Minagawa waved his hand slightly, indicating that it was nothing, and then casually said:

"But as for me...ah...it's a bit troublesome to explain. Anyway, it's better not to think about going to my side for the time being. But when you leave in the future, I can give you a small permission so that you can shuttle back and forth between this world and your own world, just as a small reward for your previous battles with monsters."

"Really? Thank you, Minagawa brother."

When Asukagawa Chise heard this, she hugged Minagawa's arm very happily and showed him a silly smile. For a female junior high school student, she basically didn't do anything to have this magical ability, so what else could she be dissatisfied with?

Just at this time, Shima noticed that the expressions of Takarada Rikka and Nanmeng Mei were a little subtle, but the former was the kind of hesitation that wanted to say something but stopped, and the latter was the kind of melon-eating who wanted to say something but wanted to continue to watch the fun.

"Chise, didn't Subaru tell you?"

Finally, Takarada Rikka couldn't help but whispered:

"Actually, Subaru is younger."


Chise Asukagawa was stunned and pointed at herself and said:

"Although I may look a little like a high school student, I was born in 2006."

"Then it's okay for Subaru to call you sister."

Nan Mengmei looked at Gen Subaru with a smile and said:

"I haven't reacted yet. You call me Team Member Nan. Are you trying to find an excuse not to call me Sister Nan?"

"... You know too much, so I can't let you go, hehe."

297 It's really hard to guess a girl's heart.

After Gen Subaru imitated Granny Sakura's laughter that sounded like she had eaten several Soul Hall elders, he suddenly felt that his laughter didn't have that flavor, so he stopped laughing and looked at the people behind him and said:

"Okay, let's skip the age joke. I'm too lazy to complain about it. You'll probably have a lot of things to do next. It's almost dark when everything is done. Rikka, I'll trouble you with the next things. I'll go take a look at the so-called gas explosion phenomenon. I always feel that there should be some clues there."

"Okay, then you go, remember to come back early."

Takarada Rikka smiled and waved to Gen Subaru, and then the group saw Gen Subaru jump up on the spot and land on the ground again. The others didn't understand what he was doing, but Nan Mengya was slightly stunned, and immediately knew what was going on, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

Ah... This physical body and light particle aggregate switching back and forth is really uncomfortable.

Yuan Subaru just wanted to fly away directly, but although it was all the use of light particles, the means of decomposition and re-aggregation obviously could not be used on flesh and blood. The boy scratched his hair helplessly, and then chose the correct skills and left here.

At the scene of the "gas explosion", Yuan Subaru quickly found what he wanted. Although a lot of it had been dispersed, there was no doubt that the residual energy reaction was the power of [Eternal·Original].

But where did Zero confront him?

Yuan Subaru squatted in place, put his hands on the broken ground, absorbed and sorted out the remaining free energy, and used it for his own use, while frowning slightly thinking about this problem. Whether it was Zero or himself in [Eternal·Original], they all had the ability to travel through time.

Therefore, the idea cannot be so limited, and we cannot just think about the present. It is not impossible that this Zero comes from the "future".

But if this is the case, why would I confront Zero in the future? Is there any contradiction between us?

Could it be that my style of doing things has attracted the Land of Light's wanted list?

Subaru thought about it and felt that this was very likely. After all, he was also murderous, and it was normal for the Ultraman of the Land of Light to be upset.

No, I have to quickly collect all the energy and then go back to Rikka. If that Zero is not a teammate and will drag us down, I have to kill him first. In this situation, I can't afford to have any more new enemies.

Thinking of this, Subaru closed his eyes and began to concentrate on collecting as much remaining energy as possible. In any case, these energies all come from the power of [Eternal Original], which is Subaru's own ability. There is no such thing as incompatibility.

However, I found out too late. If I could come here to absorb energy when Zero just fell, I would definitely get a lot of supplies.

After all, family members understand their own affairs. If the energy of [Eternal Original] is not deliberately adjusted by myself, it will not affect an area for a long time, which leads to not much that can be absorbed now.

In the final analysis, it is because my ability and form are too unstable.

Subaru sighed with mixed feelings. Although this was somewhat innate, it was also because the progress of [Unification] had not entered the combination of telekinesis and energy. If it reached that stage, perhaps he could participate in the battle against [Essence], and then he could help Senior Noah a little.

Thinking of this, Subaru couldn't help but think of the [Engine] placed in the basement of TLT-J. According to Senior Regido, his original body should be a spare [Engine] clone. When the [Shell] is broken, this [Copy Engine] will mature.

In that case, how can I contact Senior Noah and ask him to take this [Copy Engine] away?

I don’t know if Senior Regido has found Senior Noah now?

To be honest, I am a little worried that after I ‘collapse’, the unrestrained [Copy Engine] will cause some unexpected trouble.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, I have so many things to do here.

Gen Subaru scratched his hair in annoyance, and then after looking at the energy situation of his body, he decisively chose to give up. The remaining residual energy has no usable value. According to the current form, if they are collected, they will probably dissipate before they are absorbed into the body.

Therefore, Gen Subaru turned around and walked towards the second-hand store of Rikka’s family.

At the same time, while Subaru was absorbing energy, Takarada Rikka had already picked up Nan Mengmei and others in the second-hand shop "JUNK SHOP", and Rikka's mother also warmly entertained them-

After Subaru left, Takarada Rikka began to contact her mother with her mobile phone. In addition, she had already greeted her mother on the way to the abandoned construction site, so there was no accident in this link.


However, at this moment, when Rikka's mother was just looking for something, Gulit jumped out from the old computer impatiently, looked at Shima and others and said:

"I didn't expect that Dyna was in your hands. That's great. I thought it had been completely lost in many planes."

"Are you... Gulit?"

Looking at the half-body robot, Shima and others were really shocked. Then, Shima took out the Dyna submarine thoughtfully, looked at Gulit and said softly:

"I heard from Subaru that there seems to be some connection between Dyna and you. Can you please tell me in detail about this?"

"Of course, Dyna is my companion, a part of me, and a member of the 'new era middle school student'."

Gulit said in a serious voice:

"When I was attacked by Alexis , he also split off and his whereabouts are unknown. I originally thought that I had to wait until the state recovered to a certain extent before I could set out to find its whereabouts. Now... it's great, our combat power has been newly improved. "

"New Age Middle School Students... What kind of organization is this?"

Nan Mengya heard this and couldn't help but say:

"Is it a translation problem between universe languages? It feels weird."

"Ah... I think you mentioned this before."

After Nan Mengya mentioned this, Baoduo Rikka also remembered it, shook her finger, and said thoughtfully:

"I wanted to ask at that time, but Subaru had something to do, so I forgot it all of a sudden."

Hearing this, Nan Mengya's expression was a little complicated. She didn't know about Gen Subaru's experience here, or more accurately, what happened after he became [Eternal·Original].

So at this time, Nan Mengya listened to Baoduo Rikka's words, and she still felt a little uncomfortable. Whether it was the evolution truster or the experience of getting along, it was like something that should have belonged to her was taken away for no reason.

However, Nan Mengya also knew that it was not appropriate to discuss this topic now, after all, the person involved was not here, right!

"I once fought against a powerful enemy with my partners."

On the other side, when it came to this topic, Gu Litt's tone immediately became serious. He said in a very serious manner:

"At that time, it was three ordinary human middle school students who helped me, so that I finally eliminated the enemy and protected the world. Therefore, we use this name to commemorate that past, and also hope to pass on the spirit of the bravery and fearlessness of the three human middle school students who dedicated themselves to justice."

"Then this is really a meaningful name."

Asuka Chuan muttered in a low voice, and then, when she was about to say, 'If we also save the world this time, can we also get a name', Gu Litt suddenly disappeared, and it was Rikka's mother who came back with something.

When the young lady saw them standing around the old computer, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Ah, I didn't expect this computer model to be so popular with you young people. It seems that my assessment was wrong. But this computer has been bought by someone else, a very handsome boy. It's just temporarily placed with me, so don't think about taking it."

"Thank you for the compliment. As Mrs. Baoduo said, this is mine."

At this time, Yuan Subaru's voice came from the side, and the boy He walked in with a chuckle, and Rikka's mother immediately greeted him and said:

"Brother, we meet again, wait, are you going to stay here too?"

"Ah, that, forget it..."

Minagawa waved his hand and said:

"I have some things to do, and I may have to go out at night. If I stay here, it will be too much of a bother."

When saying this, Minagawa's eyes fell on Takanari Rikka behind Rikka's mother, and it seemed... this lady didn't seem to know that he had actually been lying in her store for a whole night and a whole morning.

In response to this, Takarata Rikka quickly and quietly glared at Gen Subaru. She secretly carried Gen Subaru back last night. Fortunately, Gen Subaru's physical condition was special, and Rikka's mother went out early in the morning to evaluate the products. , otherwise, Takarata Rikka really wouldn’t be able to hide it.

As for why we need to hide it...

Rikka Takarata felt that if her mother saw that she had brought Gen Subaru back from a coma, she would not be able to guess what her mother could do.

"Hey~~~ If you don't bother me, don't bother me. You're too polite, little brother."

Just when Gen Subaru received Takarata Rikka's hint and was about to take cover, Rikka's mother came over very familiarly, patted Gen Subaru on the shoulder and said:

"Speaking of which, little brother, where are you from? I don't think I've seen you before. Where do your parents work? Oh, I'm sorry, I have an occupational disease."

Rikka's mother smiled, waved her hand sheepishly and said:

"But you, my child, seem very friendly to me. If you don't want to stay overnight, I might as well stay for dinner. I'll tell you in private."

She said it was quietly, but in fact, Rikka's mother had no intention of lowering her voice and continued:

"Rikka is cooking tonight. You should know her cooking skills. She is bringing you the lunch boxes she has brought for the past few days. They taste pretty good!"

"Ah...ah, it tastes really good."

One thing to say, Yuan Subaru has never seen the posture of Rikka's mother before. She always feels that she is a little too enthusiastic, as if she is greeting guests. On the other side, Shima and the others all looked at her. There are many treasures and six flowers.

Although she didn't say anything, Rikka Baoda had already realized something, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she rushed forward, pushing and pulling at her mother, and quickly took away the wife who was thinking about something.

"Huh... What a passionate human being, I can't stand it."

Yuan Subaru breathed out, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Shima and the others aside, and said softly:

"You should need a helping hand, I'm here to help you."

"I'm just making a bed. How can I help?"

Shima picked up the quilt that Rikka's mother had just taken out and said:

"You should rest. You are much more tired than us. Yamanaka, let's go. We share a room."

"Oh, um, okay."

"Um...Sister Nan, I'm going to check out the room first. See you later."

Asukagawa Chise looked at the indifferent Nanmu Mei, smiled and said hello, and then ran away quickly. Gen Subaru didn't have to get involved. He walked towards the location of the old computer, ready to ask Gu Li Te, how is Zero's current condition? Can you build an electronic prison for him and lock him in first?

At this moment, just when Yuan Subaru was about to open his mouth to call Gulit, he suddenly noticed something. He turned to look at the cold girl beside him, met Nan Mengya's gaze, blinked, and then said:

"Didn't you laugh happily on the road just now? Why are you so cold now? Well...I'm sorry, I really can't guess what you are thinking. Can you tell me why?"

"Why? You're overthinking it. I'm going to see the room."

Nan Mengya didn't seem to have any desire to talk to Yuan Subaru. After saying this, he turned around and left decisively. Yuan Subaru tilted his head, and then...

"Gulit, I have something to ask you...huh?!"

When she heard that Yuan Subaru had really started talking to Gulit and believed her words, Nan Mengya felt that the word 'reason' suddenly rushed out of her head, waiting for her to reply. When the god came, she and Yuan Subaru were already standing face to face, staring.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I did wrong, but please forgive me."

Looking at this human girl who looked like fried hair, Yuan Subaru took a step back uncomfortably, distanced himself, and said softly:

"However, even if you are a death row prisoner, you can at least know why you died. So, human, no, Team Member Nan, no, Sister Nan, can you tell me what on earth are you angry about?"

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After a little silence, Nan Mengya finally spoke, but rather than calming down, it is better to say that he has given up on Yuan Subaru. The brain circuit of the Ultraman in front of him is easy to guess. If you don't guess now, If you explain this matter clearly, don't expect him to come to you again to talk about it.

Nan Mengya believed that if he turned around and left now, he might feel sad that he failed to understand his friend's thoughts, and then he would be busy tracking down monsters, busy developing skills, busy meditating on [Unification], and busy buying and leaving. [Heritage] to the earth, I am even busy thinking about whether to create a big wave in the last stage of life and directly wipe out all civilizations except humans in the universe.

But he just won't try to coax the friend who may still be angry. It's not that he doesn't value this friendship, but that this friendship in his heart may be only slightly more important than his own life. , compared with other busy things, the priority is too low.

Thinking of this, Nan Mengya suddenly stopped being angry. She looked at the young man in front of her. The cognition originally came from the dream memory. After coming into contact with Yuan Subaru in reality, she had a deeper understanding.

Although Subaru did not intend to give up his identity as an ‘Earthling’, he now simply felt that he should not give up this identity. [The Child of Mikami Town] had already died in him. Now he was [Light] with the remaining human obsession, and for this obsession, he tortured himself to the point of being covered in wounds.

Nan Mengya believed that even if Subaru’s remaining life span was extended tenfold or a hundredfold, he would just continue to repeat his current actions in those years. Perhaps Subaru himself had not noticed that the loss of emotions was not only due to the shattering of the [Engine Shell], but also due to his own reasons. He kept adding pressure to himself, as if there was no end, until he was completely crushed.


"I'm here."

Although Subaru did not know what Nan Mengya was thinking, he felt that the atmosphere here did not seem as scary as before. After he breathed a sigh of relief, he quickly responded and quietly waited for Nan Mengya's follow-up.

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