"Ms. Baoduo, generally speaking, things like gas pipeline explosions are not that easy to happen."


Yuan Subaru interrupted Gulit's words and said in a solemn voice:

"Such a thing has never happened in Dujuan Taichung. Although I have no evidence now, but... I believe that the guys who created those monsters do not want that kind of disaster to happen here, which is not friendly to humans. "


Rikka Takarata came slightly closer to the boy, looked at him with curious eyes and said:

"Have you discovered something?"

‘Ding ding ding ding…’

At the same time, Takarata Rikka's cell phone rang. She quickly walked aside and connected it. Judging from her somewhat reserved tone, the caller was probably not an acquaintance, and Yuan Subaru didn't pay attention. conversation, and began to stare at the screen, observing Zero's situation.

What should I say? Why does it look more and more like he was injured by me?

Yuan Subaru rubbed his chin subtly. In fact, Gullit had the same feeling last night. He felt that some of Zero's injuries seemed to have been cut by himself. After all, as a super agent, he was still somewhat proud of himself. Unique moves.

So, what is going on with this guy? X2

The same doubt flashed through the minds of Yuan Subaru and Gulit at the same time, but Yuan Subaru quickly threw the question aside. He could just wait until Zero wakes up to ask about this kind of thing slowly. Now , let me see how much light energy there is in Zero. If there is more, bring some over and use it.

After all, Yuan Subaru felt quite confident that the light energy in his hands would definitely not be useful in his own hands.


never mind.

If you continue to pluck the wool, you will really pluck Sero to death.

Now... he feels that his health bar is not as long as mine, no, what kind of enemy did he defeat? He feels so strong, it makes my hands feel a little itchy.

Ah, no, no, no, I need to calm down my damn bellicosity. Don’t forget, my health bar is not even over half yet.

Yuan Subaru patted his head to calm down, and then planned to find a place to pick up the Dinosaurs.

At the same time, Takarata Rikka also finished her phone call and walked back to Yuan Subaru. Seeing the girl's helpless look, Yuan Subaru thought for a moment and couldn't help but ask:

"What's wrong? I feel like you are troubled."

"Ah...it's something about my classmates."

Rikka Takara put her hands on the back of her neck, rubbed it gently and said:

"There is a classmate in our class named Akane Shinjo. She has not gone to class these two days, so some classmates want to visit her, but they don't know Shinjo's home address, and they don't know where they can get it from. The news came that I had been riding the bus to and from school with her for a while, so she called me to ask."

"You didn't say?"

"Of course I didn't say it. This can't be said, okay."

Takarata Rikka put her phone in her pocket and said as if she had a headache:

"None of the boys who called are from our class, and from what I heard, it seemed like there were quite a lot of people over there. Think about it for a moment. Such a group of strangers came to visit so suddenly without even making an appointment. , but it’s very troublesome. Not only have I not washed or dressed up, but the house has not been tidied up either. Really, what are those boys thinking?”

It's okay. The way you didn't wash up when you got up this morning, as well as the decoration of your room, and Nan Mengya's side, I don't think there's anything shameful about it.

Yuan Subaru tilted his head in confusion and thought for a moment. If his room was like that, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to come directly.

So, is this a new point of knowledge about the mind of a human high school girl?

Get it.

Although he learned it, Gen Subaru did not continue the conversation with Rikka Takarata on this topic. He always felt that if he gave examples and made sense, Rikka Takarata would be angry, so he invited Rikka Takarata. Rikka said:

"I'm going to pick someone up, do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, it just so happens that I don't have anything going on here."

Takarata Rikka responded and followed Gen Subaru towards the east. At this moment, Gen Subaru suddenly remembered that he had seen the name Shinjo Akane before. When he was in the game competition, this student Just didn’t participate.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru pretended to be unintentional and said:

"Speaking of which, Akane Shinjo...is this person very popular in your school? Tell me, just from your description, I can feel the unrequited love of those boys."

"Well, Shinjou-san is very popular. Although she has just become a freshman in high school, everyone in the high school department basically knows her name. And, not only in high school, but also in junior high school, she was in the class. The most popular girl, many people say she is 'the strongest girl with both beauty and talent, the miraculous girl who is loved by everyone in the class'."

"Hoho, I didn't expect that there is such a person. Rikka actually became excited when he introduced him. It seems that Rikka is also satisfied with that classmate."

Looking at Rikka Takarata who was just preaching, Gen Subaru was smiling, but a cold light flashed in his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking about, and then continued to say with a smile without any change in his tone:

"If I have a chance in the future, I will have to see what kind of girl Akane Shinjo is. Maybe I will be fascinated by her too."

"Haha, haha, let's talk about it when we have the opportunity in the future, haha, haha..."

"Miss Rikka, I'm just talking. You don't have to smile so scary. I'm not the same person as those little boys with high hormones, so let's talk, can we stop laughing..."

296 Subaru, what’s going on?

While teasing each other, Gen Subaru took Takarata Rikka to an abandoned construction site. According to Takarata Rikka, the boss in charge of the place ran away with his sister-in-law, and no one took over, so it was left abandoned. .

"Dyna Tyrannosaurus must be very big, right?"

Walking in this somewhat gloomy abandoned building, Rikka Takarata rubbed her arms with some discomfort, and whispered to Gen Subaru:

"Is it really okay to conduct the connection here? There should be no gas pipelines here. If the building is destroyed, the government will have no reason to cover it up."

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'm not a devil. I won't let the officials of Dujuan Terrace bow twice in a row in a few days."

Gen Subaru made a gesture towards Takarata Rikka. The girl understood immediately and stood there without getting closer. Gen Subaru took two more steps forward, then raised his hands, and the light energy condensed on him, Nexel The space-time adaptability of Si's Light was being exerted as effectively as possible under Yuan Subaru's deliberate adjustments, thus capturing the Dyna Tyrannosaurus in the universe.

"Disarm the Dyna Tyrannosaurus and I will catch you."

At the same time, Yuan Subaru's voice also sounded in the ears of Nan Mengya and others. They were slightly startled, and then without hesitation, they shrank their respective parts and retracted them, and then seemed to be seamlessly connected. Silver light enveloped them, moving towards the barrier of the universe.

Nan Mengya and others first let out a low cry of surprise, and after adapting to this wonderful feeling of weightlessness, they couldn't help but look around. Although they could see outside when they were in the Dyna Tyrannosaurus just now, However, due to the built-in gravity stabilizer inside the Dynatyranosaurus, they did not float much freely.

But now, in this faint silver-white light bubble, they can float freely, and the vast interlayer of the universe comes into their eyes. This interlayer of the universe.

Different from the gaps in time and space, although there is a certain amount of turbulence, those turbulences are not so violent. They are like colorful rivers, twisting and turning, leaving beautiful arcs at will on a canvas.

Moreover, after these silvery white bubbles came into contact with the translucent wall in front of them, Nan Mengya and the others saw that where the bubbles came into contact with the wall, there was an electronic pattern-like scene, which did not look scary and gave people a sense of order. The beauty of order.

And just when Nan Mengya and the others wanted to appreciate this spectacle, everything in front of them suddenly began to change very quickly. They were like sitting on a racing car with the accelerator pressed to the bottom. Everything was transformed at such a high speed. For the lines that rush backward.

To be honest, the feeling caused by this was not pleasant. Although there was no physical discomfort, the visual impact made Nan Mengya and the others feel dizzy and nauseated.

But this scene passed in the blink of an eye, and while they were still in a daze, familiar faces appeared in their field of vision.

"Everyone, do you feel any discomfort?"

Yuan Subaru carefully dispersed the energy bubble that served as a guide, and then looked nervously at Namco and the others. If his theory was correct, after passing through the cosmic barrier, as humans, Namco and the others It should not be affected by the nature of this universe.

"Ah... I'm just a little dizzy, but it should be because of the acceleration just now."

Shima pressed his forehead, felt it carefully, and then gave the answer. Yuan Subaru immediately moved his eyes away from him and passed them one by one. After receiving affirmative responses one by one, Yuan Subaru felt relieved. Come on, one side of your body revealed Baoda Rikka behind you, and she said softly:

"This is Rikka Takarata, she is my friend in this world. From now on, you may have to live in her house temporarily. Come and say good morning to the landlady with me."

"Huh? M...you guy, stop making trouble."

When Takarata Rikka heard this, she was stunned for a moment. Then when she saw that the young man with hooded eyes and hair was really about to bow and shout, he slapped Yuan Subaru on the shoulder angrily. Then, he looked at the people in front of him and hurriedly waved. He started and said:

"No need to shout, no need to shout, don't worry about this guy. My name is Rikka Takarata. I've already heard from Subaru about your matters, so just settle down and settle in peace. That, that... um! It's all your fault. I'm here now." I don’t know what to say.”

Rikka Takarata blushed with embarrassment, raised her little fist, and was about to hit Yuan Subaru again, but Yuan Subaru slipped away, dodged Rikka Takarata's fist, and then stood next to Nan Mengya and others. , introduced and said:

"This is Mr. Shima, this is Mr. Koyomi Yamanaka, this is Miss Asukagawa Chise, and this is Miss Minami, do you remember?"

"Huh? Huh? That..."

"You speak so fast, who can remember it?"

Looking at the somewhat panicked Rikka Takarata, Asukagawa Chise couldn't help but complain. Nanmuya on the side also looked at Minamoto Subaru with an inexplicable, very cold look, and said softly:

"I feel like you're a lot more lively now. You feel like you've become a new person. Does the world here make you so relaxed?"


Shanzhong Li on the side suddenly shivered subconsciously. How can I put it, the sun is bright and the temperature is not low, but why does it feel so cold?

"Ah, because I actually have a body here, so some emotions have returned, so in a sense, this is my nature?"

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he tapped his chin lightly with his finger and said thoughtfully:

"Not to mention that I haven't paid special attention to it. With the recovery of light energy, my behavior seems to be more like the appearance during the Mishami Town period. This is really unexpected. Maybe we can collect some data and study what this is. what happened."

"That's it."

Hearing Yuan Subaru's explanation, Nan Mengya raised her eyes slightly, then took a good look at the young man, as if seeing him for the first time, and then said nothing more.

"Okay, let's go, you still have a lot of things to deal with next."

As Gen Subaru walked, he greeted Namco Mei and the others. Rikka Takarata also followed Gen Subaru's footsteps. He looked at the strangers beside him, thought about it, and began to try to chat with Asukagawa Chise and Nan Meng Mei. By the way, after all, girls tend to find common topics before. As long as there are common topics, it will not be difficult to get closer.

Yuan Subaru was talking to Shima. Although this guy had an evil face, he was still a good person and a relatively reliable warrior. There might be something that needed his help next.

At the same time, Shima, a guy who has been dead for thousands of years and was resurrected because of his status as a monster user, is now dying bit by bit because he has lost the power of a monster user, so Yuan Subaru has to give him a life extension. Just fine.

The method is not difficult at all. Yuan Subaru has used it before, with that so-and-so Lizi. The method used on that person is almost the same as that used on Shi Ma.

After Yuan Subaru dealt with Shima's physical problem, he suddenly felt familiar energy fluctuations coming from behind him. He subconsciously looked back and saw Nan Mengya and Takarata Rikka looking at a glowing person. thing.

That was none other than Yuan Subaru's evolutionary trustworthy person.

As for why this transformer reacts, the reason is actually not complicated. After all, Nan Mengya is now his human body. It is not natural for the human body and the transformer to have some resonance. It cannot really happen. Human body, once this transformer leaves the body, it really feels like it is lost.

"Subaru, what's going on?"

Takarata Rikka looked at the boy with a complicated expression. To be honest, she was really unhappy now. Wasn't this the amulet given to her by Gen Subaru? Why would it react to other people? Could it be that he also promised this Miss Nan that he could use this for her as well?

Thinking of this, Rikka Takarata was silent for a moment. Although he felt that such low emotional intelligence should not be something that people can do, Gen Subaru is Ultraman. God knows if he has any other ideas or methods.

Nan Mengya looked at Yuan Subaru without saying a word. Of course she knew that it was the Evolutionary Truster, something Yuan Subaru carried with him, and logically speaking, this thing should be in her Nexus world. Only in the hands of the body,

What on earth is this guy thinking? ! X2

The gazes between Takarata Rikka and Namjoa made Gen Subaru frown slightly. To be honest, he didn't like this kind of oppressive gaze, but they were both friends and human beings, so there was no need to be so competitive.

So Yuan Subaru casually explained the fact that Nan Mengya needed his own light to survive, which also showed the protective effect of this evolution truster on Takarata Rikka, and then waved his hand and said:

"That's it. Don't react so much, as if I made some mistake. If you think the other person's stuff is fun, I can also use my skills to exchange your situation. Anyway, wait until I finish processing this place. After what happened, with my departure, you can no longer play Evolution Truster or Light of Nexus.”


Listening to Gen Subaru's words, Takarata Rikka and Namco Mei fell into silence at the same time. Asukagawa Chise on the side couldn't help but complained softly:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, you sound like you are a debt collector."

"Well, after all, this is the truth. Even if we don't say it now, we will definitely have to say it in the future."

Yuan Subaru scratched his hair, sighed, and said softly:

"The crisis in your universe has been resolved, but it doesn't mean that my side is safe, haha... Thinking about it now, there are so many things that have not been dealt with. Now I seem to understand the mentality of working overtime to beat workers."

"Speaking of which, Brother Yuan Subaru, is there any difference between your universe and our universe?"

Now that this topic was brought up, Asukagawa Chise took the opportunity to ask her curiosity. After all, she, a person who had never even been out of her own town, really couldn't imagine the difference between the concept of 'universe'.

"My place...there are a lot of demons and ghosts, don't you think so?"

Yuan Subaru pointed to the sky, hesitated, and continued:

"I'm not poking your scars, but a disaster like the one that destroyed the planet just now is nothing to me. Now I'm still suppressing a timed alien bomb that might cause the destruction of the entire universe's civilization. , I’m afraid I have to get rid of that thing quickly when I go back this time, otherwise, I’m really worried that there will be some cosmic civilization that doesn’t know how to live or die to contact that big monster.”

"Minamoto-kun, if you hadn't said that, I would have thought that the person who said that was a drunken chuunibyou."

"Thank you for your trust, Ms. Asukagawa."

"You're welcome, Mr. Minamoto-kun."

After exchanging a wave of complaints, Asukagawa Chise thought for a moment, looked at Minamoto-kun and continued to ask:

"Then Minamoto-kun, after you have dealt with that big monster, can you... take us to your place to have a look? A trip across the universe, it's exciting just to think about it."

"Hey, Chise..."

Hearing this, Yamanaka Riki couldn't help but remind his cousin. After all, they had just known Minamoto-kun for a short time, and he was still so busy. Yamanaka Riki, a stay-at-home, thought that Asukagawa Chise was really a little... idiotic. Well... there should be nothing wrong with this description.

"It's okay, it's okay. To be honest, as far as my ability is concerned, traveling through the universe is actually just a matter of building a stable space-time channel..."

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