After sighing helplessly, Max brought up the issue that he was most concerned about at the moment, and said softly:

"There are some things that I need to discuss with that kid, Subaru."


Asakura Riku responded blankly. To be precise, his mind was now occupied by the fact that 'my brother is only four years old', and he had no extra thoughts to consider other things.

So, Aizaki Moeya blinked in surprise, watching her lover walk back like a puppet. Although she didn't know what happened, in order not to make Asakura Riku look so strange, Aizaki Moeya immediately followed him. After seeing that Asakura Riku was walking towards the direction of Xingyun Manor, she felt a little relieved.

After all, in Aizaki Moeya's heart, no matter what problems she encountered, as long as Subaru showed up, it would definitely be solved.

While Asakura Riku was walking towards Nebula Manor, in the laboratory on the other side, Fukui Ideshi was kneeling on one knee on the ground, accepting instructions from Belia——

"Lord Belia, I have traced that silver power is the energy from other cosmic planes. I am very sorry that I have not been able to trace the coordinates of that cosmic plane. Lord Belia, please give me a little more time, I will definitely..."

"No, you don't need to investigate this matter, you can't find it."

Belia did not hesitate at all and directly exposed this matter. He knew too well the current level of Fukui Ideshi's instruments and equipment. Instead of letting him investigate this, it is better to continue to concentrate on the experiment of the Star of Order. By the time he relies on these instruments and equipment to find out that cosmic plane, he is afraid that he has already finished the decisive battle with Minamoto Subaru.

When thinking of Subaru, Belia's expression was quite subtle. How to say it, when seeing that Subaru was really not dead and was so lively to dismantle his secret base, Belia unexpectedly realized that there was still some joy in his heart, and he was happy that this gene inheritor was not dead. Although Belia suppressed this mood in the next second, Belia also felt that there was no need to continue to fool himself, he was just satisfied with this unfilial son.

Especially after the comparison with that Geed, although Geed looked much more obedient and should be much more obedient, he exuded a silly breath from beginning to end, but... this look is not what I want! Really, I can't figure out now why my genes can cultivate such a thing!

So, in comparison, the gene inheritor of Subaru really seems to be more outstanding and more satisfying.


Satisfied as he was, there was a gulf between him and this Subaru. That stubborn kid could only wake up if he hit him hard on the head with his iron fist.


Thinking of Subaru being knocked down by him, admitting his mistakes, and then calling him father honestly, Belia couldn't help but feel happy. In a sense, the process of correcting this kid was quite fulfilling.

However, Belia also had to admit that Subaru was really difficult to deal with. No matter before or now, how many cards this kid had in his hand seemed to be an unsolved mystery. Belia felt more and more that it was not a good thing to be defeated by the Dark Emperor Empera.

Therefore, now, Fukui Izumi, you need to make sacrifices for my plan!

Belia looked at Fushigi Izumi. This Strum star was indeed loyal to him and was a rare talent. He was a prominent one among his followers. Therefore, at this time, Belia issued an order to him and gave him the honor of sacrificing for himself.

Fushigi Izumi accepted the order with great joy. He was willing to sacrifice his life for Lord Belia....

No, to be precise, when he was rescued by Lord Belia and decided to follow Lord Belia, he was waiting for this moment. All his efforts and hard work were to become a chess piece worth using in the hands of Lord Belia! ! !

Belia's communication had been interrupted, but Fushigi Izumi still maintained the kneeling posture and let out a chilling laugh. If the agents at the AIB headquarters heard it, they would definitely think that there were some fanatics of a strange religion hiding here, going crazy because of the success of some ritual.

In fact, Fukui Izushi is really crazy now. He covered his face with one hand, laughed and staggered to the warehouse of the laboratory, and opened its hatch violently. It was filled with Order Stars, Demon Fragments, and all other genetic samples of cosmic people and space monsters used in experiments. Next, he will no longer use them sparingly. Fukui Izushi will use these things to create a carnival of destruction for Lord Belia's plan! ! !

448 Subaru: Forced to calm down

"Brother Minamoto Subaru!!!"

On the other side, with the help of Aizaki Moeya, Asakura Riku finally returned to Nebula Manor smoothly. After seeing the little figure, the Ultraman cub couldn't help it and called out to his brother loudly, and rushed over at the same time.

Obviously, Asakura Riku wanted to get close to Minamoto Subaru and let him feel the warmth from his relatives.

But at this moment, Yuan Subaru seemed to have been prepared and stretched out his finger towards Asakura Riku. The invisible impact of telepathy spread immediately, all falling on Asakura Riku. Max who was living in it also felt it. The impact of this mental force is not a means of killing, it is just a simple 'forced calmness'.

And the effect of this 'forced calmness' is particularly outstanding. Not to mention that Asakura Riku is now acting like a monk, even Max feels that he has been affected.

"I knew that after Senior Max woke up, you would do such a stupid thing."

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly, then looked at Asakura Riku's eyebrows and said softly:

"Senior Max, come out and meet us. Think about it carefully. This seems to be our first formal face-to-face conversation."

"Yes, as a civilization monitor, I have been walking outside the Kingdom of Light for a long time, so I have missed many opportunities to meet you."

Max borrowed Asakura Riku's energy, projected it, and said softly:

"It's really nice to meet you, Subaru."

"Before the formal conversation, please forgive me for asking."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand in response to Max, said hello, and then said softly:

"Does Senior Max also think I'm just a child?"

"how come....."

Max was silent for a moment, and finally said with a wry smile:

"Although your age is indeed a concern, children who can do that are enough to be named warriors and can stand alone."

"Very good, thank you for your understanding, senior. Let's talk about the first thing first."

Yuan Subaru pointed at Asakura Riku and said:

"Senior Max, can you please give him some guidance? My training method is not suitable for him, and I don't know what kind of training an Ultra Warrior should receive to be considered normal. It just so happens that you are also now Stay with him, or be his teacher if you have time, is that okay?"

"no problem."

Max also laid his eyes on Asakura Riku and said in a solemn voice:

"Although his talent is not as good as yours, he is still quite good at storing light energy. Leave this matter to me and I will make him even better."

"Thank you, Senior Max...Xiao Lu!"

Yuan Subaru bowed slightly towards Max respectfully. At the same time, his peripheral vision glanced at Asakura Riku who was standing aside. He couldn't help but scolded him. He asked him to force himself to calm down and did not care about etiquette. He also followed suit and was forced to calm down.

When Yuan Subaru shouted, Asakura Riku immediately reacted and hurriedly followed Yuan Subaru to salute Max. Max really wanted to stop him and help the young Ultra warrior. For him, It's really a normal thing to say.

However, Max also knows that for Yuan Subaru, this is probably an indispensable link, or in other words, as a human etiquette, it is one of the few rituals he has in life. After all, even the Kingdom of Light does not know The price Yuan Subaru has to pay as a [shell], his extreme preference for the earth and humans, and his rather bellicose personality, also requires a certain 'anchor' to prevent Yuan Subaru from going to terrible extremes.

Therefore, Max quietly accepted this simple apprenticeship ceremony. Then, Yuan Subaru immediately changed the topic and started something new:

"Senior Max, I have found out clearly during this period that Mr. Beria is the puppet of the Reblondo Planet. That damn dark soul controlled Mr. Beria to do countless evil things. I don’t allow a former hero to be humiliated like this. So, Senior Max, please help me. I wonder if there is a way in the Kingdom of Light to remove the soul of the abominable Reblondo star from Bailey. Expelled from Mr. Ya’s body!”

"What? This..."

Max didn't have the slightest doubt. When he believed Yuan Subaru's words, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then began to brainstorm crazily, thinking about whether there was any method that could be used.

Yuan Subaru is also looking forward to Max's next step. Although Yuan Subaru has also come up with several methods and has passed relevant simulation tests, these methods are all based on defeating Beria and using them. It can only be carried out after it has lost most of its combat effectiveness.

It is undoubtedly quite unstable and quite difficult. Not to mention the difficulty of defeating Beria and taking it down. Based on this premise, I still have to retain a certain amount of light energy to carry out subsequent actions... ..

This kind of thing is not easy just to listen to it.

Therefore, if Max can come up with any good ideas, Yuan Subaru would be happy to listen.

However, Max finally shook his head. As a civilization monitor, he had indeed seen a lot, but like Beria, he really didn't know what to do.

"How about Subaru, go to the Kingdom of Light."

Max looked at Yuan Subaru and suggested seriously:

"If the captain knew about this, he would definitely be very happy to find a solution together. With the knowledge the captain has, he would definitely be able to come up with countermeasures."

"Ah...this...can't get away, there's nothing we can do."

This is a lie. Yuan Subaru never wanted to bring the Kingdom of Light into this situation from the beginning. Max’s appearance was already an accident. How could he bring other changes into the situation? If the Kingdom of Light The captain of the country came over to take a look——

Something is wrong, Beria is not completely controlled by the soul of the Lebrondo planet as Yuan Subaru said. Warriors of the Kingdom of Light, do not hesitate to take down Beria, the sinner!

Oh, what should I do if such a mess happens? I still don’t want Beria to be imprisoned or executed again, so... I can’t help Beria escape by myself. Well, that would be too... too 'fun', I can't even imagine that kind of scene.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru used this excuse to reject Max's suggestion...

Max still didn't think too much. He believed Yuan Subaru's words and began to seriously think about other countermeasures.

449 Little Golden Man: Help Beria look decent

Yuan Subaru did not let Max continue to worry about this matter. He quickly introduced the current situation of the earth to the senior, the Star of Order, the Impak crisis, and the current situation of the enemy in darkness and us in the dark. The situation made Max realize that the current situation was not so optimistic. If he was in good condition, he could still assist Yuan Subaru in completing a plowing global search, but now...

"Anyway, senior Max, let's let Xiao Lu master some combat skills as much as possible."

Yuan Subaru calmly changed the topic again, hoping that Max would stop thinking about contacting the Kingdom of Light. Max also followed this topic, nodded seriously, and said softly:

"Indeed, if Ged's strength can continue to improve, you won't need to support the current situation alone. Ged, without further ado, let me give it a try and see what level you are at now. Come on."

"Okay! Teacher Max!"

While Max was testing Asakura Riku, in another cosmic plane, golden lightning was bursting out, like a long river, surging and impacting the power of chaos, and the shadows of chaos were destroyed one by one. Everything was shattered in the aura, but there were also new creations of chaos blocking it to resist this terrifying impact.

"Hmph, Chaos... is really difficult to deal with."

Seeing this scene, the warrior who was attacking the Chaos Collapse let out a complicated whisper. This person was none other than Tartarus. After getting rid of the pursuit of Noah's clones, he had finished some work. After the insignificant matters, he returned to the kingdom's home planet and continued to work with Titan and Diablo as coolies, working together on the unfinished files.


During this period, Tartarus discovered a rather subtle piece of information. The kingdom's senior intelligence officers discovered traces of the remnants of Belia. Those spacemen seemed to be making some kind of plan to seize Bolbo. The core energy ore of Lina Star.

Tartarus has also heard of the core energy ore. That stone possesses magical radiation energy and can radiate and evolve stones of specific composition into ores with more energy.

But as a price, the core energy ore requires the Porpolina people to perform blood sacrifices on a regular basis, using their tribe's unique talents to stabilize the balance of the energy ore, lest it explode and destroy the planet. .

Similarly, it is precisely because of the extreme instability of this core energy ore that although this thing is very magical, few people have the idea of ​​​​taking this ore. Even people with bad intentions, the technological means on that planet, As well as its racial talent, it is not a soft meal.

After the Absolute Clan heard about this incident, they went over to take a look. The Porpolina Stars also generously allowed the Absolute Clan's technicians to conduct research, but in the end no results were obtained.

So, the Absolute Clan left some assistance to the Porbolina Star and left. After all, the Porbolina Star was considered a small planet. Both the star and the people of the Porbolina Star were very small. , their technological level is also average, and there is no point in forming an alliance.

What I didn't expect was that the intelligence agent who had allowed the Absolute Clan to stay there for protective surveillance because of Porpolina Star's readily agreed, would now receive such information.

‘According to the remnants of Beria’s forces, it seems that Beria’s body is not dead yet. May I ask the mother planet, do I need to take further action? ’

This intelligence agent was a bit unable to hold on to this degree. After all, if the cooperation was not good, it would be equivalent to involving the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Light, which may have a bad impact on Kingdom Star, so the intelligence agent immediately carried out reported.

Regarding this information, Tartarus thought about it seriously, and then decided to go out in person to see what was going on. If that Beria was really alive, then take a look at what state he was in now. Planning something.

If you are still thinking about unifying the universe and becoming the Galactic Emperor, Tartarus will take action without mercy.

Yes, Tartarus moved out with the intention of killing Beria, and even Titan and Diavolo had been told to prepare for battle.

The reason why Tartarus did this is not complicated. It does not involve any diplomatic or political issues, it is just simple...

I just don't want Subaru to be sad.

Tartarus knows Subaru's dream of being a 'heroic father'. Although Subaru should have known about Belia's bad deeds, no matter how bad they were, Belia was already dead. Dead people, no matter where they were, would often be given extra tolerance. At least people would still remember the heroic deeds of the dead Belia.

But if Belia was not dead and was still thinking about making trouble, let alone what kind of negative environmental impact it would bring to Subaru, given the child's personality, he might go to war with Belia and fight against the father he once admired. That kind of thing would be too cruel for Subaru.

So, Tartarus had already thought about it. If Belia was unwilling to be decent, he would bring people to help him be decent!

In this way, Tartarus quietly left the Kingdom's mother planet and started an investigation. However, during the investigation, because of the rising tide of chaos at this time, he inevitably fought with it. Tartarus also learned from the Kingdom's mother planet that Yuan Subaru had closed a chaos breach. In addition to sighing, Tartarus also decided to temporarily add a task to himself, that is, to close the chaos breaches found along the way.

Otherwise, Tartarus always felt that the closure of these chaos breaches would still fall on Yuan Subaru.


How strong is Yuan Subaru's fighting power now...

Looking at the chaos breach in front of him that had been unattacked for a long time, Tartarus chose a strategic retreat with some depression, pulled away, stood on a lifeless planet, and looked at the changes in the breach over there. In his expectation, what Yuan Subaru could do, at most he would have a harder time fighting. After all, a big boss like Dark Lucifer is not comparable to a small chaos breach.

But reality taught Tartarus a lesson. This breach was really...

Hmm! ?

Who! ?

Tartarus sensed someone approaching at this time, and looked back suddenly, and saw a multi-colored giant slowly landing on the planet...

450 Little Golden Man and Tiga

"Who are you?"

Tartarus looked at the landing multi-colored giant vigilantly. Although he did not feel any hostility from it, Tartarus did not think that this light giant was simply tired of flying and landed here.

"You seem to need a little help."

The multi-colored giant was naturally Tiga. After parting with Gensuba in the Gulit Universe, this super ancient giant was busy dealing with chaos. He also felt that in terms of Gensuba's special summoning channel, if the problem of this chaos breach was not solved quickly, Gensuba would probably be called for help again and then fall into some difficult battle.

On the way to deal with the Chaos Breach, Tiga saw Tartarus's behavior. It must be said that the strength of this golden cosmic man is quite good. This Chaos Breach is the largest one Tiga has ever encountered, and naturally it is also the most powerful one he has encountered. Even if Tiga wants to deal with it, he will have to spend a lot of effort.

But now, since the purpose of this golden cosmic man is also to deal with this Chaos Breach, then rounding off, they are allies. Therefore, Tiga took the initiative to show up and planned to join forces with this golden cosmic man to deal with this not-so-small Chaos Breach. After all, after this series of battles, even Tiga felt a little tired. At this time, if he could have a helper, it would be a great thing.

"Would you like to join hands with me to deal with that Chaos Breach?"

"Who are you?!"

Tartarus looked at Tiga warily. He hadn't felt it just now, but now that he was facing this giant of light, he seemed to have lost some kind of barrier on his body, allowing Tartarus to clearly feel his strength. It must be said that this is indeed a very powerful Ultraman.

However, he should not be from the Kingdom of Light, otherwise, he should not be unaware of this kind of Ultraman.

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