Ah... Mr. Jagula, are you such a mole this time?

Although they have not been together for long, if you say that Jakura will become this woman's subordinate simply because of her personal charm or appearance, Yuan Subaru will not believe anything you say. He can only say that there is something in this woman that he needs. of...

No, it may also be because he can take the opportunity to trick Hong Kai. At this point, Mr. Jagula should be happy to join forces with others.

This pair of enemies...

Yuan Subaru held his forehead speechlessly, put away the mirror, and began to think about what to do next. Then three seconds later, he took out his energy blast gun and shot the older woman.

Anyway, the more troubles he made, the easier it would be for Kai and the others to act. If he was lucky enough to kill this old woman who looked like the mastermind behind the scenes, wouldn't this incident be over immediately?

With this mentality, Yuan Subaru unceremoniously bombarded the hall. Although he killed many cosmic people, it was a pity that there was an invisible shield around the older woman, blocking the attack. Under the energy blast gun attack.

In response, the visibly older woman leaned on the unidentified down-filled backrest, pretending to be elegant and raised her hand to support her chin, and gave Yuan Subaru a disdainful look. Then, she saw the man who appeared out of nowhere. The little kid took out his transformer with an indifferent expression, and under the light, he transformed into Nexus, who was as tall as anyone else.

Just when the halo of transformation had not dissipated, Nexus waved towards the scattered light. In an instant, dense piercing light guns hit the elderly woman. It has to be said that although she was Those five Ultra brothers were badly beaten by the projections, but they still learned things very quickly.

The older woman seemed to have never expected that Ultraman would appear in front of her in this way, and it was the same Nexus who almost had his base chopped into pieces as soon as he appeared. She immediately let out an indescribable cry. The scream, to be honest, Yuan Subaru felt that he could never find a scream more harsh and weird than this.

Is this also a sonic attack?

Yuan Subaru thought subconsciously, but he didn't stop at all. With a wave of his hands, a star-like light group flashed above the hall, and then the star-shaped shuriken light bombs were poured out indiscriminately.

At the same time, Nexus had positive energy in one hand and negative energy in the other. Under the collision of the two energies, the lightning on [Armed Nexus] also turned into gold and gray. As Nexus formed a cross with his hands, The beam of light burst out like a torrent, and its terrifying power made the entire villa tremble.

"It's just Ultraman, don't even think about showing off in front of me!"

The older woman gritted her teeth and took out a ring that was very similar to Orb's transformation ring, but was painted in a darker style. She put a card into it. Immediately, Yuan Subaru felt the space in the hall. Something strange is happening.

Yuan Subaru frowned and turned to the left with one hand, avoiding the miniature wormhole that wanted to teleport him away. Upon seeing this, the face of the older woman changed and she used the power of the ring again. , but this time, Nexus still jumped to avoid the wormhole one second before it exploded.

Can this guy pre-read me, or does he have a natural sensitivity to spatial forces?

The older woman quickly judged in her mind. After thinking for a moment, the ring in her hand lit up, and the indiscriminate spatial fluctuations enveloped the entire villa. Yuan Subaru also realized that this time there was no way to escape, and he tried his best. An attack broke out, trying to kill this elderly woman, but due to the interference of space and time, the beam was deflected, hit the roof of the villa, and was then teleported out.

On the other side, Hong Kai and Jia Gula, who came because of the sound of the villa roof being blown off, found Da Kong Daichi. However, before Aix and Da Kong Daichi could immerse themselves in the joy of reunion, the villa not far away suddenly disappeared. , and then, a strange aura hit them, and the three warriors' faces all became solemn——

This was the momentum of the enemy's arrival. The mere appearance of this monster was so terrifying that they felt a sense of crisis in their hearts. At this time, the monster had appeared out of thin air and hit the center of the city like a meteor.

"Don't even think about it!"

At the same time, Nexus, who was teleported to the city, quickly grew in size, spread his hands to both sides, and used himself as the base point to expand the Metafield. At the moment of the terrible crash, the Metafield Taking shape, the city avoided the catastrophic impact.

"Huh? Does Nexus still have such a domain?"

At this time, the star clusters who had already planned to take action silently put away the transformation glasses in their hands, with a somewhat surprised tone. After all, in the records of the Kingdom of Light, there is very little information about Noah and Nexus. There is an image, and there is A brief introduction to the relationship is almost all there is to it. The rest is just random talk from Ultra's father, which is really hard to tell.

"Is the space phase distorted? Let me try..."

Zhu Xingtuan looked around and saw that the Earth Defense Force was urgently evacuating the crowd. He did not need his help, so he found an empty seat, poured himself a cup of coffee, stared blankly at the space barrier in the Meta Field, and began to use his telekinesis to Try to peek into the battle.

This operation was not difficult for the stars. Soon, he saw a battle taking place inside, and then he saw Nexus using a very beautiful swallow-style flying kick to hit the monster. On the head, after falling to the body, he turned around and struck an atomic punch with his right wrist, gathering all the strength of his body, knocking the monster away immediately.

Could it be that... he is Taylor's disciple?

Seeing this familiar combo, Zhu Xingtuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, but then nodded calmly. It seemed that he had guessed correctly just now. The familiarity this child gave him really came from his acquaintance. Time Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Taylor can teach such an outstanding disciple... huh? !

Zhu Xingtuan picked up the cup, and before he could take a sip of coffee, he was shocked to see Nanexus raising his hands flat, one hand stretched forward, and the standard M87 light suddenly shot out, which made Zhu Xingtuan blink continuously. Eyes, silently chanting in my heart:

‘Is Brother Zuo Fei also teaching him? Wait, isn't this...Jack's aerial throwing skills and Ultra Rockets? This throwing skill is also Jack's... No, it's Brother Man's. This... this guillotine was taught by Ace, it must have been taught by him. No one but him can teach this ruthless and spicy thing, isn't it? , Brother Zoffie, Brother Man, Jack, Ace, Taylor...'

Zhu Xingtuan clasped his hands and counted them. Not to mention Xiaomeng, there are six Ultra brothers. Now he has used the combat skills of five Ultra warriors. Guess whose moves have not appeared now?

It's me, Severn!

Zhu Xing Tuan took a sip of coffee with some displeasure. The brothers were really unkind. They didn't even call me to join the disciples. What do you mean? Although when I taught Leo before, my methods were indeed inappropriate, but at that time What's the background? If Leo doesn't grow up quickly, the earth will be gone!

No, I have to talk to them properly after I go back. Now...

Zhuhoshidan, who originally had the desire to take action, looked at the very quiet street, then at Nexus who was fighting, poured another cup of coffee, put his left leg on his right leg, and leaned against the back of the chair. Youzai sipped it——

Let me see how far this Nexus, who has accepted the inheritance of the five Ultra Brothers, can fight.

So hard, this monster is really hard...

In the meta field, Nexus had already fought against this monster that looked like a mechanical moving fortress for a round. It had to be said that it was no wonder that the elderly woman threw it out. She did have a certain amount of capital, and... ...

Yuan Subaru glanced at the black gas coming out of the monster, silently guessing that it might have been blessed by that strange ring power. Is that guy afraid of being beaten?

Just when the boy was unconsciously thinking about this problem, the mechanical fortress monster started to act again. The horn-shaped object on its back fired red and blue laser rays, and the barrel on its shoulder could also spray flames. At the same time, it His left arm is a huge gun, which, combined with laser rays and flame pillars, achieves extremely strong frontal suppression.

It was precisely because of this that at the beginning of the battle, Nexus did not choose to fight head-on, but instead used a swallow-style flying kick to get around.

But this time, the same plan could not be successfully accomplished twice. The muzzle of the red and blue laser rays locked tightly on Nexus, and in the last round of battle, it seemed to be detecting The data and skills of Ultra Warriors.

After completing that round of identification, it was obvious that there were a lot more muzzles behind it this time, and the rays were so dense that it was difficult for Yuan Subaru to catch the gap in the attack while ensuring his own safety, and with the fortress monsters After adjusting his direction and pointing the huge gun in one hand and the cannon in the other, Nexus was simply a living target!

Do you want to drag it?

Yuan Subaru, who deployed the circular shield and blocked a round of bombardment, was planning his next move. This would only require such uninterrupted attacks from the monster... No, it can't be delayed. It has the support of the mysterious ring behind it. Just like the miraculous performance of space force just now, the Meita Realm may not be able to stop it.

And that older woman is not a fool. Since she released it, she should have made enough reserves. She also has a deadline and shouldn't waste time on it.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru looked at the stuffed monster through the circular shield. He had just tested it. General physical skills, let alone killing, sometimes couldn't even hit him hard. When necessary, physical attacks should be added with Light energy or telekinesis.

Beams and light bombs have also been tested. The former is offset by the dark breath, and the damage is weakened. The damage caused by the latter is better, but in comparison, it is better to be used as a containment in battle. The rest Cutting skills....

"Ultra Guillotine!"

'puff! ! ! ’

Hearing this sound, the stars couldn't help but spit out a sip of coffee, widened their eyes, and watched in disbelief as the familiar light wheel flew out of Nexus' hand.

Ace actually even taught this trick. Could it be that this capable person from Nexus was the new child he took in after Zeta? I...I haven't been away for long, why have things changed so quickly? It seems that after dealing with the dark circle matter, I have to go back to the Kingdom of Light, otherwise I will really become an outdated grandpa. .

I don’t know what Zero is doing now. That irritable child is really worrying.

Looking at other people's dolls, Zhu Xingtuan couldn't help but think of his own troublesome bastard, but it should be said that after experiencing the Belia Rebellion, that guy has matured a lot, and he shouldn't treat him with the same attitude as before. Okay, let's get back to the present.

Zhu Xingtuan saw that after Nexus released the Ultra Guillotine, he still had the energy to achieve super-high-speed assault and ray attack, and he was more and more sure that this was Ace's direct teaching. Just the amount of light energy reserves, the master and apprentice are exactly the same. If this set is changed to other Ultra Brothers, basically no one can hold on.

However, his intention is too obvious.

After watching the Ultra Guillotine cut off the turret behind the fortress monster, it immediately attacked Nexus who was sure to kill from behind. Zhu Xingtuan shook his head silently. Sure enough, under the influence of the black air, the new muzzle was pushed out from the body of the fortress monster, and Nexus, who was dodging in time, immediately ate it...


Just as Zhu Xingtuan was waiting to see Nexus being blown away, he unexpectedly saw Nexus, whose whole body suddenly glowed red, retreating quickly in the posture of the attack. The red and blue rays were almost on his nose, but at this distance, it seemed to be a world away.

Then, the Ultra Warrior's energy core, which had re-condensed light energy, flashed, and a barrier emerged from it, blocking the incoming rays. Although the barrier only lasted for a short time, it was enough for Nexus to get ready again and enter the battle state again.

Very good.

Zhu Xingtuan nodded and gave a satisfied affirmation.

After all, he is a warrior trained by his brothers, very good.

061 A group fight begins


Just as Nexus was getting ready again, a familiar and bold laugh came. The strange, always enthusiastic cyborg suddenly appeared in Meta's domain, waving his long sword and making a provocative gesture towards Subaru:

"Although I would rather deal with Orb, it's not bad to take you as an appetizer before destroying Orb. Oh hey! Go! Remember, I'm Sadis who will kill you!"

After saying that, Sadis, under the cover of the fortress monster, rushed straight towards Nexus. Facing the laser beams and artillery fire that almost occupied the entire field of vision, Nexus clenched his fists while crossing his wrists in front of his chest. His whole body rotated at high speed, and a red mental vortex quietly emerged. Then, the vortex stopped abruptly, and Nexus waved forward, releasing an energy wave that spread outward from his palm.

In an instant, both Sadis and the artillery fire were stopped in place by the terrifying telekinesis. Then, Nexus raised his hands upwards, and star-like light flashed behind him. This barrier composed of telekinesis bounced back everything that was still.

Amid Sadis's exclamation, the fortress monster that was staggered by the artillery fire suddenly pressed on him. At this time, Nexus jumped into the sky, curled up into a ball, and the amazing light energy was rapidly condensing. After a war cry, the giant suddenly stretched out his arms and legs, and the "X"-shaped cross guillotine whistled out.

This was just a simple guillotine cutting technique, but because it was infused with extremely terrifying light energy, it underwent some changes. In this Meta field, the free energy was guided by it and followed closely, forming golden arrows, attacking Sadis and the fortress monster.

Seeing this, Sadis pushed the fortress monster forward, and then rolled and crawled in the delusion of escaping the killing range of the golden arrow, without the enthusiasm he had just provoked.

But after running two steps, Sadis realized that the killing intent was still there, and there was a force dragging him to the center of the arrow's killing range. He realized that he had been locked in and had to take this move no matter what, so he wanted to run back to the fortress monster, but...

It was too late.

The violent light energy instantly engulfed the two monsters, and at the same time, it also involved Nexus in the air. Although Yuan Subaru was very glad that this impact did not tear up the Meta Realm, but...


Yuan Subaru, who was lying on the ground, could not bear the churning in his stomach and almost vomited bile. He originally just wanted to use his strength to fly, but he did not expect that his strength would work miracles. He accidentally created an incredible big move, so the impact and impact on the Meta Realm indirectly reflected on himself.

It's a pity that the big plate of chicken I had in the morning wasted. I have to eat another plate to make up for myself when I go back.

"Is this... the battle over?"

"As expected of Senior Nexus..."

At this time, Hong Kai and Dakong Daichi, who came in a hurry, hurriedly helped Yuan Subaru up, patted his back to breathe, and then looked at the cut pieces of the fortress monster and the body of Sadis, and subconsciously muttered to himself.

Gen Subaru coughed a few times, patted Hong Kai and Daisora ​​Daichi on the shoulders, pointed at the corpses and said:

"Quick, finish off!"

"Ah?!" X2

Obviously, Hong Kai and Daisora ​​Daichi didn't expect Gen Subaru to say this, but they still took out the transformation device in their hands and prepared to do what Gen Subaru said.

However, at this moment, Sadis's wrist suddenly shook, and then all the corpses resonated with each other, and in the blink of an eye, they were pieced together and reborn again.

"Ah... I almost died."

"Tsk... too focused on cutting power."

The voices of Sardis and Yuan Subaru sounded at the same time, and there was also a strange sound of space fluctuations. Everyone looked up and saw the villa quietly appearing in the sky, and two black lights shot down.

Immediately, Sasi looked at the mechanical fortress monster in surprise - the corpse of Diaboligu spinning around him at high speed due to the black light. As another black light also penetrated into his body, amidst the harsh mechanical friction sound, These two monsters were fused together, and the fully mechanized Gabia planet Thaddeus was born amidst the intensive gunfire!

"What's this?"

Yuan Subaru's eyes widened in surprise, he pointed at the newly appeared monster and looked at Hong Kai and said:

"Forget it about resurrection, how can it be integrated and upgraded? What method is this?"

"This is the power of the Dark Circle."

Hongkai looked at the laughing Sardis with a solemn face and said softly:

"It is something obtained from the shadow of the Circle of Light. It has the characteristic of automatically finding the most evil person in the universe. It has the ability to extract the energy of monsters to make monster cards, summon monsters, and combine to transform into monsters. , corresponding to the Orb Circle, which can continuously enhance the darkness, evil, and power in the user's heart."

"That woman is the most evil person in the universe?"

After hearing this explanation, Yuan Subaru whispered in disbelief. To be honest, he really couldn't connect the two.

"It seems that you have already met her. She is the space witch thief Mrunau. She is a very conceited and annoying witch with a dark heart. There is no doubt about this."

Hongkai sighed helplessly. Speaking of this witch, he had some connections with her. When he was collecting the four elements of the Orb Holy Sword, he had encountered this witch. As a criminal wanted by the Interstellar Alliance, , pretending to be a prophet at the space airport, telling people that the end of the world is coming, in an attempt to achieve their own evil purposes.

Then she went to attack the mines on the gem planet and plunder gem resources. During this period, the Interstellar Alliance wanted to arrest this Mrunau, but she escaped smoothly.

However, in this process, the earth element gem, a very valuable collection for Mrunau, fell into the hands of Hong Kai, and that gem is still installed in the Orb Holy Sword.

And this Sardis also has something to do with Hong Kai. He once assassinated Hong Kai and forced Hong Kai to the end. However, during the attack, he accidentally fell into the lava of the crater. Originally, Hong Kai thought he was He was already dead, but he didn't expect him to appear in front of him in this posture again.

It's all bad luck...

Hong Kai sighed deeply and tiredly. At this time, Sardis roared, and the machine gun on his arm... no, it was a machine gun now, and fired a black beam towards the location of Yuan Subaru and others. Sweeping forward, Hong Kai pulled the two people beside him and hurriedly retreated, only to see that all the places where the beam swept had turned into gems.

"Gem...has this female conjurer learned this trick by now?"

Hongkai snorted and commented casually. What was surprising was that Namrunau seemed to hear his voice through the dark circle, and her voice also reached Hongkai in the same way:

"Sure enough, I still prefer your silence, because it's really boring for you to talk. I want to turn you into a gem that doesn't reply, just like them!"

After saying that, space fluctuations were heard again under the villa, and two huge gem stone statues fell from it. Although Yuan Subaru didn't recognize him, judging from Hong Kai's reaction, they should be the Galaxy Ultras who were previously investigated for disappearance. Mann and Victory Altman.

"Have you seen it, Hongkai? How beautiful such gems are. Sure enough, my idea is correct. Beautiful humans and beautiful scenery are immortal. I should put everything away before stupid civilization pollutes the environment. Become a beautiful gem! My great ideal starts with turning this planet into a gem!”

"But if you do this, all life on the planet will also perish."

Yuan Subaru couldn't bear to listen and couldn't help shouting:

"When you turned it into a gem, didn't you hear the mournful cry of the passing souls?"

"Hmph, everything in the world will one day perish, even love will disappear, but only gems will never betray me, stupid boy, for the sake of your simplicity, I will let you It will also become my collection.”

After saying this, Yuan Subaru noticed that some kind of passage was cut off, and the witch's voice did not come again. At this moment, Jagula's figure suddenly appeared. He covered his arm, and the suit there had been Gem Transformation, in the eyes of everyone, shook his head helplessly and said softly:

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