consciousness.

Because no matter what, I am blessed by the goddess of luck.

Right, Lizi.

Afterwards, Gumen Yihui's consciousness fell into sleep.

"Ah...Senior Gumen is actually wanted."

When Ikki Gumon fell into darkness, another TLT agent made a surprised sound. Because the distance was too far, Rei Qianju didn't have to go over to help, and he also had a task to complete.


This is the name of the store where we want to collect information this time. What a dark store name. Qian Shurei resisted the urge to laugh. However, he felt that this place and himself tonight were quite suitable.

Qianshu Rei had been to this store before, and it was a very tiring night. There wasn't even moonlight, and the city was shrouded in darkness. The brightly lit streets seemed to be bluffing, making people feel a little chilly. Qian Shulian suddenly felt lonely and quickened his pace. At this moment, the sign of the small nightclub came into view.

The store seemed to be a world made of loneliness, with weak piano melody playing quietly.

That girl is right there.

She sang with a heart-warming voice. The singing voice seemed to cover everything in the world with sadness. Qian Shurei was fascinated by the girl's green eyes. Her pupils were filled with loneliness that was about to overflow. Qian Shulian Shu Lian couldn't take his eyes away from the girl's eyes, so he sat there that night until the store closed.

"Well, where's your green-eyed female singer?"

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