As Yuan Subaru spoke, he opened his left hand, and firefly-like light particles flew out from it, circling around his body, like a holy light belt, lingering around the Son of God who came to the world:

"My name is Gen Subaru, and I am Ultraman Nexus. You can understand me as the guardian of the earth and mankind."

"Wow...Senior, open your eyes wide to see the gods."

Seeing Yuan Subaru's appearance at this time, the female junior high school student stared at Yuan Subaru while nudging her cousin, Koyomi Yamanaka, with her elbow. She couldn't help but complain and said:

"It's really amazing that I actually saw one alive after all these years."


Yamanaka Koyomi only expressed mixed emotions, but he also lifted up his hair that was covering his eyes, exposed his eyes, and looked at the dreamy scene in front of him.

"Shima, I can feel that you are indeed a human being. Although you have certain problems with your body, they have nothing to do with the people from the Reblondo planet."

After proving that he was not a chuunibyou, Yuan Subaru put away the light particles, looked at Shi Ma, and said seriously:

"I will help you deal with your physical condition later, but now, I hope you can tell me truthfully where you got the ability to control monsters."

"This is what I was born with."

Shima grabbed his hair and recalled it carefully before answering Yuan Subaru:

"If I must say it, at that time, some countries would call monsters "dragons", and those of us who control monsters were also called dragon envoys. Does this have anything to do with those aliens?"

"No, that seems to be just a regional name on your planet."

Gen Subaru sighed helplessly, and at this moment, Asukagawa Chise raised her hand as if answering a question in class and shouted to Gen Subaru:

"That, that, Lord God..."

"Just call me Subaru."

"Then...Brother Yuan Subaru, what is that Ray Brando guy?"

Asukagawa Chise quickly picked a new name and asked in a cheerful tone:

"Is that some kind of big devil?"

"In a sense, that is more troublesome than the Demon King."

As Yuan Subaru spoke, he put his hand on his forehead, spread his telekinesis, and transferred all the information about the Lebrondo people to the minds of the other three.

As the message was passed on, other people's expressions also changed. Although those things looked like the settings of novels, there was no doubt that these things were true, and such a dangerous existence seemed to be among them. Hidden in this world.

"I'm afraid that monster has nothing to do with the Reblondos."

After reading this information, Shima was silent for a moment, looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"Although I have now lost the ability to use monsters, that monster should be controlled by the 'monster supremacy', that is, my former teammates."

"I understand. If that's the case, I'll leave first. I'm going to investigate the relevant clues."

After saying this, Gen Subaru looked at Asukagawa Chise who was aside and said softly:

"Will you come tomorrow too?"

"Ah...if nothing happens, I will come here with senior."

Asukagawa Chise didn't expect to have her own affairs. She was stunned for a moment, and then said in succession:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, do you have anything to ask me for?"

"Let's practice together tomorrow."

Yuan Subaru shook the Dyna War Dragon that shrunk to the size of a toy in his hand and said:

"Next, I may have to shuttle back and forth between the two worlds. If a monster appears and I fail to appear in time, then I have to ask you to drive the Dyna Dragon. Don't worry, I have already sensed it. You are qualified to drive this."

"Okay, okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey, hehe."

Looking at Asukagawa Chise who was smiling brightly, Gen Subaru smiled slightly. At this moment, Namco suddenly spoke up, pointed at Gen Subaru's arm and said:

"You are hurt."

"Huh? Huh?"

Yuan Subaru looked down subconsciously and saw blood stains on his sleeves. He rolled up his sleeves in surprise and saw that indeed, there was a wound on his arm at some point. Although it was now scabbed with blood,... .This shouldn't be the case, I...


Yuan Subaru was a little confused and put his hand on his chest. Although it was very weak, there was indeed a heartbeat. This made him raise his eyebrows, stretched out his fingers, and gently rubbed the side of Renzhong. parts, secretly thinking about what the current situation is.

This situation was not too difficult for Yuan Subaru. He quickly figured out that it was probably because of the chaos remaining around him when he fused light energy in order to save Nan Mengya's life. The power affected that process, causing a certain degree of confusion between himself and Nan Mengya in each other's 'existence concepts'.

This also led to the fact that I, who was supposed to exist in Nan Mengya's body as a soul body, acquired some attributes of "flesh and blood" and was able to exist independently. However, because this "flesh and blood" attribute points were too few, my own His body was like a walking corpse. If it hadn't been for this bleeding, he wouldn't have realized the existence of this thing.

As for Nan Mengya, there should be no other changes in her. The extremely high light energy compatibility should be the product of confusing concepts, which is also a good thing.

But the question is, why is there an injury here?

Subaru fell into a new thought. Indeed, before in Baoduo, his arm was uncomfortable because of the battle, but if that degree would cause the wound, it should have appeared long ago.

By the way, just now in the Dynasino state, his arm seemed to suddenly feel pain out of thin air. Could it be because of that?

When Subaru thought of this, Nan Mengya was suddenly stunned. In the previous battle, when Dynasino was swung around by gravity, her arm happened to hit the console and immediately bruised. Although the bruise has subsided now, the location... seems to be in the same place as the bleeding part of Subaru...

Nan Mengya blinked, reached into her pocket, gently put her clothes, and pinched her belly. Then she saw Subaru rub his belly casually and continued to think without caring.

Ah, this is the result after the fusion, so magical, the original owner of the magic doesn't know about this.

Nan Mengya couldn't help but mutter in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud, but hid this secret and other secrets she had discovered before in her heart, after all, this is really interesting.

On the side of Yuan Subaru, he couldn't think of the result, so he didn't think about it anymore. He covered the wound with light energy, rolled up his sleeves, and looked at Nan Mengya. The girl was caught off guard and failed to avoid it in time, and met Yuan Subaru's eyes. At that moment, the girl saw a flash of gold in Yuan Subaru's red eyes, and then a voice sounded in her mind:

'If you encounter trouble, call my name in your heart, I will feel it and come to help you. '

After completing this instruction, Yuan Subaru turned around and left here, and began to go to the mountains where the monster appeared.

After watching Minamoto Subaru disappear, Nan Mengmei left quietly without saying anything, as if there were no other people here. Yamanaka Riki also left in the direction of home under the push of Asukagawa Chise.

Only Shima was left standing by the river, watching the blood-red afterglow of the setting sun pouring on the river surface, looking at the part of Dynasano in his hand, and fell into silence.

On the other side, Minamoto Subaru, who was on his way, looked at the Dyna War Dragon in his hand, and couldn't help but think of Dyna Ultraman in his heart. I wonder what he would think if he heard the name of this Dynasano.

At the same time, Gen Subaru couldn't help but worry about the whereabouts of the Ultra Warrior. After all, the senior's space-time power was too unstable. Especially after having a deeper understanding of space-time power, Gen Subaru admired Dyna's luck even more--

In such a chaotic situation, he didn't encounter any space-time disasters, or directly got into the enemy's lair. It must be a strong luck. If this is not a matter of luck, then it can only be said that Dyna's space-time power may still have secrets that he has not yet explored.

However, these are not the things to be considered at the moment. The mastermind behind Baoduo and the Rebrando aura on Dynasano's side are the top priorities at present.

Ah... I suddenly feel that I can't do it.

Gen Subaru sighed casually in his heart, and then rushed into the mountains at a faster pace.

After a period of investigation, Gen Subaru has determined that the members of [Monster Supremacy] mentioned by Shima are using the power of the Rebrando star. It may be because there is more or less of the power of the Rebrando star from the Belia gene in his previous body. In addition, the concept of "flesh" has returned to a part, making him more sensitive to the breath of this cosmic person.

It seems that I have to find the whereabouts of those monster controllers and have a good talk with them.

After reaching this conclusion, Gen Subaru plans to go back to Shima to continue talking, but not long after he walked, he couldn't help yawning. To be honest, this feeling is too long. This is not from external interference, but the sleepiness that comes from the body spontaneously, which reminds Gen Subaru of the time when he was still fighting Dark Zagi in TLT-J. During that time, the feeling of falling asleep with a stick is too similar to now.

No, wait, this is not right, my physical composition is not that high, why am I so sleepy, something is wrong, there must be something waiting for me after I fall asleep.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru quickly arranged the telekinesis node, and then found a place to lie down to see what was going on.

And when he fell asleep, Yuan Subaru entered a unique dream. In the dream, he had a pair of normal human parents and a sister, and this sister looked a little familiar.

Then, like a revolving lantern, everything in this dream progressed rapidly. Yuan Subaru looked at this originally harmonious family, and the relationship gradually became distant. They also did their own things during meals. Then the sister in this family suddenly died...

Just when Yuan Subaru was surprised that he could still have such a dream, he suddenly realized something and woke up suddenly. The brain that had stopped working due to dreaming also woke up. Yuan Subaru, who realized something, immediately rushed towards the direction where Nan Mengya was.

291 Nazi, what's wrong with you?

The moment Yuan Subaru woke up, he immediately realized that the dream he had just seen was actually from Nan Mengya's real memory. It should be because the concept of [fusion] was confused that caused such a problem between them.

Now, Yuan Subaru has already felt Nan Mengya's instinctive call for help, and also knows why Nan Mengya is in such a situation, so he rushed towards the direction of the girl.

The fact is just as Yuan Subaru thought. When he dreamed of Nan Mengya's memory, the other side was also dreaming of his memory, watching his past quickly and in detail:

Abnormal growth, uncoordinated body, first death, the disaster of monsters coming, the appearance of the giant of light...

Continuous battles, hard training from dreams, increasingly terrifying enemies, calls for help from different time and space, lifespans on the verge of death...

The truth of the hero's bloodline, the ties of the dead, the original who finally showed his edge, the legion hidden in the universe, the doting of destroying stars and exterminating the clan...

Unique A decisive battle to die, a sudden change of situation, rescue from predecessors, the origin of coincidence, a curse born...

The sneak attack of the King of Ultra, the last gasp of the core collapse, the collapse of the dark giant, the pursuit of Noah's clone, the gift of the eternal core...

As the memory continued to advance, Nan Mengmei, who was sleeping in reality, groaned in pain. For an ordinary female high school student, the past of this fit person was too heavy. Such a dream that was almost like a direct substitution had brought excessive pressure to her consciousness and soul.

Even at this time, Nan Mengmei could no longer wake up on her own like Gen Subaru. She already knew that she was in a dream and what kind of crisis she was facing, but she was swept by the torrent of memories and could not get rid of the advancement of this memory.

She watched Gen Subaru, who had obtained the power of the eternal core, go to the battlefield in the universe, and vaguely realized that when Gen Subaru showed his new form, the memory shock would probably leave her at that moment forever.

Nan Mengya looked at the young man with a complex mood. The next moment should be the highlight of his life, but she couldn't happily witness the arrival of this moment.

"Don't worry."

However, at this moment, Minamoto, who was supposed to look at Noah Triga, moved his eyes and fell on Nan Mengya, and said a little embarrassedly:

"I'm here to save you. I'm sorry, my memory seems too heavy for you. Now, let's return to reality together."

Looking at the hand reaching out to her, Nan Mengya subconsciously grabbed it, and then everything in front of her was shattered. What came into view was the familiar ceiling of her own room and Minamoto who gently placed his hand on her forehead.

"I'm saved."

"Ah, I'm saved."

Looking at Nan Mengya who was still in a trance, Yuan Subaru continued to release light, soothing the girl's frightened consciousness, and said softly:

"It's just a nightmare, go back to sleep, it will be a good dream this time."


However, Nan Mengya did not close her eyes as Yuan Subaru said, but whimpered and couldn't help crying. To be honest, Nan Mengya didn't know why she was crying, because of the joy of surviving the disaster, or because of the relief of being relieved, or because of other reasons.

In short, now, Nan Mengya didn't mean to stop crying. She felt that if she didn't cry, she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Looking at Nan Mengya crying, Yuan Subaru paid a little attention to her mental state. It was okay, it was a normal emotional catharsis. Crying for a while could really get rid of the burden of her memory dream.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru quietly took his hand off Nan Mengya's forehead. After all, self-emotional catharsis is better than the influence of his external telekinesis. As a human being, the most important thing is to let go of it.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that Nan Mengya, who was still crying, grabbed Yuan Subaru's hand unhappily and put it on her forehead again, and then continued to cry.

Okay, okay, it's understandable that human girls have a poor sense of security.

Yuan Subaru continued to emit light helplessly to stabilize Nan Mengya's emotions, but after waiting for a while, Yuan Subaru looked at the clock next to him. She had been crying for half an hour. Although Nan Mengya's crying had become weaker, she didn't mean to stop.

This is not okay. For humans, crying for so long is already harmful to the body, and her emotions are now stable. There is no need to let her continue crying.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru calmly patted Nan Mengya's forehead, letting the human girl fall into a baby-like sleep, and he quietly left Nan Mengya's room and continued to investigate the information he needed.

Then when Nan Mengya opened her eyes again, it was already a sunny morning. She moved her stiff body, opened the curtains, and looked at the leaves blown by the wind outside the window. Her eyes were a little straight. Although she was much more relaxed now, she was still reluctant to recall the past when she thought of last night's dream.

It was too heavy. No matter from which angle, it was quite heavy. What was she doing when she was four years old? She couldn't remember it at all.

Hmm? !

Just when Nan Mengya was powerless to complain about fate's "teasing" of Minamoto Subaru, she noticed something and looked up at the sky. There, a ray of light flashed. It was Minamoto Subaru. This Ultraman noticed the awakening of the human body, temporarily stopped his actions, and came to her side.

Nan Mengya subconsciously quickly tidied up her hair that had become messy in her sleep, but before she tidied it up, Minamoto Subaru had already appeared in her room.

"Captain Nan, you... um? Are you angry?"

Minamoto looked at Nan Mengya on the bed and wanted to ask her about her situation at the first time, but before he finished a sentence, he noticed that the look in the eyes of this human girl looking at him was not right, so he changed the subject and said:

"Is this the way you humans get up in a bad mood?"


Nan Mengya maintained her usual calm expression and said softly:

"I'm not angry."

"You look like you're angry, please tell me why, so that I can avoid making you angry next time."

"I said, I'm not angry."

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