"Wait, what's going on..."

Takarada Rikka was surrounded by silence in front, behind, and on both sides. No, more than that, the girl didn't realize until this moment that she was in a void that even the heavens and the earth couldn't recognize. At this moment, the advice of Akane Shinjo and Grid flashed through Takarada Rikka's mind——

[You will lose yourself! ]

[If you, an ordinary person, pass through Grid's body that has expanded to the scale of the universe, it is impossible for you to maintain your self. ]

"Am I dead!? Oh, what's going on...?"

Takarada Rikka had already prepared for the sacrifice, but she didn't expect it to end like this. She had originally imagined that she could still struggle, like the special effects dramas she had watched before, when she encountered a life-and-death crisis, she could still shout so passionately...

No, no, no, I can't even imagine how passionate I am. Ah... Maybe it's because of this that I died so cleanly.

However, at this moment, Rikka, who was immersed in helplessness, suddenly heard a helpless voice coming from somewhere.

[Why do you feel that you are dead? ]


[Although I am not beside you now, that does not mean that my sight has ever been away. Really, you actually cooperated with Gu Lit so recklessly. How much do you not believe in my ability? ]

A little light suddenly appeared in the darkness, echoing with the transformation device on Rikka's wrist. At the same time, a gaze was looking at Rikka through the light.


At this moment, there was no need to think with the brain. Rikka happily shouted the name of the owner of the sight.

[Ah, it's me. When you promised Gu Lit, I was waiting for you here. ]

"That...where is this place?"

After hearing the voice of Minamoto Subaru, Rikka relaxed all of a sudden, feeling that she didn't have to be afraid of anything.

[This is the outside of the world. Since you are only here in a conscious state, you don't have a clear perception of everything around you. The road opened by Guldt is really a bit stressful for you, so I used the Evolution Truster to pull you here. ]

At this point, Takarado Rikka heard Minamoto sigh helplessly and continued:

[Ha... Since you have come here, please run errands for me. I won't go to Guldt's main body, okay? Rikka. ]

"Of course, that's why I came here."

Takarado Rikka smiled happily and said:

"This time, I came here to help you!"

[But I would rather you stay in a safe place... Well, I will criticize you for this risky move after the fight, Rikka, close your eyes. 】

Hearing the voice of Subaru, Takarado Rikka closed her eyes obediently. Although she lost her vision, a new picture appeared in front of her "eyes"--

The stars twinkled, the sun shone, and the Milky Way rolled up a vortex, connecting everything together...

This is the [Golden Universe] directly presented in Takarado Rikka's mind.

[I have completed the transformation of the road opened by Gulit. However, although there is no danger, you will still encounter the data impact of the Gulit Universe when you pass through it. With the Evolution Truster, you will not be in danger, but you may be dizzy or unconscious for a short time. That is normal and will not cause you any sequelae. Please rest assured about this. Okay, Rikka, reach out to the universe. 】

Just as Takarada Rikka stretched out her hand, in the Tsukudai Hakoniwa world, Nanmeng Mei, Shinjo Akane and others looked at the vortex on the old computer screen, which completely disappeared with the entry of Takarada Rikka. Asuka Chise looked at the screen, and then looked at Shinjo Akane, who could be called the god of creation, and wanted to ask Takarada Rikka if she was safe now? Was it a success?

But looking at Shinjo Akane's face that couldn't smile, Asuka Chise's words could no longer be heard, and the silence in the second-hand shop 'JUNK SHOP' was also broken by the violent vibration that attacked the street at this time.

"Is it a monster!!"

Shima rushed out of the door and shouted in a low voice. The huge monster appeared almost not far from them.

And what appeared was a strange... and symbolic monster, just like the receiver had grown a head and limbs.

Its head had an umbrella-shaped part with thorns, like the mineralization of light particles, which was very prominent. It must be said that the characteristics of the Gulit shown by this monster were very obvious.

"Are they increasing in number?"

As Nan Mengmei said, the monsters with the same appearance are multiplying in pairs and threes. Asukagawa Chise, who realized the more terrifying fact, screamed.

"They are coming towards us!"

Another monster appeared very close to Nan Mengmei and others, and was obviously rushing towards them.

"We are heretics now, so they are targeting us."

Alexis said softly.

The person who perceives the structure of the world can only be a heretic (bug), and the defense system that eliminates bugs is the immune cells that swarm towards pathogens.

At this moment, the group monster tasked with destroying the Bug is named [Noir Dogma]——

The sacred and threatening body parts possessed by the Black Doctrine are not just bad ironic elements. These monster groups are actually born to repair mutations.

Although Gullit had already explained that there might be monsters coming next before he left, the number was really too alarming.

And at this moment, Alexis noticed something and looked to his side, where Akane Shinjo was holding her hands behind her back, showing a faint smile towards him, and said softly:

"Alexis, now I'm going to start using you, using what you taught me."

"I really can't stand you..."

Alexis understood at this moment what Akane Shinjou was going to do next, sighed helplessly, and said softly:

"Hey, I happen to be a little bored too, so I'll just do whatever you want. But I still have that kid's killing light blade in my body. Don't hurt it, or you'll die."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay."

Akane Shinjo smiled and gently took out the palm of her right hand and said softly:

"Yuan Subaru's power will not hurt me, so, Alexis, be prepared."

As the words fell, Shinjou Akane put her index finger and middle finger together as if aiming at the display screen, then put her ring finger and little finger together, divided her fingers into two parts and opened them into a V shape, and exposed her right eye from the middle of the V shape to look at Alexi Si,.

This posture looked very familiar to Shima. This posture was originally used to control monsters. When Akane Shinjo asked him about it before, he had done it without hesitation. Unexpectedly, it was reproduced here. come out.

And now, Shinjou Akane assumes this posture to exercise the absolute power she enjoys in this world!


Shinjou Akane opened her eyes slightly, and the purple light lit up in her eyes. Then, [School Emblem and Monster (Zegga)]——Shinjou Akane used the emblem composed of these elements closely related to her as the starting point. Landing inside Alexis.

Akane Shinjo let the light reside on her body, changing her clothes as if dancing.

She wears a halo-shaped crown that symbolizes absolute power, and the white and purple military uniform that wraps her body is very similar to the military uniforms worn by monster eugenicists. However, the open chest on the upper side of the military uniform and the two belts fluttering like ribbons on the lower side of the military uniform looked cuter than the military uniforms worn by the monster eugenicists, and were more in line with her personality.

At this moment, the God of Azalea Terrace admired her current appearance with a confident smile. She named this new outfit Akane Shinjou [New Order] - it is a sacred and lovely posture. .

"Oh oh oh oh-----!!"

As if echoing this radiance, the devil, freed from boredom, boasted its transformation to the world with a roar that echoed across the sky.

Before that, even though Alexis took off his black clothes and transformed into fighting form, his whole body was dyed in pitch black color, as if to symbolize his evil.

At this moment, his mask goggles, shoulders, arms, chest... were all covered with white armor.

The white armor is like the reins controlling a fierce horse.

His new form is called Alexis Kelif [New Order].

Later, Akane Shinjo built a driving inner space deep in the crystal on Alexis's forehead, with half of it intersecting with the world outside and the other half inside the crystal, and she got into it, as if controlling a giant robot. She leaned forward, synchronizing her movements with Alexis's.

To be honest, she likes monsters very much. She once laughed at Gullit as a composite robot. She would never have adopted such a flexible approach before, and she would certainly not have accepted the fact that she was controlling something so generously. .

However, people are fickle. Even if it is for the promised new world, you have to work harder!

"Alexis, it's time to fuck!"

"Ah, Xiaoqian, let me see how far you can go!"

Looking at Alexis Kelif [New Order] who rushed forward, Shima was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but clicked his lips. This is really interesting, he can actually use the monster to Will the power also be restored? After all, he is the god here.

However, we won't wait here.

"Everyone, it's our turn, DYNAZENON BATTLE GO!!!"

311 I want to help Subaru!

Although the training time is short, everyone has reached a good tacit understanding. Of course, when necessary, we still have to rely on the ability of losing horses as the main control.

But in the combined Dynasano, Namco was a little absent-minded. Just now, Akane Shinjo turned Alexis into Alexis Kelif [New Order]. At that time, she vaguely felt a familiar feeling pulsating in her body. The last time this kind of fluctuation appeared was when the original world had just been destroyed and she was traveling among the monsters.

Could it be...I...


The cry of missing horses interrupted Nan Mengya's thinking. Nan Mengya, who was squatting on the ground and controlling the console, suddenly forgot what weapons the Dyna Flying Wing he controlled was carrying, and shouted casually:

"What kind of light is that?"

As Nan Mengya pressed the button, two beams of light hit the deformed monster, but... I have to say that this is the data transmitted from Gulit's body. Is it really capable of attacking? , Dynaseno's attack hit them, basically leaving little damage.

Looking up from Nan Mengya's position, those scrapers called "Dark Doctrine" maintained a four-legged posture. Without wings and no propelling force, they floated from the ground as if they were natural. Floating up, swarming towards Alexis Kelif [New Order] who turned into a belt of light.

Although Nan Mengya couldn't see clearly the battle situation in the sky, but...I guess that Lord God must have fought very hard. In the current situation, even Gulit just now didn't expect that these data monsters would be like this. Strong, but it's appropriate to be so strong. After all, what Gulit is currently using is Subaru's power.

Looking at the dark teachings that were fighting against Dynaseno, Nan Mengya, who had no need for operation for the time being, hesitated for a moment, slowly stretched out his right hand towards the monster, then put his index finger and middle finger together as if aiming at the monster, and then Putting her ring finger and little finger together, she divided her finger into two parts and opened it into a V shape. She revealed her right eye from the middle of the V shape and looked at the monster——

Nan Mengya believed that she had guessed correctly. Since in the previous world, Yuan Subaru temporarily had the concept of the body because of himself, then... was there too much in his body due to the confusion of chaos? It has a little bit of the ability of 'Source Subaru's body'.

In this regard, Nan Mengya felt that he was right. These two strange reactions should be that in addition to the light, other powers from Yuan Subaru are playing a role in him. Subaru said that in his body There is some hidden power of Leonix, so... is it me...

"Instance! Domination!!"

Nan Mengya, who was in Dynaseno's body, imitated the god just now and shouted the command loudly. Her eyes suddenly flashed with red light. In front of her, she was fighting fiercely with Dynaseno. The teachings stopped moving as if they were imprisoned.

"Huh? Huh?!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Ma was completely stunned. He had never thought that in this day, he could see two newcomers displaying such silky monster-wielding abilities, and, if nothing else, no matter what Is it Alexis Kelif, or is it the dark doctrine in front of me? This is not something that a novice monster user can control at all. Even if it is replaced by an experienced monster user, it will take two, no , it may take more monsters to operate together to control it.

Today's young people are getting more and more outrageous.

Shima couldn't help but sigh, feeling more and more old, and then continued to concentrate on dealing with other dark teachings.

On Nan Mengya's side, when she had just controlled the dark teaching, she felt amazing mental pressure. However, after being tempered by Yuan Subaru's memory and dream, this kind of mental pressure was not for the girl. A piece of cake.

Later, although Nan Mengmei had not received any special training as a monster user, he had the foundation of Subaru's memory, so after the initial adaptation, he controlled the dark doctrine and fought against other monsters. Back.

At the same time, Nan Mengya stretched out his hand again, aiming at another black teaching. This power of Leonix is ​​so easy to use, so it must be used more.

[You, don’t be greedy. 】

At this moment, Yuan Subaru's voice sounded in Nan Mengya's heart. Although there was no change in the surroundings, Nan Mengya could feel that a hand fell on his wrist, preventing him from continuing to use thunder. The power of Onyx.

[The power of Leonix is ​​not suitable for use too much, so let’s stop here. I have activated the surrounding protection nodes. In two minutes, they will change their operating mode and suppress these monsters. By then, you It's not that troublesome to deal with. 】

'Have you been looking at me? ’

Nan Mengya put away her hands obediently, and then whispered quietly in her heart, her little face full of expectation.

[Ah, I have been paying attention to you, but the fight is fierce now. I try not to take action until necessary. After all, if another me catches the flaw, it will be difficult for me to resist. 】

‘Didn’t you get your power back? ’

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Nan Mengya was startled. The dissatisfaction in her heart that said, "I'm asking you if you are looking at me, not asking you if you are looking at everyone" also dissipated, and she became nervous. Asking:

'What can I do for you now? ’

[Don’t be nervous. Although the fight is fierce, the other me is already sunset. My strength is my strength. He is also part of my strength. There will be no trouble. 】

Yuan Subaru's tone was very calm, as if he was killing fish in the wet market:

[But I'm about to have a decisive battle here, and the noise may be quite loud. You are my human body, so there may be something, some fluctuations that will be transmitted to you along this connection. So, I'll come over to add insurance to you first...Okay, the insurance is added, I'll go deal with the things in front of me first, and you don't need to use the power of Leonix anymore. ]

After saying that, Nan Mengya felt that something, like a line of sight, left her side. It should be that Gen Subaru began to concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

At the same time, over at Takarada Rikka's side, her eyes reflected the vortex of the vast galaxy. Under the guidance of Gen Subaru, she once again embarked on an endless journey to the space where Gulit's body was located, and officially came into contact with this huge cosmic body.

At that moment, Takarada Rikka ‘saw’ countless worlds, ‘saw’ countless things happening in the collective universe plane of [Grilled Universe]——

There is a mirror world that can be called the story of God, in which there is another God who was born when the spiritual balance of the God Girl began to collapse. The middle school students of the new era are fighting in the capricious time, and that is a world intertwined by meeting and parting with another God.

There is a world where the samurai holy sword entrusts one of his swords, the afterimage, to the armored girl, and the two fight side by side.

There is a world where the daily life with rich personalities woven by the middle school students of the new century and the warm diaries written.

There is a world where Grid fights in the Warring States period when the disease of human monsterization spreads.

There is a world where another Takarada Rikka is involved in the mobile phone application software game due to the power of monsters, and spends her daily life with four NPCs.

Before joining Guldt, Vitt lives with an idol girl due to an unexpected incident, and Bora embarks on an adventure in a country where humans and demons continue to fight.

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