Yuan Subaru looked at Gulit and his men, and a gleam of light flashed in the boy's eyes. Then, dark golden energy flames emerged from Gulit, Dynasano and Alexis Kailifu [New Order], as if they had reforged their equipment and given them more powerful power.

"Since you are here, come and help me. This time, I won't be polite to you."

Yuan Subaru's sight fell on the surging tide of monsters, and then, in the vision of Gulit and others, there were more dotted tracks.

"Pick a route you like. I really need some surprises to break the current situation and speed up the end of this battle. Please rush over and break the formation."

When he spoke, Minamoto Subaru still had the expression that everything was under control, and said with a smile:

"Just rush in and use your power, and leave the rest to me."

"Yeah, if that's the case, then I'll start playing."

Shinjo Akane smiled and moved her body, taking the lead, controlling Alexis Kailifu [New Order] to rush into the nearest dotted track. Gulito didn't say much, but before setting off, his armor flashed past the face of Takarada Rikka smiling at Minamoto Subaru. Nanmeng Mei just glanced at Minamoto Subaru, and after meeting the boy's eyes, she smiled and shouted to Shima, "Dynasano, charge into battle", and ran towards the dotted track.

The fact is just as Subaru said. In this dotted track, there is no need to worry about getting hurt. With the energy drawn down from the dotted track, they are well protected. What they have to do is to fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! ! !

As Gulit, Dynasano and Alexis Kailifu [New Order] broke the stalemate just now, countless opportunities and flaws appeared in Subaru's sight. After a few seconds of silence, the dark golden vortex on the outside suddenly turned into eight arrows, which pierced into the thunder vortex neatly.

And the eight arrows were aimed at the crazy Leonix. At this moment, the arrows pierced his body, and Subaru also descended like thunder and pierced his head.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru annihilated the genes of the restless Rebrando starman and completely regained the power of [Eternal Original]. The two vortex powers also merged into one again at this time. Yuan Subaru closed his eyes and began to accept his own power and sort it out, but...

'My child, why do you resist my power! '

Is this... the call left in the genes of the Rebrando starman?

Yuan Subaru heard a voice at this time. It was said to be an auditory hallucination, but it was so clear and carried a sense of oppression without anger. How to say it, after all, he was a strong man who could still do this after death. It is worthy of praise.

'You are the most outstanding Leonix. Your existence, even I can't help but admire it. Come on, my child, hold my hand, take over my power, and become again... Aoao ... ’

Before the remnant of the Reblondo star finished speaking, Gen Subaru accurately found all the remaining flesh and blood that hosted the Reblondo star gene in his body, crushed them all, and threw them into the pure white light. After assimilation, he absorbed them again, so that this old immortal thing would not cause any trouble to him again.

Subaru's side is over.

At the same time, [Mebius Infinity] also saw the quite gorgeous energy impact. The scene when the two energy vortices merged into one was like the rebirth of the universe, and the movement was naturally not small. [Mebius Infinity] muttered a little in his heart, and then prepared to deal with this [Mad Origin] quickly, otherwise, as predecessors, they would also...


Hmm? !

Hmm!! ? ?

At this moment, [Mebius Infinity] and [Mad Origin] all froze in their movements. They all felt a terrifying force coming towards them, as if it was attracted by the movement of Minamoto Subaru.

Minamoto Subaru also noticed this, and he noticed more than [Mebius Infinity]. At this time, Gulit and others who had completed the task returned to Minamoto Subaru. Just as they were about to say something, they saw Minamoto Subaru slightly raising his head and said in a very light but solemn tone:

"You go first, I have a guest here. If there is a chance, if I am not dead yet, then see you in the future."



Hearing this, Takarada Rikka and Nammeng Mei were about to say something when they were wrapped in dark golden light, and then everything in front of them changed.

Takarado Rikka opened her eyes and found herself back in the familiar second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP". She stood up suddenly, holding the Evolution Truster, and wanted to communicate with Subaru.

But at this moment, she felt the message from the Transformer, and then subconsciously looked out the door. She saw a golden light flashing across the horizon, which was a symbol of "completion".

That meant that from now on, the world where Takarado Rikka was located was no longer a small garden world with only the town of Dujuantai, but a complete planet.

At the same time, Minamoto Subaru's power was also transferred to Takarata Rikka, protecting her safety, strengthening her body, and other blessings of dream power. At this point, this is all Minamoto Subaru left to Takarata Rikka. Farewell gift.

"Subaru, I don't want these..."

Baoda Rikka let go of the Evolutionary Truster in despair. She knew that no matter how she called, Yuan Subaru would not respond to her for the time being.

But she really doesn’t want this. She just wants Yuan Subaru to come back, come back here, continue bantering with her, and try her skills. Even if he still has to fight and deal with those monsters, as long as he still has It would be enough for her to come back and allow her to see Yuan Subaru every day.


It seems impossible...


Why would I be tempted by such a guy? I...I...wu...wu...wu...

On Akane Shinjo's side, she was currently in the house next to the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop". She was holding a ball of soft light. This was the new world that Gen Subaru had promised her, and what she could do. The key to activate any door leading to the real world, the cuckoo terrace, and the new world.

In this key, there are also words from Gen Subaru, nothing more than pure encouragement. I hope that this girl who hid in the world of Little Garden due to social fear can regain the courage to face her own life.

Shinjou Akane sent the light of the key into her body with a complicated mood. She turned to look at the monster models in the room, and gently put her hand on her head, just like Gen Subaru comforted her at the beginning. After rubbing it gently and being silent for a while, the human girl said softly:

"It seems...aside from monsters, Ultraman is also quite likable, ah...I suddenly feel a little moved, God of mankind, we will have a chance to meet again...right. "

As for Alexis, this cosmic man is currently floating on the moon under the earth of Dujuan Terrace. The light blade in his body has dissipated and been replaced by a new 'contract'. He will also spend the next three hundred years. Inside, protecting this new earth as the price of escape from eternal pain.

In response, Alexis sighed helplessly, but sat helplessly on the moon, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

As for Gulit, this super agent was leading everyone from the New Generation Middle School Student Organization on an emergency time-space plane crossing. After leaving so suddenly, Gulit realized that something big was going to happen on Yuan Subaru's side. Trouble arose, so he was eager to go to support, but he was the furthest one lost by Yuan Subaru. This should be Yuan Subaru's deliberate action, so Gulit was afraid that he would not be able to arrive at this moment.

And with the return of everyone, the power of [Eternity·Origin] also repaired all the damaged cosmic planes in this [Gulit·Universe], which naturally included the world where Nan Mengya and others were.

There, Koyomi Yamanaka and Chise Asukagawa suddenly landed on the bed in Koyomi Yamanaka's room. Then, the two people looked around. Before they could recover from Gen Subaru's words, they received it again. New message.

It was a gift given to them by Gen Subaru. In addition to the node ability that can travel through the world, there is also a lot of wealth. Koyomi Yamanaka is a deadbeat and has never gone out to work. Asukagawa Chise is also a girl who dropped out of school at a young age. Although Yuan Subaru hopes that they can get out of this 'comfort zone', but if they can't get out, the 'blessed wealth' will allow them to spend the rest of their lives comfortably.

As for Shima, Shima has also returned to this world, and has also received the blessing of wealth, and... the princess he has been thinking about for a long time, who died for his love thousands of years ago, Yuan Subaru is worried that they may not adapt to the modern society. , so they were given the ability to go back to the past time node, so that this pair of poor people could live in love.

Finally, there is Nan Meng Ya.

She returned to this, but not completely. Yuan Subaru naturally still remembered his original promise to help her figure out the cause of her sister's death, so he directly sent her to the past, allowing her to return to the day her sister died.

In the past, Nan Mengya felt in a daze that she had forgotten something or someone. But after knowing that her sister had gone out, she immediately thought of her sister's "past" when she fell from the water tower and died. , and immediately ran towards the water tower with all his strength.

Finally, Nan Mengya saw her sister again. She pushed open the door at the top of the water tower and shouted:


"do not die!!!"


Nan Xiangno, who was standing on the water tower, was stunned for a moment, then walked towards Nan Mengya and said softly:

"Why should I die? I won't die. Didn't we make an appointment? You are going to listen to me singing, Meng Ya... Ouch, how do you feel..."

Nan Xiangno stared blankly at the sister in front of her, who was already a little taller than herself, and whispered:

"Why do you feel so big?"

My sister said she wouldn't die, she wasn't committing suicide, she...did she really make an accidental mistake?

At this time, such thoughts flashed through Nan Mengya's mind, but more importantly...

"So you didn't break your agreement with me..."

"Wait, Meng Ya, what are you...?"

Nan Xiangno was surprised and was about to say something, but she was hugged by Nan Mengya. Feeling the sadness of this large sister, and recalling what she just said, "Don't die," Nan Xiangno seemed to understand something and stretched out her hand. He gently stroked Nan Mengya's hair and said softly:

"So... that's why you came all the way here. Really, if I had known earlier... I should have gotten along well with you, my silly sister..."

As Minami Kono finished speaking, the time node at this time suddenly turned into black and white, and then was dyed with dark golden light. Then, Nan Mengya and Minami Kono, embracing each other, appeared teleportingly. in your own home.

The sisters were stunned for a moment, because at this moment, there was an extra memory in their minds. It was the memory of them going home and getting along together after meeting at the water tower. Nan Mengya suddenly remembered this. I just forgot something, I just forgot everything related to [Yuan Subaru], I think this must be Yuan Subaru's handiwork.

But now, Yuan Subaru has used the method of 'overwriting' to eliminate the 'past' of Minami Kono's death from the original timeline, allowing the pair of sisters to come to a normal point in time without having to bear the cost of 'time'.

This is the farewell gift that Yuan Subaru gave to Nan Meng Ya. Of course, there are other scattered blessings and enhancements, but in Nan Meng Ya's heart, those are nothing and no longer important. As long as her sister It would be great to be back.



Subaru, it would be better if you came back with me.

Nan Mengya looked at the sky sadly. She knew something had happened to Yuan Subaru again. He was like this, one thing after another, so busy that it was even more uncomfortable than a person who works overtime...

"Meng Ya...what happened?"

Nan Xiangno looked at her sister's sad figure. Although she didn't know what happened, she still hugged her distressedly and said softly:

"Do you need sister to share the burden for you?"

"elder sister...."


"I haven't had time to confess yet..."

Nan Mengya lowered her eyes and said with a cry:

"He was too busy, so busy that he didn't even leave time for me to confess. Obviously... I was already mentally prepared, and I had already thought about how to cheat, but... why, why... .It's not fair, it's not fair..."


Just when Nan Xiangno hugged Nan Mengya and comforted his lovely and pitiful sister...

After the cosmic plane, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath, transformed into the posture of [Eternal and Original], quickly adjusted the energy cycle, and then... He looked to the left, looking at the mysterious and unknown The visitor looked at the ominous posture, bit his lip, sighed, and said softly:

"Senior Regedo, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why are you like this..."

313 Regedo: Subaru, die!

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Regedo's voice was still the same as usual. He felt a little confused about Yuan Subaru's question. He got the light that could complement Nexus from Noah, and began to look around for Yuan Subaru's whereabouts. By the way, the original creations along the way were cleaned up.

However, Regedo also noticed that those primitive creations seemed to be a new type. After being destroyed, they would self-destruct. When they exploded, they would create a cloud of smoke, forcing Regedo to stay longer every time. After a while, use your strength to disperse the smoke.

Reggio didn't expect to find Yuan Subaru here at first. He just felt abnormal fluctuations in time and space, and was worried that some primitive creation was causing trouble, so he came to take a look.

But I didn't expect that this fate would be such a coincidence. Yuan Subaru was the one who made the noise. This was really great and saved me a lot of time and energy.


What Reggio didn't notice, or couldn't see, was that at this moment, his appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes. The originally shining and great god was now covered with a layer of darkness. Green, seaweed-like flesh and blood particles, these particles extend outwards with thick 'hairs', and the ends of the hairs are rings one after another, emitting light like fireflies.

At this moment, Regedo has turned into a twisted [god], and his blasphemous and sacred aura is enough to burn all humans who see his figure immediately.

"Forget it, forget about it. Come on, Subaru, let's see what goodies I have brought for you."

Reggio didn't struggle with Yuan Subaru's words for too long. He smiled kindly, waved to Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"Come on, this is a good thing I got from Noah. It can supplement your power of the light of Nexus. Eat it quickly and complete your own evolution."

Yuan Subaru watched as Reggio dug out a sticky and squirming mass of light that resembled a meat ball from his rotting chest, and handed it over to him. He heard the senior say with a smile:

"Noah already knows the situation on your side. After you complete your evolution, I will take you to see him. I believe that with a successor like you, that guy Noah will also be very happy. We can still check What is the relationship between you and [Engine]?"

"Senior, do you really not feel anything is wrong?"

Yuan Subaru sighed, made a mirror, pointed it at Lei Jiduo, and said softly:

"Look at how you look now, it's really not good."


Lei Jiduo listened to Yuan Subaru saying this continuously, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused. He carefully observed himself in the mirror. He looked at himself horizontally and vertically, and felt that he was no different from before. Lei Jiduo thought about it and thought that the child might be a little naughty and was joking with himself, so he smiled and said:

"Wow, there is indeed a change. I seem to have become more beautiful. Okay, come and eat this quickly."

Lei Jiduo stretched his hand towards Yuan Subaru and said with a smile:

"How long have I been stretching my hand? You little kid, please be considerate of me, an old man."


Although I don't know what Senior Lei Jiduo has experienced, there is no doubt that his cognition has been distorted, and he has been quietly polluted too deeply by the original energy.

Therefore, Gen Subaru did not say anything else. He pretended to take the thing. Then, the power of [Eternal Original] was suddenly pulled to the full, and the energy of [Pure White] was amplified to the limit, trying to use this method to save Senior Reijido from it.


Reijido was one of the most outstanding Ultra Warriors in the universe. Gen Subaru thought that his speed was fast enough, which was considered a good performance, but he still missed. Reijido used a skill that Gen Subaru could not detect and teleported to the side.

Then, as if something was triggered, the hair rings all over Reijido's body stood up, but the firefly-like light disappeared. No, it cannot be said to have disappeared. It should be said that this is its true appearance. The distortion power from the original essence distorted its true light into an invisible existence, exuding an indescribable pressure.

"Subaru, come on, be obedient, eat it..."

At this time, Reijido's voice was still the same as before, but Gen Subaru felt terrible anger in him, as if his emotions had suddenly changed.

"There's really nothing I can do about disobedient children. My methods may be a little tougher, but this is what you asked for, little kid. Eat a little and you'll learn a lesson. Now I'll teach you a lesson!"

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