Thanks to the existence of Yuan Subaru, the relationship between the Absolute Clan and the Kingdom of Light has entered the honeymoon period quite quickly. Although the king of Kingdom Star is still sleeping, Tartarus, based on his understanding of the king, and the king With the authority given to him before falling asleep, Tartarus decided to exchange part of the database data with the Kingdom of Light clan.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Light and the Absolute Clan fully understand the background of the forces they are allying with.

Tartarus took the opportunity to recognize all the top combatants in the Kingdom of Light. Although some of the Arcane Warriors seemed to have little difference just by looking at their heads, fortunately, the lines on their bodies still existed. There is a big difference, otherwise, Tartarus would really have a headache and worry about whether he would call the wrong person.

"I'm Tiga, um... a super ancient giant from other universes."

Diga thought for a while and found that he didn't seem to have a title that was too loud, so he answered casually. After hearing this, Tartarus looked at him in surprise, 'Diga' Tartarus has heard of it. In his experience of going to parallel worlds and trying to find other helpers, there were also some people who were hostile to Diga. From their words, it can be seen that Diga is really a powerful person. warrior.

"And you?"

Under the gaze of Tartarus, Diga asked with some dissatisfaction. Then Diga saw the little golden man in front of him take a step back, flicked the hem of his skirt, slowly raised his right hand and said:

"I am the ultimate life form, a warrior of the Absolut people..."

After saying this, the little golden man suddenly turned his hand outwards, pointed at himself with his thumb and continued:

"Absolut Tartarus."

"...It turns out you taught Yuan Subaru bad things."


Tartarus didn't expect to be here. Hearing Yuan Subaru's name from the mouth of this strange giant of light, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but that is not important. The key thing is, what does "I taught Yuan Subaru bad" mean? 'ah! ! !

Tartarus immediately questioned Diga, saying that there was an explanation for this matter. Diga calmly projected his memory, which showed Yuan Subaru telling Diga about the Absolute Clan. The current situation, I hope that if Diga has the opportunity in the future, he can help a group of Kingdom Stars to see if they can help deal with the danger of the Cascade Energy Tower.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru was also imitating the movements of Tartarus, and put on quite strange postures. This seemed to trigger Yuan Subaru's playfulness, and he even pulled Tiga over to do a combination of poses, but this playfulness Yuan Subaru quickly threw him aside and continued to discuss business matters with Diga.

"This...can't be said to be a bad thing."

When Yuan Subaru recited his name, Tartarus had already vaguely realized that in the future, the child might not need certain body movements to recite his name completely, but he didn't expect that the child would actually do it. After all this time, I still can't recite my name so smoothly. Isn't it that difficult to recite my name? !

Tartarus, who was arguing with Tiga, thought about this with some depression. He began to hesitate to give himself a simpler name, although this was not an honor for the warriors of the Absolute clan. But if this is for Yuan Subaru, setting this precedent is not something that is impossible.

"Okay, since everyone is Yuan Subaru's friend, and friends of friends are also friends, let's come and deal with this chaotic breach together."

Diga moved his body, looked at Tartarus, and said softly:

"I think our starting point should be the same, both to prevent Yuan Subaru's child from getting involved in Chaos-related incidents again."

"Ah, that's true."

Tartarus began to adjust the energy in his body and replied in a solemn voice:

"Although that child Yuan Subaru saved me and my people by being able to respond to others' requests for help, if possible, I hope he can lose this ability now and live peacefully in his universe. "

"Then you are really thinking too much. Subaru is a restless person. Even if he cannot respond to others' requests for help, he will arrange things for himself. Let's do it first. This Chaos Collapse looks too disturbing. ”


451 Subaru: Indeed

The combination of Tartarus and Diga was naturally quite powerful. This large breach of chaos was quickly conquered and repaired. When Diga saw this, he couldn't help but let out a long breath. During the exchanges with other countries, he learned that the number of Chaos Breaks in this large universe was originally small, but each Chaos Break was quite powerful and difficult to deal with.

The original chaotic breaches are more like nodes connected in series, which can support each other, influence each other, and even merge with each other.

But that situation has been completely broken, and the person who broke it is Yuan Subaru. After Yuan Subaru dealt with the Chaos Breach, the situation of the Chaos Tide changed, and the connection between the Chaos Breach was completely disrupted. The raging chaos offensive has slowed down as a result, and the real order has become more advantageous in resisting the power of chaos.

In order to deal with such an unfavorable situation, new changes have also appeared on the Chaos Tide, that is, the number of new Chaos Cracks, large and small, has increased sharply. It seems that they want to use quantity to make up for the previously lost connection.

In this regard, the Ultra Warriors naturally would not sit idly by and took action immediately to deal with the new Chaos Cracks.

"I didn't expect that Yuan Subaru's child could actually affect the development of the entire universe."

Tartarus whispered with some emotion. At the same time, he was silently calculating the time in his mind, calculating how long it had been since he saw Yuan Subaru. After calculating this, Tartarus stopped expressionlessly. Calculation, because such calculations have no reference significance at all. Yuan Subaru's growth rate is too fast. At this growth rate, Yuan Subaru may have completed a new calculation while he was doing mental calculations. breakthrough.

Therefore, instead of caring about Yuan Subaru's strength, Tartarus was more concerned about whether Tiga knew about Beria.

"What?! Is it possible to still be alive?!"

After listening to Tartarus's story, Diga couldn't help but be slightly surprised. However, Diga was not too surprised. After all, Diga also had back-up skills such as resurrection from the dead in his skill library. Diga had never used it before, but if he wanted to use that kind of skill, he could master it if he thought about it carefully. There was no reason why Beria couldn't do this at all.

"Do you want to kill Beria again? Hmm... It's a good idea. Let me take a look with you to see what Beria looks like and whether it is the same as what the rumors said. Just as evil."

Diga thought for a while and realized that Tartarus's idea was indeed worth implementing. Yuan Subaru was already very busy now and had enough things to worry the child. There was no need to let such a troublesome father give him any more troubles. He made trouble.

As for the chaos collapse...

In contrast, Taiga put this matter aside for the time being. In any case, he was not the only one who was busy with the Chaos Collapse. Moreover, I heard that Taiga, Tailo's son, had discovered that something was going on. There are traces of the Chaos Messenger causing trouble.

Although after delivering this news, Taiga and his two companions disappeared into the tide of chaos and lost contact with the Kingdom of Light, Taiga was also the most outstanding young generation in the Kingdom of Light. Thinking about it, it shouldn't be taken down by the Chaos Messenger.

Speaking of which, Taiga's kid has already summoned Gen Subaru twice. Is it possible that Gen Subaru is helping him deal with trouble now...

Diga's thoughts couldn't help but wander a little, and then he shook his head slightly and dispersed this thought. There was no point in thinking about this. It was better to finish Tartarus's plan quickly, and then continue to deal with the Chaos Collapse. Find Camilla and the others. I hope the three of them are not affected by the power of chaos now.

Just as Tiga and Tartarus were setting off, Max was training Asakura Riku in Nebula Manor. After previous tests, Max discovered that the previous fight in the dream was not enough for Asakura Riku. It brought considerable pressure and some psychological trauma, but it was indeed rough and laid a good foundation for his instinctive reaction.

Therefore, there are many trainings that Max does not require much thought. Those trainings are suitable for novice Ultra warriors. After thinking carefully, Max decided to jump directly to Asakura Riku. He gave this Ultra boy What Zai arranged was still actual combat training.

The target of actual combat was naturally Max. Max used his targeted attacks to correct Riku Asakura's incorrect reactions and coping methods. At the same time, he also gave verbal instructions, pausing from time to time. , let Asakura Riku learn his own movements and conduct detailed teaching.

Of course, Gen Subaru also participated in this process, but Gen Subaru did not fight against Asakura Riku, which would really be bullying a child. However, Max was a little eager to try and wanted to compete with Gen Subaru. After all, before The battle was fought by the negative energy monster controlling Max's body. This civilization monitor had no impression at all.

Yuan Subaru also saw Max's fighting spirit, so he directly shouted out this point and made an appointment with Max at another time. Max couldn't help but feel a little hot at this. He had just realized that this was not a fight with Yuan Subaru. When Subaru was sparring, he wanted to suppress his thoughts, but he didn't expect...

Anyway, I hope I can learn something from my discussion with Yuan Subaru.

Seeing Max's response, Yuan Subaru stopped paying attention to this matter. He looked at Asakura Riku and began to point out his light skills. How should I put it...

After all, they are brothers who both possess the genetic energy of Beria.

Just when Gen Subaru was watching Max pointing out Asakura Riku, he suddenly discovered a problem that he had ignored before. In a sense, Asakura Riku's energy was also a pretty good supply station for him.

However, such thoughts were quickly suppressed by Yuan Subaru. For him, Geed's energy was just a drop in the bucket. Rather than extracting his energy, it was better to use this highly adapted energy specificity to Teach Asakura Riku some more efficient and practical skills. If possible, it would be good for this child to help him clean up some miscellaneous soldiers in the future.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that during this teaching process, Asakura Riku didn't know where he got the inspiration. He looked at Yuan Subaru with twinkling eyes and said:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, since our energies are so similar, can we use the combined light skill!?"

452 Subaru: Eternity

"You have a point."

Yuan Subaru nodded. In terms of genes and energy between him and Asakura Riku, there are indeed similarities. In addition, Yuan Subaru also has the power to produce pure white light. He can indeed compete with Asakura Riku. Activate some special combination skills.

However, Max thought for a moment and couldn't help but whisper:

"But Geed, you better not think about this now. Combination skills and so on... can usually only be achieved by two Ultra warriors with similar powers."

This is exactly what Yuan Subaru wanted to say, but considering Asakura Riku's mood, his silence just now was because he was sorting out his words, thinking not to say it so directly, but now that Max has pointed it out, he just He said directly:

"Don't think so much, just train first. I look forward to the day when you can fight side by side with me and use your combined skills."

Gen Subaru's encouragement gave Asakura Riku great motivation, and he devoted himself even more enthusiastically to training with Max. Gen Subaru received news from Zena, and through Aizaki Moya's personal At the terminal, he saw the message inviting him to sit down at the AIB headquarters while the congressmen had something to discuss.

"Brother Yuan Subaru, this..."

Aizaki Moya couldn't help but be a little worried. After all, she was also a member of the AIB headquarters, and she knew the complexity of those councilors. They couldn't be said to be bad people, but what they could do in order to achieve their goals, This is something Aizaki Moya can't even imagine.

"It doesn't matter, they're just a group of cosmic people. No matter how good they are, they can't do much. You keep an eye on Xiao Lu here, and I'll come back as soon as I can."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand nonchalantly. It wasn't that he looked down on people, but he completely felt that he could easily penetrate AIB. If those congressmen caused trouble, he could change a group of people to sit in those positions.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Subaru turned into a ray of light and disappeared into Xingyun Village.

Of course, Yuan Subaru didn't go to find Zena. He still admired this cosmic person, so he didn't want to let him get between him and those councilors. He was just a Shade star who wanted to live in peace and retire. No need to torment him.

So, in the AIB headquarters, they were discussing how to arrange the next action in the conference room, and the speaker and councilors who gathered again suddenly fell silent, watching a ray of light suddenly come here.

No, to be precise, the light replaced the ceiling of this conference room. They raised their heads. Although the soft light did not sting their eyes, it also made it impossible for them to see clearly what was inside the light.

However, even so, a figure still appeared in their minds, as if the figure was directly reflected in their consciousness.

In response, the MPs all looked at the Speaker. They did not expect that this Ultra Warrior would come so quickly. After all, they had just informed Zena. They also did not expect that this Ultra Warrior would arrive without him. Under the guidance of Zena, they can also come. After all, this means that their plan to use Zena as a 'buffer zone' has failed. It also means that in the eyes of others, the AIB headquarters can be said to be accessible. Come and go wherever you want.

"Hello, Ultra Warrior, I am the Speaker of AIB. You can call me 'No. 1', which means that I am the first Speaker of this organization."

The Speaker thought for a while and decided to use a more official diplomatic attitude to receive the Ultra Warrior. It was not because the Speaker agreed with the previous congressman and felt that it was undignified to kneel down so quickly. The key was that the Speaker did not know what Yuan Subaru was. Are there any strange customs or taboos? It would be too bad if I spoke too casually and got into trouble.

"No need to be polite, just tell me what you need from me. I'm very busy here. If it's nothing big, I'll leave first."

Looking at this conference room, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but think of TLT. They were in a similar place, discussing various plans to deal with alien beasts and dark Zaki, and debating with himself whether to shorten the training time and let himself Go out for a walk and get some fresh air.

I really miss that time. Although I can no longer feel any emotional changes now, I still miss the past. If time can go back to that time, if everything can stay as it was at the beginning, everyone will still be familiar with it. It looks like there is no death, no pain, no parting...that would be such a good thing.

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but sigh in his heart in a low voice. At this moment, he unexpectedly felt some fluctuations in his power, which made him a little shocked. This didn't seem to be a normal situation, at least in his own perception. , this should not happen.

"Sir, that's it. We at AIB hope to accept your guidance and become your pawns."

Unexpectedly, this adult was so impatient, and the Speaker did not continue to use the official tone, but directly expressed their thoughts, and said quickly:

"Sir, we know about your existence. During our previous exploration of the space-time vortex, we were very lucky to get your heroic deeds and deeds to protect the earth from other universes. We sincerely admire you and know that you protect the earth. "

Having said this, the Speaker felt an inexplicable gaze falling on him. There was no doubt that it was the gaze of that adult. The Speaker suddenly became nervous. It stands to reason that for a person of his status, what kind of scene would it be? I have never seen this before, but I can't help but get nervous... No, this is not nervousness, it's more like my survival instinct is threatened!

Realizing this, the Speaker couldn't help but sigh, and there was a slight pause in his speech. This mistake immediately made the surrounding MPs look at him. Immediately, the MPs guessed that their Speaker was They were experiencing something at the time, and they immediately made plans in their hearts, just in case the Speaker made any mistakes, so that they could take cover immediately.

At this moment, the Speaker felt that he seemed to have recovered, so he continued to try his best to maintain his tone and continued:

"You see, AIB is now joining forces with the Earth government to protect the balance of this planet. Of course, we still need to work harder to achieve this goal. We are still an immature organization, so, Sir, we are eager for your leadership. , with the framework we have built, it would be a great honor if we could provide you with this kind of help.”

453 The conspiracy of silicon hidden in the well

The Speaker felt that he had made his words quite straightforward. He basically said clearly, 'We are ready to carry out organizational reforms that suit your wishes. As long as you accept us, from now on, you will let us If we go to the east, we will never go to the west'.

"No need."

However, Yuan Subaru's answer made everyone in the AIB headquarters feel like they had been poured cold water on them. The atmosphere suddenly became dull. The council members looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with this situation because they felt Here, the words are irresistible, and there seems to be no room for their drafts to speak.

"Although you are a relatively outstanding organization on this planet, you are still too small in the universe."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he randomly pulled out a memory fragment and projected it into the mind of the top brass at the AIB headquarters. What was shown in that memory was a huge space fleet, so large that the councilors at the AIB headquarters were stunned. I forgot to breathe for a moment. If their AIB had such military strength, they would have walked sideways in the universe long ago.

But the reality is that those modified reinforced Golden Ancient Bridges are their most powerful single weapons now. It can only be said that fortunately other civilizations around them are good enough, otherwise, the scope of AIB's influence would not be so So big now.

Just when the congressmen at the AIB headquarters were shocked by this scene, with a flash of light and a dazzling explosion, the fleet was reduced to debris. In the eyes of the congressmen, this force was enough to dominate the universe. Just like that. Turned into nothingness.

"You see, even with such power, you are no match for me. You... are too weak. This is a fact, and you should accept it."

After hearing this, the congressmen who had just thought about trying to persuade them completely lost their temper. Yes, the power gap is really amazing. They are just like newborn babies. Do they want this adult to hold them? Do you want to act with their baby? This is really ridiculous.

"However, you are not useless."

However, at this time, Yuan Subaru's sudden turn of events immediately cheered up the disappointed members. After seeing Yuan Subaru's power, even the members who had been unconvinced before could not help but feel desire in their eyes. With his eyes, Yuan Subaru himself may not have realized that the worship of the weak by the weak is often so simple and direct.

"look here."

Yuan Subaru still maintains his perception of the outside world at this time, so he has noticed the changes in the outside world. With a casual move, the real scene is projected here. At this moment, a new monster appears, and Geed is fighting with it. As the battle continued, after Max's guidance, Geed was able to deal with it with ease this time.

"Is this...could it be..."

Looking at this Ultra Warrior, the AIB councilors were stunned for a moment, then realized something, and couldn't help but exclaimed in low voices. Yuan Subaru didn't care what they were thinking, and said to himself:

"This is my brother, a young Ultra warrior. You can consider him. In the future, when he grows up, he may be able to lead you out of this universe."


These three words made the eyes of the councilors at the AIB headquarters begin to flicker, but what they thought of was not that this young Ultra warrior would abandon them, but...

This seems to be nodding at them, as if to say, if you treat my brother badly, then don't blame you for leaving me behind.


After realizing this, the councilors at the AIB headquarters suddenly felt unprecedented pressure and couldn't help but become anxious. After all, this kind of thing was completely beyond their expectations!

Yuan Subaru left directly without waiting for the councilors to come to their senses. As he said, the existence of AIB was still too weak, but it was still good to use it as a transitional NPC for Xiao Lu.


Why does this monster feel a little bit wrong?

After leaving the AIB headquarters, Subaru looked at the monster that was fighting with Zedd. He felt that this monster was quite strange. He was not the kind of monster that had lost his mind, but only had madness. From his actions, his combat wisdom could be clearly detected. However, when facing Zedd's attack, he did not intend to dodge, but chose to resist directly.

What is Belia... planning?

Seeing the strange reaction of this monster, Subaru narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt that after he took the initiative to show up, Belia's plan seemed to have started. He just didn't know what was waiting for him.

Forget it, the enemy will be stopped by the generals, and the water will be covered by the earth. No matter what Belia is planning, as long as he can withstand it, it will be meaningless.


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