"I called the Awano police, but no one answered."

"It's really disturbing. He is the only police officer here and he can't be contacted."

"I'm going to report to the principal."

"Well, call the principal on the cell phone."

After Katayama said he understood, he ran out of the room. In Moriki Academy, the only staff responsible for taking care of the children were Misato and Katayama. Both of them were born and raised here. Misato fell into deep thought:

Today is a special day for the GUTS members to visit. Haruna chose today to run away early in the morning. What on earth were you going to do?

Suddenly, Misato suddenly thought of it and said to herself:

"Matsushita-san must have gone to the forest, right?"

Mengzi couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing this, and quickly asked:

"Why do you say that?"

"At this time, the white lilies in the White Fox Forest are blooming beautifully. Haruna probably wants to pick some white lilies to bring back and present them to the GUTS members, right?"

However, Mengzi denied her assumption.

"In that case, I would definitely go with her."

Misato felt that what Mengzi said made sense, nodded and said:

"What you said makes sense."

However, Mengzi began to feel anxious. If Mengzi really went to the police station, she should have come back long ago. Could it be that she really ran into the forest alone again?

At this time, Katayama ran back again.

"I reported it to the principal. Now I have to go to the police station."

"I'll go."

However, Katayama stopped Misato.

"The GUTS members will be arriving soon. You'd better be here to welcome them."

Misato thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Katayama's arrangement.

At this time, in the White Fox Forest...

"Uncle, why did you come to this forest?"

Haruna asked while returning the mineral water the man wearing sunglasses gave her to the man. The two of them had arrived at the entrance of the forest.

The man smiled at Haruna and took a sip of water from the mineral water bottle.

"It's a little troublesome to tell you why I'm here."

He scratched his head as he spoke, and it seemed that he was indeed in some trouble.

"I had a dream."



The man answered after screwing the cap on the water bottle.

"Is there a low-lying land in this forest? And it's not small."

He's talking about the stage!

Haruna took a breath, and seeing the child's reaction, the man smiled and said:

"It seems there is."

Haruna nodded silently.

"I saw in my dream that something big was going to happen down there in the lowlands."



"What kind of big deal?"

"He didn't tell me that."

"Tell you?"


The man nodded, with a hint of loneliness on his face.

"Uncle doesn't want to say too much. Otherwise, others will regard him as a madman."

He does look like a madman... Haruna couldn't help but think to herself. At this time, the man stood up as he spoke.

"Little sister, thank you. Just send me here. If you go further, uncle can go there by himself."

Then, the man walked into the forest. Haruna looked at the man's back and asked him loudly.

"Who told you that?"

The man stopped, turned back to look at Haruna, and said with a smile:

"My uncle was the one who came to save me when he almost got lost."

After saying that, he walked towards the depths of the forest. Haruna quietly watched the man's disappearing figure, feeling as if he was being sucked into the forest. Somehow, an idea came to her mind. She felt that she should follow this uncle.

So, unknowingly, Haruna had also entered the White Fox Forest. Haruna felt that as long as he was there, she didn't have to be afraid of anything. Maybe he can find out the truth about what I experienced. Thinking of this, Haruna hurried forward, trying to catch up with the man.

At this time, in the school kitchen...

"Really, if she comes back..."

I saw Makihara Sachiko shaking her plump body alone, so busy that her feet were on her back. During the school holidays, the supplier would not come to deliver meals, so every morning, lunch and dinner, the meals for more than 20 people had to be cooked by herself. Sachiko also So it can be said that I am extremely busy.

It's not like she hasn't mentioned adding more manpower to the principal, but the reply she received was that the academy couldn't afford the extra labor costs because the subsidy was not available.

Fortunately, Imaka Misato is a discerning person, and she usually comes to the kitchen to help whenever she is free. Unfortunately, she seemed to have encountered some trouble there, and Sachiko couldn't count on her today.

Sachiko was always very anxious on weekdays, and today she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. But anxiety is restlessness, and work still needs to be done.

‘Click. ’

The door opened.

Sachiko looked and saw that the person standing at the door was none other than the useless widow that no one wanted.

"You still know how to come to work!"

Sachiko said deliberately angrily, Moriyama Teruko wandered towards Sachiko's direction.

"How lazy are you young people today!"

Teruko walked closer to Sachiko who was in a hurry.

"Why are you so stunned! Go change your work clothes!"

However, Teruko still walked towards her expressionlessly. At this time, the arrogant Sachiko looked at Teruko's blue face and felt a little scared.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Teruko spoke.

"Stinky bitch, you're so noisy!"


Sachiko couldn't believe her ears. Next, Teruko stretched her hands to Sachiko's neck, and then she shouted loudly with a voice that could break Sachiko's eardrum:

"I said you're too noisy! Stinky bitch! Open your stinky mouth!"


"Oh, okay. I get it."

On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Misato had a look of astonishment on her face, because she just got the news that a villager saw Haruna and a strange man wearing sunglasses walking together on the way to work in the fields. This call was made by the villager who saw Haruna.

The villagers told Misato that they seemed to be walking towards the forest.

Could it be... kidnapping! ! ! !

Misato suddenly thought of these two words, and she hurriedly called the principal's cell phone.

However, no one answered the phone, and Katayama hadn't come back yet. She tried her best to save her life, and hurriedly called Officer Awano, but no one answered either.

In this situation, what should she do?

Just when Misato was at a loss, Kentaro Koga and Masaya Shoda walked to the kitchen -

This week, the two of them were "kitchen assistants", and their duty was to set the dishes for everyone according to Sachiko Makihara's instructions before each meal.

In this academy, there are all kinds of "assistant" positions. This "assistant" is hated by everyone. Everyone calls it the "black-hearted assistant position" behind her back.

Because being a "kitchen assistant" means having to endure Sachiko Makihara's hysteria, who often shakes her fat body while calling the children in the academy "no one cares about them". Sometimes when she gets angry, she will throw bowls and chopsticks at the children.

And once someone dares to complain to the school principal or Misato, she will immediately let tears flow down her face along with the fat, and scream like a thief crying "Catch the thief":

"Why are you all bullying me, a woman!"

So everyone hates her, but then again, if she is really mad and doesn't cook, the school's meals will have to rely on Misato or Katayama. No one in the school wants this. Because Misato's cooking tastes too strong to swallow, and Katayama's cooking is completely inedible.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps the only advantage that the Creator has given Sachiko is her cooking skills. If they don't tolerate Sachiko's personality, Kentaro and the others won't be able to enjoy the food she cooks.

The corridor leading to the kitchen is only a few dozen meters long, and the two of them seem to have walked through a very long tunnel before arriving at the kitchen door.

"Good morning!"

"We are this week's kitchen assistants, Masada and Koga."

The two frowned when they saw the scene in the kitchen. Sachiko was sitting with her back to them. Normally, she would be shaking her body that almost filled all the space in the kitchen at this time, mumbling that she was so busy, preparing meals.

However, today, she was out of character, like a puddle of meat, slumped in a chair with her back to the door.

"Feeling, is it a bit strange?"


Sachiko's shoulders drooped, lifeless, and she still sat motionless.

"Hey, go over and pat her shoulder and see."

Kentaro urged Masaya to go over and explore the way.

"I don't want to, why don't you go?"

While the two were arguing, Sachiko, who was facing away from them, suddenly started laughing.


The two people at the door felt creepy and couldn't help but take a step back. At this time, Sachiko slowly turned her head towards them. Although she was smiling, there was no anger on her face.

"Oh, are you two the kitchen assistants today?"

The two people answered tremblingly:


"Very good, very good."

Sachiko stood up, and Kentaro and Ya suddenly felt a chill.

"You two are very lucky. Auntie prepared something very delicious for you two today."

Sachiko slowly approached them.

"Thank you, we.....don't need it."

To be honest, if possible, Kentaro wanted to take people away now, but in order not to be tossed by this Sachiko, he could only answer with a trembling voice now:

"We haven't worked yet, there is no reason to accept rewards."

"You don't have to be so polite."

Sachiko clenched her fists and walked towards them step by step.

"Come on, open your mouth."

Kentaro's forehead immediately broke out in cold sweat...

When Sachiko was abnormal, Misato also made a decision -

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