For some reason, the cyborg looked excited and picked up the knife from the ground, shouting and waving at Nexus.

However, Gen Subaru did not pay attention to him, but slowly moved his eyes to the seemingly empty sky. His intuition told him that there was an evil look looking at him there, as if he was some kind of cargo.

"Hey, hey, hey!!! Where are you looking at? I'm here!!!"

Seeing that Nexus ignored him, the cyborg carried the knife, jumped in dissatisfaction, waved his hands and shouted, and then he shouted "Hey~ Yeah!", and a red light surged from his body. The cyborg, who was as tall as a human, immediately turned into a giant as tall as Nexus.

But Nexus still didn't want to pay attention to him. He waved his hands up and down, and the vertical guillotine immediately killed towards the sensed position in the air. Then in the next second, as expected, the guillotine flying halfway was twisted by the invisible force of time and space. In that position, the real culprit behind the scenes might be hiding.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!! Your opponent is here!!!"

It's so noisy.

Yuan Subaru looked at the cyborg who rushed over with dissatisfaction, waved his hand, and three beams flew out and hit him. The cyborg raised his knife in dissatisfaction and planned to split the beams, but he didn't expect that the beams suddenly collided with each other, and when they deviated from the track, they also increased their speed.

The cyborg calculated that as long as he bent down a little, he could avoid the attack of the beam and it would not affect his forward speed. Just right, let this guy who didn't fight with him have a taste of the power of his full acceleration...


Just as the cyborg was planning his attack route, the three beams suddenly changed and turned into three beams of light that crossed each other, forming a simple cage, accurately holding the cyborg's joints, making it difficult for him to move.

Nexus tapped the energy core with one hand and pointed to the sky, and the feathers of thunder and particles poured down immediately. The other hand swung horizontally and vertically, and the horizontal and vertical micro-guillotine blades rushed out from the left and right respectively. Then his hands formed a cross, and the "Cross Ray Storm" took the middle path to kill. In just one second, the mastermind behind the scenes who had not yet revealed his figure was surrounded and killed by the light!

056 My name is Tanu Moroboshi

"Hey, hey, hey... Doesn't this guy's skills cost money?"

The cyborg who saw this scene whispered in surprise. He could see that every skill released by this Ultraman could be considered a sure kill. If it was other Ultra Warriors with this frequency of release, they would have been in trouble by now. How come he is still fine? This is really outrageous.

And how did he find out where the Murunau Mansion is? Why is this Ultraman even weirder than us?

But no matter what, you guys are not allowed to ignore me... Uh (⊙o⊙)...

The cyborg raised his hand and was about to aim the machine gun on his arm at Nexus to shoot, but at this moment, the light beam that bound him suddenly tightened, causing severe pain in his joints, and the machine gun's shooting naturally went astray.

After seeing this scene, the mastermind behind the scenes did not say a word, and a large-scale space-time distortion appeared again, not only transferring all the attacks to an unknown place, but also replacing Nexus to another place. During this period, Yuan Subaru was also trying to resist this transfer force, but unfortunately, this resistance did not succeed.

At the moment of being transferred, the boy who had noticed something in advance raised his eyebrows, immediately canceled the transformation, and fell into the flowers next to him. Yuan Subaru walked out carefully to avoid damaging the green plants, and then saw that there was a primary school next to the flowers. If he fell down in the form of a giant, I'm afraid...

Damn it!

Yuan Subaru looked at the sky expressionlessly, then covered his head and planned to find a place to rest. This Ultramania was used too much, causing himself to feel dizzy and swollen when he really needed it.


At this time, the boy looked to the side and saw three children holding popsicles, staring at him in amazement. There was no doubt that they saw him fall.

"That... alien?"

One of the children seemed to know a lot, licked the ice cream blankly, and asked in a low voice. Yuan Subaru thought quickly, nodded, and said:

"Yes, I am an alien, so... aren't you going to run?"

"Huh? Why do you want to run?"

The child holding the popsicle tilted his head for no reason, which was cute. Yuan Subaru smiled slightly, and then a terrifying expression appeared on his face. Without opening his mouth, he said with telepathy:

"Because the alien is going to eat you!"

"Why scare the children?"

However, at this moment, a kind voice sounded behind Yuan Subaru. Although there was no murderous intent in the voice, it frightened the boy into a cold sweat. He was unaware of the man's approach!

Almost instinctively, the boy suddenly pulled away, distanced himself, and protected the three little guys behind him. He had already taken out the energy blaster and aimed it at the person behind him.

"Good reaction, and look at your actions, isn't this subconsciously protecting them?"

The person coming behind him was an old man dressed in a cowboy style. His gray-haired man exuded an inexplicable energy, and he smiled kindly at Yuan Subaru.

"Of course because..."

Yuan Subaru turned his head, and his eyes glowed faintly red under the power of Ultra Mind:

“I don’t want the food to be eaten first!”

"Wow!!!" X3

The child had never seen this scene before. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. He didn't even want the ice cream in his hand. The old man with a cowboy style sighed helplessly when he saw this. He took out a few coins from his pocket and also used his telekinesis. , wanting to put it into the pockets of the three children and let them buy another ice cream.

But the coin was intercepted by Yuan Subaru in the middle. The young man put down the energy blaster and took out a few coins from his pocket to mix with them. However, the old man knew very well that although he seemed to be adding money, he was actually using his telekinesis. He checked whether there was anything fishy in the coins. After passing the inspection, he put them into the pockets of the three children together with his own money.

"Your telepathy is pretty good. You were able to intercept me."

The old man straightened his hat and looked at Yuan Subaru with admiration. Although he was not serious, an expert would know if there was any. The old man believed that he was qualified to comment on telekinesis.

"Thank you for the compliment. Is there anything else you can do? If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

It is foreseeable that there is likely to be another battle next, so Yuan Subaru needs to adjust his condition as soon as possible. Before that, try to avoid all battles as much as possible, so facing this old man who cannot understand the depth, if possible , it’s better not to get involved for now. After all, I just tried to test him with my ultra-psychic power, but he was pushed back immediately. God knows what is hidden under this human appearance.

"What a vigilant boy."

The old man laughed and complained. He didn't know why, but the young man in front of him always made him feel a little friendly. This may be the so-called eye connection, but there is still one thing to say:

"Why did you treat those three children like that? Do you know how much psychological damage you would cause to them by frightening them like that?"

When this topic was brought up, the old man's face became serious. Regardless of whether he is interested or not, he has to stay behind when it comes to issues involving human beings.

"Psychological damage is better than losing your life."

Yuan Subaru, who was retreating quietly, paused for a moment. He did not expect that the old man would ask this question. He thought for a moment and said softly:

"They are so young that they can't even distinguish between good and bad people on Earth. The situation of people in the universe is even more complicated. Let them have more eyes. Good people from the universe, like you, old man, I think even if If you are offended by them, you will forgive them.”

"Don't forget to put on my hat at this time..."

Regarding these remarks, the old man already had expectations in his heart, so he did not continue to pester him. Looking at the young man's pale face, he smiled and said softly:

"You seem to be looking for a place to rest. Would you like to come to my place? My place is quite spacious. You can sleep another one."

"No need, I have friends here. Does the old gentleman have anything else to do?"

"No more, leave."

Looking at the young man in front of him who obviously didn't want to interact too much with his own people, the old man shook his head helplessly. At first he saw that he was an Ultra Warrior, so he wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that this boy would go too far. In this case, then... Let's do this for now. It just so happens that I need to check something, so I'll let these young Ultra Warriors cover for me.

However, looking at the young man who was leaving, the old man scratched his chin and felt that it was a pity to say goodbye like this, so he blurted out and shouted:

"My name is Morohoshidan, and I am a wanderer. How about you, boy?"

057 What does the Night Raid Team teach?

"My name is Yuan Subaru, and I am also a wandering traveler here. Old gentleman, see you later."

He ran really fast.

Looking at the young man with only a trace of his back left, Zhu Xingtuan couldn't help but smile. To be honest, he really admired this young Ultra warrior. He was calm, smart and alert. Judging from his age, he shouldn't be too old. It would be great, if only my own son could... Forget it, what's wrong with me, why am I suddenly starting to compare.

But then again.

Thinking of something, Zhu Hoshiclus's vision began to become deeper.

That young man always gives himself an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Is it because of the light he inherited, or is it because he has old acquaintances beside him and is affected by it?

Hmm... Let's have a good talk with him after we deal with this later and reveal our true identity.

Zhu Xingtuan smiled, pressed his hat, and then disappeared into the streets.

On the other side, Yuan Subaru was running towards the southeast. What he told the stars before was not a lie, because he did have a friend here. If he admitted it correctly, Mr. Jakura took him to find him last time. When he was at the enemy's base, he seemed to have passed by that school. In other words, he could go to Hongkai to help out and just take a nap. I thought Hongkai would not refuse him.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that he had just run halfway. When passing a street, he suddenly noticed something was wrong and stepped back. Unexpectedly, he found that there was a missing person sticker on the street pillar. Notice, he looked to the left and right, and unexpectedly found the poster. The two men and one woman were arguing with a middle-aged man in police uniform.

At this moment, four pedestrians wearing suits with dull expressions stopped in front of the missing person notice. After looking at it for a few times, they slowly moved their eyes to the three men and one woman, and their murderous intent rose. ...

He's a cosmic person, with this kind of murderous aura...Have you ever fought with many people?

Realizing this, Yuan Subaru took out the energy blast gun. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and blew up the head of an alien. This extremely explosive scene instantly caused chaos on the street. The middle-aged policeman looked like The man subconsciously pulled out his gun, but faced with such a chaotic scene, he couldn't figure out what was going on. He could only protect the woman behind him first.

At this time, Yuan Subaru launched another impact, breaking the leg of the spaceman on the left who was trying to escape, and then shouted:

"Space people, are you sure you want to compete with bullets to see who can run faster?"

As soon as these words came out, the other two cosmic beings who were obviously aware of the murderous intention immediately stopped. Yuan Subaru did not do anything else. Before all the humans on the street fled, the young man waved his hand and used his telekinesis to kill them. Gathered together and walked over with guns drawn.

"Who are you..."

"It's Nexus!"

Just when the policeman was about to drink Zhiyuan Subaru and take the initiative first, Aix's voice suddenly came from the woman's bag. She hurriedly took out the things. Yes, it was where Aix was. terminal.

"Aix, it's great to find you, but we'll have to wait a while to chat."

Yuan Subaru raised his gun, looked at the spaceman in front of him and said:

"Tell me everything you know, such as...where is the sky and the earth?"




"Ah... I don't understand. You don't speak the earth's language, do you?"

Listening to the chirping noises of the two cosmic beings, Yuan Subaru scratched his hair in confusion, and at this moment...

"They said they knew nothing and were simply hired."

On the high platform next to it, Hong Kai, wearing Hawaiian-style clothing, appeared in front of everyone with a guitar and sunglasses, waving hello:

"Hey, we meet again."

"It's great that you understand Cosmic Language, Kai. It saves me the effort of using telekinesis."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru moved his hand and activated the energy blast gun. He sent away the silent spaceman with eyes full of violence and resentment. Then he looked at the rest and said with a smile:

"There are many ways to please me, and setting off fireworks with you is one of them."



"They talked a lot."

Hong Kai looked at Yuan Subaru with complicated eyes. He didn't expect that Yuan Subaru had this side, but he still carefully recorded what the two cosmonauts said, and then nodded affirmatively towards Yuan Subaru. said:

"When I get back, I will translate it to you one by one."


However, Yuan Subaru had no intention of taking the gun back. The young man raised his head slightly, as if he was remembering something, and then said "oh" as if he suddenly realized something, lowered his head, looked at the people in the universe and said:

"You performed well, so one of you can survive. As for who can survive... I think you should know what to do."



There is no need for translation this time. Even the three men and one woman can understand that the two cosmic beings are anxiously pointing out the errors in the intelligence just provided by the other side. If they did not act abnormally, the energy blast gun would have Whoever you target immediately, I guess they have already started fighting each other to compete for the last spot.

"Okay, the two of them have started talking nonsense. Let's stop here. Mr. Shikawa, I'll leave it to you to deal with these two aliens."


The middle-aged man who looks like a policeman is called Shikawa Ichitetsu, and he is a member of the planet’s defense force. Handing the aliens to him is undoubtedly the best thing to do at the moment. Although Gen Subaru does not know this identity, since Hong Kai has said so, so you must be right if you choose to believe it.

"I said, who taught you what you did just now?"

After Shikawa Ichitetsu left with the cosmonauts, Hong Kai, who came to Yuan Subaru, pretended to be casual and asked casually. Yuan Subaru said with some pride:

"How about the teaching content and case analysis from pages 185 to 202 of the third course of the Night Raid Special Training Interrogation Course? I must have learned well."

Seeing Yuan Subaru's expression of 'I studied very hard, please praise me', Hong Kai reached out and patted his shoulder with a subtle expression to show encouragement. He had already heard about this from Jagula. Gen Subaru seems to be only four years old, so... ah... let's talk to the night raid team when we get the chance. A child who is only four years old... why should he teach this? It's really nonsense.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru took the X terminal from the woman's hand, put his other hand on Hong Kai's shoulder, smiled at the two men and one woman, and then disappeared with a flash of red light. Stay put, after all, the next meeting is between Ultraman, humans should not get involved, it is very dangerous.

058 Then...shall I go in first?

"After parting with you, Nexus, Dadi and I went to fight the space monster Dizastro, but when we passed the moon, we encountered a trap. I don't know who set up the wormhole there. Due to the distortion of time and space, the fusion between Dadi and I was forcibly dissolved. That was also the last time I saw Dadi."

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