Although this thing does have amazing talent in modifying the time bubble, it is just a cannon fodder if it comes to fight.

Yuan Subaru thought so while looking up and destroying this original creation.

A true hero kills with his eyes!

However, this battle ended too quickly. Even if there was a certain chase before, it was just that this original creation had a certain home advantage. Even if he did not attack this time bubble, Yuan Subaru could find a way to break the situation in a very short time and take down this original creation.

I always feel something is wrong. Even if it is the creation of the original creation, it should not end so simply. There should be something as a backup, waiting for me.

As Yuan Subaru was thinking about this, he unlocked the pure white version of the Meta Domain. At this moment, he noticed something and looked up suddenly. He saw that something had changed in the sky. The terrible cracks were spreading rapidly. Then, thick black fog spread from the sea. The time in this time bubble was still in a state of stillness, but there were also strange things that were waking up from stagnation.

Sure enough, I knew that something was waiting for me here.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru was a little relaxed. No matter what, at least the enemy's plan was clearly laid out in front of him. Next, what he had to do was very simple...

Huh? !

At this time, Yuan Subaru noticed something. He was a little surprised and took the initiative to lead a wisp of the black fog to his side. He rubbed it carefully and found that the black fog had no mass reaction. The usual attacks and physical methods could not stop it. If ordinary organisms inhaled the gas, they would be paralyzed at the least and die at the worst.

Moreover, this black fog carries special ions that can disrupt the normal operation of machinery and block radio waves, and can even burn opponents.

More importantly, Yuan Subaru is quite familiar with the power reaction carried by this black fog. When he was under the Luluye ruins, he placed the seal and vaguely felt the power fluctuations, which were exactly the same as this one. This also means that the one who is about to wake up is the evil god who destroyed the super ancient civilization of TPC Earth.

So that's it. By modifying the concept of the existence of the sticky ancient god, the fact that the evil god was sealed was replaced. As a replacement, this bad thing was revived at this time?

Yuan Subaru's eyes emitted pure white light, which saw through the cover of the black fog and saw the true face of the evil god--

He has a huge spiral shell with dense black holes on the surface, eyes under the mouth, and a large number of tentacles and huge pincers from the shell mouth. At the same time, beside him, monsters roared out and hovered in the sky, as if they were the followers of this evil god.

To be honest, this evil god is quite capable. It would be difficult for Dagu to deal with him.

Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart, but he still decided to abide by the agreement he had made with Dagu. After all, this was a request from "human beings" to him, and he should still respect it.

Anyway, if the situation gets out of control, he can still use the method of comparison and tearing entries to save the situation.

And now, he doesn't have to deal with this awakened evil god, just let him go back and continue to sleep!

Yuan Subaru's face turned cold, and with a wave of his arm, the modified time bubble would be forcibly restored to the previous time node where nothing happened. Just like that, an incident that might have taken a lot of effort to calm down ended just like that.

However, I always feel that this matter is not over yet.

Yuan Subaru frowned and thought seriously. In the end, he was sure that the pure white light that had been lodged in Senior Gagula was definitely not what he was dealing with now. In other words, such a terrible original creation still exists and is acting to achieve some ulterior purpose.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru felt a little helpless. It is really impossible to speculate about the original creation with common sense. This also led to many things. Yuan Subaru was indeed unable to make a correct prediction about the existence or actions of the original creation in time, and could only take chances to target the actions of the original creation.

Catch the thief first. It seems that after getting familiar with the replication engine and finding a suitable subsequent controller, I should go to find the original essence and try to surround and kill this twisted creation with Senior Noah.

Oh, by the way, there is one more important thing....

Just when Yuan Subaru wanted to leave, he suddenly remembered something, and a little smirk appeared on his face. With a wave of his hand, a cloud in the sky fell down and condensed into something like a crystal ball, which fell into Yuan Subaru's hand——

This is the 'past' that Yuan Subaru just copied. It records the part where Da Gu confessed his love to Lina. When they meet next time, if these two people have not made any progress, then I will help push it myself. Really, it's just a matter of a layer of window paper. Do we have to make such a fuss?

Fast forward to the wedding!

Yuan Subaru smiled, took the crystal ball, and disappeared in this time bubble. With Yuan Subaru's departure, the time flow rate in this time bubble also returned to normal. Da Gu and Lina also walked towards the gathering place, and this time bubble was returning to its original position.

But at this moment, somewhere in the universe, a figure made a strange sound. It was the Ultra Dark Killer who was killed by Tartarus and Tiga, but came back to life. At this time Compared with the cowardly and cautious appearance before, he has become much more majestic. It is as if the last death was some kind of evolution for him, allowing him to gain some power under the remains of the Ultra Dark Killer. Brand new look.

At this time, the Prime Ultra Dark Killer noticed something, and frowned in dissatisfaction. He realized that one of the Prime Messengers he had spawned had already fallen, no, one had fallen, and one was severely disabled. There is basically not much difference between the crippled one and the dead one.

To be honest, this is very unreasonable. According to the rules of his division, these envoys of essence sent out for experiments will avoid fighting if they can. When fighting is inevitable, they will try their best to escape. In such a situation Under the setting, it is difficult for the Prime Ultra Dark Killer to imagine what kind of character could kill one of them and injure the other.

Did they meet the guy who can emit white light?

The Prime Ultra Dark Killer stood up and walked around uneasily. It was now certain that Nexus, who could emit white light, had either absorbed the energy of the replication engine, or was holding a replica in his hand. Engine, otherwise, in the previous [Notebook] operation, this guy would not have been able to turn the tide and free the universe from the first wave of formal invasion of primeval energy.

The purpose of the Prime Dark Killer sending the Prime Messenger this time is to go to Nexus. The reason is also very simple. The biggest threat to the Prime is the engine in Noah's hand. Although the Prime is It is not that I have no way to deal with it now, or even destroy the engine, but in that case, no matter what means are used to implement this plan, I will pay a heavy price, and maybe I will destroy the engine. After that, Noah will deal with it.

That is something that absolutely cannot be allowed to happen.

Therefore, the Prime Ultra Dark Killer has locked onto Nexus, who is closely related to the replication engine. As long as he can find a way to deal with this Nexus, then the smart Prime Essence can also be obtained from it. Inspiration, to better deal with Noah and the engine in his hands, to obtain the comprehensive assimilation of the universe!

But this plan cannot be directed towards Nexus.

after all...

He is indeed strong!

Considering Yuan Subaru's great reputation in the universe, even the Dark Killer of Ultra Darkness would never be willing to face such fear without any certainty. It would really lead to death, even Ultra Dark Killer. The dark killers all felt that only the original essence came in person to kill Nexus directly.

But now, the original essence is obviously unable to join in. He can only find a way on his own. He uses other Ultra warriors, especially those who have been exposed to pure white light energy, and uses them as a basis to carry out Through the intervention of the Prime Messenger, relevant experimental data were obtained from them to make targeted moves.

At the same time, we also start from the enemies that Nexus has dealt with in the past, and use a two-pronged approach to create the possibility of defeating Nexus.

But now, two Prime Messengers were suddenly lost, which made him feel very uneasy. He felt that Nexus on the opposite side seemed to be a little stronger than he expected.

It seems like I should do something myself...

To be on the safe side, the Ultra Dark Killer also disappeared into the darkness and began his action.


"Damn...this really useless."

On the other side, in Meijian Saki's basement, after struggling for a long time, the space girl sat weakly on the ground leaning on the instrument. Her eyes were dim and without any color. She originally wanted to help Lord Gen Subaru deal with it. Whoever killed the green spider, maybe Master Yuan Subaru will be able to touch his head if he finds out about it in the future. Now it's fine. Not only did he fail to capture the enemy, but he even lost the whereabouts of the enemy. He is simply So useless.

"Well, please cheer up."

Minato Huohai thought for a moment and said softly:

"Actually, we can't just rely on this instrument to act. Yong Hai and I are both Ultra Warriors. Sometimes, this unscientific method is quite useful."

This is the truth. The light of the Ultra Warriors is somewhat idealistic.

Minato Hokai and Minato Yonghai have deeply understood this in countless dream battles. Otherwise, they really can't understand why the two brothers have joined forces to consume the projection of senior Yuan Subaru until the energy is exhausted. Even so, the projection could still get up from the ground and show them an astonishing self-destruction.


At this moment, Minato Hokai saw strong jealousy in Miken Saki's eyes. This woman seemed to realize that the two brothers had acquired such abilities under the training of Gen Subaru-senpai, and therefore And feel jealous.

However, Miken Saki always understood her situation, so in just a moment, she controlled her emotions, looked at Minato and said softly:

"I understand, do you need my help?"

"This...let's try it first."

To be honest, Minato Huohai didn't have much confidence in his heart, because the two brothers didn't know how far they could respond to his light, so they didn't respond.

And just when Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai were about to try, suddenly, there was a strange flute sound, which made the three members in the basement suddenly nervous, because they could feel the sound of the flute. It was quite close to them, it could be said that it sounded right next to their ears, but they were not aware of it at all. Even now, they have not discovered where the sound of the flute came from.

Immediately afterwards, the three people noticed something and quickly moved away from the space-time instrument. On it, they felt strange energy fluctuations. Then, a door opened, no, to be precise, a light hole opened, from which A libertine wearing a windbreaker and playing bagpipes walked out.

Seeing this figure, the Minato brothers and the beautiful sword Saki immediately relaxed, because the person who came was not an enemy, but the protagonist of the previous episode, Ultraman Orb's human body, Mr. Hong Kai.

"It seems...I don't need to introduce myself anymore."

Hongkai put down his instrument, looked at the three people in front of him, and said softly:

"Thank you for your help, which allowed my past existence to avoid being modified by the enemy. However, can you tell me what exactly happened? I, the person involved, am still quite confused now."

"That's it, Senior Hongkai..."

Minato Huohai stood up and took the initiative to explain to Hong Kai what was going on. Soon, Hong Kai couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. He really never thought that the original creation would actually focus on him. , but before Hong Kai could say anything, he felt a familiar headache...

It was the original creation that started to attack Hong Kai (senior)!

Seeing Hong Kai who almost instantly lost the ability to move, Meijian Shaji kicked the space-time instrument without saying a word. Under it, there was a space where auxiliary tracking items could be placed. This space was very large, and it was completely fine. After putting down Hong Kai, Meijian Sha Ji placed it inside to ensure the reliability of time and space tracking.

At this time, in the past, on the volcanic planet Nun Api, Kai and Shorty came to a primitive planet covered by jungle.

This is a planet where you can obtain the rare ore [Enmanium]. The mine owner, Count Orlok, is also a well-known celebrity in the Central Council of the Interstellar Alliance, but behind the scenes he is a ruthless capitalist who drains the native people.

Count Orlok deliberately blasted the volcano to wake up the monster Guerra sleeping in the magma, and destroyed the Enmanium mine and the indigenous people, which had very little buried reserves, in order to defraud the Interstellar Alliance of insurance money.

Such an attempt is not something that is difficult to find out for Kai and Shorty. Rather, the count's intention is too obvious. As an outsider, after a little observation, you can figure it out. , even if someone among the aborigines sees this, after death comes, even if he sees it, it cannot be used as a force to accuse evil, so it does not matter to the earl if it is rougher.

Kai, who realized this, wanted to stop his ambition, but the bodyguard hired by Count Orlok, the Gapira star Sardis, stood in front of him. Sardis was a strong enemy, the one who had fought against the jewel witch thief when Gen Subaru Among them, the trembling cosmic man who is all mechanical. This guy first became attached to Kai at this time, although the relationship was not a good one. But at this time, this fierce cosmic man will... Kai was cornered.

"Make my fever get hotter! If it's not hot, life won't be the same at all!"

During the battle, Sadisby screamed like this while attacking Kai like a violent wind. Faced with such a fierce attack, Kai could only keep defending until he was forced near the crater. At this time, Thaddeus shouted playfully:

"Don't give up! Don't give up, you! Because critical moments are the opportunities to exert your greatest strength! Crisis is the best! Come on, you!"

Kai spotted the gap for a moment and dodged the attack, and Sardis fell into the crater. Thaddeus sank into the lava.

However, this could not stop the explosion of the volcano, and the lava monster Guerra was resurrected. Kai transformed into Ultraman Orb, used the water element he had just acquired, and defeated Guerra with the Orb Water Sword.

According to ancient legends, the aborigines wanted to give the red jade [Element of Fire] to the hero who defeated the volcano demon, so Kai accepted it. Count Orlok was arrested by the Star Alliance.


"Okay, found it!"

When this past period appeared on the space-time instrument, Meijian Shaji immediately called out to the Minato brothers and prepared to go back to the past. Hong Kai also got up with difficulty and wanted to follow him. After all, this is what he has experienced. As a person involved, , he has full experience.


This time things were not that simple. Just when Hong Kai was about to take action, he suddenly couldn't help screaming, as if he had a headache and couldn't breathe. Meijian Shaji suddenly realized that the situation could also be When a change occurs, I immediately rush to the space-time instrument. Sure enough, this time two past nodes have changed at the same time!

In another time node in the past, on the planet of wind Guillermo, Kai and Shorty were searching for the [Element of Wind]. They visited Grandpa Matthew who lived in the pioneer settlement of Guillermo. The grandfather was The residents of O-50, Kai's hometown, taught the lonely Kai how to play the Orb harmonica and were his benefactors who inspired him.

But now the pioneer colony where Grandpa Matthew lives is not safe. The existence of the wild spaceman group led by the Knuckles and the Ramon brothers is threatening everyone in the pioneer colony. Therefore, Kai can't let go of the embarrassment. The pioneers became the bodyguards to fight against thieves.

And with bodyguards like Kai, the Nakor aliens? The wild spaceman group led by the Ramon brothers are naturally unable to continue their threatening actions. When the situation is at a stalemate, Zaltana, a space capitalist and developer, The stars flew in to discuss with the pioneers.

[How about giving up this kind of land and moving to other planets? I will buy the land]

The pioneers were shaken in their hearts. To be honest, they were already living in fear under the threat of the wild alien group. If they could get rid of this problem through immigration, it seemed to be a pretty good choice.

After all, they are pioneers. They are also considered outsiders to this planet. Although when they came here, this planet was just a deserted planet with no vitality or civilization at all. It was their pioneering. This is what makes this planet what it is today.

Kai didn't say anything about this, because it was the pioneers' own choice. Whether as Ultraman Orb or as a cosmic ronin, Kai decided to respect their own ideas. But at this moment, Grandpa Matthew suddenly Drinking loudly:

"Are you asking us to give up the land we have worked so hard to develop? This is going to be our hometown. Although we were born in different places, we have followed the same path over the years. Our destiny has been linked to this land. together."

"Don't even think about taking action, I'm still here."

Just when Grandpa Matthew shouted, the representatives who came to negotiate showed a fierce look in their eyes. Kai took a step forward and stood in front of him. To be honest, Kai saw through that the Zaltana people were manipulating Ra. The real culprits of the Mon brothers who threatened the pioneers were because an organization planned to use the planet Guillermo as a construction site for the Galactic Highway under construction, so the Zaltana people wanted to get the land rights.

This kind of thing, as far as Kai's connections in the universe are concerned, you can find out with just a little inquiry.

Later, the negotiations broke down, and Kai and the pioneers joined forces to fight against the incoming Ramon's gang. As a result, the giant Ramon brothers from the Knuckle planet attacked despicably, and Kai transformed into Orb and defeated the brothers. The pioneers captured the Zaltana people.

I originally thought that this matter was over, but in front of Kai, a man who became a guerrilla force mercenary and had a bounty from the Star Alliance appeared in front of Kai-Jagula. Jakula became the bodyguard of the Zaltana people.

"Mr. Jakula, you're well on your way. Get rid of these guys quickly! I'll do what you want!"

The Zaltana star took out the green gem, but Jagula used the Snake Heart Sword to cut the Zaltana star.

"I've been putting up with the way you talk for a long time, Kai. Is this what you wanted?"

Jakula held the green gem [Element of Wind], looked at Kai, showed a strange smile and said:

"Jagula...where has your heart of justice gone?"

Seeing his former friend become like this, Kai couldn't help asking sadly.

"Stop talking so much, justice against justice, strength against strength, everything is darkness, where is the light? I am tired. It was you who started it. Let it end quickly."

At this time, Jakula pointed to a corner of the night sky.

"Look at that star."

There is a very large planet shining there.

"That was the explosion of Diamond Nova. It's a good time for us to have closure."

Later, Jakura and Kai faced off under the glorious planet. Their strength was evenly matched, but Kai gained a momentary advantage and held the Orb sword in front of Jakura.

"Come on, let's finish it quickly"

Jakura said with relief, and Kai could feel that this was Jakura's sincere words.

However, Kai threw away the great sword of Orb.

".....I can not do it."

Later, Jakura was taken away by the Star Alliance.

Kai put the [Element of Wind] left by Jakula on the Great Sword of Orb. At this point, Kai completed the task assigned to him by the Warrior Summit. The Great Sword of Orb relied on [Earth], [Water] and [Fire]. 】[Wind] The four elements can use the strongest special move [Uub's Supreme Sword]. Kai has gained great power again, but his expression is quite subtle because his ring does not show any Next task.

This is not normal. The missions of the Ring of Light at the Warrior's Summit are being completed very frequently, one after another. Although it felt very tiring at first, Kai is now used to this...

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