"I remember you like to eat noodles and drink soy milk, right?"

Nan Mengya looked at Yuan Subaru with a smile and said softly:

"It's still the kind without sugar. How about I make it for you tonight? My craftsmanship is pretty good too."

"Ah, no."

Yuan Subaru didn't expect that Nan Mengya was going to tell him this. Several question marks popped up in his mind. He didn't understand why this simple question made the atmosphere so scary just now. But since people said that, then naturally He also has to answer the call.

"Actually, I can't taste it at all now. This body doesn't really need food or other nutrients to maintain it. I just couldn't refuse Rikka's hard work before, so don't waste your efforts. It has no taste. Food, doesn’t make much sense.”

Yuan Subaru rejected Nan Mengya's kindness and said softly:

"Although I don't know what you were thinking just now, I still want to thank you for your kindness. You have been struggling with this for a long time. Please rest quickly."

"You guy, you don't eat or sleep. How can you live like this?"

Nan Mengya helplessly stretched out her hand to tidy up Yuan Subaru's messy hair, and whispered:

"Even if you really don't need to do this to maintain your condition now, you have to eat when you need to eat, and you have to sleep when you need to sleep. Although this doesn't make sense to you, this is what you should have as a human being. A sense of ritual in life.”

"That's it..."

When Yuan Subaru heard this, he couldn't help but feel dazed. Someone seemed to have told him this in the past, but now his telekinesis level is not very good, and his once excellent memory has now deteriorated.

"Let's talk about it later. The sense of ceremony... Now is not the time to talk about this. I still have some unfinished things here. Let's go now. If you have anything to do, don't wait for me."

After saying this, Yuan Subaru stopped the conversation with Nan Mengya. Moreover, during the conversation, he had already used his mind power to sense the situation on Zero's side. In that weak state, even if he was not a teammate, he was probably There is no capital to continue doing evil, so there is no need to worry about that and you can make the next plan.

Nan Mengya wanted to call Yuan Subaru, but she couldn't keep up with the young man's speed. The helpless girl turned her head and looked to the side, looking at the half-open door, silent for a moment, and said with a smile:

"Rikka, I seem to be unable to keep up with the pace of this four-year-old Ultraman."

"Ah, indeed, I don't know how to keep up at all."

Baoduo Rikka opened the door and walked out with a somewhat lonely expression. Nan Mengya could even notice her, and Yuan Subaru was naturally aware of it when he walked to the door. Although he had arrived, he still told the truth about the bento without hesitation, which made Baoduoliu feel for a moment that Yuan Subaru seemed to be too lazy to continue perfunctory with him.

Of course, Takarata Rikka also knew that that idea was wrong, and that Gen Subaru was not that kind of person. But after this idea surfaced, the past memories seemed to have changed a bit. The past that he felt should be remembered, for Gen Subaru To me, it seems like a passing cloud, nothing to cherish.

"Let's talk?"

At this time, Nan Mengya pointed to the door, asked Baoduo Liuhua and said softly:

"Just the two of us."


Baoda Rikka hesitated for a moment, a somewhat tangled look flashed across her face, but she finally nodded. Of course she knew that when they went out to chat this time, they were definitely not talking about the gossip they had just talked about on the way here, so , Baoda Rikka was instinctively unwilling to face this problem.

However, Takarata Rikka also remembered what her mother said just now, that there are some things that must be faced, and not only must be faced, but also snatched.

Just... now...

Baoda Rikka couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and smiled twice in her heart.

It's just that my mother made a mistake. The person she wants to rob is not the JK from another world in front of her, but the "human beings and the earth".

On the other side, Yuan Subaru has arrived at Dujuetai High School. This time, his actions are much more direct. He doesn't care about hiding at all. He rushes straight to the archives room and uses the computers there to find what he wants. Then like a gust of wind, Come and go like a gust of wind, so fast that the school security guards were stunned.

What Yuan Subaru is looking for is the home address of the students who asked for leave at the football competition. Even though this plan was interrupted before, Yuan Subaru still thinks this is a breakthrough point.

At the same time, due to the changes in the outside world and the understanding of the truth of this world, Yuan Subaru's actions have become more efficient. [Light], who no longer cares about the rules of human society, is investigating one house after another at an astonishing speed. , causing the residents of Dujuan Terrace to think that something was haunted in broad daylight.

With this kind of action, Yuan Subaru quickly came to the street where the thrift store "Aya Junk Shop" was located. He looked at the street number in front of him and then looked at the open door of the thrift store next door. Time can't help but feel a little subtle.

He didn't expect that the so-called Akane Shinjo who is loved by everyone and blooms with flowers actually lives next door to Rikka Takarata. No wonder those male high school students came to Rikka Takarata to ask about the home address of this school beauty. .

While thinking about it, Gen Subaru cheered up and carefully prepared to break into Shinjo Akane's house. The name "Shinjo Akane" was not only mentioned in Takarata Rikka's mouth, but also appeared in a small number of students who had just gone there. In the room, it can be seen that Akane Shinjo is very popular whether it is among the male students or the female students.

But it was just pure 'love'. Some of the students who took leave also wrote diaries. Gen Subaru also looked through it casually. At first, he didn't feel it. But later he found that these students' love for Akane Shinjo was close to unconditional. of.

In the contents of those diaries, no one could explain what they liked about Akane Shinjo. This attitude of almost total acceptance has gone beyond the scope of the 'love brain', and is more like a fanatical believer supporting the god in his heart, and, These fanatics themselves don’t even know it yet.

This is a problem, and it’s a big problem. Maybe the answer I’m looking for lies in this.

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru kicked open Akane Shinjo's door without any delay. Of course, he could sneak in quietly, as if he was haunted, but the boy who had already realized that something was wrong would prefer to use this kind of pretense. The openly hostile attitude forced the people in the room to realize that the matter could not be resolved, and to use all their hidden methods.

As for what to do if you make a mistake?

Then wait until you really make a mistake.


At this time, Shinjou Akane, who was in the room upstairs, raised her head in confusion. In front of her, there were several newly completed monster models. These monsters were all designed to defeat Gullit. After all, Gulit, this uninvited guest, is really annoying to her.

However, without [Instance Abreaction], these monster models are just ordinary models, and the spaceman she worked with fell into silence after encountering an unknown attack last time. , no response.

"Hey Alexis, haven't you had enough sleep?"

At this time, Akane Shinjo no longer cared about the sudden noise. She looked at the cracked computer screen in front of her and shouted angrily, but there was also uneasiness in her tone. After all, she knew that Alec The Sith are in so much trouble. If Alexis is taken down, her situation will not be much better.

Looking at the screen that was still not lit up, Akane Shinjo's expression began to turn ugly, and she kicked the screen hard with her smooth feet to vent her emotions.

But just when she kicked down the monitor, the door to her room was also opened. Akane Shinjo was startled. She turned around and saw the boy with white hair and red eyes standing at the door, looking at everything in the room. .

"Oh, I don't think I invited guests to my door."

Akane Shinjo took off her broken glasses, showed a troubled expression, and said softly:

"So, little brother, it's not appropriate for you to barge in like this. If you apologize properly now and then close the door and leave, I might be able to forgive you."

"Then you'll create a monster later and erase my existence from the world of Little Garden?"

Looking at the bags of leftover materials for making monster models on the floor, looking at the various monster and spaceman models filled with cabinets in the room, excluding the black stockings that were randomly thrown on the bags, this room It seems chaotic, but it is surprisingly organized.

While he was talking, Gen Subaru's eyes fell on Shinjou Akane. At this close range, he finally determined that the short-haired craftsman in front of him was what he was looking for.

So, Minamoto Subaru looked at Akane Shinjo and continued to whisper:

"But you can't do it, humans, to be precise, the humans who created this world of Little Garden."

Shinjou Akane, who originally wanted to continue saying something, couldn't help but change her face when she heard this. She had already said this, and there was no need to hide it anymore. She turned around and picked up the The art knife used to create monster models was pointed decisively at Gen Subaru.

But Shinjou Akane is very nervous. Although Minamoto Subaru is right, Shinjou Akane is not very good at using her authority here. Most of the time, Alexis is the main one to assist her. Expand the plan.

So, at this moment, Akane Shinjo seemed to have a trump card, but she was already sweating through her shirt.

"Don't be nervous. I'm not here for you. You are a human being, a real human being. I won't embarrass you."

Minamoto Subaru seemed not to notice Akane Shinjo's defensive actions. As he spoke, he ignored her quite naturally. He walked over and held up the display screen, looked at it carefully, and said thoughtfully:

"Have you been affected by my telekinesis vortex bomb? Humph, even if you are immortal, you can't avoid the soul attack. I just don't know where this guy is hiding now... Shinjou Akane, you can help me find it. Where is Alexis?"

"....Do you know what you're talking about?"

Shinjou Akane's eyes widened slightly, as if she was laughed out of anger, and she said with a 'kind' expression:

"Do you think you've got me under your control?!"

"Please don't get me wrong, I'm just asking."

Yuan Subaru continued to use his telekinesis to sense the remaining breath of Alexis on the screen, and said softly:

"It is indeed rude of me to break in like this, but compared to my rudeness, this spaceman seems more dangerous. Therefore, Akane Shinjo, if possible, I still hope that you can help me deal with Ya Lexis...huh?”

299 Abominable Fun Man

Gen Subaru looked down and saw that the art knife in Shinjo Akane's hand had already penetrated into his body. Moreover, this human girl had no intention of stopping. With hatred and anger in her eyes, she kept stabbing at Gen Subaru. A stream of light red blood flowed out of Subaru's body from the wound. Although the amount of bleeding was not large, it also stained Subaru's clothes.

Looking at the art knife that was stabbing into his body, Gen Subaru was silent for a moment, then slowly put his hand on Akane Shinjo's head, and gently rubbed the human girl's little head. He did not use telekinesis. To calm Shinjou Akane's mood swings, Gen Subaru felt that she really needed to vent.

Through this awkward murderous aura, Gen Subaru truly felt it, and felt the source of Akane Shinjo's dissatisfaction with him. Coupled with the induction of telekinesis, he gradually built a psychological model of this human girl in his heart - —

She was suppressed by many problems in real society. At the same time, she was lonely and longed for friendship. Just like many people who are addicted to the Internet, she chose to escape reality.

There is a type of therapy in psychotherapy called sandtray therapy. When this therapy is first formally implemented, the client is allowed to freely place various models or small toys in the sandtray. Eventually, the shape of the entire sandtray will be projected to the visitor. The psychological state of the reader, and the city Azalea Terrace created by Shinjo Akane is a sandbox game that Shinjo Akane set up for herself.

In this world, she has a 'human being' who will always stay by her side and will always like her. She can modify the existence in this world according to her own preferences. She constantly cleans up the characters she doesn't like in the city landscape. , constantly "repairing" the world, making Dujuetai look like she likes little by little.

That's why she hated herself so much. She couldn't bear the real world and just wanted to immerse herself in her personal world. She chose to stab herself, wanting to kill herself, a stranger who had inexplicably broken in, just to make this world go away. [Sweet dream] can continue.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru sighed and continued to gently comfort the humans in front of him. Life for humans is not easy. Although Yuan Subaru has been protecting humans, he also has to admit that many times, the atmosphere in human society, even if Even he couldn't integrate into it well.

Although there are no monsters there, there are more thoughts that are far more terrifying than monsters, and not all humans living there feel the kindness from others. In fact, Akane Shinjo also represents some groups in society. , they choose to escape reality due to loneliness or various reasons in family society.

Even if they do not have enough courage, endurance and twisted personality, death has become a kind of relief, but this kind of death can be avoided. Deep in their hearts, they must hope that someone or a way can save them. they.

Therefore, while Gen Subaru gently rubbed Akane Shinjo's head, he said softly:

"It's hard to live outside. You finally found a safe haven. You don't want to be destroyed by me, so you resist so hard, right? I understand, I understand. So, although I hope you can become stronger, but if If you really don't want to face it, I can help you rebuild a small world like Alexis."

Hearing this, Akane Shinjo's eyes widened slightly, and the utility knife that was going in and out stopped. She raised her head with disbelief and looked at Gen Subaru. The boy continued to ruffle her hair and smiled. He said softly:

"As for this world, leave it to me to deal with it. Although strictly speaking, the 'human beings' in Du Juan Terrace are not of the same race as you, but they already have complete thoughts and can be regarded as living beings. Let them continue to live peacefully here. Live on."

Gen Subaru saw the reluctance in Akane Shinjo's eyes at this time, so he thought for a moment and continued to say with a smile:

"If you want to come back, it's not a problem. I'll build a bridge for you. You can come back from the new world at any time, or return to the real world to see it. But then, when you come back here , you can’t eliminate other people’s existence so casually, I will limit your power. After all, if you are not happy here, you can go back to the new world.”

"Is what you said true?"


Shinjou Akane felt like she was listening to a story, the kind of urban legends and fairy tales told by drunkards in a state of panic. But Shinjou Akane felt like she believed it. She was clearly saying in her head, 'This is probably a liar. Don't believe it. Hurry up. Stab him to death', but his body can't do anything.

"Why? Why do you want to help me like this?"

Feeling the temperature of the liquid coming from the utility knife, Akane Shinjo looked at Minamoto Subaru incomprehensibly and said:

"Can't you feel the pain? What I did just now was very heavy, the kind that wanted to kill you. That's it. Do you still want to help me?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. You are a human being who has been involved in the disaster."

At this time, Gen Subaru felt that Akane Shinjo's mood had stabilized a lot, so he stopped holding Rua's head and said softly:

"It would be too cruel to drive you back to reality now, so I'll put in more effort to help. As for the few times you stabbed me, it's not that bad. It's not that painful. Compared with the battle injuries ,A piece of cake."

Having said this, Gen Subaru paused for a moment, looked at Shinjou Akane, stared at her for a while, and Shinjou Akane couldn't help but ask:

"What are you doing?"

"Ah... I feel like I forgot to tell you something, but I just can't remember what it was."

Gen Subaru tilted his head in confusion and thought for a moment. After another moment of silence, he clapped his hands, said "oh", looked at Akane Shinjo and said:

"What I promised you just now can't be realized now. There are enemies outside this small garden world that are causing trouble. Just like the monster model you used to blow me up before, it is one of them... Speaking of which, you How was the shadow of chaos created? Have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it before. It's a picture that Alexis showed me and wanted me to see if I could make one."

To be honest, Shinjou Akane really couldn't understand what the young man in front of her was thinking. She felt that the calmness was a bit too much, and the familiarity was a bit scary. But since he reacted like this, Shinjou Akane also He continued:

"But when I was halfway through it, Alexis said, 'There's a problem. If you continue, it won't be fun,' and she quickly asked me to stop."

"Looking for fun...Looking for fun to find Chaos, this is fun in itself."

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but complain. He said that it is quite difficult to deal with enemies who carry out various actions for fun, because you don't know what is fun for the enemy, and neither do you. Know what kind of rituals or actions they perform in order to have fun.

But at least it is known so far that Alexis knows about [Chaos] and has a certain understanding of the concept or danger of [Chaos]. Next, before we find him, we can only hope that this fun will be found by others. Just for fun, I brought down things related to [Chaos].

"Shinjo Akane, can you help me now to find the whereabouts of Alexis?"

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru still set his sights on Shinjo Akane. The Azalea Terrace, a small garden world, was established by Alexis in accordance with Shinjo Akane's wishes. Therefore, the Rakuko man can also be regarded as a member of this small garden world. Administrator], without the help of Shinjou Akane, the [group leader], it would not be easy to take down Alexis, especially if this fun person deliberately hides it.

"Um...do you have to find Alexis? To be honest, he didn't do anything to me. At least so far, he has been helping me."

Shinjo Akane was keenly aware of the unkindness in Gen Subaru's tone when he mentioned Alexis, and whispered with some fear:

"Also, I really don't know how to find that guy. Usually he is either waiting for me on this screen when I come back from school, or he is just hanging out in the house. When he goes out, he usually goes out with me, so... ..If you ask me, where can he hide, I really don’t know.”

After saying this, Akane Shinjo looked at Gen Subaru's chest and abdomen that were full of knife wounds, as well as the light red blood that had begun to drip down along his clothes, and said nervously:

"Well, do you want to go to the hospital? What kind of medical treatment do you need? Hmm... Why don't you just bandage it briefly? With your appearance like this, I'm really afraid that you might die suddenly as you say this. Lost."

"Don't worry, I won't die. The composition of this body is relatively complex. Human standards cannot be used on me. Although I do feel a little dizzy now, my combat response will not be affected by this, and so will you. Don't worry, I won't do any secret operations because of the twenty or so knives you stabbed me."

Gen Subaru replied disapprovingly to Akane Shinjou's words. He had just absorbed some of the free [Eternal and Original] power. Although it was not a lot, he didn't have to merge with Gulit if he wanted to fight.

To put it bluntly, Yuan Subaru doesn’t have any objections to Gulit. It’s just that the super agent is limited by the performance of old-fashioned computers, so his efforts are quite subtle. In every battle, Yuan Subaru is most worried. It's not whether this monster can be defeated, but whether the Rikka family's old-fashioned computer can withstand it.

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