As he spoke, the red-haired young man stretched out his hand towards the monster, put his fingers together, and then separated his middle finger and ring finger, so that his eyes could see the moving monster through the finger space. After maintaining this action for a while, the red-haired young man withdrew his hand in dismay and said helplessly:

"No, I can't catch the monster at all."

"Who are you?"

At this time, the girl noticed the changes on Yuan Subaru's side. The boy's eyes had become extremely fierce, as if he had changed into a different person.

"What is your relationship with Rebrand?"


The red-haired youth also felt the pressure from Subaru. This kind of terrible momentum, even on the monster side, the red-haired youth had never felt it. After realizing that if he didn't answer honestly, the young man might really kill him, the red-haired youth hurriedly said:

"I haven't heard of any Rebrand. I say, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"What about Leonix?"

"I have never heard of this one."


Subaru stared at the red-haired youth in front of him. Although he had noticed that this person was not lying, Subaru still raised his vigilance. Just now, he felt a trace of familiar fluctuations on the red-haired youth. It was the fluctuations remembered in his memory when fighting Beliu Dora, and that monster was a monster created by Belia using Leonix's innate skills.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Yuan Subaru chose to grab the red-haired young man's arm and began to examine his existence in more detail. This process did not last too long, after all, there were monsters approaching.

And the result really made Yuan Subaru confused. There is no doubt that the ability to control monsters used by the red-haired young man just now is exactly the same as Leonix, but in comparison, it is much weaker than Leonix.

However, the problem is that this person does not have the genes of the Rebrando star. He is more like a mobile phone. Only through signals can he get the ability to connect to the network.

However, now this red-haired "mobile phone" has lost the ability to receive signals, and the fluctuations just exerted are just some residual breath.

But along this residual breath, Yuan Subaru has a very familiar feeling about it, as if the source of this breath has had close contact with him, but Yuan Subaru does not remember how much he has dealt with Leonix.

Ah... This matter has become more troublesome all of a sudden....

289 Dynasano, charge!

"Hey, is there any way to deal with this monster?"

Just as Yuan Subaru and the red-haired young man were confronting each other, the girl on the side looked at the monster getting closer and closer, felt the ground began to shake, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. She quickly reminded the two people over there not to just chat there and forget about this monster.

"There's no other way. Although I don't want to lose my life, it seems that this is the only way now."

Listening to the girl's words, Yuan Subaru sighed. As a warrior in a joint battle, Yuan Subaru also imagined different bad situations and made different designs for them.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that the reality was worse than he imagined. However, according to Yuan Subaru's previous calculations, with the previous injuries, he should have died directly, so it was not a lack of consideration that he didn't prepare a corresponding plan.

Now, thanks to Gulit's possession, Gen Subaru has survived the most difficult stage. Even if he has to use telekinesis and light particles, Gen Subaru can still use his current reserves to realize the corresponding plan skills he had expected.

But such an emergency plan naturally has to pay a certain price. Gen Subaru put his hand on his chest and felt it carefully. At this moment, he estimated that he should have a year, five months and a few days of life left. After using it... there should be about a year left?

Well, it doesn't seem to matter. A year's matter, no, if you take into account the emotional loss brought about by [Shell Breaking], based on the current situation, I'm afraid I will be a walking corpse in the last one or two months, so I should have eight months to arrange my funeral.

Well... eight months, open a way for Noah's seal, let other Ultra Warriors take over my responsibilities and continue to take care of the earth, this time... should be enough.

Ha... I hope nothing else will happen in this time.

Yuan Subaru sighed in his heart, then he noticed something and turned his head to look at the girl beside him. For some reason, just now, he felt that this person's attitude towards him seemed to have changed very subtly, from not very friendly and cold to not sure whether it was friendly or not.

Haha, Baoduo is right. It is really not easy to guess the human mind.

Yuan Subaru thought while raising his hand. The shining golden light lit up in his palm. Just when he was about to activate the light energy and intervene in time and space, another light lit up beside Yuan Subaru. The three people present looked at it in surprise. It was the unknown object in the bag behind the red-haired young man's waist that was glowing and chirping.

Seeing this scene, the red-haired young man's eyes flashed a little complicated, and then he regained his fighting spirit as usual. He took off the bag and said seriously:

"Since my power as a monster user has declined, it means I can use this!"

After saying that, the red-haired young man suddenly pulled out the contents of the bag, and a dazzling light suddenly lit up. The girl couldn't help but lower her head and raise her hands to block the light. But in the next second, she noticed something blocking her. In front of him, looking closely, he saw Ultraman who had already put into a fighting stance.

Protecting humans is Yuan Subaru's instinctive reaction. Although the red-haired young man is also a human, the unknown connection between him and the Thunderbrands forces him to carefully keep a distance. After all, the power of the Thunderbrands is It cannot be underestimated, and Beria is the best example.

However, this light obviously had nothing to do with Reblondo, because in this light, Yuan Subaru saw a huge mecha intertwined with purple lines appearing in front of him, and from this mecha, Yuan Subaru Subaru noticed a slightly familiar aura, as if this thing had something to do with Gulit.

Since it is related to Gullit, it shouldn't be a hostile force, right?

This thought flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind. At the same time, he felt the feeling of wanting to 'fit' from the purple line mecha, so he did not resist and allowed the mecha to stretch out his hand and move toward He slowly pressed down on his side.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Subaru's vision changed, and his field of vision suddenly broadened. He was obviously at a high place. There was a joystick controller similar to a fighting game in front of him. There was a silver-white floor under his feet, and other parts were glowing black and red. The internal space of the mecha.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind. Yuan Subaru raised his brows and said softly:

"DYNAZENON BATTLE, is that your name?"

"Ah, it seems that this is its name at the moment."

At this time, the figure of the red-haired young man flashed out on the tooth-shaped black and red space in front of Yuan Subaru, and then the other two tooth-shaped black and red spaces also showed the girl, as well as a young man he had never seen before. .

The unknown young man with hair covering his eyes was full of panic. He was just pulled out by his cousin to bask in the sun and get some air. Why was he suddenly taken down by a big robot and brought to such a strange place? Yes.

As for the girl, although she was also a little scared, her eyes showed more of unconcealed interest. The palms shrunk in her sleeves kept tentatively touching the opposite console.

"It seems that four people are needed to activate the DYNAZENON BATTLE."

The red-haired young man looked at the monster in front of him, moved his body, and said loudly:

"It's really good luck that we have enough members just after the launch. If that's the case, let's go out!"

"Hey, hey, it actually requires four people. I'm not good at coordination."

Yuan Subaru complained helplessly, but no matter what, with this big Dynasano robot, his life-extending emergency measures can be put aside for the time being. All good things are good things.

As the red-haired young man began to control the console, the Dynasino robot also broke away from its original 'sketch model' state simply outlined with purple lines. The main color was red, showing the true appearance of Dynasino. It was displayed in front of the world, and then the propeller behind it started, taking Dynaseno into the sky, and then fell from the sky, blocking the monster's path.


The red-haired young man shouted excitedly and controlled the big robot to fight the monster. Although the girl and the blind-haired young man didn't know what happened, since the fight had already started and the console was in front of them, then You have to do something. After all, if you lose this thing, why don't you look like you can survive?

"Hey, don't touch me!"

However, as soon as they took action, the red-haired young man who was controlling the battle suddenly felt pressure, because Dynaseno could no longer act as he had imagined. He quickly shouted:

"I'm trying to fight, but with this, I don't know how to operate."


Yuan Subaru caught the key word, looked at the man and said:

"Is this your first time flying this thing?"

"Ah, although this thing is indeed placed here, this is the first time to activate it, wow!!"

"Ah!!!" X2

During the conversation, Dynaseno's flaw was caught by the monster and whipped to the ground by its tail. The girl who lost her balance and the young man with blindfolded hair couldn't help but throw themselves on the console.

Although Yuan Subaru stood firm, he couldn't help but look at his arm. Just now, there was a strange pain there. This shouldn't be the case. This Dynasano is different from Gulit. The damage suffered by this big robot should not be transmitted to himself.

Yuan Subaru couldn't understand, but now was not the time to think about it. On the opposite side, the monster roared and raised its hands. The turtle shell behind it emitted red light, causing a star-like white flash. Circles spread outward, and immediately, Dynaseno was lifted up, smashed down, lifted up again, and smashed down again by the invisible force.

Manipulating gravity, this monster has this trick.

Amid the screams ringing in his ears, Yuan Subaru calmly analyzed the current situation. After he glanced at the red-haired young man in the black and red space, who seemed to be at his wits' end, he pressed his hand directly on the console in front of him.

Although it was his first time to use this thing, the experience of merging with Gulit might not be used on Dynaseno, which had an unknown relationship with Gulit. this the name of the part I'm on? In that case, Dyna War Dragon, follow me!

As Yuan Subaru penetrated his mind power into Dynaseno's console, new information flashed in his mind. Then, Yuan Subaru's face condensed and he issued the command directly with his mind.

So, in the next second, the huge Dynasano robot suddenly disintegrated. As the torso, the red dinosaur with an upright human shape stepped on other parts to adjust its posture and adapt to the changing gravity field, and dexterously got rid of it. Control the monster's skills and rush towards the enemy.

Facing Yuan Subaru's attack, the monster's neck flashed with light from bottom to top, causing the monster's neck and head to extend, turning into a flexible and dangerous snake-belly sword, and swung it towards the Dyna Dragon. Falling down, in an instant, the slash like a web blocked the path forward of Dyna War Dragon. The three people behind him could not help but hold their breath nervously when they saw the cold light.

Yuan Subaru looked at the imminent attack, his eyes swayed left and right, and he suddenly had a calculation in his mind. He controlled the Dyna War Dragon, paused his feet, tilted his body to the left and fell down, avoiding the slash in front of him.

Not long after he rolled out, he used his right hand to support the body of Dyna War Dragon. He slapped his palm upward and jumped into the sky like a flying swallow. Then, Yuan Subaru's eyes focused and he kicked out fiercely. , accurately kicked the monster in the head, forcibly interrupting this intensive offensive.


Seeing this scene, the girl couldn't help but blurt out praises. To be honest, she didn't see clearly what just happened, but she was able to escape unscathed from such an attack and interrupt the enemy's attack in such a short process. Judging from the results alone, you should know that this kind of thing is quite extraordinary.

On Yuan Subaru's side, as the slash was interrupted, the monster's neck and head also retracted, falling into a very short period of stiffness. Seizing this opportunity, Dyna War Dragon descended from the sky and smashed it hard. On the monster's body, the claw-like hands attacked the monster's body crazily, cutting and breaking its defenses.

Then Dyna War Dragon also opened its sharp teeth, tearing off the broken defense and the flesh and blood underneath. The monster roared loudly in pain, shook its body like crazy, and even fell directly to the ground, rolling left and right. Want to force Dyna Dragon back.

But in this close situation, with such means, it is impossible to get rid of Yuan Subaru. Under his control, the huge Dynasty War Dragon is astonishingly agile. From a visual perspective, it is like a plaster. , always able to stick to the monster's body at new angles and continue to dismantle its body.

Even if this monster uses the ability to control gravity, the Dyna War Dragon can rely on the sharp teeth and claws embedded in the monster's flesh to fix itself to its body and continue to attack.

As time went by, the monster's resistance became weaker and weaker. After all, Yuan Subaru's offensive was quite ruthless. In such a short period of time, less than half of the monster's body had been evaporated.

The decline in the monster's resistance also announced the early arrival of death. Yuan Subaru was like a ruthless executioner, mercilessly and completely cutting off its vitality.

At the moment when the monster died, some unknown mechanism was triggered, and its remaining corpse suddenly exploded, permanently erasing its remaining traces from the world.

Yuan Subaru noticed the strange fluctuations in energy in advance and controlled the Dyna War Dragon away from the monster's body, so he was not affected by the self-destruction.

Huh... the battle is over, it would be great if this Dyna Dragon had one or two long-range means, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to fight.

Yuan Subaru left the console with his hands and let out a breath. One thing to say is that the strength of this monster is really not low. In some places, the Dyna War Dragon just didn't dismantle it. Plus its ability. In the universe, it should still be possible to encounter ordinary monsters.


At this time, Yuan Subaru raised his head and looked at the three silent people on the toothed screen. Except for the red-haired young man, the eyes of the remaining two people were subconsciously away from his own at that moment. It was obvious that the sight just now It can be called a cruel hand-to-hand combat, which is beyond their understanding.

"Ahem, um, let's disarm Dynaseno first, and let's talk about other things on the ground."

The red-haired young man broke the somewhat awkward atmosphere and said in a serious tone:

"Since Dynaseno has chosen you, I'm afraid the four of us will have to meet each other next. There are some things we need to explain to you."

290 Nan Meng Ya

According to the words of the red-haired young man, these four people all released the summons of their respective parts and returned to the ground. At this time, one had two pigtails, a beauty mark on the left corner of his mouth, wearing an armpit-baring outfit, and his right hand was wearing a The middle school girl wearing black sleeves ran over quickly, shouting "senpai, senior" and came to the side of the man with his eyes covered.

After a few brief conversations, the red-haired young man interrupted the conversation between the two people, because later on the two people simply complained and were complained about.

"I didn't expect that the first battle would end like this. It's quite embarrassing."

The red-haired young man sighed helplessly, his eyes fell on Yuan Subaru, and said softly:

"Thanks to you this time. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. However, because of this, we need to train and drive Dynaseno separately. If the monster appears again next time, it will not be like today. So, Remember to gather here tomorrow afternoon!”

"Ah...why are you here? By the way, what is going on?"

The female junior high school student glanced at her cousin. She was reluctantly resisting under her eyes and hair, but she didn't dare to open her mouth, so she turned on the complaint mode and looked at the red-haired delinquent in front of her. The young man said:

"Also, who are you? You are a monster and a big robot. We are all confused."

"Ah, as a teammate who will fight side by side next time, I really need to introduce myself."

The red-haired young man responded, then looked at the people in front of him and said:

"My name is Shima, okay, what's your name?"

"Hey, hey, this self-introduction is too simple."

"Me? My name is Yamanaka Calendar."

As the female junior high school student complained, the man with hooded eyes and hair whispered his name, and the female junior high school student also followed helplessly:

"Asukagawa Chise."

Then, when Shima's eyes fell on the girl with cute sleeves, the girl also said expressionlessly:


"Source Subaru."

Yuan Subaru also reported his name, and then said softly:

"Before this, did you hear me clearly?"

"Sorry, I was quite weak at that time."

Lost his horse in front of Yuan Subaru, and felt inexplicably that his confidence was lacking. His voice dropped a few tunes, and he said softly:

"I just instinctively felt that you should be able to save me."

"Then let me introduce myself in more detail."

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