"Senator Huerlai, please say what you want to say in one breath. Don't make so many twists and turns."

The speaker sighed helplessly, knocked on the table to temporarily interrupt the congressman's speech, and said softly:

"You are not allowed to keep the earth in suspense at this time."

"Sorry, I'm used to it. I will correct it."

The Persis alien who gave himself the earth name "Huerlai" said quickly with a flushed face:

"We found the existence of the controller, but it is very difficult to take it out. It can be said that with our current technology and medical level, after taking out the controller, the two agents may not survive."


This answer made everyone present change their faces slightly. AIB is an organization formed by the integration of multiple civilizations and races. Such special components determine that AIB can exert unexpected capabilities when necessary, and solve seemingly difficult problems through the combination of different cosmic races.

But at the same time, such elements also determine the complexity of its internal relations. Many times, even if AIB members understand that the other party's reactions and words are not deliberately offending them, they will still be angry, which leads to the outbreak of various bloody incidents.

In order to solve such problems, AIB members spent a lot of effort to calm it down a little, but now, even with the banner of "sacrifice for the overall situation", it still can't cover it up. This is the first internal "active" sacrifice of AIB. If the two members can still maintain their self-awareness at this time, this matter will not be so troublesome. The problem happened here.

Should the top leaders directly decide their life and death when the internal members lose their self-awareness?

Once this head is opened, the noise and impact between cosmic civilizations that follow, how should we calm down on our side?

To be honest, although there was a plan a long time ago, when we really face it now, looking at the complex relationships within the organization, the councilors still feel a little scalp numb.

"You should have listened to me. Anyone who joins the AIB organization should abandon everything in the past and become a complete part of the AIB!"

At this time, a cosmic congressman with a bull-like head muttered in dissatisfaction. The speaker looked at him, and the bull-headed cosmic man immediately shrank his neck and there was no follow-up sound. The speaker retracted his gaze, flipped through the contents of Zena's report, and said softly:

"Let Zena try to contact that adult. No matter what that adult says or what his attitude is, we will execute his will."

"Speaker, is this appropriate?"

As soon as these words came out, the congressmen immediately understood what the speaker meant. In such a tense internal relationship, it would be the best thing to have external forces intervene. However, you are directly involved in that Ultra Warrior. To be honest, we don't think that he is a good-tempered person. Speaker, your home planet has exploded. You think it doesn't matter, but what if the anger is directed to our home planet? What should we do!!!

"Don't think too much."

The speaker also realized the ambiguity in his words just now, and he quickly corrected it and said:

"If that adult doesn't have time to take action, then it's up to us to decide. Although I don't have my home planet, I still have many people living in the universe, so please rest assured that I won't be stupid enough to do such a thing."

445 Max: Yuan Subaru is your brother? !

"By the way, is the sealed place safe now?"

The speaker, who didn't want to continue on such a dangerous topic, immediately looked at the members of the emergency department and said in a serious voice:

"The enemy this time is probably heading for the Star of Order. The existence there must be sealed immediately, and all members who have been close to it recently must be thoroughly investigated."

The Star of Order in the sealed place.

This is undoubtedly the biggest key point in AIB, and this is also where all the members have reached a consensus. It is rare that everyone present put aside their greed and desires and joined forces to implement the sealing plan, and until now, they have faithfully fulfilled the treaty in the original plan.

The reason why they could do this was that everyone present had similar experiences and common goals. They were also clearly aware of the dangers of the Star of Order. This was a terrible Pandora's box. Once opened, even if it could greatly promote the development of cosmic civilization, the price would be...

You must know that every technological explosion would be accompanied by an extremely tragic war, and the continuation of the war would also lead to the re-development of technology... The AIB members sincerely did not want such a desperate cycle to happen.

"Please rest assured, Speaker, we have launched the highest level of blockade and investigation."

The Xixia Slad star who was named answered seriously:

"I believe that the sealed place is still as safe as ever, but if the enemy can break through such a defense, then we can only say that we AIB have really tried our best."

The words of the Xixia Slad star did not cause any reaction or dissatisfaction. This cosmic race is like this, cautious, serious and pessimistic. Even if they lock a door, they have to confirm it several times. Even after walking a long distance, they will turn back and recheck.

And it is precisely because of this civilization characteristic that it is quite reassuring to let them be responsible for security work. The upper limit of the security of the places that the Xixia Slad people are responsible for will only depend on the resources and technological level they can control.

"In this case, let's adjourn the meeting and continue to work according to their respective duties."

There are still many things to do now. Even if we hold a meeting, it cannot last too long, otherwise, everyone present will have to work overtime for a long time. Overtime...

This thing is a very bad term whether it is the universe or the earth.

Just when everyone at the AIB headquarters was busy, Max also woke up in a daze. He felt that his state at this time was quite subtle, just like an earthling who was confused. The more he slept, the more he wanted to sleep, and the more he slept, the more tired he felt. He tried his best to open his eyes and wanted to restore his perception of the outside world, but he was like a monkey pressed under a mountain and could not move at all.

Hmm? !

At this time, Asakura Lu noticed something and suddenly stopped. He was walking on the street with Aizaki Moeya...ah, this is not a date, but too many things happened before, and the daily necessities of Xingyunzhuang have not been fully bought. It's just right to take advantage of Aizaki Moeya's vacation now to go out shopping together.

Asakura Lu noticed that something was struggling in his mind. He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this should be Max Senior trying to "turn on the machine".

Therefore, Asakura Lu gently pulled Aizaki Moeya's hand. Aizaki Moeya immediately understood what Asakura Lu meant and made an "OK" gesture to her lover, indicating that no matter what happened next, she would be responsible for handling the aftermath. After all, she is a professional. As Xiao Lu's future wife, she can't lose face no matter what she says!

Asakura Lu didn't know what Aizaki Moeya was thinking, but seeing that Aizaki Moeya was so motivated, he felt relieved and began to close his eyes and try to contact Max Senior.

As Asakura Riku's telekinesis came, Max felt a warm light approaching him. This power was helping him wake up completely, but the power's method of helping him was quite unfamiliar, and it seemed that he had not received any training, but this was not important. Just because others were not skilled did not mean that Max would not be able to do it.

Max first tried to ask the mysterious power for energy sharing. If this could be passed, then the next thing would be much easier to handle. If not, then he would have to try...

Hmm? Passed, so straightforward!

Max was still thinking about which backup to use, and he was stunned. Such a straightforward passing made Max subconsciously think that it was an acquaintance who came to support him, but this guess was obviously impossible. Max had a good memory. He remembered all the energy fluctuations he had come into contact with. This was also a kind of professional accomplishment. As a civilization monitor, he had not encountered such a kind energy or life form for quite some time.

Since others were so happy, he should hurry up and move quickly to avoid wasting others' time.

With the support of external forces, Max quickly completed the "start-up". He looked at the boy in front of him, and then looked at the surrounding streets and shops. He was a little confused for a while. His memory was still stuck in the moment when he was caught in the vortex of time and space and fought with the strange negative energy monster. For Max, it was like closing his eyes and opening them again, and he skipped a long period of time. "Max, senior, hello, I am Geed, nice to meet you!" Looking at the giant in front of him, Asakura Riku immediately introduced himself using the "speech" prepared by Aizaki Moeya, and also described the general situation to Max. After listening, Max knew that Asakura Riku was not lying. Max himself knew the condition of his body very well, and if it weren't for the protection of this Geed Ultra Warrior, he would probably not wake up now. But.... Max was more curious that the strength of the Geed in front of him was obviously not enough to defeat him, so who on earth not only suppressed him, but also completed the purification work on himself so exquisitely? "This is Gen Subaru, and that, Senior Max, you should know my brother, right?"

Speaking of this, Asakura Riku's tone became high, as if children were showing off what their parents could do. Hearing this, Max's expression suddenly became subtle. For the first time, this mature civilization monitor doubted his hearing and asked in an uncertain tone:

"You said... Gen Subaru is your brother?!"

446 Gen Subaru is only four years old! ?

"Of course, this is certain. Our brotherly relationship has been certified by Gen Subaru himself!"

Hearing Max's questioning tone, Asakura Riku immediately refuted him with confidence. Then, the young Ultraman felt the extremely complex emotional changes transmitted by Max, as if he wanted to stay calm before he was surprised, but he was thinking about calming down, but his mind was still in a state of astonishment.

How to say...

Is it that serious...?

Asakura Riku was a little confused, but he chose to respect Max. After the complicated emotions passed, he spoke softly:

"Senior Max, why are you so surprised? Is it some kind of magical thing that Yuan Subaru has a brother like me?"

Asakura Riku was really curious. Max's reaction was too great, as if he had launched a telepathic attack. Fortunately, he had received similar combat training in his dream, so he could still do it now. He stood here without any change in his expression.

"This... this... I think anyone who knows Yuan Subaru will be quite shocked if they know about this."

Max pressed his head and whispered softly. This was really a big deal. If Severn and Sero knew that they had a grandson (son), their expressions would be too rich.

And the most important point...

This younger brother of Subaru...

It doesn't seem that extreme. He looks like an ordinary boy on Earth. This is really great. If another paranoid child like Yuan Subaru appears again, it will be too uncomfortable for everyone in the Kingdom of Light.

Ah, this is not to speak ill of Yuan Subaru. That child of Yuan Subaru is a very outstanding child. No matter how you look at it, he is like this. But his experience and his current appearance are really heartbreaking. .

"Well, you are Geed, right? Yuan Subaru...has he told you anything about your life experience?"

Max decided to have a good talk with Geed. Yuan Subaru was indeed a good boy, but because of his experience, he looked at some issues from a slightly different perspective than ordinary people. Therefore, Max began to explore , I want to make a certain assessment of Geede’s mental state first.

"As I said, our fathers are all Beria."

Asakura Riku said in a rather casual tone, but in fact, he was still quite nervous. Although Brother Yuan Subaru and him, the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light, especially mature warriors like Max, would not do it because of This will cause hostility or rejection towards oneself.


After listening to Yuan Subaru's story about his old father, Asakura Riku felt that it was incredible that a descendant of a villain like himself would not be liquidated.

However, what surprised Asakura Riku was that Max-senpai didn't seem to care about his answer, but continued to wait for what he had not finished.

But I have already said everything I need to say. Max, what are you waiting for? !

Asakura Riku and Max waited for a while with their eyes wide open. Max seemed to understand something and said in a soft tone:

"I understand. Yuan Subaru seems to have missed something with you. He doesn't seem to have told you about the other part of your bloodline."


Asakura Lu was stunned for a moment and said quickly:

"Brother Yuan Subaru has checked my body. My bloodline is pure Beria gene, nothing else."


Max was stunned for a moment, then realized something and said hurriedly:

"How old are you now based on Earth time?"

"Ah...he's almost eighteen years old."

Riku Asakura was also busy and confused during this period. He waved his fingers and roughly gave a number. Upon hearing this, Max immediately asked in confusion:

"Then why do you call Yuan Subaru brother? I thought you were only two or three years old?!"

"Why is there such a misunderstanding?!"

Asakura Lu's eyes widened, he gestured with his hands and said:

"A two- or three-year-old child is only that old. He can't even talk or walk! No matter how I look at it, he doesn't look like that kind of child... Could it be that your children in the Kingdom of Light have grown up Are they all so amazing?”

"No, no, no, in our Kingdom of Light, at your age, it is too early to be called a baby."

Max waved his hand and said softly:

"But what you said is that you are Yuan Subaru's younger brother. Yuan Subaru is only between four and five years old now, so it is difficult for people to misunderstand your statement."

"Brother Yuan Subaru said it was because his experimental sequence was ahead of mine, so... huh?!"

Asakura Riku, who was explaining something, was stunned for a moment, and the words in his mouth stopped suddenly, like a computer that failed to start up repeatedly, and it suddenly got stuck. Max first felt sorry for Seven and Sero in his heart... It can't be said that they are lucky. Although they lost their grandson (son) after the misunderstanding was resolved, it is hard to say whether this is a bad thing.

Then, Max patted Asakura Riku's head gently. The gentle telekinesis suddenly woke Asakura Riku up, and then he let out a deafening exclamation:


"My brother! He's only four years old!?"

Riku Asakura made a somewhat unacceptable gesture, and marked the height of Gen Subaru in the air. He stared at Max and said:

"Senior Max, you call this four years old?!"

"This is the fact. This is a precise calculation by the Kingdom of Light, and it is also something Yuan Subaru personally admitted."

Max feels that his current mentality is not very good. Although this is not a funny thing, when he sees other people being so shocked by this, he still has a subtle sympathy and sympathy for the person in front of him. It also received a huge impact.

"This...this is impossible!"

Asakura Riku instinctively rejected this truth. He was messy and said with random gestures:

"I have seen the battle memories of Gen Subaru. He has fought against many aliens and monsters, all of whom are very powerful characters, and there are not a few of them. In addition, my brother has many skills, and he uses Ultra Bombs to perfection. With this level and experience, you told me that he is only four years old?! I don't believe it. I don't believe it. Senior Max, you must be joking. My brother... my brother is four years old... and he has fought so many brutal battles... This, this is impossible..."

447 Belia: I still admire Gen Subaru

Asakura Riku spoke incoherently, but before Max could respond, he squatted down by himself. He didn't know what kind of mood he was in now. He only knew that Senior Max had no reason to deceive him.

What kind of mental journey did his brother Gen Subaru, who was only four years old, go through to get to where he is now?

Regarding this point, Asakura Riku didn't dare to imagine it at all. It's not that he couldn't imagine it, but as soon as he guessed, he felt his nose was sour. The hardships and sufferings along the way were really hard not to make people feel distressed.

"Subaru... should have only become the Light of Nexus for a year."

However, at this time, Max on the side added in a very subtle tone:

"Zed, the battle memories you saw before are all what Subaru experienced in the past year, and he is also responsible for the fate of a planet. So, although Subaru is very young now, he has indeed seen a lot of the world and knows a lot of things. He can't be treated as an ordinary four-year-old child. That... I said so much, mainly to tell you that it is actually quite appropriate for you to call Subaru your brother."

Max looked at Asakura Riku, whose head was almost unable to turn, and tried to comfort him, but this kind of comfort was obviously useless. Asakura Riku still looked like a downtime.

"Okay, take me to see Subaru."

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