In a deserted park, Aix was slowly describing their encounter:

"Now I have no way or ability to leave this terminal. It is too difficult to find the earth. I can only ask other people on earth for help."

"Then how did you find Naomi, Hayami and Matsudo?"

Hong Kai, who was eating ice cream, asked Aix doubtfully, and Aix answered honestly:

"Because I sense that they are the organization that has the most contact with Ultraman, and..."

Aix's voice suddenly dropped half a tone, and he said helplessly:

"Also because they are the places closest to me..."

"Can you still sense the amount of contact? Can you teach me this technique?"

At this moment, Yuan Subaru, who was lying on the table next to him with squinting eyes, came over like a curious baby, sincerely asked Ax for advice, then looked at Hong Kai and said:

"Well, Kai, do you know similar skills? Why don't you and Ax teach me?"

"This is more troublesome. I'd better wait until this matter is settled before I teach you properly."

Hong Kai threw the ice cream stick into the trash can accurately, then looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Don't you want to rest? I'll give you an address. You can go get some sleep first. Ax and I will meet you later."

"I'm not going to sleep anymore. I just need to close my eyes."


Hongkai and Aix looked at each other and felt that Yuan Subaru's tone was a bit strange, so they couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing. Being beaten by five masters in a dream is quite tiring. Squinting your eyes a little can restore your telekinesis, which is good."



What have you been dreaming about? !

These words made Hong Kai and Aix confused. Seeing Yuan Subaru's squinted eyes and resting, Hong Kai didn't say the words that came to his mouth. In fact, when he met Yuan Subaru this time, what he wanted to do most was One thing I'm talking about is...

Why don't you take back Jakura's light first?

Hong Kai spent this period of time... quite painfully and happily. When he encountered some kind of opponent, before he even took out the Orb ring, there was a 'swish' sound, and Jagula appeared, carrying light, 'swish swish' Whoosh' killed the enemy, and then the man wiped the light on the blade while showing a weird (smug) smile towards himself and said:

"Hey, Kai, you can't do it alone, look at mine."


"Why are you surprised? I am also the one chosen by the light. Isn't it normal to end the battle faster than you?"


"Kai, do you want me to teach you how to be a warrior of light?"

Ah~~~That’s enough. This guy is too arrogant. The only problem is that I am the only one caught arrogantly. It’s so irritating. I really want to beat him up, but I can’t catch him, which makes me even more angry!

Hong Kai took a vicious bite of the ice cream and chewed it vigorously, as if he was eating someone. Then, looking at Yuan Subaru who started to squint, he and Aix looked at each other, and they were also quiet under the warm sunlight. Sitting.

About an hour later, Yuan Subaru suddenly sat up straight, causing Hongkai and Aix to sit up straight subconsciously.

"Having a nightmare?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly saw five familiar figures and was surprised to realize that I actually fell asleep."

Yuan Subaru pinched the center of his brows, briefly tested the recovery of his telekinesis, and then stood up energetically and said:

"I've almost recovered. Do you want to save people now?"

"Of course, let's go, Ax will have to wait impatiently."

"I don't think so. I'm just worried about the safety of the earth."

Amid Ax's arrogant defense, Hongkai grabbed Yuan Subaru who was trying to fly with telekinesis, called a taxi, and headed towards his destination.

According to what the two cosmonauts told them, they were only temporarily hired to rob the X terminal, and the person who hired them lived in a villa in the suburbs.

Aix also found on the Internet through hacking technology that there was a very strange rumor in this city recently, saying that after a sudden change in the weather, a mysterious villa appeared in the suburbs, and the couple who discovered the villa even took a video. Video, the last person appearing in the video seems to be the alien Sam from the universe.

So, with this comparison, it's obvious where to go next.

After getting out of the car, Hong Kai and Yuan Subaru jogged for a while, and found the villa as expected. Yuan Subaru narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"There seems to be something like a barrier outside this house. If you try to climb through the windows, it seems like you can't get in..."


Looking at Yuan Subaru who had taken out the Evolved Truster, Hong Kai grabbed him and said:

"You don't want to become Ultraman and fight in directly. This won't work. Zero has already told me that Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory who came to investigate the wormhole have disappeared. The enemy The power may exceed our expectations.”

"I'm not trying to transform."

Gen Subaru held up the Evolved Truster that flashed slightly and said:

"It's just that it sensed that there seemed to be Nexus' power coming from around it. Is Mr. Jagula also nearby?"

This name gives me a headache...

Hong Kai couldn't help but hold his forehead and sighed helplessly.

"Actually, it's not possible to just start the fight."

On the other side, Yuan Subaru thought for a while and said:

"I'll attract attention outside, and you guys can take advantage of the chaos to sneak in and look for Dadi. This seems to work. If the situation doesn't go well, I'll just run away. My escape speed is actually quite first-rate."

"That's not necessary."

At this time, Jagula's voice came from the side. This time the Unicorn man was wearing a butler uniform, leaning against the tree, looking at Hong Kai and saying with a smile:

"Just let Kai go in first. Subaru, just wait outside and wait for about ten minutes before going in."

"Oh! Mr. Jagula! Ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Subaru covered his head and squatted down in pain. Jakura retracted the handle of the knife and said with a slight dissatisfaction in his tone:

"Just call me Jagula, sir, that's too polite."

Um? !

After hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Hong Kai's mind. Suddenly realizing something, the cosmic prodigal showed a subtle smile to the cold cosmic swordsman opposite, then cleared his throat and said in a pretentious manner:

"Hey, Kai, you can't do it alone, look... ugh!!!"

Looking at Jagula who directly drew his sword and blocked all the remaining words of Hong Kai, Yuan Subaru hurriedly wanted to persuade him, but the next second the two people disappeared from the place, and he didn't know where they went. Yuan Subaru caught He scratched his hair and looked at the villa and thought for a moment.

It'll take about ten minutes, right... Then how about... I go in first?

059 If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how can you catch the tiger’s cubs?


"Stop laughing!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!"

"You're still smiling, haven't you stopped all the way!"

In the woods on the outskirts, Hongkai laughed wildly and circled around an ancient tree, while Jagula blushed and chased him with the Snake Heart Sword. Whenever he didn't intend to chase, Hongkai would stop. , learn a few sentences at the top of your lungs, and then continue to repeat this game of you running and chasing me, and if you catch me, I will let you chop, chop, chop.

In the end, Hong Kai couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. He clutched his stomach and fell to the ground. He used the remaining strength to turn over and avoid the blade swung by Jakula. Then his whole body twitched with laughter. He seemed to be dying, flopping around like a salted fish on the grass, and he couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Jakula.

"It's the first time I've seen you look so coy. It's really...haha, let me tell you, Jakula, what do you think of Yuan Subaru?"

Hongkai propped up his body, looked at Jagula who was leaning on the tree next to him, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a chuckle:

"Could it be that you really plan to regard him as your disciple?"

"I won't accept any more disciples."

Jakula put away the Snake Heart Sword and said expressionlessly:

"The gamer family of master and apprentice is not suitable for me anymore. I just... don't want to be disappointed. But whether it's justice or trial, I will still follow my own rules. Why are you laughing? Kai, change it to You, you are worse than me!"

Hearing this, Hong Kai also restrained his smile, and then said thoughtfully:

"Just in time, let's take this opportunity to think about it together. Which organization has the opportunity to obtain Ultraman's light and genes and preserve them for biochemical experiments. Who can do this, in the whole world There should be only a few in the universe.”

"It's not just that simple."

Jiagu La sat next to Hong Kai and said seriously:

"Ultraman's power is well known to you and me. Ordinary materials will be assimilated by it and become the existence of 'light'. However, I have seen Subaru's blood, which is quite unstable. In other words, the experimenter also used It’s a kind of antagonistic material that is no less than Ultraman.”

"What kind of monster are you planning to create?"

Hong Kai's face became solemn, and he ran through one organization after another in his mind, but after thinking about it, he felt that they were not qualified.

"I didn't expect that this Nexel...young brother Yuan Subaru actually has such a past..."


Ax, who had been listening silently on the sidelines, could not help but sigh in the terminal. As his words fell, Ax immediately noticed that the atmosphere around him had changed. Jakura looked at Hong Kong with a fierce look in his eyes. Kai, the prodigal son of the universe, obediently held up the X terminal with both hands with innocent eyes. After a while, he just went to laugh at Jakula and really forgot about X.

Then when Ax yelled in panic, Jakura took him into the shadows with a smile. After some 'friendly' conversation, looking at Jakura's happy look, it was obvious that he had achieved the goal. Some kind of agreement.

"Okay, it's time to go back."

Hong Kai patted the grass clippings on his clothes and said seriously:

"The next step is to rescue the earth..."


Before Hong Kai finished speaking, they heard a huge explosion. They turned their heads in shock and saw a wisp of black smoke rising from the villa. Hong Kai and Jia Gula looked at it in unison. Looking at the watch, twenty minutes have passed since they ran away. In other words, during these twenty minutes, has Yuan Subaru already entered? !

"Kai, it's all your fault! What are you doing at this time!!"

Jagula, whose lips began to tremble with anger, rushed towards the villa like lightning. Hong Kai followed closely behind him without saying a word. This time... he was indeed a bit out of his mind.

On the other side, after Jagula and Hongkai left, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment before heading towards the villa. To be honest, he was used to fighting alone, and he would not be used to it if there were people around him to cooperate with him.

Arriving at the door, Yuan Subaru subconsciously knocked on the door politely. Then he slapped his forehead in annoyance and hid to one side. He was alert to the movement inside the door, but to his surprise, there was no response. The young man carefully opened the door. , walking inside, I found that the villa was empty, and even the footsteps could be echoed.

But this does not mean that there is no defense in this villa. When he came to the stairs, Yuan Subaru frowned and looked all the way. From the stairs to the clock above, there was a strange feeling everywhere, just like before. It's like a wormhole, but it's just less powerful. If you step into it, you'll be teleported out, which is fine. But if you fall into a trap, it'll be troublesome.


At this time, Yuan Subaru lowered his head and glanced at his chest, took out the Evolution Truster, and shook it left and right in front of him. He noticed that there seemed to be a certain relationship between the flashing frequency of the Evolution Truster and the location of the trap. Following this pattern, the young man blinked his eyes, then used the Evolution Truster as a detector and moved forward cautiously.

Although the way he walked was a bit funny, Yuan Subaru really didn't encounter any danger along the way.

Very good, let's set off like this. The breath on the left side is wrong, so go there first to see if there is any trace of the earth.

After becoming proficient, Yuan Subaru's movements obviously sped up a lot, and he quickly explored the surrounding rooms. Finally, after turning another corner, the young man discovered the figure of Da Kong Daichi. At this time, he seemed to be in a semi- In a comatose state, he was tied to a chair, with spacemen guarding him with weapons on his left and right.

Subaru didn't know the two cosmic beings, so out of caution to prevent them from having any fancy skills, the boy slightly stretched out his hand towards them, and his ultra-psychic power instantly immobilized them. Then he shook his hand hard, and the two heads were Then it exploded and lost its vitality.

But even so, Dakong Daichi still looked as if he had opened his eyes slightly. The young man walked over quickly, looked at the chains on his body and frowned, subconsciously picked up the cosmonaut's knife, made serious gestures, and then There was a flash of cold light, and as black sparks splashed, the seemingly small, but unexpectedly strong chain was broken.

Yuan Subaru shook his hands that were numb from the shock, and quickly tore off all the chains from Dai Kong Daichi's body. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him to wake him up. Then he covered his mouth, hinting that he didn't want to He spoke and pointed to the balcony behind him, the meaning was self-evident——

Jump down.

Daikong Daichi nodded understandingly and acted without hesitation, completely unaware that Yuan Subaru had no intention of taking action. When Daikong Daichi stepped onto the railing, the boy activated his telekinesis and pushed him away.

Just now, Yuan Subaru has tested it. The barrier of this villa is only for the outside. There is no danger in leaving here from the inside. Therefore, there is no need to worry about Da Kong Dadi being involved in another dimension. Next, Da Kong Dadi only needs to be with the outside world. In the victory round, taking back the terminal can become an effective combat force, but as for myself...

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs!

060 Star clusters: Are you missing me?

After rescuing Daikora Daichi, Gen Subaru did not directly transform and completely demolish the villa, but continued to try to sneak around. He remembered Kai once said that Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory seemed to They were also captured by the enemy and had to go back to see where they were bound.

"Where's Jakura! Where's Jakura!"

However, during the sneaking process, Yuan Subaru was surprised to hear a familiar name. He took out the small mirror prepared by Shiori Hiragi from his sleeve and carefully used the reflection of the mirror to check the situation in the room. I found that there was a hall inside. Four maids and male servants with stiff expressions, who at first glance knew to be aliens in disguise, were standing in front of an aunt...

No, that's rude, an older man, wearing a black dress inlaid with gems, and a gemstone forehead protector, looking like a bejeweled man.

At this time, the woman was beating the armrest of the seat and yelling dissatisfied:

"Everyone in the sky and the earth has escaped, and Uub hasn't come here yet. What on earth is Jakura, the butler, doing!"

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