But on the girl's side, she saw that the unknown golden fluctuations were like a virus, eroding little by little on the screen where Alexis was. This made the girl quickly knock on the table and said quickly:

"Alexis, are you really okay? I feel like something is quite wrong with you."

"Ah, it's just quite bad."

Alexis truthfully stated his situation at this time in a pleasant tone. Although he did not know where this telepathy attack came from, there was no doubt that this wave of telepathy attack was extremely fierce. Alexis Alexis considered himself to be well-informed, but such a ruthless telekinetic killing move and his opponent's attainments in telekinesis still made Alexis couldn't help but applaud and praise him.

"Haha, no good, no good. If this guy continues to sprint, the position here will be exposed. It's hard to say what will happen then."

Alexis also released his own power to fight against Yuan Subaru's telekinesis. Although Alexis can be said to be an immortal existence and his energy is equivalent to unlimited, but if he wants to stop this 'surprise weapon', It was obviously too late.

This is not okay. If this place is discovered, won't my fun be gone?

And...I don't want to be attacked by this kind of telekinesis...

Alexis looked at the golden light shining in the mist, was silent for a moment, looked at the girl in front of him and said:

"Bring that monster over here. If you don't want to be exposed, you have no choice but to use it."

"Alexis, is it really okay to use this?"

The girl bent down and picked up a half-finished monster model and placed it on the table. This monster model looked like the Shadow of Chaos:

"Didn't you say that even if this monster is completed, you can't use it? Were you lying to me before?"

"Hahahaha, how could I lie to you? I'm your best friend."

Alexis laughed and stared at the half-finished Shadow of Chaos model and said:

"It's true that it can't be used. After all, I can't turn this vanguard of chaos into your monster. However, if you throw it as a bomb, there is no problem. Very good, let this semi-finished product do it. Send that rude guest away, Instance Abreaction!”

As Alexis's eyes glowed red, the Shadow of Chaos model on the table also disappeared from the table. The pink-haired girl looked at the screen nervously.

At this moment, the unknown golden wave was about to touch the edge of Alexis's body. If Alexis's method didn't work, then she could only use some random force. For example...just unplug the computer.

‘Boom! ’

At this moment, a dull sound came from the pink-haired girl's ear. It was said to be a bomb, but it was more like a plastic bag being blown up. In short, the sound was very strange.

But the pink-haired girl didn't have time to pay attention to the sound of the explosion, so the moment the explosion came, a dazzling golden light burst out on the screen in front of her. The girl screamed and Alexis groaned. , the computer screen suddenly burst.

However, because of the strong light just now, the pink-haired girl subconsciously leaned back and fell to the ground, so she was not injured by the fragments of the screen, but...

The girl who got up from the ground and rubbed her head with one hand looked at the messy table. She couldn't help but moan in pain, then knocked on the table and shouted:

"Hey, Alexis, you're still awake, right, Alexis? Alexis?! Hey, I'm going to be angry."

When the pink-haired girl called for her partner, in that remote place, Yuan Subaru's body shook violently, and then he fell down. This was not because he was injured, but because...

Damn it, why does the Shadow of Chaos appear here?

In order to break through Alexis's defense, Yuan Subaru could be said to have exerted the previously deployed telepathy nodes to their limit without hesitation, so that by the end of the fight, Yuan Subaru could be said to have pulled all his soul After entering the battlefield, coupled with some of the light particles that had passed the 'unification' method and were initially intertwined with telepathy, they launched a sharp knife-like charge towards Alexis.

But this Shadow of Chaos really disrupted Yuan Subaru's plan. Although with his rich experience in self-destruction, Yuan Subaru avoided the strongest wave of explosions from this weird-looking Shadow of Chaos, and along the way Give the real culprit behind the scenes a hard blow.

However, Yuan Subaru had noticed before that the time and space of this cosmic plane was not stable. Now with the self-destruction of the shadow of chaos, the unstable time and space, coupled with the disordered chaos, created a powerful vortex, which pushed Yuan Subaru to the ground. Subaru's soul was constantly being pulled into the unknown plane of time and space, and this was also the reason why Subaru's body lost control.

But...it would be too wishful thinking to send me away with this. Even if I am so weak, I cannot be captured by this mere space-time vortex!

Yuan Subaru's eyes lit up with gilded flames, and he began to adjust his few mental powers. With his rich experience in time and space, and the theoretical framework of time and space calculation, he created tiny anchor points one by one. Using these anchors Points are used to disperse the gravitational pull of the vortex, thereby indirectly fixing one's current coordinate position....

Wait, that's...

At this time, Yuan Subaru's sight could not help but look into the depths of the vortex. At this time, as the space-time vortex continued to evolve, it had penetrated the plane barrier of unknown space-time.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru clearly saw that on the other side of the space-time vortex, there was a human sitting on a high platform, swinging his legs out of boredom. In this case, there was no need to calculate. Just by looking at it, you should know that the residual power of the space-time vortex will directly evaporate this human!

And it is really too difficult for humans to avoid the aftermath of this space-time vortex with their flesh and blood.


Should we continue to stabilize the anchor point, stay in this world, and fight the manipulator behind the scenes?

Or give up fighting the space-time vortex, use telekinesis, and save the life of this human?

Faced with such a choice, others may feel embarrassed, but Yuan Subaru has only one answer, that is, all!

Subaru quickly adjusted the tiny anchor points around him, using them as beacons for his return in the future. Then he separated part of his soul without hesitation and returned it to his body, so that his body had a certain combat response and could cooperate with Gulit to launch a fusion attack.

Then, Subaru used the opening move of [Ultra Bomb] to ignite the soul and light particles, exchanged for a powerful driving force, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the depths of the time and space vortex.

At this time, the human also noticed something wrong above his head, and looked up curiously. The shadow of death was reflected in his emerald eyes, and the horror of death made her brain go blank in an instant.

At the same time, she also saw that in the darkness, the light of a four-pointed star lit up, and a stream of light pierced the ominous death and descended in front of her...

288 The Shadow of Rebrand


am I not dead?

After the horrific impact, the space-time vortex returned to calm, and in the huge pit caused by the impact, the girl's blank mind emerged with this question.

She stood up stupidly, looked at the mess around her, and then her eyes fell on the boy next to her. Until then, her chaotic brain finally became a little clearer. Just now, it was this guy who appeared from the stream of light and protected her under his body.

Anyway... let's leave here first.

The girl thought about it, and then made a quick decision. After all, this place has become like this. I'm afraid that the police will come soon. When the time comes, I don't know how to explain it to myself.

Hmm? Is this guy so light?

At the moment of starting, the girl almost fell on her back. She thought she had to use almost all her strength to drag the boy, but she didn't expect the feedback to be outrageous, and she almost threw the boy out like a sandbag.


He gives me such a strange feeling....

The girl looked at the boy in front of her, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy rose in her heart. She couldn't help but reach out and poke his cheek. At that moment, it seemed that a closer connection was being established.

Ah~~~What am I thinking about? Hurry up and run.

The girl shook her head, quickly picked up the boy, left here without looking back, and came to the river not far away.

"Huh...What is going on?"

After completing the "escape" mission, the girl sighed helplessly. She just wanted to see the scenery on the water tower. How could such a thing happen suddenly?

"Ah...I'm sorry, I got you involved."


The sudden voice startled the girl. She jumped to the side and turned her head to look at her side. The person who spoke was naturally Yuan Subaru. Just now, he was emitting specific mental power fluctuations from this universe plane with all his heart and soul. He locked the space-time anchor point left before without hesitation, and locked it, so as to ensure the possibility of returning to Gulit.

After completing this task, Yuan Subaru noticed that he was moved to such a place. He also heard the girl's complaints and said softly with embarrassment:

"How should I explain it... I always feel that it seems difficult to explain it clearly in one or two sentences."

"Then please explain it slowly."

The girl looked at Yuan Subaru and said coldly:

"I was attacked by that kind of thing for no reason. You would think of using such a vague sentence to get away with it, but I almost died."

"Well, let me correct it."

Yuan Subaru thought about it and felt that even if he didn't say it, I believe that this human girl would soon notice something wrong, so he said softly with a subtle expression:

"You are actually in a sense now. In a sense, he is also a dead person. "

"Do you think I will believe you?"

However, the girl still had a very cold expression, put her hands in her pockets, and said calmly:

"Am I a dead person or not? Don't I know it myself?"

"This, this kind of supernatural phenomenon, you may really not know it."

Yuan Subaru said with a stiff face:

"Why don't you try your heartbeat now? I believe that as long as you try it, you should understand that what I said is true."


Although the girl didn't believe Yuan Subaru's statement, she still subconsciously took her hand out of her shirt pocket, tucked it into her sleeve, and pressed her small hand with only her fingers exposed on her chest,

At that moment, the girl couldn't help but widen her eyes, her pupils trembled slightly, and her hands pressed harder on her chest, but she couldn't feel the heartbeat.

"Don't worry, you are just in a state of suspended animation."

Seeing the girl's reaction, Yuan Subaru hurriedly continued to explain:

"Although I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you completely in the impact just now, I have possessed you, which is equivalent to adjusting your physical condition to the state of 'time stop', and repairing it on this basis. It won't take long for your body to recover, and then you will be a healthy human being."

"You? Possessed? Me?!"

Hearing this, the girl instinctively hugged herself and blurted out subconsciously :

"So disgusting."

"I'm sorry, I'm not in a good condition, and I can think of such a method at such a time... It's not right."

Subaru, who was apologizing, suddenly realized the problem, looked up at the girl, frowned slightly and said:

"Why am I here? Judging from the example of Ultraman and human fusion, shouldn't I be in your body?"

"You... pervert!"

Listening to Subaru's increasingly outrageous statements, the girl's resistance on her face became more and more obvious. She has begun to look for a way to escape from Subaru, intending to escape in one breath.

"No, no, no, I'm not that kind of person. Although my statement is indeed strange, what I said is the fact, and it is a fact related to your life. Ah... escaped."

Subaru looked at the girl who turned around and ran away, walking briskly, and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye. He scratched his hair helplessly, then he closed his eyes, sensing that the light particles fused to the girl were still active, and he was relieved.

No matter what happened on my side, the light particles were indeed repairing the human girl's body. In this case, it didn't matter. I had to try to open the space-time channel and return to Gulit. The mastermind actually used the power of the Chaos Shadow. This was not a good sign. I was afraid that the next battle would be...

Ah... Came back again?

Just as Yuan Subaru was thinking about the next plan, he suddenly noticed something. He turned his head and saw the figure of the girl emerging from a distance, coming all the way towards him. Finally, at such an amazing running speed, she stopped steadily in front of him.

Hmm... I can increase the power of the human body to this extent. It seems that my light adapts well to her body. In this case, I will not take back this light energy and let it completely integrate into her body. I believe this can bring her a lot of convenience, so it can be regarded as an apology. Very good, now I can leave with more peace of mind.

Gen Subaru took a quick look at the girl, muttered to himself, then looked at the cold-faced human in front of him and said softly:

"You should have noticed the improvement of your body functions, this is the evidence, I did not lie to you, human, although I don't know if you have special effects dramas like Ultraman, but please listen to my self-introduction first. My name is Gen Subaru, I am Nexus Nexus, I will not hurt you humans, please believe me on this."

Ah... I don't know if this will be regarded as a lunatic or a chuunibyou, well, it doesn't matter, humans should not participate in Ultraman's battles, after answering her doubts, let her leave quickly.

As Yuan Subaru was thinking, he quietly waited for the girl's next words. At this time, the girl stared at Yuan Subaru inexplicably, with a serious look in her eyes, as if she was transmitting some kind of thoughts. This made Yuan Subaru slightly stunned. He thought that the humans in this universe had the means to communicate with each other through thoughts, but after careful sensing, he did not feel the relevant mental fluctuations.

So... what is this human doing? What unique social culture?

Yuan Subaru was a little confused, and at this time, the girl opposite him seemed to be relieved, patting her chest with relief, and then, after realizing that she was "dead", her face became even colder.

"I know you are very uneasy now, but please rest assured that what I just said is not a lie. Time will prove everything for me."

Yuan Subaru continued to try to comfort the girl in front of him, and then whispered:

"I should stay here during this period. If you have any questions, you can come here to find... huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Subaru noticed something strange, frowned, and looked at the other side of the river. There, with a violent vibration, in the collapsed mountains, an upright mechanical turtle monster with a pink dorsal fin on its back appeared in everyone's sight.

Could it be that... this monster was attracted by the impact of the time and space vortex? !

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly, subconsciously touched the Evolution Truster, and after touching nothing, he remembered that the thing was not in his hand now.

In this case, he can only bite the bullet.


Yuan Subaru clenched his fists with both hands and let out a loud shout. Immediately afterwards, the girl saw that the person in front of her was constantly switching between the two appearances of human and silver-black monster, and the frequency of switching became more and more sensitive. At this time, the girl felt that her body was slightly hot. It was not the uncomfortable temperature of a fever, but she was like the sun, radiating warmth around her.

Yuan Subaru also noticed this. When he saw this, he immediately stopped his forced transformation. There is no doubt that the physical reaction of this human girl is that the light particles in her body are responding to his transformation. This continues If he goes on, he might actually be able to complete the transformation, but in that case, after the energy is extracted from the girl who is pretending to be dead, she will probably die for real.

Tsk... There is no other way. Although the condition is not very good, fighting with this appearance is not without a chance of winning. No matter what, this monster cannot enter the city!

Yuan Subaru was still as greedy as ever, and he chose to have it all. But just when he was about to take action, Yuan Subaru's ears twitched, as if he heard something, and he turned to look at the bridge hole behind him.

There, there was a dying young man with red hair and green eyes wrapped in a yellow bandage. He leaned against a pillar with one hand. His three white eyes wrapped in black circles were staring at Yuan Subaru. His lips were squirming slightly. It wasn't that he was conducting some kind of secret transmission, it was just that he was too weak to speak.

He's a human...but his state is a little strange...Forget it, since he's a human, he needs to be saved, but why didn't I sense his presence? This is a little bit wrong...Wait a minute, my Why has the range of perception become so small? !

In Yuan Subaru's surprise, a faint star fell on the red-haired young man. Although it was only a little, it was enough to return him to his normal state. The red-haired young man gasped for breath, as if he was drowning. As if he had just escaped from danger, the man immediately became energetic, rolled up his sleeves, and shouted with high spirits:

"Very good, the condition is restored! Let me give it a try!"

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