


"Lina! I love you!"

Hmm? !

The call suddenly paused. Even Jingtian Jinglong could feel the rising shyness of this young human. It was obvious that this somewhat silly member of the Victory Team shouted out his inner thoughts in a hurry.

But at this moment, the tree moved without wind. The knife in the hand of Lina, who was possessed by the evil spirit, stopped a few centimeters in front of Dagu's forehead. The evil spirit tried to continue to chop down the knife, but Lina's body did not move.

"Why! Why is this!"

The howling of the evil spirit resounded throughout the forest. At the same time, gradually, some white steam began to emerge from Lina's body. After the white steam dissipated, Lina's body slowly fell down. Dagu quickly caught Lina's body and took over Lina's weak and slender body with his enthusiasm.

At this time, Jingtian Jinglong's consciousness had returned to Shangcun's body. The person who was holding Lina was pure Dagu. The person lying in Dagu's arms was pure Lina. Lina had exhausted her spiritual power, fell into deep fatigue, and fell into a deep sleep. The one who has love calls out, and in order to protect the one he loves, he exerts all his spiritual power. Jingtian Jinglong bet on this method of fighting. For Jingtian Jinglong himself, the reason for choosing this dangerous method of fighting is that he is sure that the love between Dagu and Lina is sincere. The dirty white steam from Lina's body gradually rose into the sky, transformed into a small insect, and fell to the ground. The insect suddenly turned into a ball of white smoke and finally disappeared. "Assholes!" The evil ghost screamed, and the cry seemed to shake the earth. "You will never get out of the forest alive today!" The evil ghost's face became distorted with hatred, and its body began to devour the trees growing around the lowlands. "Let me show you my most powerful magic!"

Finally, the evil ghost had turned into an ugly and terrifying monster that was neither human, nor insect, nor plant, and the earth shook violently.

"A bunch of bastards! I'm going to kill you all!"

The evil ghost's crazy roar shook the entire forest.

"Jingtian Jinglong, help me take care of Lina."

After listening to Da Gu's request, Jingtian Jinglong in Shangcun's body nodded slightly:

"Be careful, it's not an ordinary person."

Da Gu also nodded, then he took out the magic stick from his chest and raised it high. The crystal opened like a fan, releasing silver light, gradually surrounding Da Gu's body, and then Da Gu transformed into Ultraman Tiga.

In the stage in the center of the forest, the terrifying evil ghost was still roaring. At this time, the height of the evil ghost was already 300 meters, which made him look particularly burly.

"Who is coming?"

The demon was a little confused when he saw Tiga:

"Light? Humph! No matter who you are, as long as you dare to stop me..."

The demon stretched out its claws as hard as steel towards Tiga.

"There is only one way to die!"

The demon's claws stretched closer to Tiga. After Tiga barely dodged the attack, he kicked it, but the demon's body just shook a little, and then Tiga jumped up and chopped its neck with a knife.

However, this time, it grabbed Tiga's wrist tightly and threw Tiga out. Tiga spun in the air for a few weeks and then landed on the ground. He immediately turned to the next attack posture, leaving the demon no chance to breathe.

! ?

Unfortunately, Tiga could not move. The towering trees around the stage stretched out their branches, stretched softly like whips, and entangled Tiga's body.

"This forest has long been one with me."

The demon stretched out its long claws and walked towards Tiga who was unable to move.

"Go to hell!"

The evil ghost stretched out its claws towards Tiga's chest, and at this moment, there was a "bang".

The sound of metal breaking rang in Tiga's ears. It turned out that at this critical moment, the evil ghost's claws were cut off by something, and the severed claws were deeply inserted into the ground.

"You bitch!"

At this time, the evil ghost realized something, turned around with full hatred and said:

"I warned you not to interfere!"

Behind the evil ghost, a vague white figure appeared. After the vague figure became clear, Da Gu could see that it was a white fox of the same size as the evil ghost. The white fox had a total of nine tails.

At the same time, Jingtian Jinglong couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't expect to see Haruna and Yumeko in the forest.

Why did they come here?

Jingtian Jinglong came to the two and asked sternly:

"Why are you here?"

His voice scared the two little girls. They felt as if their hearts were about to stop beating. However, after confirming who was in front of them, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why did you two come to this dangerous place!"

Jingtian Jinglong repeated it again. The two little girls were no longer afraid.

"It's okay. We have amulets!"

"Yes! Yes!"


Jingtian Jinglong frowned.

Haruka took out the hairpin in her hand and held it in front of Jingtian Jinglong.

"This is the amulet."

Jingtian Jinglong was stunned when he looked at the hairpin.

This is....

Ida Iryu reached out and grabbed the hairpin from Haruna's hand. He held the hairpin in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. Ida Iryu's lips trembled slightly, while Haruna and Yumenko looked at the uncle in front of them with incredulous eyes, because They felt that this uncle was about to cry.

"Where did you find this hairpin?"

After finally calming down from the excitement, Ida Iryu asked Haruna.

"The woman who saved me gave it to me. She gave it to me in the forest."

"Woman...like this, she is still alive..."


Suddenly there was a deafening sound, which sounded like a huge creature screaming.


Ida Jingryu ran as if reflexively, still holding the hairpin in his hand.

"How's it going, little fox?"

On the other side, on the battlefield that Ida Jingryu could not see, even though Dagu tried his best to stop the evil ghost's behavior, the evil ghost still achieved his goal. He showed a weird smile and pressed towards the white fox step by step. , and at this moment, bright red blood continued to drip from the white fox's right foot.

"Where do we cut this time?"

The evil ghost rubbed its sharp claws, licked its lips with its tongue and threatened in a low voice. The white fox spotted the opportunity when the evil ghost approached, and its hair stood up. In the blink of an eye, the upturned hairs turned into poisonous needles and aimed at the evil ghost. Ghost flies away


The evil ghost shook his long white hair and knocked down all the flying poisonous needles.


In the blink of an eye, the white fox disappeared from the eyes of the evil spirit.


The evil ghost hurriedly raised his head and looked up at the sky. The white fox took advantage of the gap between the evil ghost and the poisonous needle, jumped directly above the evil ghost, and descended rapidly.



As a muffled groan came, the evil ghost became extremely painful and let out a shriveled roar that seemed to come from deep within his body.


The white fox made a "tsk" sound in displeasure. It was originally going to bite the evil ghost's Tianmen, but it dodged it in time. However, the evil ghost's ear was still torn off by the white fox. The white fox spit out the ear, and then fell to its knees weakly. On the ground, the white fox was mentally prepared to die with the evil ghost. However, now he only got one ear from his opponent.

At this time, the white fox's left foot was also bleeding profusely. It turned out that when the evil ghost turned to dodge just now, he also stretched out his sharp claws and sliced ​​the white fox. Now, the white fox's legs were injured and completely unable to move.

"You bastard, you vile beast!"

The evil ghost cursed in a very gloomy tone. I don't know if it was because of the rising hatred. There was a hint of vermilion in its white hair. The evil ghost kicked the white fox quickly and violently at a speed that the human eye could not detect. The white fox was unable to avoid it. It was kicked away like a ball and bounced very far after landing.

"I won't let you die!

It threw its long hair towards the white fox, and the white hair wrapped around the white fox's neck. The white fox was so entangled that it couldn't breathe, and painful sounds were squeezed out of its throat.

"I'm going to torture you!"

The evil ghost's expression turned ferocious with hatred.

"I want you to taste all the pain before I send you to see the King of Hell!"

The evil ghost vented all his hatred on the white fox, but it also caused an oversight. It did not notice at all that Ida Jingryu had approached it from behind.

Ida Iryu ran and climbed up from behind the evil spirit.


The evil spirit discovered Ida Jingryu, but it was too late.

"It's you, the evil ghost, who wants to see the King of Hell!"

Ida Iryu spotted the wound where the evil spirit's ear was torn off, and inserted the hairpin in his hand deeply. The evil spirit felt an electric numbness all over his body.

"You, you, you, you did, did, what did you do!?"

The evil ghost was at a loss for words, and his body began to tremble slightly. At the same time, its magic gradually weakened.

"Now! Man of Light!"

Ida Jingryu shouted loudly, Tiga nodded slightly, broke free from the shackles of the weakened trees, and then immediately distanced himself from the evil ghost, with his hands crossed in a cross shape, emitting the Zapeliao light. After being hit by the light, the evil ghost He let out a shrill scream, fell to the ground and died, and the stormy forest finally returned to tranquility.

At the same time, the white fox's body was surrounded by a light. Then, the white fox turned into a wounded woman. Ida Jingryu hurriedly rushed to him and held her in his arms:



"Could it be...that you didn't use hairpins?"

The woman nodded weakly and replied with a forced smile:

"I know you have returned to this forest."

"Then why do you stand up to fight it?"

Ida Iryu gently stroked the woman's cheek and said:

"You didn't have to take action."

The woman laughed loudly and replied in a hoarse voice:

"Just because I saw the two people just now, I couldn't help but think of the scene where my husband and daughter were killed."

The white fox was touched by the love between Dagu and Lina, so he chose to fight the evil ghost regardless of his own life or death.

"Don't talk about me anymore, samurai, I have something to ask. Is the curser who killed my husband and daughter..."

At this point, the woman had lost consciousness.


The woman had given up her breath and died. Ida Jinglong held her in his arms and shed tears.

"You have lived for so long, why do you have to die today! At least...at least give me some more time! I have killed your enemy, my magic sword cut off his head cleanly... Fox, fox, do you hear me! I have avenged you!"

Jingtian Jinglong hugged the white fox and shouted, as if he wanted to convey this already severed cause and effect to the ears of the white fox, and hoped that this answer would give her the hope of "living".

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