Amano Yasunori stopped where he was and thought for a long time. This is what happened this morning. A little girl carrying a schoolbag came to the police station. Amano Yasunori looked at her. Although he couldn't remember the girl's name, he knew her. He should be a student of Moriki Academy.

Later, the girl said her name was Matsushita Haruna and told her story about what she had experienced in the forest. After listening to it, Amano Yasun felt that this was just a story made up by a child. He told Haruna that the police uncle would investigate carefully. Yes, children, don’t think too much and go to school quickly.

In fact, Amano Yasunori just wanted to send her away as soon as possible, but Haruna seemed to believe what the police uncle said, saying "Sorry to trouble you" to Amano Yasunori with a cute smile on her face, and walked straight towards the school. .

The forest in this village is commonly known as the "White Fox Forest" by the villagers. There are many forest legends circulated in the local area. Some people say that there are nine-tailed white foxes in the forest. Some people say that evil spirits live in the forest. Some even say that evil spirits are trapped in the forest. The ghosts of the people who were eaten wander in the forest...all kinds of things are heard all the time.

Amano Yasunori came to this village as a police officer eleven years ago. From the time he came here to this day, people often mentioned these legends. Every time he would go into the forest to patrol, but he never found anything strange. .

Speaking of which, this forest is already densely wooded and dark even during the day. If you are not careful, you will get lost. Therefore, Amano Yasunori can only interpret these legends of white foxes and evil spirits as being passed down from generation to generation by villagers. It's just a warning.

After all, adults rely on these fictional monster legends to warn children not to go to dangerous places without permission.

Therefore, Amano Yasunori was originally ready to give up, but what Haruna said made him wary.

"There was a man and a woman burying something."

If she had only talked about evil ghosts and demon foxes, Yasunori Awano might not have come over, but Haruna's words about "burying things" made Yasunori Awano feel somewhat believable.

There may be various motives behind the buried action.

They may have killed people and then buried their bodies. It could also be illegal industrial waste brought over for burial.

Thinking of this, Amano Yasunori couldn't let it go. Although there was no precedent, the White Fox Forest was indeed the best place to hide crimes, especially the lowland in the forest called the stage.

When Amano Yasunori came to his senses again, he had already set foot on the path to the White Fox Forest, but when he actually arrived here, he felt that he had thought too much. This forest was so big that his old arms and legs felt worried just by looking at it.

"forget it."

In the end, Amano Yasunori made his own decision. If the girl asks again tomorrow, I will tell her that I have investigated it, but nothing was found. She is just a child, and she will definitely not go into it. Besides, , she will most likely not come over to ask me tomorrow. My waist still hurts so much, so there is no need to embarrass myself.

After convincing himself, Amano Yasunori raised his feet and prepared to go back to find it, and got on his bicycle to return.

Just at this time, a warm wind blew in, and Amano Yasunori's movements stopped abruptly. He felt eyes falling on him, and Amano Yasunori hurriedly checked his surroundings.


However, he still felt that someone was watching him, and the warm wind blew again, causing the trees to sway.

"Who... who's there?"

Amano Yasunori couldn't help but say it, but no one answered. The frightened Amano Yasunori looked around carefully and made sure that there was nothing before turning around, heaving a sigh of relief, and using his hands Wipe the cold sweat from your forehead.

It's an illusion.

Amano Yasunori came to his senses and was about to return to the parking place.


Suddenly, something passed through the gap between the trees and jumped in front of Yasuno Awano.


Amano Yasunori screamed in fright, bent over and fell to the ground. What appeared in front of him was a woman, a thin woman with short hair, about twenty-five to thirty years old. Jian has a strange face, he shouldn’t be from the village.

"Don't scare people, okay!"

After seeing clearly that the person who came was a person, Amano Yasunori was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and complained as he stood up:

"Don't you know that people are scary, scary to death! Speaking of which, you... ugh!"

Before he could finish speaking, the woman had already pinched his neck.


To Yasunori Awano's expectation, although the woman's body was delicate, the hand holding her neck was extremely strong. At this moment, Yasunori Awano realized one thing...

I...I'm going to be killed.

Yasunori Awano wanted to shout for help, but he no longer had the strength to speak. At this moment, the woman actually smiled and continued to squeeze Yasunori Awano's neck and said commandingly:

"Open your mouth."

In fact, without the woman's order, the struggling Amano Yasunori opened his mouth unconsciously, and then the woman also opened her mouth, and a brown lump came out of the woman's mouth at the speed of a bullet. It was launched and flew into Amano Yasunori's mouth.

Then, the woman slowly let go of Amano Yasunori, who squatted on the ground and gasped for air. He felt that his consciousness was becoming increasingly unclear, and the scenery around him was as hazy as through mist. It was hazy, and kept spinning in circles. Finally, Yasunori Awano finally fell unconscious.

Before fainting, Amano Yasunori heard the woman say something:

"You have to do a good job for me!"

Looking at Amano Yasunori who fainted, the woman let out a proud smile, but what she didn't notice was that at this moment, Amano Yasunori's body was emitting a strange green light, and in the woman's eyes , there is also the same faintness flickering...

The time came. At six o'clock the next morning, Matsushita Haruna had arrived at the police station, but there was no trace of Yasuno Awano in the police station.

Strange...where did the policeman go?

Yesterday morning, Haruna came to the police station on her way to school and told Amano about what happened in the forest. After Awano police cordially assured her that they would go to the forest to investigate, Haruna relaxed and went to school.

However, when Haruna came home from school and went to the police station, she didn't see Police Amano. So she wrote a note and left it at the police station.

"I am Matsushita Haruna who asked you to go to the forest to investigate. Please contact Moriki Academy. Thank you, uncle police!"

But now, the note is still where the spring vegetables were placed yesterday, unmoved.

"It seems that the policeman hasn't come back since yesterday."

Haruna was a little worried. Randomly, she realized something and her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, could it be...that the police officer was attacked in the forest? If that's the case, then it's all my fault. It's because I asked him to investigate..."

Haruna is at a loss for words. Today is the day when the GUTS members come to Moriki Academy to offer condolences. Both Haruna and Yumeko are looking forward to this day. It was precisely because of this that Haruna wanted to ask about the investigation results of yesterday's forest incident as soon as possible, so she came to the police station from the academy early in the morning.

However, all Haruna can think about now is her self-blame for Uncle Awano.

What to do...?


While he was hesitating, Haruna heard a lazy man's voice coming from behind. Haruna turned her head and saw a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses standing behind her.

"Ah, little sister, are the police here?"

Haruna shook her head.

"If you're not here, that would be troublesome."

Haruna observed the man in front of her. Judging from his appearance, he shouldn't be from the village. He might be traveling here.

"I want to ask the police for directions."

As he said that, the man took off his sunglasses, and his eyes were very gentle. People who meet him for the first time will definitely not think that he is a bad person.


Haruna asked the man:

"Where do you want to go?"

The man smiled at Haruna and replied:

"White Fox Forest."

Something flashed through Haruna's mind, causing her to stare blankly at the man's face.

"What...what happened?"

The man noticed Haruna's unusual reaction and asked her.

"It's okay."

The man returned to smiling.

"I want to go to the White Fox Forest."

Almost instantly, Haruna spoke her answer as if instinctively.

"I'll lead the way."

And when Haruna promised to show the stranger the way, Fukurumomeko was very worried. Will something happen to Haruna? It just so happens that today is a special day for the GUTS members to come to express their condolences.

Mengzi stared at the hairpin that Haruna gave her. The lifelike fox statue on the hairpin seemed to be talking to her. Who did Haruna get this hairpin from? She said she would ask the police to investigate, but how to investigate such a thing?

Mengzi sighed and returned her eyes to the hairpin. She saw that the corners of the fox statue on the hairpin seemed to have a lonely smile...

the other side

Moriyama Teruko, who was in charge of Moriyama Academy's catering, speeded up the car. If she didn't hurry up, she would be late for the fifth time this month. If she is late again, she doesn't know how she will be scolded. Her boss is Sachiko Makihara, a nutritionist. Sachiko Makihara is obese,

His words are noisy, and his catchphrase is "That's why I hate today's young people." Teruko has heard this mantra countless times and is really annoyed to death.

To be honest, I have long wanted to resign!

Thinking of this, Teruko stepped on the accelerator again. Teruko came back here because of her divorce. Four years ago, Teruko got married early at the age of twenty because she was tired of life in the countryside. However, because her husband cheated on her, the two got divorced. She had no choice but to return to the village. In the small countryside, rumors spread quickly.

One misfortune, another honey. People in small places are different from those in cities. They especially like to treat other people's gossip as a kind of after-dinner entertainment. Although it would be nice to go back to my hometown, my parents live with my brother and sister-in-law. Because her sister-in-law's family is the leader of Moriki Academy, Teruko's parents asked her sister-in-law to arrange a job for her in the academy.

At that time, Teruko was introduced by her sister-in-law's father to be responsible for the food at Moriki Academy. Of course, it was precisely because my sister-in-law's father was the introducer, so she couldn't stop working just because she hated Sachiko Makihara.

However, this job also made Teruko spend every day in depression. Although she was depressed, Teruko was completely helpless.

Teruko's car came to a slow curve, and a figure suddenly appeared on the front windshield of the car. Teruko hurriedly turned the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes. The car ran onto the curb, but fortunately, it stopped at the critical moment. Come down.

Did I hit someone? However, I don't feel anything...

The uneasy Teruko slowly unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car to check. She looked around, but there was nothing.

Am I dazzled? But I really saw it...

When she was confused, someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder from behind. She was so frightened that she quickly turned around and found that behind her was Mr. Awano, the village policeman.

"Mr. Police!? Don't scare people, okay?"

While talking, Teruko noticed something was wrong with Police Awano's face. Awano's face was bloodless, and there was no trace of human energy in his pale expression. Moreover, his eyes were ethereal.

"Your car was speeding."

Yasunori Awano said a word without emotion.

"Sorry, I have something urgent."

But regarding her apology, Amano Yasunori seemed not to hear it and mechanically began to look through the pockets of his uniform.

"Please, please don't give me a ticket."

Teruko begged eagerly, and Awano Yasunori calmly extended his fist.

"What is it?"

Hearing Teruko's question, Amano Yasunori opened his palms.


Teruko was startled when she saw something on Amano Yasunori's palm. It was a small brown insect-like thing, very similar to a cicada larvae. The small insect was squirming in Amano's palm, and the insect's The body is like a firefly, and green light can be seen flashing inside.

"Please take it."

Yasunori Awano said without emotion and was about to hand it to Teruko.

"I don't want it!"

Teruko noticed Awano's strangeness and stepped back slightly.

"Please take it."

Amano Yasunori seemed not to hear, and continued to approach Teruko while speaking in a stiff tone.

"I told you, I don't want it!"

When Teruko was about to escape in a panic, Awano Yasunori grabbed her arm.

"It hurts! Let go!"

But Yasunori Amano used a lot of force. The more Teruko struggled, the more pain her arm felt. The moment Teruko screamed, Yasunori Amano suddenly seized the opportunity and put the bug in his hand into her mouth. .....

Meanwhile, over at school...

"Fukudome-san, let me ask you again."

Teacher Misato Imaka looked at Yumeko and asked seriously.

"You really don't know where Matsushita-san went, do you?"

After a little hesitation, Mengzi nodded.

"I have no idea."

At this time, Katayama Kyosuke, a male employee of the academy, rushed in hurriedly.

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