The fox demon seemed to be hesitating, not knowing whether to say the next thing.

Ida Jingryu remained silent, waiting for the fox demon's answer. The wind filtering through the gap caused the flames of the lamp to sway unsteadily.

"I began to feel that people's lives seemed pretty good."

The swinging light reflected the appearance of a woman, who was originally supposed to be a fox demon. But at this moment, there is no doubt that the person in the light is a woman. The woman looks lonely at the lamp.

Human life?......

Ida Jingryu also pondered this sentence over and over in his mind. After the ceremony, he spent every day killing ghosts. Wandering around the world, killing evil spirits, and using the sky as a cover and the earth as a hut, in fact, he also experienced emotions he had never experienced before during the days when he lived with the fox demon.

"I'm sorry. What I said was too ridiculous."

"It doesn't matter."

After the woman stared at Ida Jingryu for a moment, she blew out the lamp. Both the woman and Ida Jingryu were as clear as a mirror. They both knew that there were not many peaceful days left.

A few days later, the wind blew into the forest, and a few leaves were fluttering in the air. Ida Jingryu took a stance, and the knife was unsheathed. He swung the knife very fast, and the knife drew a perfect curve, with eleven leaves. The leaves left the branches and fell on the ground, twenty-two of them.


Ida Iryu found the feeling. The wound on his chest had completely healed, and there were no longer any abnormalities in his internal organs. The feeling of holding the sword in his hand was no longer different from before. From this, it seemed that he should be able to set off early in the morning.

Ida Iryu thought so as he walked slowly on the road leading to the hut. At first, he had an evil impression of this forest, but at some point, his feelings towards the forest had changed.

White Fox Forest, this is what people call this forest. The legends that can be passed down orally among people can often be traced back to their origins. The reason why this forest is called this is precisely because its original owner was White Fox Forest. Fox demon.

However, at some point, the owner of the forest was killed by an evil magician, which paved the way for evil spirits to take over the forest. After Ida Jingryu killed the evil spirits, the forest once again became the forest of the white fox.

But now, Ida Jingryu had to kill the white fox again. The one he wanted to kill was the white fox that saved his life. The hut appeared in Jingda Jingryu's sight.

The white fox went out to greet him with a basket filled with wild vegetables. He smiled and asked Ida Jinglong:

"How are you feeling?"

Ida Jinglong stared at the white fox, and the white fox felt something strange in his eyes. The smile on its face disappeared. Ida Jinglong stared at the white fox deeply, as if he wanted to imprint her in his heart. Then he said.

"I will leave early tomorrow morning."

To this, the white fox just replied softly:


She almost dropped the basket of wild vegetables in her hand, but the white fox quickly woke up, its slender eyes became thinner and longer, and its expression was very serious.

"Then you will fulfill our agreement, right?"

Ida Iryu nodded slowly.


Bai Hu nodded after listening, and neither Ida Jinglong nor Bai Hu said a word until night fell.

At the same time, as the moods of the two protagonists change, the surrounding trees and tender grass seem to undergo strange mutations. They wither and turn yellow in an instant, as if their water has been squeezed out in the blink of an eye, and they lose their The moisture did not evaporate out of thin air, but gathered together and turned into a sticky substance that exuded a moist smell and resembled half of an octopus.

This strange creation is constantly growing in strength, as if it wants to swallow the whole forest. At this moment, Yuan Subaru appears again, and he quietly transforms into the appearance of Nexus, ready Expand the field of metal towers and prepare to fight with them.

However, this twisted object was unexpectedly fragile, and in perception, it could be regarded as a monster with something, but it was abruptly destroyed by the light emitted by Yuan Subaru's transformation.

Am I too strong?

No, it's the monster's own problem. It's... like a projection, even more fragile than an ordinary normal projection.

But it is undeniable that the aura of the ancient god in the last time bubble has indeed appeared here, and he has no clue yet.

This is the feeling of being trapped in a mystery, which is really unpleasant. However, the person behind the scenes, can you stay hidden like this forever?

Yuan Subaru pursed his lips and disappeared again, hiding somewhere. It seems that even if Zero and Beria came here, they would not realize that Yuan Subaru was hiding here.

In this way, as time went by and night fell, the candle lamp in the room gave off a dim light, illuminating Ida Jinglong and the fox who turned into a woman.


The woman was the first to break the silence.

"The time has come, please take action."

The woman put her hands on the ground and lowered her head deeply.


Ida Iryu stood up. His hand reached for the handle of the knife, and the woman's head was still lowered. She was quietly waiting for that moment to come, her narrow shoulders trembling slightly.

The wind opened the cracks in the hut, the flames of the candle lamp danced, and Ida Jingryu quickly drew his sword...

Swing your sword!

There was a slight noise in the room.

Ida Iryu put the sword back into its sheath, but after hearing the sound, the woman who had been waiting did not feel the pain. She raised her head in a daze and looked at Ida Iryu in front of her. Immediately, the woman realized When he saw something, he suddenly turned his head to look——

In the corner of the hut, there was the body of a girl. That poor child had nowhere to go after death and could only appear leisurely in the darkness. It was Ida Iryu who swung his sword at her. At this time , the girl's body was gradually enveloped in light.

"Samurai, why is this?"

The woman's voice trembled.

"I will help your daughter become a Buddha."

Ida Iryu said calmly, at the same time, the girl shrouded in light faced her mother, showing a slightly shy smile.

"She smiled...!?"

The woman looked at her daughter blankly. She subconsciously wanted to rush over and hug her daughter who was smiling again, but before that, the girl finally disappeared along with the light.

"She won't show up again."

Ida Iryu stared at the place where the girl disappeared and said:

"Your daughter will become the soil of this forest and the water here. She has been liberated from the evil spell."

The woman didn't speak, she just shed tears silently. Ida Jingryu didn't speak, he just stared at the woman quietly. The woman also shed tears silently at the beginning, and gradually turned into a cry.

After the woman's mood eased, Ida Iryu took out an item from his chest and handed it to her, and the woman took it into his hands. It turned out to be a hairpin with a white fox carved on it.

"This hairpin has its own special features."


"The hairpin is made by concentrating my concentration and energy. It has the same magic power as the demon sword below. As long as you use it, you can kill it yourself."

The woman opened her tearful eyes and looked at Ida Jinglong.

"I still have something to ask of you."

Ida Iryu looked away and continued.

"It's your freedom whether you want to end it on your own, but please make your decision after I leave this place."

The woman stared at Ida Iryu, trying to see the deep meaning in his heart, but Ida Iryu always avoided the other person's sight. After a moment of silence, Ida Iryu, who had been stared at, helplessly explained:

"I don't want to see your beautiful skin dyed bright red."

Hearing this, the woman's words came to her lips and she swallowed them. A long silence surrounded the two people, and the lights swayed silently, as if they were in the same state of mind.

"Tomorrow morning..."

Finally, the woman squeezed out a sentence from her throat, breaking the silence in the night:

"You will leave here tomorrow morning...but is it true?"

This sad question received a nod from Ida Iryu.

"I have received an undeniable killing mission."

Ida Jinglong was silent for a while, but he still spoke up to explain to the woman:

"I'm afraid this task can only be solved by me."

Yes, he is a samurai, a powerful samurai...How could he not have a mission, and how could he stay in one place for a long time? He was needed...not just in this forest.

The woman who realized this asked in a bitter tone:

"May I ask where that monster is?"

However, to the woman's expectation, when faced with her question, Ida Jingryu shook his head.

"No. The person I want to kill this time is a human being."


The woman couldn't help but widen her eyes. She had never thought that this samurai master would actually point his sharp blade at his own people. Ida Iryu continued to explain in a calm tone:

"A long time ago, military generals from all over the country have sent me requests to kill that man. He is a magician. Although it is my consistent principle not to kill people, but... now it seems that this man is really unforgivable. I should kill him!"

Having said this, the woman seemed to understand something. She raised her head and looked at Ida Jinglong, and said with a slightly trembling voice:

"Could it be that this person is...!?"

Ida Iryu nodded.

"It is said that he is a magician with an eye in his hand."

Hearing this, the woman felt as if she had been struck by a bolt from the blue, her whole body shaking uncontrollably. After waiting for a long time, she recovered, looked at Ida Jingryu and asked:

"Do you know his last name?"

"The demon Julang Huanzhou is your sworn enemy."

"Devil Juro..."

"He claimed to the outside world that he only specialized in killing monsters that strayed astray or lost their way. As for taking the power of the monsters as his own... hmph, he was really a despicable magician. Such a small boy It’s really hard for me to forgive you.”

There was killing intent in Ida Iryu's tone. If such a powerful samurai released such killing intent in the past, the woman would have fled long ago and would never meet him. But this time, the woman just felt it. Incomparable peace of mind, just like the green trees under the scorching sun.

The woman covered her mouth, suppressed her voice again, and began to cry wordlessly, as if she wanted to vent all the pain and grievances she had suffered over the years in one breath. This pain was so intense that the woman cried. As if he wanted to vomit out all his heart, liver, spleen and stomach, Ida Iryu couldn't help but worry whether this monster would die directly because he was too sad.

At this time, a strong wind passed through the gap, blew out the light of the lamp, and plunged the hut into darkness. It was like the sky could not bear to see this tragic scene, and let the darkness serve as a shield to avoid it.


After a long while, the shrill cry gradually subsided. After waiting for a long time, the woman's hoarse voice came from the darkness, and she whispered in a pleading tone:

"Wait until you kill this man, can you please come back to the forest again?"

Jida Jinglong's eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to agree. At this time, he realized what the monster's request seemed to mean, so he did not answer. He was a warrior who destroyed monsters, and he never forgot this from beginning to end.

"Please promise me that you must come to the forest again and meet me."

However, in response to Jingtian Jinglong's silence, the woman persisted in speaking again. At the same time, she tried to grab Jingtian Jinglong's sleeve to ask the warrior to promise her, but Jingtian Jinglong just took a step back silently. He still didn't speak, and what this meant was self-evident. At this point, the woman finally gave up and stopped talking, and the hut fell into silence.

This time, the silence was not broken again.

Afterwards, when the sky became bright, Jingtian Jinglong's figure had disappeared. The woman walked out of the hut and took another look at the forest that she had long been tired of. The breeze blew on her face, and there was no sound of birds in the forest. Gradually, the woman's body was surrounded by light. Along with the light, the woman's body finally turned into a pure white fox.

The fox held the hairpin that Jingtian Jinglong gave her in its mouth and ran all the way towards the rising sun. Under the sunlight, the fox's figure looked even brighter.

Finally, the fox disappeared deep in the forest. From some point on, the nearby villagers began to call the forest "White Fox Forest". Since then, the name of the forest has never been changed.

Never again, never again.

Here it comes!!!

The story of the samurai and the white fox has come to an end for the time being, but Yuan Subaru, who has been observing everything here, has noticed the fluctuations in this time bubble. He saw the strange green tentacles and thick energy limbs appearing from the sky, trying to modify the story between the samurai and the white fox, and thus giving birth to more twisted things.

Yuan Subaru can clearly feel that the time in this time bubble is becoming intermittent. If he does not stop it, this time bubble will slide into a terrible abyss.


Thinking of this, Gen Subaru raised his hand, summoned the light in his body, turned into a giant of light, and chased after the original creature. The monster seemed to have not expected Gen Subaru to be here, and immediately withdrew his hand and fled. Gen Subaru naturally would not let him go, and immediately chased after him.


At the position where Gen Subaru was just now, the Evolution Truster was quietly placed next to a stone, and then turned into a ray of light and disappeared....

At the modern time node, the sound of rusty bicycle brakes came from the forest.

This road....You can't ride a bike any further. It would be great if the higher-ups could allocate some money to repair this road.

The only patrol policeman in the village, Yasunori Ayano, thought so in his heart. He took his feet off the old bicycle, took the necessary equipment, put the bicycle in place, and continued to set foot on the mountain road. However....

Facing the lush and towering trees, he couldn't help but sigh. You know, it would be very tiring to walk from here to the stage.

Yasunori Ayano patted his waist gently. He started to have back pain since he was over 40 years old. He hesitated a little and even thought about going all out, pretending that he had already investigated and turning back... After all, it was just what a child said, maybe she saw it wrong...

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