There is a world with anecdotes about how Gulit wore the silver armor - a new Gulit was born from the feelings of a girl full of justice.

There is a world where there are men who were not chosen, and a girl who longed for heroes and created monsters to summon heroes. As time passes, they will disappear - but that world celebrates their mission and redemption.

There is a world where Dynasano and Cyber ​​Knights were caught in chaos during their self-training and fought with high morale.

There is a world that never ends. In that world, people are attracted by the battle of giant robots, and the emotional fluctuations in their hearts give rise to monsters. In that world, Dynasano and the Lost Horses write their own dream chronicles.

There are also some illusory and hopeful worlds that almost came into being, but disappeared before they came into being.

Countless other stories of Gulit emerge in the universe.

These stories of many cosmic planes created by Gulit form the universe and extend outward.

In this vast Gulit universe, countless stories overlap, and in a corner of this universe, Gulit is waiting for him.

"Mr. Gulit, where are you... Mr. Gulit, where are you...!"

Takarada Rikka gritted her teeth and kept herself awake. At the same time, the Evolution Truster on her wrist also emitted light, dispelling the pressure brought to Takarada Rikka by the huge data flow.

Takarada Rikka knew that it didn't matter if she fainted now, but she vaguely realized that if she didn't have her own consciousness as the leader, it would take a lot of time to search by relying on the Evolution Truster alone.

And that was absolutely not allowed. Subaru was fighting fiercely outside. I had to help him, and I had to help him now, instead of waiting until things were almost settled and my mission was barely completed.

I want to help Subaru!

I want to help Subaru! !

I want to help Subaru! ! !

So, Mr. Gulit, where are you! ! !

In the girl's rare burning heart, the Evolution Truster emitted a dazzling light. This was not the power of Subaru, but it was responding to Rikka's intentions. So, in the next moment, the power of light allowed Rikka to cross countless universes and reach the end of the eternal journey in an instant.

Then, at the end of this journey, Rikka found a new [light]——

In the shining light like a star, there was a faint light like a glass ball.

Rikka realized something and stretched her hand towards the light, and then...

"Miss Hodo! Miss Hodo!"

The familiar voice awakened Rikka's consciousness, and the girl opened her eyes, but her chaotic consciousness made her perception of the surrounding environment extremely dull. She could only vaguely feel that she fell to the ground. Rikka rubbed her eyes, and the blurred vision in front of her finally gathered into an image, and she saw the scene in front of her clearly.

"Gulite! Great, I finally found you."

Takarada Rikka excitedly called out to the super agent in front of her, and at the same time stood up and looked at the place where she was. This is an incredible place like a temple with geometric patterns engraved everywhere.

"I didn't expect that Miss Baoduo, you actually succeeded. It's really... Great, you're okay, it's really great..."

It can be seen that the memory data of Gulitite's backup in the world of Dujuantai Box Garden has now been transferred to Gulitite's body. Therefore, looking at the lively and basically unharmed Takarada Rikka in front of him, even without a physical body, Gulitite also had the urge to "cry with joy".

"It was Subaru, it was Subaru who protected me."

Takarada Rikka smiled shyly at first, Gulit didn't quite understand where her shyness came from, and then, Gulit saw the girl in front of him suddenly stiffen, and then burst out with a relatively good speed, grabbed his shoulders, shook, and said anxiously:

"Gulit, hurry up, I've found it, what should we do next to get you out of trouble, didn't you say that I would find a way when I came here, what should we do to help Subaru!"

"No need to do anything else, you have done enough."

Gulit's eyes He looked at the girl in front of him with a bright look in his eyes and said in a serious tone:

"Before this, I was in a coma. It was you and Subaru who worked together to transmit data other than me here and broke the blockade here. Now, I have been awakened. The evil thoughts that controlled me are no longer able to suppress my actions. I have regained my freedom. So, leave the next thing to me, Miss Baoduo. This time, I can't do anything."

Then, Gulit stretched out his hand to Baoduo Rikka and said seriously:

"Let's go find Subaru together!"

"Well, good!!!"

312 Original Essence·Legidado

As Baoduo Rikka held Gulit's hand, a rainbow-colored light burst out in this temple-like space, and then——

Gulit's body, which had expanded to the scale of the universe, gradually condensed and finally returned to a size of tens of meters.

The Gulit at this moment is completely different from the Gulit everyone has seen so far. It is a brand new appearance.

The whole body of Gulit is decorated with the same gold as the original receiver, and the armor is sharper than before.

The blue crystal shining on Gulit's chest is the triple regulator. At the same time, the blue light of the triple regulator also resides in Gulit's limbs.

Gulit's clear body that embodies order (Cosmos) and the universe (Cosmos) shines with the tricolor flag composed of red, silver and blue.

The mission that Gulit has woven so far, every day he fights, and the fantasies of the people who have witnessed Gulit - all the dreams and illusions are gathered here.

The ultimate Gulit that gathers all Gulit's stories (universe) here is called——

[Gulit·Universe Fighter]——! !

At the center of the vast galaxy, the dream hero with a rainbow halo on his back was resurrected.

The dark universe dissolved its fusion with Gulit.

The stars, which had returned to their original appearance, blinked as if blessing.

Rikka Takarada, who was in Gulit's body, even felt that even the end of the universe could be reached in a moment of flying.

At the same time, both [Mebius Infinity] and everyone in the world of Tsurugadai Hakoniwa all noticed this abnormal fluctuation. Gulit, as the creator, had successfully regained his body, and the crisis brought by the [Collective Universe Plane], which he dominated, had been resolved.

However, this did not mean that victory had been achieved. [Mebius Infinity] looked around in silence. With Gulit's departure, this universe showed a dreamlike color. [Infinite Possibilities] were constrained in [Eternal Existence]. This reminded [Mebius Infinity] of a sentence he had heard on Earth, called 'All roads lead to Rome'.

The current situation seems to be reflecting the meaning of that sentence. In this cosmic plane affected by the power of dreams, whether it is to develop technology, to study superpowers, or to use other methods to climb the technology tree and improve the level of civilization, the final destination will be reached, and can only reach the power represented by [eternity].

Under this seemingly dreamy and hopeful power, there is an unquestionable tyranny, which is the "only" that restrains everything in its hands.

Nowadays, this power is replacing the rules of this universe. [Order] still exists, but it has also changed because of this. Feeling the fluctuations transmitted from the outside world, [Mebius·Infinity] couldn't help but sigh in a low voice:

"What an amazing power this is."

What a terrifying power this is.

[Mebius·Infinity] didn't say the second half of the sentence. Although this power erased infinite possibilities and bound the freedom of civilization, the power itself is not terrible, but its owner is terrible.

Mebius Infinite believed that as long as Subaru regained control of this power, this influence would dissipate. As for now...

Mebius Infinite looked at the monster in front of him. He was the culprit for the emergence of Gulit Universe, the vanguard of chaos - his name was Mad Origin.

His head was like a skull with minerals removed, with a large crack that led directly to the lower body. And his lower body was extremely huge, thicker than his body.

His upper body was like something completely different crawling out of the lower body after breaking through the restraints of the lower body. In short, it was quite weird and twisted.

Now [Mebius Infinite] has also seen through the purpose of this [Mad Origin]. He wants to blow up these new universes to promote the outbreak of chaos. Even though [Gurlit Universe] has now disappeared, his actions will still bring terrible consequences.

Moreover, Dyna, Hong Kai and Mirror Knight are still in the body of this [Mad Origin], acting as hostages, so no matter which side they are in, they must destroy this monster!

While [Mebius Infinite] continues to fight against the Chaos Vanguard, the fight is also in full swing in the Azalea Terrace Box Garden World.


Alexis Kailifu [New Order] jumped up freely, fighting with the group of black doctrines, and kicked the monsters while jumping, and cut the monsters with the needles on his arms. He expanded the attack range and started close combat with the monsters, but each of his attacks failed to cause a fatal blow to the monsters.

"The monster made from Gulit's body is really hard to deal with!"

Aki, who was in the inner space of Asia, roared angrily. Although Alexis did not speak, the feeling was shared. After all, Alexis Kailifu [New Order] was not just fooling around casually. He also ran around to prevent the group of black doctrines from getting close to Nan Mengmei and the others, which led to him being gradually overwhelmed by the violence of numbers.

But the offensive of the swarming Dark Doctrine group became more and more terrifying, and the pressure exerted on Alexis became heavier and heavier. Alexis Kailif [New Order] could not help but make a distressed voice:

"This is too strenuous. It's about time someone came to help me, right?"

And just after he said these words, a faint golden light lit up in the world of Azalea Terrace. This was the suppression from the Pleiades node. In an instant, the offensive of the dark religious group suddenly weakened.

At the same time, a ray of light poured down from the sky like a meteor, knocking all the dark religious groups away——

It was Gullit who flew straight down from the universe to the earth. Due to the characteristics of the form of the Space Fighter, Gullit could fly freely with his own power. He rushed to everyone as fast as a star shining.

【network! beam! ! 】

Gullit turned his body at the place where he landed and emitted a killing ray, and the group of jet black cultists was further knocked away by Gullit.

When the Dark Cult group was attacked and fell from the sky, those buildings began to regenerate while being destroyed. The ability to use a repair beam that can repair everything while attacking is also part of the power that Gurlit currently possesses.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've been robbed of my head."

Alexis Kelif [New Order] looked at Gullit who was killing everyone, and couldn't help complaining to Akane Shinjo. The human girl seemed to be relieved, lay back, and said softly :

"Isn't this good? I'm already tired from playing. It feels good to have someone come over to help finish the work."

These dark religious groups were quickly wiped out under the double blow. Gullit put away his skills and turned to look at Alexis Kelif [New Order] and Dynaseno.

Everyone was also looking at the reborn super agent. At this time, Akane Shinjou, who looked around and saw nothing, put away her lazy and relaxed expression, straightened up, and asked aloud:

"Gulit, where is Rikka? Didn't Rikka come back with you?"

As soon as Akane Shinjo finished speaking, the golden horns adorning Gullit's head reflected light——

"I'm here. How should I put it? It's a near miss, haha..."

Rikka Takarata appeared in that light and conveyed the news that she was safe and sound to everyone.

"Everyone, let's go."

At this time, Gullit stretched out his hand towards Alexis Kelif [New Order] and Dyna Tyrannosaurus, and said in a solemn voice:

"This time, let us support Yuan Subaru!"


After hearing this, Nan Mengya responded almost immediately. Then, after the girl noticed the subtle expressions of the other Dynaseno team members, her face turned slightly red and she turned her head to the side.

"Hehe, it seems that we have to continue fighting."

Akane Shinjo smiled and said to Alexis:

"And the intensity this time seems to be quite low."

"Hohoho, although I don't think that boy needs our help..."

Alexis Kelif [New Order] smiled and felt the light blade in his body. After all, it was a god who loved humans. Akane Shinjo used [Instance Domination]. After successfully entering the cockpit, the energy of the light blade became silent as if it was worried about hurting humans.

But if Akane Shinjo leaves, Alexis has no doubt that she will continue to be trapped in pain forever by this thing that is almost cursed.

Don't want that kind of thing.

Although you can't die, who wants to have fun while suffering pain? By then, even if you really find fun, you may not be able to laugh.

Therefore, Gullit's invitation is still necessary, at least to let that boy see that he has contributed to protecting human beings. After all, among the guys present, Akane Shinjo is the only one who is considered a relatively pure human being. .

The human race is so lucky to have encountered such a partial and unreasonable guardian.

Alexis murmured in his heart, and then came to Gulit's side with Dynaseno. Then, with Gulit's ability, the group of people rushed into the depths of the universe.

Ah... Isn't my strength too strong?

At this moment, in the center of these cosmic planes, a huge dark golden vortex wraps a golden vortex mixed with dark purple thunder. The two vortexes rotate in completely opposite directions, and these two powerful forces are constantly impacting , every time they collide, there will be some ripples in the surrounding space.


This does not mean that it is just a slight spatial fluctuation!

That was the result of being suppressed by Yuan Subaru. Otherwise, after the seventh minute of this conflict, everything here, including [Order], would be thrown into chaos and evolve into [Chaos]. at.

At this time, Yuan Subaru was distracted while suppressing the changes outside the battlefield, while suppressing the restless Leonix with one hand. As Yuan Subaru said, from the beginning, this guy had no chance of winning.

I just didn't expect that this guy would constantly summon and strengthen the projections of monsters and cosmic beings by virtue of the power of [Eternal Original] that he occupied. Coupled with the matching combat device owned by Leonix, he could regain his power. The process has been stretched to this point.

"You are here."

At this time, Subaru suddenly looked to the left and whispered to the empty place. Almost at the same time, Gulit and others appeared there, looking at the monsters and cosmic people in front of them, which appeared like a tide, and constantly attacked the energy palm condensed by Subaru, preventing Subaru from crushing Leonix.

It must be said that this scene is still quite impactful, especially for Nan Mengya. As a girl who has seen Subaru's memory, these enemies are all familiar faces. Many of them brought difficult battles to Subaru at that time.

And now, even after being strengthened, they did not stir up much waves. They just turned into ashes when they came into contact with the giant energy palm.

This made Nan Mengya slightly widen her eyes. She had not seen the memory related to [Eternal Original]. Although she vaguely guessed that it was a very strong form, she did not expect it to be so strong.

"I say, this guy won't be in any danger at all."

Alexis Kailifu [New Order] said softly:

"As long as this guy can return to his original body, he will be like a fish in water. To be honest, with his fighting power, I can't think of a few people in the universe who can fight him."

"It's not bad, there are still many capable fighters above me."

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