But in the end, the white fox turned into a burst of light and disappeared. At the same time, Ida Iryu couldn't control his tears and cried in a low voice with loss. For a samurai, he had forgotten the last time he cried. , but today's pain, even in a few hundred years, Ida Jinglong will still think of it, and feel heartbroken by it.

Oko, on the other hand, was carrying Lina, who was still sleeping, and stood silently beside Ida Iryu with the two children Yumeko and Haruna. At this time, the darkness finally passed in the forest and ushered in the dawn of hope. ....

Soon, the police and TPC employees swarmed the village, and the injured villagers were sent to hospitals in the city. Although dozens of other villagers were missing, the police were still searching with all their strength.

"No harmful radio waves were found near the village or forest."

Ye Rui's voice from the headquarters came from the PDI screen. After the contact was restored, the victory team began extremely rapid actions, uniting with other departments to surround the place for better centralized processing. Matters after the incident, as well as to prevent fish that have slipped through the net from escaping.


After hearing Ye Rui's result, Dagu responded and ended the communication. After that, Commander Munakata walked to Horii, patted his shoulder and asked softly:

"How about it?"

"Well - nothing was found."

Horii scratched his head and repeatedly fiddled with the instruments in his hands, but numbers are as honest as mathematics. Although Dagu and Lina team members have reported the general story of the matter to them, after so many The scientific investigation is still fruitless. Oops, it will be difficult to write a post-event report...

Suddenly Horii heard something and looked up. TPC's public relations department was surrounded by the media and was helpless.

Forget it, when there is really no other way, just use the Xuna ghost written in the last report.

Thinking of this, Horii couldn't help but sigh.

There are some things that cannot be explained by science, so we can only use the word "strange things" to get rid of them.

"Oh, that's not what uncle asked."

Here, the sturdy Shinjo player was also scratching his head in annoyance. The Shinjo player responsible for questioning witnesses was now being questioned by Haruna who was sitting opposite him. The little girl kept asking questions, either "How can I become a member of GUTS?" or "What should we learn now?"

"But, just because of this incident, I didn't even have the chance to ask questions to the GUTS members!"

Haruna grumbled angrily. Haruna, who is reserved by nature, seems to have become more confident after this incident.

I was born to be a GUTS player.

This belief was deeply rooted in her young mind.

Xincheng was quite helpless and thought to himself.

It seems that if I don’t explain it to this little baby, I can’t continue to ask questions.

"Let me tell you, if you want to be a member of GUTS, you must first enter the TPC."

Haruna's eyes almost shone when she heard that Shinjo was finally willing to answer her question. On the other side, Mengzi looked at the two of them from a distance and couldn't help but sigh. Unlike Haruna, Yumeko seemed to have completely lost her confidence after experiencing this incident.

If you join GUTS, it means that you will have to experience the same horrible things at work every day and every night.

Mengzi felt a chill down her back when she thought of this. At this moment, Teacher Misato came to her side.

"Matsushita-san, you are very positive now!

Misato said with a small smile.

"Fukudome-san, you also want to be a member of GUTS in the future, right? You can't lose to her~"

As she said that, Misato put her bandaged hand on Mengzi's shoulder. Mengzi saw the teacher's hand and thought that Teacher Misato tried her best to protect us. In fact, Misato, like Mengzi, learned this. Treat the garden as your home. And everyone in the academy is like family to Misato. Therefore, Misato will risk her life to protect everyone at all costs.

An idea suddenly popped up in Mengzi's little mind.

"Teacher Misato, I..."

Mengzi spoke timidly.

"…I think, I want to be like you."

After hearing this, Misato seemed a little surprised.

"I want to protect our academy just like you."

After hearing this, Misato laughed softly again.

"Just now, Koga-san said the same thing."


"When you two grow up and become employees of this academy, you will definitely be like me and Mr. Katayama!"

Mengzi felt a chill down her back from another level at this sentence.

"Teacher, are you going to marry Mr. Katayama?"

Seeing Yumeko asking such a question with an extremely serious expression, Misato could no longer hold back and started laughing while holding her belly.

In the forest, in the center of the stage, a simple tombstone made of stone was erected. Uemura clasped his hands together, saluted to the tombstone, and then turned towards Dagu and Lina.

"It seems that the fox gave the hairpin that he received from Lord Ida Iryu to Haruna. In order to protect her safety."

Dagu nodded.

We don’t know exactly what happened between Ida Iryu and the fox. However, when things developed in the end, it seemed to be a tragedy for Ida Iryu.

"Then, I'll take the first step."

With that said, Uemura picked up his luggage.

"Ida Iryu...is he okay?"

Uemura gave a wry smile in response to Dagu's question.

"He will definitely be fine. If there is another monster in this world, he will probably come to possess me again."

Then, Uemura said in a lonely tone.

"It's just that he may not want to communicate with anyone now. There will always be times when people want to be alone. Don't they?"

Dagu nodded in approval.

"What are your plans next?"

Uemura smiled and replied:

"This can be regarded as a kind of fate. I want to go around more and investigate the legends of monsters in various places."


"Maybe in the future, I will write a story book about Mr. Ida Iryu... Haha, of course it must be with his permission."

"That's right."

Finally, Uemura said "goodbye" and left Dagu and Lina.

"It's incredible..."

Lina said.


Dagu agreed, and the two of them watched Shangcun leave until his figure disappeared into the dense forest.

"By the way, I have something to ask you."

Lina said to Dagu:

"After I was possessed by an evil spirit, when I lost consciousness, I seemed to hear you talking to me."


Dagu suddenly opened his eyes wide. How could he have imagined that Lina really heard what he said at that time. For a moment, he looked at Lina in panic and said softly:

"What...did I...tell you...?"


His question caused Lina's cheeks to turn red.

Dagu was also a little embarrassed, not knowing where to look.

At this time, Lina said softly.

"Could you repeat that?"

Dagu was even more embarrassed and didn't know what to do, so he could only pretend to watch the scenery.

When Lina wanted to continue talking, the PDI hanging on her waist suddenly screamed.

Lina: What a terrible sight!

Although she was very dissatisfied, Lina quickly opened PDI because her work was urgent.

"Team Lina, you are frightened."

What appeared on the PDI screen was the captain in the middle.

"Ah, Captain..."

Lina hurriedly gathered her emotions and replied, while Dagu finally breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to slowly walk away from Lina.

At this moment, a voice appeared in Dagu's mind.

——The strong are always lonely——

This is the voice of Ida Iryu. Dagu looked around. But he was not seen.

——However, a strong person does not need to be so lonely that he gives up what he loves——

Ida Iryu's voice sounded again.

Dagu looked at Lina who was communicating with his peripheral vision and nodded.

——Spend your whole life to protect what you love. This is also the mission of the strong——

Dagu agreed with Ida Iryu's words.

"I know."


After communicating with the captain, Lina came to Dagu.

"Did you just say something?"

Dagu smiled at Lina.

"Nothing. Let's go back."

He took Lina and walked out of the forest. Finally, the two figures disappeared from the forest. At this time, the gentle wind caressed the forest like a mother's hand, and the trees responded to the wind like a baby. The body is swaying, and the forest has lost its owner. However, the forest will continue to live on, and will continue to live on as the "White Fox Forest"....


The story of the White Fox Forest is over, and the plan of Prime Creation has just begun. The moment Dagu and Lina turned around to leave, the time in the time bubble suddenly paused, and a huge eyeball appeared in the sky. Countless sticky tentacles naturally grew out, and when they squirmed, they spread out all the ominous power, like a green sun hanging in the sky, trying to engulf the entire world.

And if Ida Iryu can still see this scene, he will definitely be shocked, because this eye is very similar to the evil eye of the demon Onijuro, the enemy of the fox family that he once killed. This ominous eye The eyes also brought unprecedented pressure to the warrior.

As the green light shines, there is no doubt that this is the original creation as the mastermind behind the scenes. It condenses the modified creations in the past and presents them in this world, so as to achieve its own transformation of time. the goal of.

The countless sticky tentacles wrapped around the magic eye, evolving it into an existence similar to the monster Qi Beast Eye Q, and it landed rapidly. As long as it falls, the modification of this time bubble will become a foregone conclusion.

But at this moment, whether it was Yuan Dagu, Lina, or members of the village or college, the eyes of all humans existing in this time bubble suddenly lit up with pure white light. The light gathered together, and a familiar prop appeared in the sky, resisting the arrival of the strange eyes.

That's right, it was the evolutionary trustworthy person that Yuan Subaru had left in this time bubble. This transformation item for the fittest person now became Yuan Subaru's treasure to turn the situation around.

So, in the next moment, the original creature who was being hunted turned his head silently and looked behind him. The silver-black giant turned into a pure white figure. As his arms waved, the original creature saw everything in front of him dyed with the same pure white. Although the original energy could fight against it, if his original energy could do this, he would not have been chased and beaten by Yuan Subaru from the beginning.

Therefore, in an instant, the original creature saw that he was pulled into the time bubble that he wanted to modify just now by Yuan Subaru through unknown means, and then the pure white light rain fell, forming a magical field, isolating himself and Eye Q from the outside.

I'm going to die.

The original creature tried to touch this pure white field. There is no doubt that from the perspective of his hand that evaporated in an instant, this intensity is completely beyond his ability to break through. In a sense, his experimental action has ended.

On the other side.

It was not until then that Yuan Subaru saw the appearance of this original creature. It must be said that this original creature was quite good at hiding. From beginning to end, his appearance was wrapped in a layer of green mist, making it impossible to see his specific location.

Now, under the illumination of pure white light, this original creature showed his true appearance. It was something like an egg, with eighty-eight slender arms extending from the egg. The ends of the arms were not palms, but things like pliers, hammers, and sewing needles, which seemed to represent the power he possessed.

But he was really weak.

Yuan Subaru realized this very clearly. Compared with the original creatures he had met before, this guy was undoubtedly the weakest one. Rather than saying that he was a creature split or created by the original essence, Yuan Subaru was more like a creation of the original creature.

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